Zionism is not
a ‘euphemism’ for Jews – it is a Synonym for an Apartheid Society based on
Jewish Supremacy & Systematic Racial Discrimination

One of the quainter customs which Israel has inherited from its European past
is the pogrom. A pogrom is where members of the majority community organise a
riot and attack members of the minority. In Czarist Russia these were common
and thousands of Jews died until the Bolsheviks made it a capital offence. The
name of Kishinev was
infamous until the Nazi atrocities dwarfed it. It is one of the reasons that
there are 300,000 and not 50,000 Jews in Britain.
In South Tel Aviv where the majority of Israel’s 40,000 Black African
refugees live there is a constant war of attrition from the ‘poor White’ Misrahi
Jews that live there. In 2012 ‘Culture’ Minister Miri Regev and her far-Right
friends entered for a racist rally against asylum seekers and provoked
a pogrom with their incitement. For this of course they have never been punished.
Raed Salah however, leader of the now banned Northern Muslim League has
been repeatedly
gaoled for ‘racial incitement’. Israel’s ‘anti-racist’ laws are only ever
used against the victims of racism. There have been numerous other attacks such
as the murder
of a lone Eritrean refugee in the Beer Sheva bus depot for which his attackers
were given community
service. You see his attackers thought he was an Arab terrorist (he wasn’t
White) which in Israel is an understandable mistake to make. Or there are the attacks
by the government funded Lehava on Arabs suspected of the crime of dating Jewish
women in Jerusalem.
But it’s not simply individual Israelis who are guilty of racism. It is the Israeli state that sets the
example. Ha’aretz reported that the Israeli state, having
deducted 2.5% from Palestinian workers to pay for a Sick Fund, rarely if ever
paid the monies out.
Kav La’oved, a non-Zionist workers organisation obtained an injunction
forbidding the Israeli state simply giving the money back to the employer. As even Histadrut, the Zionist union said,
“The workers are entitled to some of the
accumulated funds, because although they were insured with the sick pay fund,
in fact it was almost impossible for them to receive any sick pay,” the
Histadrut said.
reported that:
Until the beginning of 2019
employers automatically set aside 2.5 percent of their Palestinian
workers’ wages for a “sick pay fund,” run by Israel's Population and
Immigration Authority. But the process of receiving sick pay is much longer and
more complicated for Palestinians than for their Israeli counterparts. The
requests are usually filed only for serious diseases and injuries and require
an intricate labyrinth of administrative and medical permits. Only rarely is
the sum paid in full.
This is, of course, the reality of a system whereby workers living under
Occupation have no rights whatsoever.
Arbitrary deductions are made from their wages for a sick fund that
never pays out. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Ha’aretz reports that the Ein Hanya spring was
recently opened in Southern Jerusalem however the Police stipulated that it was
only ‘on the explicit condition that
Palestinians not be allowed to enter the site.’ And course this is
completely reasonable you may think. After all what is a Jewish state for if it
can’t even keep Arabs out of swimming pools and natural springs.
So the Spring was kept under heavy guard by the police and Border Police,
who even closed the road leading to Palestinian towns. Hundreds of Israelis
visited the site. Previously residents of the neighboring Palestinian village
of Al-Walaja regularly visited it, thus it
was enjoyed by both Israelis and Palestinians for years before Israel decided
to turn it into an official park.
The spring was officially inaugurated as a tourism site two years ago,
but its opening has been repeatedly delayed, for two reasons. One was a dispute
over whether entry fees should be charged. The other was the police’s demand
that Palestinians not be allowed to enter.
What kind of democracy is it, you may ask, where the Police can stipulate
that one section of the population is barred from a social and recreational
facility? Does anywhere come to mind?
Ha’aretz also reported that
have also demanded that the Ein Yael checkpoint be moved farther south, so that
it would separate Palestinian towns from the spring. The estimated cost of
moving the checkpoint is 12 million shekels ($3.4 million).’
A small price you might think for making the spring Arabrein (after the
Nazi Judenrein).
Now as readers will be aware, in a state based on racial supremacy it is vital
that a strict demarcation line be drawn between the Herrenvolk (master race)
and the Untermenschen (lower races). Fortunately, despite the ability of
non-Jews to convert to Judaism, Israel’s Conversion Authority have wisely
decided to exclude Palestinians.
Yes I know some of you may feel squeamish about this and even call it
racist, but it really isn’t. In Hungary and Slovakia during the war, we had the
phenomenon of Jews queuing up to convert to Christianity and thus thwart the
efforts of the regime to classify them as Jews fit for deportation. Unfortunately it rarely worked as the Nazis,
like the Israeli regime, were not fooled by Jews suddenly wishing to become
Christians. Likewise Israel’s
authorities are not fooled by Palestinians wishing to become Jews. They are fully aware of the real reasons
behind such religious ardour.
It is therefore gratifying to
learn that Rabbi Yitzhak Peretz, director of the Israeli government’s
Conversion Authority explained that
‘Israel’s authority handling
conversions to Judaism rejects Palestinian applicants without review because of
their ethnic origin, its head said.’
during a discussion at the State Control Committee of the Knesset, the
Israeli parliament. Foreigners have to apply to the Special Cases Panel of the
Conversion Authority.
threshold requirements are that applicants be sincere and that they are not
foreign workers; infiltrators; Palestinian or illegally in the country.”
Now dear
reader, you probably believe that there is no mention in the Talmud or the
Torah of these exceptions. Of course
historically as long as the individual was honest and sincere and willing to
undergo he conversion process, s/he would be accepted as Jewish.
But in
Israel things are not so simple. Being Jewish is not a religious but a racial
characteristic, much like it was in Nazi Germany. And in Nazi Germany, once a
Jew always a Jew, so someone whose parents had converted freely to Christianity
50 years previously was still a Jew or a Mishlinge (half or quarter Jew). Hence in Germany and in Hungary you had the
phenomenon of Christian Jews – Jewish by race, Christian by religion.
Similarly in
Israel. If you are a foreign worker, brought into the country to perform menial
labour, then you must understand you have no rights however long you are in the
country. Why? Because you are living in a Jewish state.
Of course
there is always a temptation to convert amongst the Palestinians given all
those privileges that you are entitled to if you are Jewish. But if every Palestinian could convert where
would Israel be? It would have no one to
discriminate against. Before long we would have an equal society and that would
mean no ‘Jewish’ State.
your immigration status must have a bearing on your motive in wanting to
convert. For example your children will be able to have a good education in a
Jewish school rather than an under funded Arab one. You will be able to live in
hundreds of Jewish communities if you are Jewish. Quite rightly Rabbi Peretz
has seen through all of this.
And as if to
prove what I say is true, Ha’aretz reports that an
Indian born couple, Tina
and Minin Lopez, who came to Israel 12 years ago to work as nurses, were
detained alongside their 7-year-old daughter Eliana and their one-year-old
baby. You see it is irrelevant if you were born in Israel. Unlike many countries
being born in Israel confers no rights on you. What matters is your ethnicity –
being Jewish.
Ha’aretz reports that Immigration
Authority inspectors broke into the home of the Lopez family in south Tel Aviv
and detained them along with their seven-year-old daughter Eliana, who attends
school in Tel Aviv, and their one-year-old toddler.
Yes I know some of you will be saying
that at least the toddler is innocent but that really is besides the
point. The fact is that he is not Jewish
and he along with his sister are trying to stay in a land reserved for Jews.
We are told that the arrest comes amid a ‘wide crackdown on migrant workers throughout Israel.’ Now you know
why Theresa May, with her ‘hostile environment policy’ had such a fondness for Israel.
People have to understand that Israel is no ordinary country. It is a Jewish ethnic state and no matter how
long you have lived and worked in the country you are not Jewish. Apparently
the Immigration Authority came under fire in recent weeks for arresting two
Filipino, Israeli-born children as they prepared to go to school.
Thirteen-year-old Gena Antigo and 10-year-old Ralph Harel were released
on a $8,510 bail each after an appeals court ruled that their
arrests and the decision to deport them and their mothers were wrong because the minors' welfare was not
taken into consideration. Just as in Britain, sometimes the courts are too
soft-hearted for their own goods.
However you will be happy to know that ‘Justice Minister’ Ayelet Shaked
has instituted
a crackdown on do gooder judges and slowly the Supreme Court is being
stacked with settler judges like Noam Sohlberg who will
have no truck with this liberal nonsense about human rights.
As Ayelet has often reminded people, when there is a conflict between
national i.e. Zionist considerations and universal concepts of human rights
then the latter must give way. Or as the Jewish National Fund once put it, Jewish
people haven’t dreamed of a democratic state but a Jewish state for 2,000
The court also ruled that minors under the age of 12 should receive a
hearing before a decision is made to deport them. 1,000 students, teachers and parents
demonstrated outside of Givon Prison against the detention Antigo and Harel. This makes you want
to despair. Clearly some Israelis don’t
understand that a Jewish state can’t afford to just let any old non-Jew stay in
the state.
Demonstrators held signs reading: "We won't let them deport Gena," "They're children just like
us" and "No evil in our
schools." I can imagine the
despair on Ayelet and Netanyahu’s faces.
No their children are not
just like us. For one they are not
Jewish. They don’t even have Jewish
souls, which is a very important factor in the after life. As Eli Dahan, the
former Deputy Minister of Defence said,
even gay Jews have higher souls than non-Jews.
Of course there are some racists and anti-Semites like that Corbyn fellow
who oppose the world’s only Jewish state.
These kind of people would probably have opposed the world’s only Aryan
state or the world’s only White Christian state (South Africa). Clearly they
are nothing more than degenerate left-wingers and communists.
Fortunately the BBC’s Tory Laura Kuensberg and the rest of the media
recognise a racist when they see one and no, I was not referring to Boris
Tony Greenstein
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