Luciana Berger is not a victim of
abuse – she is a racist Zionist and a manipulator Corbyn should Stop Appeasing
his Enemies and start Defending his Friends
a report Rebel Labour MPs set to quit party and form
centre group in
the Guardian on February 2nd we learnt that
of the MPs widely rumoured to be involved in the plans for an initial breakaway
– Angela Smith, Chris Leslie and Luciana Berger – refused to be drawn into talk
of a split, and insisted they were focused on opposing Brexit. But they did not
deny that moves could be made by the spring or early summer.’
given that she was unable to bring herself to say that she supported the Leader
of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister and given that her
name has been repeatedly associated with talk of a split, coupled with her
refusal to deny these allegations, members of Wavertree Labour Party decided
that they would go about initiating the process of finding a socialist to
become their next MP.
members of Wavertree therefore decided to submit motions of no confidence in an
MP who prefers Theresa May to Jeremy Corbyn.
Berger despite having been Director of Labour Friends of Israel for 3 years
prior to becoming an MP and who is currently Parliamentary Chair of the Jewish
Labour Movement, which is the ‘sister
party’ of the racist Israeli Labour Party, working closely with the
Israeli Embassy, she has managed to portray herself as the victim of abuse and
has been the recipient of three verifiable anti-Semitic attacks on social
media, the perpetrators of which have been gaoled. Most anti-fascists to say
nothing of Black and Asian people find themselves on the receiving end of far
worse fascist and racist abuse without being portrayed as media heroes or
receiving police protection.
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What Tom Watson is saying is that someone threatening to split the Labour Party should be immune from criticism - and Corbyn doesn't have the bottle to slap Watson down |
anti-Semitic abuse is to be condemned but it is noticeable that the Labour MP
who has been on the receiving end of thousands of racially abusive messages,
Diane Abbott, is also the target of media vilification and abuse, such as that
which she received
from Fiona Bruce on Question Time.
Berger’s inability to demonstrate an ounce of loyalty to him, Corbyn’s support
for her is a remarkably stupid and self-defeating act of cowardice. According
to the Guardian
‘A no-confidence motion in Berger was withdrawn following
pressure from an evidently panicked leader’s office.’ Hapless and hopeless
are just some of the adjectives that come to mind. The most obvious question to
ask is whether or not Corbyn wants to be Prime Minister?
Berger has spent her lifetime playing the victim card. She resigned
from the National Union of Students Executive in 2005 ‘because of a continued apathy within the National Union of Students to
Jewish student suffering.’ One thing is clear. Unlike her
victims Luciana Berger has never suffered anything.
this was the cue for Tom Watson to call
for the suspension of Liverpool Wavertree CLP. He alleged that Berger ‘was being “bullied” and that local members
were “bringing our party into disrepute". Since when is a party
exercising its democratic rights ‘bullying’? According to Watson, despite Jennie Formby
saying that ‘there was no constitutional
basis’ for such a suspension, Watson told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show that individuals
were being investigated and that there were "grounds
for suspension".
What is the crime that is being alleged. A party
member ‘branded Ms Berger a
"disruptive Zionist".’ How is that anti-Semitic? The Labour
Friends of Israel and JLM are overtly Zionist groups. Can anyone seriously deny that Ms Berger is
disruptive and disloyal to the Labour Party?
Where is the offence in telling the truth?
Naturally the right-wing in the PLP gathered round
Berger like flies around a honey pot. Shadow Health Secretary Jon Ashworth told
Sky News that “I’m such a big fan of
Luciana Berger," Given her rank disloyalty to Corbyn the obvious
question is why Ashworth hasn’t been given responsibility for garbage disposal
since he clearly has a considerable amount of his own to get rid of.
According to Ashworth “She’s stood up against anti-Semitism her whole political life, she’s
got my full support.’ That is precisely what she has not done. She has stood up
for Israel all her life. Not once has
she condemned any aspect of Israel’s harsh rule over the Palestinians. Not one word of criticism was uttered when
last summer Israeli snipers casually dispatched hundreds of unarmed Palestinian
demonstrators to their deaths. The woman is a racist warmonger.
Luciana Berger is an obnoxious, whinging,
self-pitying narcissist who should have been removed from the Labour Party
years ago.
‘Luciana Berger is
an obnoxious, whinging, self-pitying narcissist’
Naturally war criminal, Tony Blair, leapt to her
defence, describing Berger’s treatment as “shameful”.
Blair declared that “I think what Tom’s
saying is absolutely right, I back him 100% on it,”. Which is proof that Corbyn should have slapped Watson down.
All of this is happening because Corbyn didn’t
stand up to the false allegations of anti-Semitism when they were first made. Many
of them were made against himself.
Instead, thanks to the useless advice of his Stalinist advisors, in
particular Seamus Milne, Corbyn has repeatedly apologised thus adding fuel to
the Zionist fire.
The first rule in politics is that the best form of
defence is attack. Instead of attacking the shameful record of support for
Israel of his detractors he allowed them to get the upper hand. Every time he
apologised they came back for more.
To make matters worse Corbyn played ‘me too’ when
Theresa May adopted the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism. That too came back
to bite him when he had bothered to actually read the thing. Instead of seeking
to strengthen the Left in the PLP Corbyn has surrounded himself with
rattlesnakes like Watson who should have been challenged for the Deputy
Leadership last year.
Berger has been one of the main proponents of the
false anti-Semitism smears which led to my expulsion and that of other Jewish
anti-Zionists. To them ‘anti-Semitism’
is support for the Palestinians and opposition to the world’s most racist state.
According to Berger ‘"My values remain the same as they did when I was first elected.’ That
is precisely the problem. Her values are no different from the Tories.
In Labour investigates Liverpool members over 'bullying' of Luciana Berger Tom
Watson told
the Andrew Marr show that Corbyn had “made
it clear these things are not done in his name” and they “are not helping him, they are harming the
reputation of the Labour party”. If true then it is almost as if Corbyn has
a death wish.
It was an article of faith
when the Labour Left was led by Tony Benn that constituency parties should have
the right to deselect their MPs. This
retreat from basic principles, following his opposition to Open Selection at
the last conference are part of a disastrous policy of appeasement.
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Unfortunately instead of learning the lesson that most antisemitism allegations are fake and abusive Owen Jones engages in a pathetic bout of special pleading |
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Owen Jones is bitten by the very same dogs he set on others |
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The irony is that Owen Jones, who has falsely accused others of 'anti-Semitism' was himself falsely accused by Rachel Riley - McCarthyist witchhunts have a habit of devouring their own |
Naturally Owen Jones, ever the opportunist,
joined in. Writing in the Guardian this super ego opined
that ‘Whatever Luciana Berger’s politics, Labour members must stand with her
against antisemitism’. Luciana
Berger isn’t under attack because she is Jewish but because she is a
reactionary, racist member of the JLM and a paid up member of the Israel lobby.
According to this media tart, Berger ‘not only deserves
solidarity, but requires it’. In other words this peripatetic member of the Left believes
Berger should be given a free pass to attack Corbyn and help split the Labour
irony is that Owen Jones, who has disgracefully attacked people like Jackie
Walker, the recipient of vile racist abuse, has in turn been accused of
anti-Semitism by Rachel Riley.
Protesting his innocence he pointed to how he himself had made false
accusations rather than drawing the conclusion that if he was falsely accused
then so have others. Why is Owen Jones helping to subvert Corbyn?
Naturally Jon Lansman, Momentum’s
fuhrer, tweeted his “solidarity”
with Berger, saying: “Whether you agree with her politics or not, whether you think
she is the best possible MP for her constituency or not, she’s suffered
appalling abuse. Must we always agree with people to show solidarity?” Nearly all this so-called abuse is from people outraged at her
support for the real abuse that Palestinians suffer at the hands of her Israeli
friends. But since Lansman is a Zionist that is of no concern to him
Corbyn’s Days
Are Numbered
is becoming increasingly difficult to see Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime
Minister. He seems determined to destroy
his own position, lurching from crisis to crisis. Instead of using his
advantages such as the 2017 election gains, to turn the tables on the Right he
has defended them at every turn. Even
today, when as implacable enemy as Luciana Berger is being held to account by
her own party, instead of defending their democratic right to do so Corbyn’s
unnamed advisers (Milne, Fisher) urge the party to pull back.
with his hopeless position on Brexit when it is clear that the majority of
Labour Party members want a second referendum and when it is equally clear that
Brexit will be an economic and political disaster, Corbyn acts like a sullen
child, digs his feet in whilst refusing to articulate any coherent position. Trapped as he is by the legacy of the British
Communist Party’s socialism in one
country i.e. economic nationalism.
John Donne’ ‘don’t ask for whom the bell
tolls it tolls for thee’. It is the lack of any criticism by Corbyn
supporters, many of whom believe adulation in itself will enable him to set
foot in Number. 10 that is driving Labour into a cul-de-sac which will lead to
Corbyn’s resignation and a Tory victory at the polls. The time to change direction is becoming
shorter and shorter.
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