30 January 2025

Listen to the recording of Holocaust Memorial Day Webinar 2025

 The Refusal of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust to Include the Gaza Genocide in their Festivities Demonstrates that our Rulers Have Learnt Nothing from Auschwitz

Holocaust Memorial Day Webinar 2025

The Holocaust memorial day meeting that the Socialist Labour Network, Jewish Network for Palestine and Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign held on 27 January 2025 was the best attended and the most successful we have ever had in the three years we have been holding these.

693 people registered for the meeting and over 60% of them attended. Normally attendance is little over 50% of those registered. The largest number of people watching at any time was 388 but the maximum number of people who did watch was 428.  Many people contacted us to say that they couldn’t attend but that they wanted to see a recording. So here it is!

Attended                           424                                      61.2%

Didn’t Attend                  269                                      38.8%

Registered       Cancelled          Unique Viewers        Max Concurrent Views

693                     4                           428                                388


We are told by the BBC and our rulers that we must learn the lessons of the Holocaust. Below is a picture of the Official Hypocrites including Chief Rabbi Mirvis, a rabid settler trained racist and an enthusiastic supporter of Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

King Charles said that

The Holocaust must never be allowed to become a simple fact of history...the lessons of the Holocaust are relevant today.’ however this  pompous fool  refrained from telling us what these lessons were.  Perhaps because that might expose  the hypocrisy at the centre of the official festivities.

Britain’s Holocaust Memorial Day Trust excluded the Gaza Genocide from all mention of the Holocaust. In its FAQs it asked ‘Should I acknowledge the conflict in the Middle East in my HMD activity? And if so, how?’ Its answer was simple: ‘We do not recommend it.’ Thus is demonstrated the moral bankruptcy of the official celebrations, because that is really what they are – a celebration of imperialism.

The advice of the HMD is no surprise when people like the President of the Genocide supporting Board of Deputies, Phil Rosenberg, sits on the HMD board. The Jewish Chronicle and the right-wing press got all worked up by the Islamic Human Rights Commission call to boycott their celebrations.

Chikli, Israel's Diaspora Minister and Thug decided not to risk arrest by travelling abroad

The Telegraph had one of its normal moral fits at the suggestion that the HMD might include all genocides in HMD, including the Palestinian holocaust. It quoted the Zionist propagandist and CEO of the Holocaust Educational Trust, the morally bankrupt Karen Pollock, as saying that:

Just days before we mark Holocaust Memorial Day... we are appalled to see that the Islamic Human Rights Commission continue this tasteless campaign to undermine such a significant day.

Their cynical attempt to denigrate the memory of the Holocaust by drawing false parallels between the Holocaust – a unique and unprecedented episode in history – and unrelated current events, will not succeed.

Hind when she graduated from senior kindergarten - cruelly  butchered by Israel

Quite how the memory of those who died in the holocaust is ‘denigrated’ by comparing their deaths to those in Gaza is difficult to comprehend. Is the death of a Jewish child in Auschwitz any different from that of Hind Rajab, who was murdered because an Israeli tank fired a shell at her and the two paramedics who came to rescue her? 

Ukrainian Police Auxiliaries

The disgusting racist, Karen Pollok, called the Gaza genocide an ‘unrelated current event.’ If anyone is defiling and denigrating the memory of the largely anti-Zionist Jews who died in the holocaust it is Pollok. But then she is CEO of a Zionist holocaust industry organisation whose sole purpose is to harness the holocaust to the Israeli state’s apartheid existence.

The Genocide of Palestinians is different according to Pollok and whatever we do we mustn’t compare. Zionists hate comparisons because they know that the actions of Israel can only be defended by pretending that Israel is unique, being a ‘Jewish’ state that doesn’t have to operate according to the norms of civilised society. Once you compare Israel’s behaviour to others then you cannot help but notice that Israel is a rogue state, barbaric and racist in its determination to effect ethnic cleansing and not at all bothered by the numbers it kills.

So what are the lessons that Pollok, Rosenberg, Mirvis et al intend us to learn?  That Israel, Hitler’s posthumous victory, must be given more bombs and bullets in order that it can perpetrate more genocides and finish the job. This is Zionist  morality.

Israel has killed up to 300,000 Palestinian men, women and children, the International Court of Justice has said that a genocide is plausibly taking place yet the imperialist narrative demands that Israel’s genocide be treated as ‘self defence’.

Our war criminal ruling class, not least the German State, uses the holocaust to reinforce their genocidal narrative by claiming that Israel is the inheritor of the memory of the Jews who died. These are the lessons they draw from the holocaust.

‘Although Israel claims to represent the memory of the Jews who died in the holocaust the reality is that Israel has inherited the memory and stepped into the shoes of those who killed them.’

It is a great pity that the IHRC fell into the trap that was laid for them. Instead of simply boycotting HMD they should have actively promoted our own meeting and thus shown that they had something to say about the holocaust.

This webinar refused to be part of the official festivities because that is what they really were. They were not a commemoration. Representatives from Israel and all the imperialist states – the United States, Britain and Germany – who are supplying Israel with the means to annihilate the Palestinian people were present.

Yet strangely enough the very state which bore the brunt of the Nazi war machine and which liberated Auschwitz, Russia, was not present. Instead Volodymyr Zelensky, leader of the Ukrainian police state, which celebrates a national holiday each year on the birthday of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera was invited. Bandera was the leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) whose members, in their role as the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police, participated in the massacre of 33,000 Jews at Babi Yar, Kyiv on September 29-30 1941.

Baby Yar Memorial

Babi Yar was the largest Nazi massacre of Jews up to that date and one of the largest of the war.  Bandera’s Ukrainian Insurgent Army was heavily involved in massacres of Jews, Poles and Roma.

Speakers at the webinar were Stephen Kapos, a Jewish child survivor who was hidden in Budapest during the Hungarian Holocaust; Suzanne Weiss, a Jewish child survivor who was hidden in Auvergne in France by the Communist resistance; Ghada Karmi, a child survivor of the Nakba in Palestine when Zionist militias ethnically cleansed the native Palestinians to create their Jewish state, Rania Khalek, a Lebanese journalist who directs Breakthrough News; Ronny Kasrils, the Jewish former commander of Umkonte we Sizwe, the ANC's military wing and former MP in Nelson Mandela's first government and Tony Greenstein, the first Jewish member of the Labour Party to be expelled under Corbyn and author of 'Zionism During the Holocaust'. Tariq Ali, who was due to speak, was unfortunately ill and couldn't make it.

The Zionists and their imperialist backers use the Nazi holocaust of the Jews as a justification for Israel’s holocaust in Gaza.   We draw the opposite conclusion which is why we held this webinar. The official state ceremonies draw no anti-racist or anti-fascist conclusions.

29 January 2025

Demonstration 9.30 am Friday 31 January, The Old Bailey

My ‘Crime’ is Supporting Palestinian Resistance While the British State Aids Israel’s Genocide

Hillary Clinton: "we created the problem we are fighting today" | How the US created al-Qaeda

On December 20 2023 I was arrested in a dawn raid at my home by officers of Counter-Terrorism Police SE. Their logo states that their objective is to counter terrorism but today it is to criminalise support for liberation movements and anti-colonial struggles – be they in Palestine or Kurdistan.

My first reaction on being told I was being arrested for a tweet I had posted a month previously was ‘this is Orwellian’ .  At first I was led to believe that I was being prosecuted under s.12(1A) of the Terrorism Act 2000‘expressing an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organisation’.

Now I understand the prosecution is under s.12(1) of the Terrorism Act 2000

This is a blatant attempt to criminalise support for any anti-colonial or resistance organisation of the oppressed. Israel is in an illegal occupation of Gaza, as it has been for 58 years but any expression for armed resistance against Israel’s military and genocidal violence is a criminal offence.

We only have to remember when Margaret Thatcher called the ANC a terrorist organisation to know that none of this is new. There has always been an attempt by governments to brand armed opposition ‘terrorist’. The Nazis called the French and Czech resistance ‘terrorist’.

As Professor John Dugard KC, a distinguished South Africa International Lawyer and ad-hoc judge of the International Court of Justice said:

Terrorism is an emotive word that has no place in the assessment of the conduct of either a government or a resistance movement. One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist. Few would today label members of the French resistance in World War II as “terrorist” and most would have no hesitation in describing the Nazi forces as “terrorist”. Yet today most western states refrain from describing the acts of government forces as acts of terror but have no hesitation in so describing the acts of resistance movements and other non-state actors.

The Central Criminal Court 'The Old Bailey'

The use of proscription, be it against Hamas or the PKK, the Kurdish Workers Party is an attempt to shut down free speech on support for groups that the British government does not approve of for political reasons. It has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

We all know what terrorism is. It is the planting of a bomb in July 2017 that killed 22 young people at the Manchester Arena Ariana Grande Concert or the attack by ISIS on the Bataclan concert in Paris that murdered some 100 people.

But here’s the rub. Salman Abedi was allowed to go to fight with Libyan jihadi groups in the fight against Colonel Gaddaffis’s government by MI5.  ISIS which carried out the Bataclan attacks didn’t even exist before Britain and the United States illegal attack on Iraq.

The ‘terrorism’ that is used as a pretext to attack domestic support for the resistance organisations of the oppressed has in most cases been created by western foreign policy. Hilary Clinton admitted that it was US policy of supporting Jihadi fighters in Afghanistan which created Al Qaeda.  Every time that the British and American states have employed far-right Islamist fighters to take out regimes they don’t like there has been blow back.

And today we see the blow back in terms of our own rights and civil liberties. It is not me, Natalie Strecker, Sarah Wilkinson or Asa Winstanley or Richard Medhurst, all of whom have had their homes raided, computer equipment stolen and been arrested and/or charged (except for Asa) accused of supporting terrorism. That accolade belongs to the British government and the intelligence agencies.

That is what my trial and the trial of all the other people who have been arrested is about.  And that is why you should join me on Friday January 31 outside the Central Criminal Court, the Old Bailey, in London.

The government has even attempted to roll back the right of jurors, derived from the 1670 case of Edward Bushells, to deliver a verdict contrary to a judge’s directions and in accordance with their conscience with the arrest of Trudy Warner and others who had the temerity to inform jurors of their right.

In other words the right of juries to do justice rather than to follow the conservative interpretation of the law that one can expect from the most exclusive profession in Britain, i.e. Judges. See Solicitor general to appeal over case of climate activist who held sign on jurors’ rights

Tony Greenstein

28 January 2025

Ali Abunimah, Editor of Electronic Intifada, kidnapped by the Goons of Switzerland’s Secret Police, has now been freed

 During the War, Switzerland Turned Away Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany - It Even Insisted that the Nazis Put ‘J' on the Passports of German Jews

The kidnapping of Ali Abunimah on the streets of Zurich by the Swiss Gestapo is no surprise. Switzerland has a history of authoritarianism. In Europe today freedom of speech is under attack in a way not seen since before World War II.

Ali described what happened in an article he wrote on the plane to Istanbul:

I was abducted off the street around 1:30pm on Saturday while on my way to the Palestine teach-in by undercover agents, handcuffed, forced into an unmarked car and sped straight to the prison. My “crime”? Being a journalist who speaks up for Palestine and against Israel’s genocide and settler-colonial savagery and those who aid and abet it.

As Ali says:

Speaking out for Palestine is not a crime! Standing against racist genocidal Zionism is not a crime! Say it with me ‘From the River to the Sea Palestine Will Be Free!’

It is a little known fact that even the Nazis hesitated to mark the passports of German Jews. It was Heinrich Rothmund, the Head of the Swiss Police, who insisted that the Nazis mark the passports of Jews with a ‘J'. After all how could the Swiss immigration authorities tell who was a Jew and who wasn’t when it came to turning back refugees from Germany?  What the good burghers of the Alpine country didn’t want was an influx of German Jewish refugees.

Switzerland was an ostensibly neutral country, the only one apart from Sweden that wasn’t invaded, but in practice it was pro-Nazi and performed many valuable financial tasks for the Nazi state. Swiss banks were happy to accept the deposits of German Jewish citizens as well as much of the loot that the Nazis stole from their victims, but they were less keen to disgorge their ill-gotten gains after the war.

In the ‘Sinister Face of Neutrality’ subtitled ‘The Role of Swiss Financial Institutions in the Plunder of European Jewry’ the role of Switzerland in acting as a safe haven for stolen Jewish and other assets is described:

Switzerland served as a repository for Jewish capital smuggled out of Nazi Germany and the states threatened by it, and also for vast quantities of gold and other valuables plundered from Jews and others all over Europe. Right up until the end of the war, Switzerland laundered hundreds of millions of dollars in stolen assets, including gold taken from the central banks of German-occupied Europe. At the war's end Switzerland successfully resisted Allied calls to restitute these funds, and in the Washington Agreement of 1946 the Allies contented themselves with acceptance of a mere 12% of the stolen gold. Holocaust survivors and the heirs of those who perished met an implacable wall of bureaucracy and only a handful managed to reclaim their assets.

In Swiss found culpable of 'helping Nazis we learn that

A report by an independent inquiry into Switzerland's second world war history concludes that Swiss officials "helped the Nazi regime achieve its goals" by closing the country's borders to thousands of Jewish refugees, effectively sending them back to near certain death.

The findings of the multinational Independent Commission of Experts, led by a Swiss historian, Jean-François Bergier, and established by the Swiss parliament three years ago, have shaken Switzerland's prim view of itself as an unsullied, neutral, safe-haven that resisted Nazi oppression.

The report concludes that the authorities knew by the summer of 1942 that Jewish refugees arriving at the country's borders faced almost certain death when they were turned back.

"Even after they were informed about the unbelievable and unimaginable events taking place, the federal authorities - like the governments of most other states - made few changes in their policies regarding refugees. Most frequently, neutral states demonstrated indifference and passivity or attempted to accommodate the Nazi system."

Raul Hilberg's description in Destruction of the European Jews of the Swiss role in German Jews Having Their Passports Stamped with a 'J'

I wrote in my book about how the International Committee of the Red Cross refused to provide any protection for Jews since they had accepted the Nazi designation of them as stateless and common criminals.  The official history of the War Refugee Board noted that;

The Board also appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross time and again to take direct and aggressive action to obtain humanitarian treatment for the helpless minorities being persecuted so viciously by the Germans. For many months, however, request after request from the Board met with the answer that the Germans would not permit the proposed action.

According to ICRC President Max Huber they could not be seen to be ‘intruding into the domestic policy’ of the Nazis.’

There were discussions throughout August 1942 about the murder of Jewish civilians yet at the ICRC executive of 14 October 1942 the pro-Nazi former foreign minister of Switzerland, Philip Etter, ‘opposed even the anodyne Huber draft’ calling for the humane treatment of civilians, not even Jews, ‘arguing that it could be interpreted as a violation of neutrality.’ Etter’s view prevailed.

In the Netherlands the Dutch Red Cross made no effort to communicate with deported Jews ‘although it did send a fully equipped ambulance to the Eastern front ‘to comfort the Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers fighting there.’

The Dutch historian, Louis de Jong, condemned the ICRC for its ‘almost total lack of concern for the Jews’ disasters.’

Tony Greenstein

25 January 2025

Israeli Terror in the Jenin & the West Bank Attracts No Criticism from Western Leaders

Go Fund Me Has Frozen Donations to the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre in Response to Israel’s Attacks on Jenin – all Palestine solidarity Activists Should Boycott GFM

For nearly five years, from April 2020 until the present day, The Brighton Trust has run a crowdfunder on the Go Fund Me platform for the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre in Jenin. In fact we have been raising money for the Centre since December 2018.

It made sense originally to transfer our haphazard appeals to a Crowdfunder and GFM seemed as good as any. In that time we have raised over £65,000 of which GFM took approximately 3%.

In recent years all payments from the crowdfunder have gone via PayPal’s charitable arm. It was a convenient and simple way of raising money. For nearly 5 years the appeal ran without a hitch.

Indeed the major problem we had in the past year or so was transferring money to the Centre. Originally we had done this via Western Union but since Israel smashed up their offices in Jenin this had not been possible. We were relying on couriers at one stage.

Go Fund Me is a billion dollar American corporation and I was under no illusions that one day it might pull the plug. This is exactly what has happened. Fortunately I made preparations for what might happen by taking care to collect donors emails.

On 5 January 25, out of the Blue, ‘The GFM team’ sent me an email which couldn’t even get my name right. It was clearly disingenuous. It began thanking me ‘for your efforts to help those affected by the conflict in the Middle East.’ Jenin is under occupation by the Israeli state. It is not part of a ‘conflict’ in the Middle East.

The email then said that ‘Due to recent developments within the region’ presumably Israel’s Genocide in Gaza,

we’re carefully reviewing fundraisers related to this conflict. This is an important step to help ensure fundraisers are in compliance with all applicable laws and strictly enforced policies from our payment partners and our Terms of Service.

A totally meaningless word salad.

‘Because of this, we’ve temporarily placed your fundraiser under review as we gather more information on your plan to help those abroad. [their emphasis] During this review, although transfers from your fundraiser are paused, your fundraiser remains visible to the public and can continue to receive new donations.

In other words it would continue to accept money but it wouldn’t pay it out. It gave no reason for freezing our funds.

The email then proceeded to ask a series of questions, the answers to most of which they already had when I set up  the Crowdfunder and some of which were none of their business. A clue to the real purpose of the attack on the Crowdfunder was in the additional question which asked:

‘if the funds raised will be used for exit/evacuation purposes, please also provide the following:

A detailed plan on how the funds will be used to ensure a secure departure out of Gaza. If available, please include the full names of any known coordinators, organizations, travel agents/agencies, or regions that may be involved in the passage.

It finished off by saying that ‘To complete our review, we need a direct response from you as soon as possible.’  The following day I sent an answer to their questions, with an accompanying message

I have now drawn up my response to your email.  In view of the genocide taking place in Gaza (please don't play with words) and the settler and military terror that has descended on the West Bank in the past year, which is entirely to do with settlers wanting to displace the native Palestinians, I find it difficult to judge your email in a neutral manner.

Your email has a hidden agenda and is not simply an information seeking exercise. Nonetheless I have supplied all the info that you requested.

Back came a response from ‘Brad’ of GFM Team asking a further set of questions and completely ignoring my response to the first set of questions. It talked about keeping your account safe when the only people endangering it were GFM.

‘Brad’ asked for Al Tafawk’s ‘beneficial ownership structure’ and If any individuals have a 25% stake or greater in the organization, please also provide their full legal name.’  As if the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre was some piece of real estate in Manhattan rather than a wobbly building in the middle of a refugee camp. What possible reason would GFM have for asking this kind of information unless they were passing it on to the Israelis or their American sponsors? 

GFM clearly had a hidden agenda which they were intent on not revealing. I responded refusing to answer their stupid and illiterate questions. Instead I made it clear that Jenin is under military occupation. It is not a sleepy town in America’s mid-West. Normal civil society norms don’t pertain in such a situation.

By this time I had decided that GFM were highly unlikely to restore the Crowdfunder and even if they did I wasn’t sure we wanted to continue with this racist US Corporate Scum.  So I set up a new Crowdfunder with Chuffed, which I encourage people to contribute to. The situation in Jenin is not good. Whether there will even be a children’s centre to go back to after Israel has finished what it is doing in the Jenin Refugee Camp is open to question.

Three times in the past three years Israel has entered the Al Tafawk Centre and wrecked it. The first time was in July 2021, (see Question asked about this in the House of Lords). The second time was in November 2023 and the third time more recently when it also cut the power cables to the Centre in order to ensure that the children would freeze in the winter.

It has been very difficult to find out the exact situation in Jenin and in particular the Al Tafawk Centre. I have had messages from the headteacher Mona at the Centre, who along with her family has been evicted from her home.

On Mon, 20 Jan 2025 at 10:45, Mona wrote: 

Dear Tony 

Didnt hear from you since awhile hope u are ok. Here the situation is more and more strict from both sides ! The Israeli helicopters  over us all the time ready to bomb ! We are still able to be in the center in the mornings  

Again hope you are ok 

Wednesday 22 January 2025  

The words couldnt really describe the horrible situation we are facing here…. Hundreds of people cant survive inside the camp  

My father is missed from yesterday … we are here taking people and children who kicked from the camp 

Mater is Arrested" 

Thu 23 Jan, 04:35

Dear Tony 

I cant go to the bank right now! People are kicked from the camp ! They arrested all the men nacked for unknown places and we as women and children collected and stay in one place ! As now the center is still standing ! I gave karen my sister number if something bad happen to me ! But be sure the center is still there ! WE NEED YOUR VOICE TO SHOUT FOR ALL OF US TONY. WE are facing things we never believed could happen .


Fri 24 Jan, 11:35

Tony sadly the news is very bad 

We are (the families surround the camp) kicked from homes but we are not allowed to go farther about 200 people don't have a place. But there are a lot familes and children inside and use the center 

Thank you very much we cant reach the bank right now . Things are really horrible. We lost the connection with my father .

While we were walking outside we had to be each 5 people together and made picture for each one and then they arrested randomly or   

Send us to a place they decide.


11:38 25 Jan 25

Yesterday Mona informed me via WhatsApp that her family was forcibly evicted from their home in the Jenin Camp as part of the current IDF operation in Jenin. Mona's father is now missing. Her brother has been arrested. 

Today Mona informed me that she and her family are in a 'safer place' near the camp, so presumably outside the camp itself. Mona said that she herself is "very sick" but she didn't go into detail. Possibly from all the stress.

So it is uncertain whether Mona and her family will be able to return to the camp, let alone reopen her Children's Centre. I hope you can help her in some way to give her some hope of opening her Centre again, if not in Jenin then somewhere else in Palestine.

Mona Jalamnh

16:26 25th January 2025

Dear Tony 

I got inflammation from the gaze when we were going out side the camp . The situation is more than awful . There are too much people couldn't go out with us cause the ways are horrible so we lost connection with the families who are inside . I am staying near by the camp and we are not allowed to move farther . We called the ambulance to move me to hospital but sadly they are not allowed to come to the place me and my family . I didn't expect  this . I will update you. We are here moving from home to other home with the children and women .who could leave with us

See my articles in Al Jazeera

Why did Israel raid and wreck a children’s centre in Jenin? – 5 July 2021

Palestinian children in the West Bank are also under attack – 14 Nov 2023


Today the situation in Jenin is horrendous as you can gauge from the articles below.

Hundreds flee Jenin amid Israel’s deepening West Bank crackdown

At least 10 killed, dozens wounded in Israeli attacks across Jenin

Security operations in Jenin put spotlight on Palestinian Authority


It is clear that with the advent of the Trump Presidency Netanyahu and his far-right government intend to proceed to not only the annexation of the West Bank but a policy of subjugation and ethnic cleansing. Settler terror, aided and abetted by the Israeli army, is the rule now in the West Bank. Trump has withdrawn even the pathetically puny sanctions on violent settlers that Biden imposed.

How this plays out with ‘normalisation’ with the Saudi regime is anyone’s guess but I suspect that in the end we can rely on Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed Bin Salman to sell the Palestinians out. The Saud’s have no loyalty except to the American dollar.

Jenin was first softened up by the Quisling Palestinian Authority forces, which are funded by the West. It is a disgrace that Britain’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign has refused so far to call them out for what they are. The Anti-Apartheid Movement in this country never failed to call out a similar force in South Africa under Apartheid, Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s Inkatha Freedom Party which also attacked the liberation movement.

Although we are now in Phase 1 of the ceasefire it is highly unlikely that it will proceed to Phases 2 and 3. Netanyahu has already promised the fascist and ‘proud homophobe’ Bezalel Smotrich, the Finance Minister and Gauleiter of the West Bank, and his Religious Zionism party, that war in Gaza will be resumed. Zionism is now off the leash and it is clear that by themselves the Palestinians are not strong enough to throw them back, despite the magnificent resistance in Gaza to date which has resulted in a situation whereby the resistance forces and Hamas are now estimated to be as strong today as they were 15 months ago.

Israel is the only state in the world not to have defined borders. We saw what that meant with the fall of Assad when Israel promptly invaded Syria, grabbing more land and bombing Syrian forces  All of which happened without one word of criticism from the West’s leaders who only wake up when, as happened on October 7th, the Palestinians strike back.

Vladimir Jabotinsky - founder of the Revisionist Zionist movement

But if it was Syria today then we can be sure that if Israel succeeds in ethnically cleansing the Palestinians of the West Bank or subduing them that the Jordanian border will be the next place where Israel will feel bound to exercise its ‘right to self-defence’. After all the original slogan of the Revisionist Zionists was ‘the West Bank is ours and the East Bank too.’

It is long overdue for the Arab working class and the Arab street to wake up and remove the corrupt and repressive leaders of their countries who have squandered their oil wealth propping up the economy of the United States and the West.

Tony Greenstein