Arendt was the German-Jewish Refugee whose Universalism Overcame her Zionism
Hannah Arendt was an enigma. She
rejected any materialist or class analysis in favour of a philosophical and metaphysical
discourse. Originally a Zionist, Arendt escaped the shackles and straitjacket
of authoritarian nationalism. Zionism demands obedience to the Jewish volk, above all from its intellectuals,
which is one reason why it has produced so few. Nationalism and worship of the
state are not conducive to freedom of thought or innovative ideas.
Arendt was the child of left-wing
parents. In the 1930’s she became a Zionist as she saw in the rise of Nazism
the defeat of universalism and assimilation. Arendt fled from Berlin in 1933 to
Paris after having spent 8 days in the custody of the Gestapo. However, as with
many other Jewish refugees, the Nazis caught up with her and in 1941 she
escaped again from Gurs
internment camp and made her way, with her husband Heinrich Blucher, to the
United States. For the Zionists, this
fact alone ‘only contributed to the
dismissal of her work as having no real worth.’
Arendt’s most famous work, the The Origins of Totalitarianism was published in 1951 in McCarthy’s America. It is as
its title suggests an analysis of what she called ‘totalitarianism’, the kind
of a state that Orwell described in 1984. She summed it up in the Introduction:
‘Anti-Semitism (not merely hatred of the Jews),
imperialism (not merely conquest), totalitarianism (not merely dictatorship)
one after another, one more brutally than the other have demonstrated that
human dignity needs a new guarantee.’
As a refugee she noted
that when a person is driven away from one country, he is expelled from all
countries “which means he is actually
expelled from humanity”. Refugees are literally outlaws, beyond the
protection of the law.
It is ironic that Israel alone of
Western states refuses to accept any refugees on the grounds that they would undermine
Israel’s (Jewish) national identity. Hostility to refugees in Israel is higher
than in any other western state. Despite claiming it is a ‘Jewish’ state the injunction
in Leviticus 19:33-34 is ignored:
You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you
as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were
strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God”

Arendt is without doubt the greatest
Jewish political philosopher of the 20th century. It is little
surprise that despite having being converted to Zionism under the influence of
Kurt Blumenfeld of the German Zionist Federation and having worked for Youth
Aliya in Paris in 1935 she became a bête noir for the Zionist movement after
having published in 1963 Eichmann in
Jerusalem – The Banality of Evil, about the 1961 Eichmann trial in Israel.
Piterberg in The
Returns of Zionism describes how in 2001 Yad Vashem and Jerusalem’s Hebrew
University organised a conference to mark the 40th anniversary of
the Eichmann Trial. The keynote address was by Anita Shapira, the ‘princess of Zionism’ To her all Jewish
history began and continued in Israel. The intervening 2,000 years of diaspora
Jewry were a void. Shapira evinces what Piterberg calls ‘the hegemonic depth of Zionist ideology.’
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Elizabeth Varnhagen |
We can see
this ideological hegemony and totalitarian thought in the fake ‘anti-Semitism’
onslaught today on Corbyn’s Labour Party whereby any fundamental critique of
Israeli ‘democracy’ is deemed anti-Semitic under the IHRA.
The IHRA has been adopted by all major British political parties, local
authorities and the Police and Judicial College, despite excoriating criticism
by legal scholars such as Geoffrey
Robertson QC, Hugh
Tomlinson QC and the Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge Sir
Stephen Sedley. No amount of reasoned argument or logic can withstand the
unanimity of bourgeois support for Zionism.
In contrast
the most outrageous anti-Palestinian racism is excused
by police state journalists like the Guardian’s Jonathan Freedland as a product
of ‘Jewish identity’ which is therefore immune to criticism. ‘Jewish identity’
is used as a shield to protect Israel yet anyone who associates Jews with
Israel’s crimes is under the IHRA ‘anti-Semitic’. A case of having your Zionist
cake and eating it!
committed what for her Zionist detractors was a cardinal sin. She sought to
draw universal lessons from the Holocaust that were neither nationalist nor
racist. ‘Shapira charges Arendt with
trying to ‘understand’ Nazism and the Judaeocide from a universalist position.’ [Piterberg, 149] That was why, until 1999, Eichmann in Jerusalem was not published
in Israel. As Boaz Evron put it
‘this book came to me as a fresh wind of sobriety
and sensibility amongst the hysterical storm blown all around by the propaganda
agencies of the Ben Gurion regime.’
Arendt was
‘in Shapira’s absurd judgment, incapable of sensing
the Jewish experience because she was from ‘there’ as if ‘there’ was not where
the Holocaust had occurred.’
Not only
did Shapira condemn Arendt’s universalism but her refusal to accept Zionist
colonisation and ownership of the Holocaust. A Holocaust which the Jewish
Agency had ignored whilst it was happening but which they utilised politically
and ideologically.
essay ‘The Jew as a Pariah’ was savaged
in a review in the magazine of the American Right, Commentary. Rather than praising Jewish nationalism, Arendt praises
Jewish dissidents as she focuses on 4 particular pariahs – Heinrich Heine,
Bernard Lazarre, Charlie Chaplin and Franz Kafka – each brilliant in their own way.
But as Ron Feldman notes sniffily regarding Chaplin ‘strangely enough, one did not have to be Jewish to be a Jewish pariah.’
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Rahel Varnhagen's Literary Salon in Berlin |
But of
course the quintessential pariah was Arendt herself. As Lyndsey
Stonebridge notes in her essay The Shape
of Totalitarianism and the Meaning of Exile: Three Lessons from Hannah Arendt
Arendt was
a self-proclaimed pariah, a term she borrowed from Bernard Lazare. She
considered her closest soulmate Rahel Varnhagen, a
pariah to parvenu of the late 17th, early 18th century
who ran a famous literary salon in Berlin. An important
figure in Germany’s Romantic movement she converted to Christianity in 1814
in order to escape the social restrictions that were placed on Jews. She was
the outsider who sought acceptance which is one reason why Amos Elon [The
Pity of It All: A History of the Jews in Germany, 1743-1933] falsely
accused her of hating her Jewish background.
was Varnhagen’s only escape. Arendt said of her that
‘Rahel had
remained a Jew and a pariah. Only because she clung to both conditions did she
find a place in the history of European humanity.’
Zionism, what is and was more important was her rejection of racial exclusivism
in favour of Jewish assimilation.
In 1938,
Arendt completed her biography Rahel Varnhagen: The Life of a
Jewess although it
wasn’t published until 1957. As
Piterberg notes, it took 20 years to write. For Arendt ‘a decent human
existence is possible only on the fringes of society, where one then runs the
risks of starving or being stoned to death.’ Arendt cherished Varnhagen
as her "closest friend, though she
had been dead for some hundred years".
followed a similar trajectory to Einstein. From Zionist to non-Zionist. She
signed a famous
letter on 2nd December 1948 on the occasion of Menachem Begin’s
visit to the United States.
Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our
times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the
"Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in
its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi
and Fascist parties.
In October
1944 Arendt wrote an essay Zionism Reconsidered. Judith Butler observed
‘Paradoxically, and perhaps shrewdly, the terms in
which Arendt criticised Fascism came to inform her criticisms of Zionism,
though she did not and would not conflate the two.’
Zionism is not a fascist ideology (although it has a remarkable number of
fascist adherents) it shares a number of common features with fascism such as
the premium placed on loyalty to the state and the prioritisation of the needs
of the state over those of the individual.
During the
Holocaust this was expressed as the need to build the Jewish state taking
priority over the saving of the Jews in Europe.
Shabtai Teveth, his official biographer, quotes
Ben Gurion as saying that where there was
a conflict of interest
between saving individual Jews and the good of the Zionist enterprise, we shall
say that the enterprise comes first.
In ‘Zionism
Reconsidered’ Arendt noted that the American Zionist conference in
1944 had demanded a Jewish Commonwealth in the whole of Palestine without once
mentioning the Palestinians, describing this as a victory for the Revisionist
programme. Her conclusion was that this ‘obviously
leaves them the choice between voluntary emigration or second class
citizenship.’ In fact there was a
third choice, which in 1948 came to pass – transfer or ethnic cleansing, which
she notes was discussed in a wide variety of Zionist circles.
The critical
problem for Arendt was both political and humanitarian:
the solution of the Jewish question merely produced
a new category of refugees, the Arabs, thereby increasing the number of
stateless and rightless by another 700,000 to 800,000 people.
As Butler
she calls ‘absurd’ the idea of setting up a Jewish
state in a ‘sphere of interest’ of the superpowers. Such a state would suffer
under the ‘delusion of nationhood’: ‘Only folly could dictate a policy which
trusts a distant imperial power for protection, while alienating the goodwill
of neighbours.’
Zionism rested on‘an open acceptance of anti-Semitism as a
“fact.” The Zionist labour movement had created, with the chalutz and kibbutz ‘a new type of Jew’ but this didn’t prevent the Zionist
Organisation ‘against the natural
impulses of the whole Jewish people’ doing business with Hitler in order to
‘trade German goods against the wealth of
German Jewry.’
Arendt noted
that the ‘socialist’ Zionists ‘failed to
level a single critique of Jewish bourgeoisie outside of Palestine, or to
attack the role of Jewish finance.’
Arendt had
great difficulty in coming to terms with the nation state. To her the only solution to national
conflicts was either complete assimilation or emigration. The possibility of
national autonomy, cultural pluralism and multi-culturalism were absent.
Arendt castigated
the ‘Zionist doctrine of eternal
anti-Semitism’. Quoting Herzl she noted that because Zionism ‘concluded that without anti-Semitism the
Jewish people would not have survived’ it was opposed to any attempt to
liquidate anti-Semitism.
Arendt observed that for all their strictures against assimilation the Zionists
‘were the only ones who sincerely wanted
assimilation, namely, ‘normalization’ of the (Jewish) people.’ Theirs was a
collective assimilation in a Jewish state. The irony is that because of the
circumstances of its creation, under the protection of the British Empire, Zionism
had created a ‘Jewish’ state which is anything but normal, not least because it
is an ethno-nationalist state.
Arendt’s criticism
of Zionism’s attitude to the Jewish diaspora are astute. Zionism ‘cuts off Jewish history from European
history and even from the rest of mankind’.
Arendt is
particularly cutting
in her description of leftist Zionists ‘who
simply added official Zionism to their socialism’ whilst fighting the
employment of Arab labour ‘under the
pretense of class-struggle against Arab labour.’
Arendt accused
Zionism of being inspired by German nationalism which viewed people biologically
not politically. In the process
ended by making the Jewish national emancipation dependent upon the material
interests of another nation.’ ‘The
erection of a Jewish State within an imperial sphere of interest may look like
a very nice solution to some Zionists...’
The ‘relationship between the proposed new State
and the Diaspora’ is one which disturbed her. Arendt put her finger on another
problem of Zionism. Its claim that Jews form a separate nation, even whilst the
majority continue to live outside Israel in other countries. Inevitably this
posed ‘the old question of double loyalty’
which is precisely what has happened.
[see Hannah
Arendt would agree with Ilhan Omar] In her essay ‘To
Save the Jewish Homeland’ Arendt foresaw the time when Israel’s
relations with world Jewry
would become problematical,
since their defense interests might clash at any moment with those of other
countries where large number of Jews lived.
loyalty is inherent in Zionism.
argues that Herzl’s Zionism was ‘inspired
from German sources – as opposed to the French variety.’ In other words a German
nationalism which was exclusive and volkish,
based on blood relations and kith and kin whereas French nationalism had been inclusive,
based on all those residing within France.
noted the Zionist and Herzl view that the Jewish people were surrounded by a
‘world of enemies’ remarking that ‘if’
the whole world is ultimately against us, we are lost.’ She finishes her
essay by warning of the parallels with Sabbatai Zevi, the false
messiah of the 17th century.
Arendt’s attitude
to the onset of anti-Semitism was that
If one is attacked as a Jew
one must defend oneself as a Jew. Not as a German, not as a world citizen, not
as an upholder of the Rights of Man.
Eichmann in
Jerusalem – The Banality of Evil
aroused the ire of the Zionist movement to white fury was Arendt’s book Eichmann
in Jerusalem. She famously coined the slogan ‘the banality of evil’ which Zionist historians like David Cesarani
have written
books about without once understanding what it meant! She portrayed
Eichmann as a desk bound bureaucrat and some took this to mean that he was
simply doing a job that he had no strong feelings about either way. Cesarani
went out of his way to prove what none of us doubted – that Eichmann was an anti-Semite.
his anti-Semitism was political not personal. He was not some political Lord
Voldemort, breathing fire. Rather he was someone who could only talk in clichés,
lacking all original thought. In fact a most unremarkable man who nonetheless
had perpetrated monstrous crimes.
Stonebridge observed it wasn’t Eichmann who she got wrong, but a young black
woman named Elizabeth Eckford who was depicted
amidst screaming white women in a famous 1957 photograph from Little Rock,
Arkansas as she entered an all-White schools.
argued that Eckford should not be carrying such a political burden at her age
and that education was a social and largely private matter. Ralph Ellison
replied that all black children in the south carried a political burden from
the day they were born whether they or their parents liked it or not. Arendt
shut up.
The Judgment of the Eichmann trial dovetailed with
Zionism’s political requirements when it found that ‘it has not been proved before us that the accused knew that the
Gypsies were being transported to destruction’. Thus no genocide charge
except that against the Jews was upheld. Hannah Arendt remarked that
‘This was
difficult to understand, for, apart from the fact that the extermination of
Gypsies was common knowledge, Eichmann had admitted during the police examination
that he knew of it.’ It had been an order from Himmler.
The trial verdict did not see the extermination of
millions of people as a crime against humanity. Rather it was a crime against
the Jewish people. The Holocaust was not seen as ‘a Fascist attack on human diversity’ but a specific and exclusive
attack on the Jewish people.
pointed to the hypocrisy of the Prosecutor Gideon Hausner:
citizens, religious and non-religious seem agreed upon the desirability of
having a law which prohibits intermarriage… there certainly was something
breathtaking in the naiveté with which the prosecution denounced the infamous
Nuremberg Laws of 1935, which had prohibited intermarriage and sexual
intercourse between Jews and Germans.’
was the leader of Hungarian Zionism during the war. He was accused after the
war by Hungarian survivors of the deportations to Auschwitz of having
collaborated with Eichmann in return for a train carrying 1,684 of the Jewish
and Zionist elite out of Hungary. The verdict
of the trial judge Benjamin Halevi was that Kasztner had sold his soul to the
devil. Although the decision was overturned on legal and political technicalities
by the Supreme Court the damage had been done.
Eichmann trial was staged primarily to undo the damage caused by the Kasztner Affair. In the words of Israeli
historian Tom Segev [The 7th Million, p.328,
see Noah Lucas, The Modern History of Israel, p. 414] it was meant to ‘expunge the historical guilt that had been attached to the Mapai
leadership since the Kasztner trial.’
The Kasztner
trial dominated the Israel of 1954-58 and caused the fall of the 1955 Sharrett
who were likely to raise the issues that had surrounded the Kasztner trial were
carefully excluded from giving evidence e.g. Kasztner’s friend Andre
Arendt did was to write a book which threatened to undo this careful stage
management. Her first sin was to attack the Jewish leadership in Nazi occupied Europe.
She wrote:
Jews lived, there were recognized Jewish leaders, and this leadership, almost
without exception, cooperated in one way or another, for one reason or another,
with the Nazis. The whole truth was that if the Jewish people had really been
unorganized and leaderless, there would have been chaos and plenty of misery
but the total number of victims would hardly have been between four and half
and six million people.’
Lucien Sternberg observed, ‘Arendt’s
argument caused an outcry among Zionist holocaust historians but it could not
be refuted.’ [Not as a Lamb - Jews Against Hitler, Gordon & Cremones,
University Press, Glasgow p.109]
was accused of being incapable of understanding the complexity of the situation.
Despite the participation of the Judenrat in rounding up Jews for deportation,
Israel Gutman of Yad Vashem and Rozett opined that ‘‘The Judenrat reinforced the Jews’ power of endurance in their
struggle for survival,’
Hausner was foremost
among those who defended the Judenrat. He attacked Raul Hilberg, the preeminent
Holocaust historian because Hannah Arendt ‘in
her vicious and compassionless attitude to the Judenrat’ drew upon his work.’
The problem was that one
could not explain how the Nazis had achieved their objectives so efficiently
without taking the behaviour of the victims, including the Jewish Councils into
Israeli Professor Jacob Talman criticised Hannah Arendt, for mentioning Zionist
collaboration with the Nazis, Rudolph Vrba,
the Jewish escapee from Auschwitz, then residing in London asked:
the Judenrat (or the Judenverrat) in Hungary tell their Jews what was awaiting
them? No, they remained silent and for this silence some of their leaders – for
example Dr R Kasztner – bartered their own lives and the lives of 1684 other
‘prominent’ Jews directly from Eichmann.’
Zionist movement exploded with fury when Arendt wrote ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem – The Banality of Evil.’ It threatened to
undo all that had been achieved by the Eichmann Bill. Arendt’s crime was to
highlight what the Eichmann Trial had been designed to avoid. Their attacks bear a familiar ring: Arendt wrote:
the campaign, conducted with all the well-known means of image-making and
opinion-manipulation, got much more attention than the controversy…. (it was)
as though the pieces written against the book (and more frequently against its
author) came “out of a mimeographing machine” (Mary McCarthy)… the clamor
centered on the “image” of a book which was never written, and touched upon
subjects that often had not only not been mentioned by me but had never
occurred to me before.”
Joachim Prinz, a German Zionist who had welcomed the rise of Hitler as
vindicating Zionism, accused Arendt of having described Eichmann as a ‘sweet and misguided man.’ One French
weekly went so far as to ask whether Arendt was a Nazi.
Elon wrote,
in an Introduction to her book, that
No book within living memory had
elicited similar passions. A kind of excommunication seemed to have been
imposed on the author by the Jewish establishment in America.
was stunned by the uproar. She spoke of the ‘smear campaign’ being conducted ‘on the lowest level’ based on the claim that she had said ‘the exact opposite of what I did in fact
write.’ What Arendt had to say about the way her book was viciously
caricatured has a familiar ring to those claims of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour
Party. In a letter to her friend, Mary McCarthy, Arendt complained ‘what a risky business to tell the truth on a
factual level without theoretical and scholarly embroidery.’ Shooting the
messenger rather than responding to the message has always remained the
quintessential Zionist modus operandi. Apparently Arendt had claimed that ‘the Jews had murdered themselves’ and
why had she told ‘such a monstrously
implausible lie? Out of “self-hatred” of course.’
Eichmann Trial was a political show trial. It focused solely on the Jewish dead
and failed to place the Holocaust in any kind of historical context. Its
purpose was not to understand but to rewrite history. People have concentrated
on the Appeal Court’s decision to find Eichmann guilty and the imposition of
the death sentence whilst ignoring its decision that ‘the Appellant had received no ‘superior orders’ at all. He was his own
superior.’ Israel’s Supreme Court had exculpated Himmler and even Hitler.
movie The Specialist
was made. It reflected Arendt’s thesis on the banality of evil. Eichmann, whose
enthusiasm for the annihilation of the Jews was never doubted, had nonetheless
been a bureaucratic cog in the wheel.
longer one listened to him, the more obvious it became that his inability to
speak was closely connected with an inability to think, namely to think from the standpoint of somebody else.’
Hilberg reached the same conclusion.
bureaucracy had taken over. It is the bureaucratic destruction process that in
its step-by-step manner finally led to the annihilation of five million
was an ardent Zionist. Baron von Mildenstein, the first head of the SS’s Jewish
Department, had required Eichmann to read Herzl’s Der Judenstaat ‘which converted. Eichmann promptly and
forever to Zionism... as late as 1939 he seems to have protested against
desecrators of Herzl’s grave in Vienna.’
the Eichmann trial, the most glaring omission from the picture painted was any
witness to the co-operation between the Nazis and the Jewish authorities and
the Zionists. This prevented the question being asked ‘Why did you cooperate in
the destruction of your own people’. When Pinhas Freudiger, the Chief Rabbi of
Hungary testified, this caused the only significant interruption as Hungarian
survivors called him a collaborator and ‘accused
him of abandoning his position as a leader of the Orthodox Community.’
the best example of the ideological confrontation between Zionism, with its belief
in the negation of the disapora and the voice of the Jewish diaspora, is the correspondence
between Arendt and Gershom Scholem, the Professor of Mysticism.
June 23rd 1963 Scholem wrote to Arendt, having read Eichmann in Jerusalem.
the Jewish tradition there is a concept Ahabath Israel: ‘Love of the Jewish
people…” In you, dear Hannah, as in so
many intellectuals who came from the German Left, I find little trace of
reply demonstrated that Scholem was at heart a Jewish chauvinist.
‘I am not one
of the “intellectuals who come from the German Left.’… It is a fact of which I
am in no way particularly proud and which I am somewhat reluctant to emphasize
– especially since the McCarthy era in this country. I came late to an understanding of Marx’s
importance… let me begin… with what you call “love of the Jewish people.”…
(Incidentally, I would be very grateful if you could tell me since when this
concept has played a role in Judaism)… You are quite right – I am not moved by
any “love” of this sort, and for two reasons.
I have never in my life “loved” any people or collective… I indeed love
“only” my friends and the only kind of love I know of and believe in is the
love of persons. Secondly, this “love of
the Jews” would appear to me, since I am myself Jewish, as something rather
suspect…. I do not “love” the Jews, nor do I “believe” in them; I merely belong
to them as a matter of course, beyond dispute or argument…. But I can admit to
you something beyond that, namely, that wrong done by my own people naturally
grieves me more than wrong done by other peoples.’
was in truth a devastating reply.
Why Hannah Arendt is the Philosopher for Now,
Lyndsey Stonebridge
Arendt: Human, Citizen, Jew
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