16.5.2018 0:01
Below is an article written on the anniversary of the Romani Uprising in
Auschwitz. The bourgeois media treats the Holocaust as a Jewish only affair because
the Holocaust has been transformed into an ideological weapon. The Holocaust is
employed in the service of Zionism and Britain’s relationship with Israel and
the United States. The Gypsies unlike Jews are still in much the same ways as
they were before the Hitler era and that is why, at best, they are a footnote
in the Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations.
For example Matteo
Salvini, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister, on coming into office proposed a
census of Roma with the purpose of deporting those who were not Italians. Far-right
Italy minister vows 'action' to expel thousands of Roma
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The contents page of John Mann's Guide to Dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour - Travellers were given as an example with Neighbours from Hell |
If those alleging that the Labour Party is ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’ were sincerely opposed to racism then
you would expect they would throw their arms up in horror at attacks on Gypsies
and Roma, who were killed in similar proportions to the Jews in the Holocaust.
Instead one of the leading protagonists John Mann issued a vile ‘Handbook
on anti-social behaviour’ in Bassetlaw. Its Contents helpfully listed examples
of anti-social behaviour and hazards to civilised life, such as alcohol, graffiti,
rubbish and neighbours from hell were Travellers.
Up and down
the country Labour Councils have persecuted Gypsies and Travellers. Nor is it
just Labour Councils. The Tories have been
even worse. Prime amongst them these
racists was Lord Eric Pickles, Chairman of the Conservative Friends of Israel. When Pickles was Communities Secretary he provided
half the £12m funding Basildon Council needed in order to evict hundreds of
Travellers from Dale Farm in 2011. See Lord
Eric Pickles – Why is this Racist Bigot Britain’s Special Envoy on Holocaust
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An SS man handling a Roma woman with an iron bar |
Indeed almost all of the proponents of fake Labour ‘anti-Semitism’
have records of attacks on asylum seekers and Islamaphobia. As I have repeatedly
detailed Tom Watson has one of the worst records when it comes to racism.
Not only did he back racist Labour MP ‘poor Phil’ Woolas to the hilt when the the
High Court removed him as an MP in 2011 for a campaign based around ‘making the
white folk angry’ but he was the Campaigns
Organiser for Liam Byrne in the 2004 by-election in Birmingham Hodge Hill. In The ghost of Enoch Nick Cohen described the gay bashing, racist campaign that
Watson ran when ‘Labour reshuffled the pack and played the race card’
against the Lib Dems.’ One Labour leaflet carried the slogan: "Labour is
on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers."

Former City banker Byrne told the voters,
'The Lib Dems want to keep giving welfare benefits to failed
asylum seekers. They voted for this in Parliament on 1 March 2004. They want
your money -and mine - to go to failed asylum seekers.'
If this isn’t playing the race card it is
difficult to know what is.
Of course the media isn’t interested in this
or indeed in any other form of racism. Anti-asylum seeker stories are their
bread and butter. Only ‘anti-Semitism’ concerns them. Why?
Because it is tied to British foreign policy interests, the special
relationship with the United States and support for Israel.

Below is part of the hidden history of the Holocaust.
The Gypsy revolt in Auschwitz in 1944 when the Nazis moved to terminate the
gypsy camp that had been set up there to deceive the Red Cross.
It’s a history that the Holocaust Memorial Day
ignores because it doesn’t fit in with the deployment of the Holocaust as a
propaganda weapon. That is why there are no Gypsy or Traveller representatives
on the Committee that organises the Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations.
Tony Greenstein
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Auschwitz (PHOTO: Gabriela Hrabaňová) |
On 16 May 1944, in the concentration camp at Auschwitz, something
completely extraordinary occurred: Romani
people imprisoned in the so-called "Gypsy Camp" there rebelled
against the SS. This historical event is still almost unknown in the Czech
Republic, but 16 May is becoming more and more popular worldwide as Romani
Resistance Day.
What happened in Auschwitz on 16 May? News server Romea.cz publishes below in full translation a never-before published study by
historian Michal Schuster that describes the Romani uprising there.
"Gypsy Family Camp" in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp,
The year 1944 can simply be called the closing phase of the so-called
"Final Solution to the Gypsy question" in Nazi-occupied Europe,
including on the territory of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. After
transporting most Roma to the Auschwitz complex during 1943, smaller transports
there took place during 1944. On 16 May 1944 the first attempt to annihilate
all the members of the so-called "Gypsy Camp" at Auschwitz-Birkenau
took place and was prevented by an uprising of the prisoners there. The most
tragic event did finally take place and the camp and its inhabitants were
entirely destroyed at the beginning of August 1944.
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Labour Right-winger Lukey Stanger described Travellers as a 'nasty blight on communities' |
attempt to destroy the "Gypsy Camp" and the Romani prisoners'
The commander of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, ordered at the beginning of
1944 the acceleration of the work already underway in one section of Birkenau,
primarily the construction of ramps and the rails for the three-rail branch of
the Oświęcim-Katowice railway line, which led to Crematorium I and Crematorium
II. The commander of all the crematoria, SS Otto Moll, had to ensure, during
the course of one week, repairs to all the crematoria, completion of the
construction of the buildings, and the start of new construction, as well as
the erection of several rooms where the prisoners were stripped near the
repaired Bunker II and behind Crematorium V. The prisoners also dug two big
pits for burning corpses.1
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Romani girl looking out from deportation train |
All of the preparations were performed in order to receive a transport
of Jews from Hungary. Those new prisoners who were labeled capable of work
during the selection would need accommodation, so the highest SS command at the
main camp decided on 15 May 1944 to kill everyone in the "Gypsy Family
Camp". That would free up space in all of camp B-II-e for more of the Jews
from Hungary. 2
The final action was to have been performed on the evening of 16 May,
when the gong was rung announcing a ban on leaving the camp (the so-called Lagersperre)
and it was closed. Trucks drove up and parked in front of the gate to the camp;
50 -60 members of a special SS commando unit jumped out of them and called on
the prisoners to quickly leave the residential blocks. Inside the blocks,
however, a tense silence prevailed and the prisoners refused to come out,
barricading the doors and desperately preparing to defend themselves with rocks
and work tools. The members of the SS commando unit were startled by this
disobedience and their commander decided to postpone the action.3
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SS Men at Auschwitz |
Romani Holocaust survivor Hugo Höllenreiner (born 1933 in Munich), who
was deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp with his family in 1943, later
recalled those moments of resistance as follows: "There were about seven or eight men,
definitely, who came to the gate. Dad shouted out - the whole building trembled
when he shouted: 'We're not coming out!
You come in here! We're waiting here! If you want something, you have to come
inside!' "4
Luke Stanger deploying 'antisemitism' as a weapon against the only Black woman candidate in Brighton & Hove's council elections - to its shame the Labour Party suspended her and lost the election |
The entire event was described in a report by Tadeusz Joachimowski
a former Polish political prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp who was assigned
to be a "scribe" (a writer) in the "Gypsy Camp", as
follows: "The last commander of the
Gypsy Camp and the current rapportführer [reporting officer] was Bonigut.6
He was probably from Yugoslavia. He disagreed with the approaches and tactics
of the SS. He was a very good person.
On 15 May 1944 he came after me and said
things looked bad for the Gypsy Camp. An order had been issued to destroy it
and had reportedly already received confirmation from the political department
through Dr Mengele. The Gypsy Camp was to be destroyed and its crew killed
using gas. There were roughly 6 500 Gypsies in the camp at that time.
entrusted me with informing those Gypsies whom I trusted about what was ahead.
He asked me to warn them so they would not go like sheep to the slaughter. He
also told me that the signal for the beginning of the action would be the Lagersperre
and that the Gypsies should not leave their barracks. Bonigut himself warned
several Gypsies of the action. I also (secretly) performed this task. The next
day at around 7 PM I heard the gong announcing the Lagersperre. Automobiles
drove up in front of the Gypsy Camp and 50 - 60 SS men armed with machine guns
got out of them. They immediately surrounded the buildings where the Gypsies
lived. Some SS members entered this residential area shouting 'Los, los'. There
was total calm in the barracks. The Gypsies, armed with handcuffs, knives,
shovels and stones, waited to see what would happen. They did not leave the
barracks. The SS members were appalled and left themselves. After a brief
consultation, they went to find the Blockführerstube [the commander of that
block] in order to inform the commander of the action. After some time I heard
a whistle. The SS men who were surrounding the barracks left their positions,
got back in the automobiles, and drove away. The closure of the camp was
lifted. On the next day (17 May 1944), Lagerführer Bonigut came to me and said
the Gypsies were rescued, for now...".7
While there was no open clash between the Romani prisoners and the SS
members, this event played a significant role. It decidedly was not the habit
in the concentration camps for the prisoners to resist a planned, prepared
action en masse right before it was to be undertaken. There is absolutely no
doubt that the armed SS commando could have suppressed this act of resistance,
but decided not to go into an open confrontation with the prisoners and
preferred to achieve their aims in another way. This event is unequivocally an
uprising and occupies a significant place in the tragic history of the
Holocaust of the European Roma.
In the so-called "Gypsy Camp" at Birkenau there were
approximately 6 500 prisoners, half of whom were subsequently put into
quarantine in the main camp, some at the end of May and start of June, others
at the start of August 1944.8 They included prisoners from Bohemia,
Germany, and Poland.9
destruction of the "Gypsy Camp" at Birkenau
About 10 000 women from Hungary then arrived at the "Gypsy
Camp" and were accommodated in the odd-numbered blocks, while the Romani
prisoners were put on the even-numbered side. They moved a second time into the
rear half of the camp when men from Hungary arrived and were put in the front
section of the camp. In July 1944, Himmler decided to destroy the rest of the
"Gypsy Camp".10 On the morning of 1 August, those
prisoners fit for work were supposed to report for transport elsewhere, and
Antonín Absolon-Růžička (born 30 September 1930 in the Moravian village of
Mistřín) took advantage of the opportunity.11 He later recalled: "One day in summer when I heard on the grounds12
that a new transport was leaving and lining up at the gate, I ran out
there, naked, fleeing the blocks and heading for the canteen. I met my sister
Jana on the way. She asked where I was running to and I told her I wanted to
leave with the transport. She started to persuade me not to leave, saying we
two were the only ones left, that I should stay with her. All I know is that I
told her I had to go. I didn't even say good-bye I was in such a
On the next day, 2 August 1944, the final transports to the
concentration camps of Buchenwald and Ravensbrück were put together out of all
the female and male prisoners fit for work from the "Gypsy Camp".
There were 918 boys and men sent to Buchenwald, of whom 151 had Protectorate
citizenship. At the Buchenwald concentration camp, thanks to these transports
from Auschwitz, the number of Romani and Sinti prisoners almost doubled.14
The Ravensbrück transports included 490 female prisoners. Unfortunately, it is
no longer possible to determine their state or territorial citizenship.15 Nevertheless, women from the Protectorate
were certainly among them.
Through these six work transports, these female and male prisoners left
the camp at Birkenau for good, because at the time the so-called "Gypsy
Family Camp" was about to be destroyed and the fate of its remaining
prisoners had been decided.16
After their departure, only the elderly, mothers with children and the
fathers who didn't want to leave their families, and orphans remained in the
"Gypsy Camp". During the late night of 2 August and the early morning
hours of 3 August the block was closed (Blocksperre) and the 2 897 children,
elderly people, the infirm and women were taken in trucks to the courtyard of
Crematorium V. There their unexpected resistance had to be broken, after which
they were herded into the gas chambers.17
Those horrible moments were described by a member of the so-called
Special Division (Sonderkommando), Filip Müller (born 1922 in the Slovak town
of Sered'): "The room for removing
clothing was stuffed full of people by midnight. The anxiety was growing minute
by minute... desperate cries could be heard from all sides, accusations,
lamentations, remorse. The voices called out in chorus: 'We are Germans of the Reich! We've done
nothing wrong!' From elsewhere could be heard: 'We want to live! Why do you want to kill
us?'... The liquidation proceeded as usual. Moll and his aides unlocked the
safeties on their pistols and rifles and uncompromisingly called on those who
had taken their clothes off to leave the room and go into the three spaces where
they would be poisoned with gas. On that final trip many were weeping with
desperation... Even from within the gas chambers, for a long time afterward, we
heard intermittent calls and cries until the gas performed its work and the
last voices were snuffed out."18
The bodies of the murdered, who included many prisoners from the
Protectorate, were then burned in the pits near the Crematorium because it was
not yet running.19
A recollection of the murder of those in the "Gypsy Camp" was
also recorded by camp commander Rudolf Höss in his memoirs: "They did not know what awaited them
until the final moment; they only realized it when they were brought into
Crematorium No.V. It was not easy to lead them into the chamber. I didn't see
it, but Schwarzhuber told me about it, that no liquidation action of the Jews
had been as difficult as the liquidation of the Gypsies."20
During this action, camp doctor Josef Mengele personally shot dead the
male Romani twins on whom he had been performing experiments in order to
subsequently use their bodies for autopsy. The female twins were transferred to
the Hindenburg concentration camp. Irma Valdová-Krausová survived with her
sisters because of that, and later recalled: "On that day Dr Mengele came to the camp
at 18:30 in order to take the remaining twins away, including my two sisters
Anna and Alžběta. Of my entire extended family, I was their only relative left,
and they did not want to leave me, no matter the cost. During the confusion
they put me in the car as well, which saved me from a certain death."21
This mass murder was followed by the brutal killing of the female and
male prisoners who, after being transported elsewhere, had been sent back to
Auschwitz-Birkenau to die in the gas chambers because they were exhausted and
unfit for work. For this purpose, 200 Roman boys were sent from the
concentration camp at Buchenwald on 26 September 1944 and 800 Romani men were
sent on 10 October 1944. On 11 October 1944 and then on 14 October 1944 a total
of 217 Romani girls and women were sent back to Auschwitz from the work
commando units at Ravensbrück concentration camp. Some underwent a second
selection and were once again transported back to Ravensbrück, while the rest
ended up, like all of the boys and men who were returned to Auschwitz, in the
gas chambers.22
Romani Holocaust Day
The year 1944 and its place in Romani history remains alive, and what is
important is that the tragic events of the Roma Holocaust are finally earning a
firm place in European and world history. The year 2014 marked 70 years since
the mass annihilation of the so-called "Gypsy Family Camp" at the
Auschwitz concentration camp.
On 2 August 2014 the former camp at Birkenau was the scene of a
commemorative gathering featuring representatives of European Romani
organizations, representatives of the Polish Government, authorities and local
municipalities, diplomats, survivors, witnesses and relatives of the prisoners.
The day of 2 August has been designated International Romani Holocaust Day and
is a significant state day in Poland.23
Kladivová, Vlasta: Konečná stanice
Auschwitz-Birkenau. Olomouc 1994, pp. 77-78
Kladivová, V.: Konečná stanice Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Olomouc 1994, p. 78.
Nečas, Ctibor: Holocaust českých Romů, 1999, s.
170; LEWY, Guenter: The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies. Oxford University
Press, 1999, p 320; Right to Remember – A Handbook for Education with Young
People on the Roma Genocide. Council of Europe, 2014, p 81; BASTIAN, Till:
Sinti und Roma im Dritten Reich: Geschichte einer Verfolgung. München: C.H.Beck
Verlag, 2001, p 62.
For the testimony of H. Höllenreiner, see Haus der
Bayerischen Geschichte, Signatur: zz-1460.03,http://www.hdbg.eu/zeitzeugen/video.php?id=563
Along with the other prisoners, he saved the
prison's inventory books from the "Gypsy Camp"; see Die Sinti und
Roma im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau / Memorial Book. The Gypsies at
Auschwitz-Birkenau / Ksiega Pamieci. Cyganie w obozie koncentracyjnym Auschwitz-Birkenau,
ed. State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in cooperation with the Documentation and
Culture Center of German Sinti and Roma (Heidelberg), Volume 1,
München/London/New York/Paris 1993, p. XXXI.
Georg Bonigut worked at the "Gypsy Camp"
from 13 December 1943 as reporting officer (Rapportführer) for
Auschwitz-Birkenau. At the end of May 1944 he was appointed commander of the
camp (Schutzhaftlagerführer) in the "Gypsy Camp", where he remained
until it was destroyed. He then became commander of the block and commander of reporting
at the Auschwitz III-Charlottengrube concentration camp. See Gedenkbuch. Die
Sinti und Roma im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau / Memorial Book. The Gypsies
at Auschwitz-Birkenau / Ksiega Pamieci. Cyganie w obozie koncentracyjnym Auschwitz-Birkenau,
ed. State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau, in collaboration with the Documentation
and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma (Heidelberg), volume 2,
München/London/New York/Paris 1993, p 1647.
Nacistická genocida Sintů a Romů: katalog ke stálé
výstavě ve Státním Muzeu v Osvětimi. Romano džaniben, 2009, p. 288-289.
Nečas: Holocaust českých Romů, 1999, p 170.
Kladivová, V.: Konečná stanice Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Olomouc 1994, p 79.
10. Kladivová,
V.: Konečná stanice Auschwitz-Birkenau. Olomouc 1994, p 80.
11. Kladivová,
V.: Konečná stanice Auschwitz-Birkenau. Olomouc 1994, p 81.
12. The grounds
of the military hospital (Häftlingskrankenbau).
13. Nemůžeme
zapomenout = Našťi bisteras: nucená táborová koncentrace ve vyprávěních
romských pamětníků, shromáždil a uspořádal Ctibor Nečas. 1. vydání. Olomouc:
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 1994, p 64.
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 1994, p 64.
14. Nacistická
genocida Sintů a Romů, katalog, 2009, p 300.
15. Nečas:
Historický kalendář, 2008, p 64.
16. Kladivová,
V.: Konečná stanice Auschwitz-Birkenau. Olomouc 1994, p 79; Nečas: Holocaust
českých Romů, 1999, p 170.
17. Kladivová,
V.: Konečná stanice Auschwitz-Birkenau. Olomouc 1994, p 82; Nečas: Historický
kalendář, 2008, p 64.
18. Nacistická
genocida Sintů a Romů: katalog ke stálé výstavě ve Státním Muzeu v Osvětimi.
Romano džaniben, 2009, p 294.
19. Nečas:
Holocaust českých Romů, 1999, p 171.
20. Wspomnienia
Rudolfa Hössa, komendanta obozu oświęncimskego, Wydawnictwo prawnicze Warszava,
1956, p 116; Kladivová, V.: Konečná stanice Auschwitz-Birkenau. Olomouc 1994, p
21. Kladivová,
V.: Konečná stanice Auschwitz-Birkenau. Olomouc 1994, p 83.
22. Nečas:
Holocaust českých Romů, 1999, p 171.
23. Schuster,
Michal: Genocida Romů v českých zemích a její reflexe. In: Romano voďi
25.10.2012, ps.
Michal Schuster, Museum of Romani Culture,
translated by Gwendolyn Albert
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