Well the author of this blog has been even busier this week!
Firstly a letter to The Guardian of 30th December 08, alongside Mike Barnes, pointing out the omission of any reference in the obituaries for Harold Pinter of his support for the Palestinians and opposition to Zionism, including the letter he and over a hundred of us signed earlier this saying we weren't celebrating Israel's 60th anniversary.
Next a letter to The Independent in response to an article by a Mary Dejevsky whose rhetoric was the usual tedious nonsense about poor, defenceless Israel. There was also a good letter from Dianne Neslen in response to Dejevsky.
And just to show that it's not all armchair support, a report and picture on Al Jazeera, on the daily picket in Brighton & Hove. Part of it consists of a piece I've written. Unfortunately I can't read Arabic!
Tony Greenstein
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