19 October 2024

The killing of Yahya Sinwar & Hassan Nasrallah will, like that of Bobby Sands, avail Zionism and its imperialist backers nothing

 Israel’s assassinations are based on the idea that Palestinians would happily accept their dispossession but for a few evil men


PÁDRAIG PEARSE’s Famous Funeral Oration for O’Donovan Rossa in August 1915)

“A minute of living with dignity and pride is better than a thousand years of a miserable life under the boots of the occupation.” - Yahya Sinwar from his novel, The Thorn and the Carnation

The Zionists and their imperialist backers are celebrating the murder of Yahya Sinwar just as they celebrated the murder of Hassan Nasrallah and Ismail Haniyeh. However the death of Nasrallah hasn’t stopped the Lebanese Resistance inflicting heavy casualties on Israel’s ground invasion and the same will be true in Gaza.

It will not take long before more Palestinian and Lebanese resistance leaders emerge that Israel will seek to assassinate. What cannot be assassinated is the will of the Palestinians and Lebanese to resist Zionism, Israel’s war machine, ethnic cleansing and dispossession.

It was the same with the British occupation of Ireland. The blood of its martyrs simply fertilised the soil of resistance. When the British defeated the Easter Rising they took a bloody revenge executing 15 of their leaders.

More than 3,000 people suspected of supporting the uprising, directly or indirectly, were arrested, and some 1,800 were sent to England and imprisoned there without trial. The rushed executions, mass arrests and martial law (which remained in effect through the autumn of 1916), fuelled public resentment toward the British and were among the factors that helped build support for Irish independence.

In the 1918 general election to Britain’s parliament, Sinn Fein won a majority of the Irish seats.

Zionism and Unionism were bedfellows. Ireland was partitioned in 1921 and the Palestine Mandate began in 1920 although legally the League of Nations only granted it in 1922. As Ronald Storrs, the first Military Governor of Jerusalem said: ‘A Jewish State will be for England a little, loyal Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.’

James Connolly, the Irish socialist and trade unionist whom the British murdered

Zionism has proved somewhat more sturdy than its Unionist sister owing to Israel’s political and strategic importance but just as Ulster was established as a ‘Protestant State for a Protestant People’ so Israel was created as a Jewish Supremacist State, something embodied in the Jewish Nation State Law.

Patrick Pearse - executed

The Zionists like all imperialist monsters will celebrate the death of Yahya Sinwar who died a hero’s death. In his last action, though his arm had been severed, he tossed a stick in defiance at the drone which had entered the window of the building he was in.

10 Reasons People HATE Keir Starmer 

The Zionists, like all stupid imperialists, believe that executions and assassinations will destroy the will of the peoples that they have occupied and oppressed for so long.

Both Biden and Starmer welcomed the death of Sinwar as they had Nasrallah’s murder. Starmer, in a particularly disgusting passage, even for this slavish poodle of US imperialism, told the assembled journalists that no-one should mourn the death of Sinwar.

Of one thing we can be sure - no one bar his cat will be mourning Starmer's passing

I suspect that Palestinians will treat Starmer’s remarks with the same contempt that most British people hold him in. One thing is for sure and that is that Starmer’s passing will not produce any grief comparable to that of Sinwar and Nasrallah.

Alexei Sayle: 'I hate Keir Starmer'

It is noticeable that neither Starmer nor Biden could bring themselves to condemn Israel’s bombing of the tent encampments surrounding Al Aqsa Hospital in Gaza and the burning alive of men, women and children. That is real terrorism. State terrorism but no words of condemnation emerged from either Genocide Joe or ‘Starver’ Starmer’s lips.

The reality is that all the condemnations of Sinwar and Nasrallah as ‘terrorists’ are the dishonest verbiage of corrupt and dishonest imperialist politicians who wouldn’t know what a principle was if it bit them on the backside.

Israel has made clear its intentions to establish settlements in Gaza, in total defiance of international law. The International Court of Justice has recently declared Israel’s occupation of both the West Bank and Gaza illegal.

Roger Casement - executed at Pentonville for High Treason even though, as an Irish patriot he owed the British Crown no loyalty

The welcome of the corrupt neo-liberal leaders of Britain, the United States and Germany for Israel’s murder campaign against the Palestinians and their leaders is a demonstration that when it comes to it, might is all that is important. The right of any occupied nation to resist their oppressors is disregarded.

The Zionist reaction to Sinwar's death demonstrates both their physical and political blindness - Sinwar was sitting on the chair not hiding behind it

Those who regard Nasrallah and Sinwar as ‘terrorists’ are following in the footsteps of the Nazis who likewise regarded the leaders of the Polish, French and Yugoslav Resistance. It is always the same. Those who conquer other peoples’ countries brand any opposition as ‘terrorism’.

Tony Greenstein  

13 October 2024

Gaza is Israel’s Auschwitz and October 7 is the Palestinians’ Kristallnacht

 Western Leaders Call Hamas ‘Terrorists’ yet compared to Israel’s rape, torture and child-killing machine, Hamas is the equivalent of a church choir

A Child’s Question to their parents - Where were you when Gaza’s Genocide Was Taking Place?

I make no apologies for this being an omnibus blog. Israel's atrocities and war crimes are so massive and overwhelming, all of them supported unflinchingly by our government and that of the United States and Germany

In Nazi Germany there were two types of camps - ‘ordinary’ concentration camps such as Dachau and Ravensbruck and extermination or death camps like Treblinka and Belzec. About one-third of the inmates died in the former but their primary purpose was not extermination but the exploitation of labour and detention.

Starving Gaza

Auschwitz was a dual purpose camp – it both provided labour to German firms such as IG Farben as well as being, with Birkenau, a Death Camp.

In the past people, even David Cameron, referred to Gaza as the world’s largest open air prison or concentration camp. Today Gaza is a Death Camp. It is Israel’s Auschwitz.

Kristallnacht was the Nazi pogrom against the Jews on November 9-10 1938. Just as the Zionists use October 7 as the excuse for genocide in Gaza, so too did the Nazis used the assassination of a minor diplomat in their Paris Embassy, Ernst vom Rath, by Herschel Grynszpan as the excuse for Kristallnacht.

Jewish Doctor Mark Perlmutter interviewed on the horrors he witnessed as a surgeon in Gaza (4.20)

The Palestinians broke out of their prison on October 7 because they had grown tired of a 17 year siege, 57 year occupation and repeated ‘mowing the lawn’, Israel’s quaint term for periodic murderous attacks against Gaza’s population. Grynszpan assassinated vom Rath because of the treatment of his parents. Refugees in Germany they had been deported to Poland which also refused to have them. They were therefore stuck in a no-mans land between the two states until Poland relented and took them in.

Only a stand up comedian could bring out the true irony of the West's support for Israel

The similarities do not stop there. During Kristallnacht, one Nazi was killed and in revenge nearly every synagogue in Germany was set on fire, most Jewish businesses were attacked, a hundred German Jews killed and 30,000 incarcerated in concentration camps.

So it is with Gaza, only more so. On October 7 of the 1,139 Israelis, who were killed, one-third were members of the Israeli military and the paramilitary Border Police.

Burmese Genocide Scholar 'Dr Maung Zarni'

It is abundantly clear that Israel put into operation from midday a ‘mass Hannibal’ based on the Hannibal Directive, first drawn up in 1986, which stated that in the event that an Israeli soldier is captured, it is better to kill him than to risk him being swapped in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

There are a plethora of sources about what actually happened on October 7, all of which the BBC and the mainstream media avoid like the plague. See for example How Israel killed hundreds of its own people on 7 October and War on Gaza: Al Jazeera tells the 7 October story that British media will not..

Following October 7 Israel set about constructing an atrocity narrative that bore no relation to what actually happened.  That some atrocities took place is undeniable. Given what Palestinians in Gaza have suffered over the years that is understandable. But the story that Israel created and which the BBC and British press have swallowed is unrecognisable from what actually happened.

Swedish Parliamentarian Attacks Government Policy on Gaza

My eye was caught, on October 8th by a report in the Times of Israel about how a Hamas operative had killed a father and his partner in Kibbutz Re’im, after having been attacked himself. He was alone with their two children. Did he do what the Israeli military have done and murder them in cold blood?  No. The father’s separated wife, Reut Karp wrote:

The terrorist calmed down my Daria and Lavi, covered them in a blanket, took lipstick and wrote on the wall: ‘The al-Qassam [Brigades] people don’t murder children.’

A cartoon depicting Israel's murder of Hind Rajab, a 6 year old girl together with 2 paramedics

This proved to me that unlike Israel’s snipers who deliberately aim at children’s heads and who killed 5-year old Hind Rajab, these ‘terrorists’ had a morality that Zionism’s monsters totally lack.

Middle East International Dissects the Fabricated 40 Beheaded Babies Story

Israel constructed a narrative  of atrocities at total variance with the facts. At first it was extremely crude with tales of 40 beheaded babies, which were quickly disproved since only two babies died that day according to Israel’s own social security statistics. There was the ‘baked baby’ and the baby hung on a clothes line. See Misinformation in the Israel–Hamas war

The Zionist imagination ran wild but Blinken and Biden endorsed this atrocity propaganda. Biden testified that he had seen photos of the beheaded babies, until the State Department ‘walked this back’.

Israeli TV Broadcaster - People in Gaza deserve a hard agonising death

After this there was the ‘mass rape’ story which the New York Times endorsed in ‘Screams without words’. However this too fell apart when the family of the main ‘victim’, Gail Abdush, disowned the article. It was revealed that the principal author Anat Schwartz had ‘liked’ a Twitter post arguing for Gaza into a ‘slaughterhouse’. The NYT newsroom was itself divided, resulting in a refusal to produce the Daily podcast. See Between the Hammer and the Anvil’.

The Farce of Asking Israel to investigate itself

Israel’s atrocity propaganda was unquestioningly accepted by the Western media because it underpinned their support for Israel’s genocide. A cursory glance at the car graveyard that resulted from October 7 makes it obvious that Israel was responsible for most deaths on the day. Only Israel’s Apache helicopters with their hell-fire missiles are capable of incinerating cars. Hamas did not have heavy weaponry. As Asa Winstanley observed

If Hamas made a miscalculation in the planning of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, it was perhaps to overestimate the value Israeli planners assigned to the lives of their own people.

Palestinians return to eastern Deir al-Balah to find homes destroyed after Israeli forces withdraw

Hamas’s assumption that Israel would prioritise the safety of its own citizens was a serious mistake. Central to Israel’s ideology is the belief that the individual is worthless compared to the State itself. The Israeli state was willing to sacrifice the hostages for the sake of killing and expelling Gaza’s Palestinians. Taking Palestinian blood is more important than protecting their own.

As the attack on UNIFIL soldiers in Lebanon make clear, Israel is the mad dog of international politics. When confronted with such a creature the only solution is to put the Zionist beast down. 

The Media has reflected the Israeli narrative of its hostages being mistreated, ignoring what they actually said. In contrast to the beatings and torture experienced by  Palestinian prisoners - who are never considered hostages

But whereas the leaders of France, Ireland, Spain and Italy have condemned Israel for attacking UN soldiers, Starmer and Lammy have kept silent. This is what Labour’s false ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign was about and it’s noticeable that one of the ‘anti-Semitism victims’, Louise Ellman has denied that what is happening in Gaza is a genocide.  Labour Zionism always lines up behind their nominal opponents on the Zionist right, including Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

I once asked myself if there was anything that Israel could do, bar killing all Palestine’s first-born, that would lead the US to cut off the arms supply and declare the experiment with a ‘Jewish’ State at an end. Today I’m not even sure that killing the first born would suffice.

Today it is clear that there are no limits. If Israel announced gas chambers for the Palestinians Biden would probably query the type of gas and say that this was a red line. When Israel began the killing his red line would disappear into the mists just as happened with the invasion of Rafah.

As the doctor’s letter in July in The Lancet said, the true estimate of dead was not the conservative 37,000 from Gaza’s Ministry of Health but nearer 186,000. That figure is now at least a quarter of a million.

The monsters and war criminals of the West – Biden, Starmer, Sunak, Scholtz, Lammy, not forgetting von der Leyen, repeat the phrase about ‘Israel’s right to self-defence’ or ‘Israel’s right to exist’.

Israel has no more right to self-defence against those whose land they occupy than the Nazis had against the French or Czechs. An occupier enjoys no such rights. Only those under occupation enjoy such rights.

States are not human beings. Only people have a right to exist. Israel has proved what I said 5 years ago when I declared that ‘Israel is Hitler’s Bastard Offspring’. Like Apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany its abolition is a precondition for peace in the Middle East. The rotten and corrupt Arab regimes that prop it up also have to go.

Dr Tanya Haj Hassan testimony on Israel's attacks on hospitals in Gaza and its savagery

One of the most egregious war crimes committed by Israel has been its attacks on Gaza’s hospitals and health facilities on the pretext that they are Hamas bases. This letter, written last August, from 30 UK doctors and health professionals who have been to Gaza since last October gives the lie to this. They write of:

Torture of Palestinian children

‘the deliberate targeting of civilians on a mass scale,’ and how the estimate of 40,000 killed is a gross underestimate since it only includes identifiable bodies.  It speak of how ‘everyone in Gaza is sick, injured, or both’. Health conditions in hospitals were horrific:

Israel's Duff Spokesman Defending Keeping out journalists

‘Virtually every child under the age of five had both a cough and watery diarrhoea. Jaundice and hepatitis... Pregnant women gave birth in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions, as there is simply nowhere left which is not unsanitary and overcrowded. Their infants were born underweight... Very few babies born under these conditions are likely to survive.’

Epidemics are raging in Gaza. In addition to that, Israel has not stopped bombarding civilians in their tents or displacing the malnourished and sick population of Gaza, approximately half of whom are children, to areas with no running water or even toilets available.

All of us treated children who seemed to have been deliberately targeted by military violence. Bullet wounds to children’s heads and torsos and amputations of limbs and eyes of children were commonplace.

The sole cancer specialist hospital in Gaza, the Turkish–Palestinian Friendship Hospital, has been rendered inoperative, turned into a temporary Israeli military base,

Some of us have also been the direct victims of Israeli air strikes. Whilst sleeping in a deconflicted safe house some of us were targeted by Israeli artillery. A GBU-32 (Mk83) bomb landed 6 metres from the wall of our accommodation. This resulted in significant damage to the house as well as injuries to the medical team.

… Israel has targeted our colleagues in Gaza for death, disappearance, and torture. These unconscionable acts are entirely at odds with British law, British values, and International Humanitarian Law.

Channel 4 on  Torture

Israel’s exterminationist mentality

Despite using the holocaust in its defence what has been remarkable about Israel’s reaction to October 7 has been the open espousal of the extermination and annihilation of the Palestinians.

Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, head of the Shirat Moshe yeshiva in Jaffa, called during a conference on 8 March for the Israeli army to kill ‘all residents of Gaza’. When asked whether this included babies he said:

“Those who create the terrorists” should also be killed, he said in reference to women in Gaza. Despite these racist and genocidal remarks Israel’s police recommended dropping the case. Elderly people are also legitimate targets, according to Mali.

"There is no such thing called innocent creature. By the way, the elderly man is capable of carrying a rifle and shooting. Therefore, the Torah is very clear in the ruling."

Do not spare a soul': Israeli rabbi says women, children should be killed in Gaza

Compare this with what Heinrich Himmler told senior SS Generals on October 4th 1943 in Posen (Posnan):

For I did not consider myself justified in exterminating the men—in other words, killing them or having them killed—and then allowing their children to grow up to wreak vengeance on our children and grandchildren. The difficult decision had to be taken to make these people disappear from the face of the earth. For the organization that had to carry out this duty it was the most difficult tHimmler 6 October 1943, Posen (Posnan)

Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian

Contrast this with the treatment of Arab Israeli Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian who was first suspended then reinstated by the Hebrew University and then arrested by the Police and held in conditions amounting to torture. This was in response to her interview on the Makdisi Street podcast calling for the abolition of Zionism.

Shalhoub-Kevorkian was detained by police on the afternoon of 18 April and held overnight in conditions her lawyers described as “terrible” and designed to humiliate.

“This case is unique,” said Hassan Jabareen, her lawyer.

“This is not only about one professor, it could be a [precedent] for any academic who goes against the consensus in wartime.”

This is the ‘democratic’ Israel that Starmer and his Lammy defend.

 'Erase Gaza': How genocidal rhetoric became normalised in Israel

“We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly,” Israel’s Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, said at the start of the genocide. “We will eliminate everything - they will regret it,”

Netanyahu evoked a biblical analogy referring to the Amalekites, which was interpreted as a call to wipe out Gaza.

“You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible - we do remember,”

Hamas' Deadly Blow To IDF After Ex-Officer's Warning: 3 Dead, A Dozen Injured In 1 Attack - Report - Fighting Children is not as easy as fighting armed guerillas

 "There will be no electricity and no water (in Gaza), there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell," declared Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian, who heads the Israeli army’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Palestinian Territories (COGAT).

Moshe Feiglin, the founder of Israel's right-wing Zehut Party and former Likud representative in Israel’s parliament, also called for the complete destruction of Gaza.

“There is one and only (one) solution, which is to completely destroy Gaza before invading it. I mean destruction like what happened in Dresden and Hiroshima, without nuclear weapons,”

Feiglin was at least honest. In an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 he said:

As Hitler said, I can't live if one Jew is left, we can't live here if one 'Islamo-Nazi' remains in Gaza

Amit Halevi, a Likud member in parliament, said,

There should be two goals for this victory: One, there is no more Muslim land in the land of Israel … After we make it the land of Israel, Gaza should be left as a monument, like Sodom.

“Nakba? Expel them all,” Nissim Vaturi, deputy speaker for Israel’s parliament, said.

If the Egyptians care so much for them - they are welcome to have them wrapped in cellophane tied with a green ribbon.”

Ariel Kallner MK said,

“Nakba to the enemy now! This day is our Pearl Harbour. We will still learn the lessons. Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. A Nakba in Gaza and a Nakba for anyone who dares to join!”

Yinon Magal, a journalist and politician, said“It is time for Nakba 2.” On ‘X’, Magal captioned a picture of a carpet-bombed neighbourhood, “This is how all of Gaza should look”.

Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said in a radio interview:

“Your expectation is that tomorrow morning we’d drop what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb on all of Gaza, flattening them, eliminating everybody there,” the interviewer said.

According to Jessica Buxbaum an investigation from Palestinian digital rights organization, 7amleh, found that Facebook approved adverts calling to “wipe out Gaza, its women, children, and elderly” as well as to kill Palestinians, burn down Gaza, deport Palestinians to other countries, and carry out a second Nakba.

This is not new. In 1969 Golda Meir stated, “There was no such thing as Palestinians”. In March 2024 Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich repeated the claim, “no such thing as the Palestinian people”.

 “The Hamas atrocities of October 7th... transformed what has been the rhetoric of marginalised groups into a flood of statements now made by politicians, journalists and celebrities,”

Rabbi supports killings in Rafah

Rabbi Dov Lior, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council, was quoted as saying “during warfare, killing non-Jewish civilians is permitted if it saves Jewish lives”. According to Lior’s ruling, Israeli occupation troops in Gaza are allowed to kill and harm “so-called innocent civilians” during warfare.

“The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them. This is the real moral behind Israel’s Torah and we must not feel guilty due to foreign morals,”

according to Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv. Lior added that Jewish lives were more important than non-Jewish lives. Rabbi Lior is considered among the most learned sages of the Torah.

Lior had previously stated that

“…a thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew’s fingernail”  

According to Al Jazeera however, after speaking to many rabbis, it is clear that Lior’s views and interpretation of Jewish Law enjoy far more popularity and acceptance than Rabbi Froman, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council’s relatively dovish interpretations.

The basic point of disagreement concerns whether Biblical injunctions apply equally to Jews and non-Jews. Lior, like most of the rabbis of the Gush Emunim settler movement, Lior believes that Biblical commandments such as “thou shall not murder” refer only to “Jews” since the Torah was given to Jews, not Gentiles.

Settlers’ rabbi

Dov Lior is the chief rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat Arba and head of the “Council of Rabbis of Judea and Samaria.” In 1994, he strongly supported the murder by an American immigrant settler, Baruch Goldstein, of 29 Palestinian worshippers at the Ibrahimi Mosque.

Lior praised Goldstein, calling him a “great saint and rabbi … may his memory be blessed”. Several months after the massacre, Lior told disciples in Kiryat Arba near the occupied West Bank city of Hebron

“Jewish blood was redder than non-Jewish blood … and that a Jewish life is preferred by the Lord than a non-Jewish life”.

It would be churlish of me to draw any comparison with the Nazis.  The two Chief Rabbis of Israel (for Ashkenazim and Sephardis) have refused to condemn or repudiate Lior’s views.

Mirkaz Ha’rav officials in West Jerusalem (the main religious College where Dov Lior teaches) refused to comment on Lior’s edict when contacted by Aljazeera. The official religious establishment has consistently supported attacks carried out by the occupying army against Palestinian civilians.

It is clear today that calls for the extermination and wiping out of the Palestinians are not confined to a small minority in Israel.

Tony Greenstein

Law for Palestine Releases Database with 500+ Instances of Israeli Incitement to Genocide – Continuously Updated

Since October 7 2023, Law for Palestine [LFP] has amassed a body of evidence exposing the incitement to violence and genocidal intent of Israeli officials and public figures. It includes over 500 violent and genocidal incitements, in the form of social media posts, TV interviews and official statements from Israeli politicians, army personnel, journalists, and other influential personalities.

The thematic areas that are already uploaded are statements and incitement by:

Decision makers

Version 1 (04.01.2024) – Click

Version 2 (15.01.2024) – Click

Army personnel and officers

Version 1 (04.01.2024) – Click

Version 2 (15.01.2024) – Click


Version 1 (04.01.2024) – Click

Version 2 (15.01.2024) – Click

Journalists and influencers

Version 1 (15.01.2024) – Click

Public Expressions

Version 1 (15.01.2024) – Click

Former government officials

Version 1 (27.02.2024) – Click

Incitements since the ICJ Order to Cease Genocidal Acts and Incitements

Released on (27.02.2024) – Click

* To download a PDF file that includes all the documents merged together, click here* 

On February 27 2024 LFP released a special new database spotlighting Israeli incitement to genocide since the ICJ’s order on January 26, 2024, directing Israel to halt genocidal acts and incitement. Access it here – click

You will remember the recent murder of American citizen Ayşenur Eygi. The Biden Administration has done absolutely nothing about it.

Seven Days After Israeli Forces Kill American, Biden and Harris Haven’t Spoken to Victim’s Family

Prem Thakker Sep 13, 2024

Despite Israeli forces killing 26-year-old US citizen Ayşenur Eygi as she demonstrated against Israel’s illegal settlement activity in the West Bank the White House has not bothered to reach out to her family.

The US insists that Israel’s government is investigating the crime, Israel’s initial findings have already been undermined. Volunteers and other eyewitnesses have not even heard from this “investigation.”

“No one from the investigation has contacted us,” said Vivi, a volunteer with Faz3a, a group leading a campaign to provide protective presence to Palestinians against illegal Israeli settler activity. “what kind of investigation are you doing if you aren’t even talking to the people who are right next to her when she was killed.”

The Sexual Assaults that Israel Doesn't Mention

“No one from the State Department or anyone back in America has contacted us,” she added. 

The volunteers wanted to focus on the reason they are there at all: the suffering of the Palestinian people. “The language from Biden and Harris is still…’I will support Israel's right to defend itself,’ but we've seen that there's absolutely no defense going on here in the West Bank. They're attacking refugee camps here that house generations of people who have been displaced during previous Nakbas, who are just waiting with the hope to maybe one day go back.”

From Sde Teiman to 1948 | Remembering the Prisoners of War Camps

 “An accident, ricocheted off the ground”

The US first responded as if the killing was accidental. “We deplore this tragic loss,” Antony Blinken said adding “the most important thing to do is to gather the facts, and that’s exactly what we’re in the process of doing... any actions that we take are driven by the facts.” 

Israel’s military announced its initial findings saying it was "highly likely" that Eygi "was hit indirectly & unintentionally (it)  was not aimed at her but at the key instigator of the riot."

Israeli soldiers ‘tiktoked’ war crimes: Filmmaker Richard Sanders on new Al Jazeera film

Shortly after, Biden told reporters: "Apparently it was an accident, ricocheted off the ground and just got hit by accident. I'm working that out now,” going even further than the Israeli military’s already-spurious claim. 

Implicit in the Israeli military’s claim was that they were indeed shooting into the crowd, but somehow didn’t hit their intended target. But footage reported by the Washington Post shows that the Israeli military shot Eygi more than 30 minutes after the peak of confrontations, 20 minutes after demonstrators moved down the road over 200 yards away from Israeli forces. 

Eygi’s family responded to Biden’s statement, saying they were “deeply offended by the suggestion that her killing by a trained sniper was in any way unintentional.

The following Wednesday Biden and Harris released relatively stronger statements. Both referring to the killing as a “tragic error” — but Harris referred to the incident as “the killing of” Eygi while Biden left it as “the death of...

Ayşenur’s family responded calling out the continued reference to the shooting as accidental.

Let us be clear, an American citizen was killed by a foreign military in a targeted attack. The appropriate action is for President Biden and Vice President Harris to speak with the family directly, and order an independent, transparent investigation into the killing.

Israel’s military has killed numerous Americans including teenagers Mohammad Khdour & Tawfic Abdel Jabbar; World Central Kitchen worker Jacob Flickinger; 78-year-old Omar Assad; journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh; Rachel Corrie yet they’ve faced no consequences for any of it.

In May, the administration released a long-awaited report, which admitted it was “reasonable to assess” Israel was using US weapons in violation of international law. It listed the WCK attack as among those it could not “reach definitive conclusions” as to whether US weapons were used, nevertheless holding that Israel could keep receiving weapons.

There is another high-profile case which the US has been pressed to investigate where Israel has lied in their findings: that is the killing of Hind Rajab, her family members, and the medics sent to save her. In that case, the US deferred for months to the Israeli government, which, as reported also lied about the extent of their investigative efforts.

Lisa Hajjar, UC-Santa Barbara, MERIP Editorial Committee, Basil Farraj, Birzeit University

Israel’s sexual abuse video – Guardian


State Secrets and Crimes

A video of nine soldiers raping a Palestinian detainee was broadcast on Israel’s Channel 12. Later in the day, a mob converged on Israel’s Supreme Court and disrupted a hearing about Sde Teiman.

Sde Teiman is an Israeli military camp in the Negev desert that  has been characterized as a “black site” because it is inaccessible to independent monitors and officials regard the identities and treatment of Palestinians held there. 

The veil of secrecy shrouding Sde Teiman was lifted in April when Ha’aretz reported on a letter sent to Israeli cabinet members by a doctor working at the facility.

Just this week, two prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuff injuries, which unfortunately is a routine event. I am writing to warn you that the facilities’ operations do not comply with a single section among those dealing with health in the Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants Law." 

Sde Teiman - Israel's Torture Camp in the Negev Desert

One month later, CNN published an explosive exposé about Sde Teiman based on accounts by three whistleblowing soldiers and 12 Gazans who were recently released. According to the whistleblowers, one section of the detention facility contains a large barbed-wire pen where blindfolded Palestinians are shackled in stress positions for up to 16 hours a day with no shelter from the desert heat. Detainees who talk, fall asleep or even move can be cuffed to the fence in a standing position with hands above their heads. At night, dogs have been released into prisoners’ cells while sound grenades are fired. The other section of the detention facility contains a field hospital where wounded Palestinians are shackled to beds, blindfolded, stripped of their clothes, and forced to defecate in diapers. CNN reported that

doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being ‘a paradise for interns’; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot.

James O'Brien on Israel's Barbarism and Inhumanity

 The decision by Israeli doctors to perform medical procedures on detainees without anesthesia is not due to shortages, as is the case for doctors in Gaza; One informant told CNN: “I was asked to learn how to do things on the patients, performing minor medical procedures that are totally outside my expertise.” 

Khaled Mahajneh was the first lawyer the military permitted to visit Sde Teiman. He went to the facility on June 19 to meet with Mohammad Arab, an Al Araby TV journalist who was taken into custody in March while covering the Israeli attack on al-Shifa Hospital. In an interview with +972, Mahajneh said, “The situation there is more horrific than anything we’ve heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo.”

Israeli Rape & Torture

A Right to Rape?

Amid abundant evidence of systematic rape, torture and murder of Palestinian prisoners Major General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi, the military advocate general, began an investigation of a gang rape by nine soldiers at Sde Teiman. A Palestinian from Gaza was so badly brutalized in the course of being sodomized that he suffered a ruptured bowel, severe damage to his anus, broken ribs and lung damage. He was transferred in critical condition to a nearby hospital where he required surgery. Dr. Yoel Donchin, who treated him at Sde Teiman, told Ha’aretz that he was shocked an Israeli guard could do such a thing. “I was certain this was revenge by Nukhba against Nukhba.” He added,

If the state and Knesset members think there’s no limit to how much you can abuse prisoners, they should kill them themselves, like the Nazis did, or close the hospitals…If they maintain a hospital only for the sake of defending ourselves at the Hague, that's no good.

On July 29, military police were dispatched to Sde Teiman to take into custody the nine reservists accused of the gang rape; one of them a major who commands Force 100, the unit that operates Sde Teiman (and other military detention facilities). Another reservist also wanted for multiple acts of aggravated abuse of prisoners was not on the base at the time. Soldiers from Force 100 resisted the military police in an attempt to prevent the arrests.

they barricaded themselves along with the wanted suspects in a show of solidarity. During this standoff, a mob of about 200 Israelis, including some members of the Knesset, stormed the base to support the soldiers. Police stationed nearby waited over an hour to enter the base and expel the rioters. 

Israeli Soldier on Television Defending the Rape of Prisoners

As events at Sde Teiman were unfolding, there were debates in the Knesset over the military advocate general's move to investigate soldiers for gang rape. Likud member Yuli Edelstein, who chairs the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said,

A situation where masked military police officers conduct a raid on an IDF base is not acceptable to me and I will not allow it to happen again. Our soldiers are not criminals and this disgraceful persecution of our soldiers is unacceptable to me.

Ahmad Tibi MK asked: “Is inserting an explosive into the rectum of a person legitimate?” Likud member Hanoch Milvetsky retorted, “If he is a Nukhba, everything is legitimate.” Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir chimed in that

the sight of military policemen arriving to arrest our best heroes in Sde Teiman is nothing short of shameful. The summer camp and tolerance for terrorists are over. Our soldiers must receive full support.”

When the nine suspects finally were arrested, they were transferred to Beit Lid for questioning. There, an even larger mob—including members of Force 100—stormed the base and rampaged to protest the arrests. On July 31, two of the suspects were released without charges, three more were released earlier this week. The other five remain under investigation. On August 1, it was reported that the gang-raped detainee was returned to Sde Teiman.

2 ‘Nice Jewish Boys’ Israel’s  genocidal podcast

 ‘Two Nice Jewish Boys’ is Israel’s oldest podcast fronted by Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein. Meningher’s website boasts that he worked with Netanyahu on his 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 campaigns, doing chatbots, digital data projects and viral video creation. “I was also responsible of managing all the digital channels of the Prime Minister.”

Here are a few extracts from their podcast discussing erasing the Palestinians from the Earth. According to Katherine Hearst

A clip from an English-language Israeli podcast showing hosts Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein discussing the idea of eradicating all Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza has gone viral online.

In an episode of Two Nice Jewish Boys, which aired three weeks ago, host Weinstein said:

If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second.

He claimed that “most Israelis” would do the same. Meningher added that they would also want to wipe out Palestinians in “the territories”. “Because that’s the reality we live in, it’s us or them, and it has to be them,” Weinstein said.

However they also sounded a note of regret that in Gaza,

maybe there’s mass destruction but there's not massive death. Forgive us if we don’t give a shit if everybody there dies. It’s just the way we feel. It’s just the way Israelis feel,” Weinstein said.

James O'Brien says Israel are operating 'barbarically' on an 'extreme scale' | LBC

Radio Rwanda

The clip of Weinstein and Meningher lauding the idea of five million Palestinians in Gaza Strip and the West Bank being wiped out has drawn fierce criticism online. “Radio Rwanda in full effect here. This is deeply disturbing,” journalist Samira Mohyedeen wrote on X, referring to the broadcasts that incited genocide against the Tutsis during the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

This didn’t stop me for being arrested for daring to compare the Nazis to the Israeli state. Perhaps because it was only 5 and not 6 million that the comparison was inappropriate? Maybe with Lebanon’s millions the way is now open for making such a comparison.

CBC journalist Evan Dyer shared the clip on X, pointing to Meningher’s former media roles in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s last five political campaigns.

“This is not a fringe show or fringe people… the show is as mainstream as it gets,” Dyer wrote, citing a review of the podcast by Times of Israel that billed it as a “platform for free and open conversations”.

Journalist Najat Abdi also shared the video on X, saying that she did so

“because there will come a time where animals like @EytanWeinstein will deny saying this, particularly when they will be held legally accountable for the incitement of genocide”.

“Platforms like @YouTube will also have to answer to this,” Abdi added.

In response, the podcast posted a gif of a finger pressing a red button.


Israeli journalist Yinon Magal on the show “Hapatriotim” on Israel’s Channel 14, joked that Joe Biden’s red line was the killing of 30,000 Palestinians. The singer Kobi Peretz asked if that was the number of dead for a day. The audience erupted in applause and laughter.

We place "booby-trapped" cans resembling food tins in the rubble. Starving Palestinians are injured or killed when they open them. We broadcast the sounds of women screaming and babies crying from quadcopters to lurePalestinians out so we can shoot them. We announce food distribution points and use artillery and snipers to carry out massacres.


Israel’s Willing Executioners

Israel and Nero’s guests

‘More than 186,000 dead’ in Gaza: How credible are the estimates published on The Lancet?

Haaretz Investigation: Israeli Army Uses Palestinian Civilians to Inspect Potentially Booby-trapped Tunnels in Gaza

Popular Israeli podcasters call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank

"Until our last breath": Journalist Anas al-Sharif on Documenting Israel's Genocide in Gaza Every Day for 11 Straight Months

Gaza: Children’s hair greying, falling out from shock and trauma


See Israeli podcasters are laughing about genocide. What would it take to stop? Arwa Mahdawi