12 April 2017

Guardian Prints Letter from 572 members/supporters of the Labour Party Defending Ken Livingstone

White Supremacists Claim That They Are White Zionists!  

Last Friday the racist Zionist Labour Movement had a letter published in The Guardian, which has run with the 'anti-semitism' witch-hunt, signed by 1300 assorted racist and right-wingers in the Labour Party calling for Ken Livingstone to be expelled.

Tomorrow a letter from 572 of us (at the latest count) will be published by way of reply.  Although we haven't (yet) matched the JLM numbers, given the disparity of resources this is not surprising.  However our letter will be open for further signatures and they will be added periodically to both this and the Free Speech on Israel site.

I did a BBC Radio London interview this Sunday at around 7.15 a.m.  I suspect it was too early for most people!  It can be down loaded from here and here

The theme of the interviewer was that it didn’t matter if what Ken Livingstone said was true, it had ‘given offence’.  Of course the truth does offend the reactionary and racist Zionist leaders of the Jewish community and the Zionist movement.  They don’t want to be reminded of a time in the past when the Zionist movement collaborated with the Nazis to build their ‘Jewish’ state.  A time when the Zionist project was held to be more important than destroying the Hitler regime.
Racists like Tom Watson and the Jewish Labour Movement want to expel Ken Livingstone who has been at the forefront of anti-racism in the Labour Party

Edwin Black, who is a devoted Zionist, wrote the definitive book on Ha'avara, the trade agreement between the Zionists and the Nazis, The Transfer Agreement.  Ha'avara, destroyed the Anti-Nazi Boycott.  That was why the Nazis agreed to it. ‘The leaders of Germany realized that the anti-Hitler boycott was threatening to kill the Third Reich in its infancy, either through utter bankruptcy or by promoting an imminent invasion of Germany…’ [Black p. 110 see also p.130].

Black wrote that the Zionists promised to halt the worldwide Jewish-led anti-Nazi Boycott that threatened to topple the Hitler regime in its first year. [Black, p. xix]  The actions of the Zionist Organisation allowed Hitler to drive a wedge into the world-wide boycott of German goods. [Francis Nicosia, Zionism in National Socialist Jewish Policy, D1263, The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 50, 1978].
The supporters of Jewish supremacism in Israel hate Livingstone for standing up to Zionism
Zionists who portray themselves today in the Labour Party as concerned with ‘anti-Semitism’ especially when Israel is on the agenda, don’t like it when their real history as a quisling movement in the 1930's is brought up today.  Because the reality is that it is the far-right and open fascists – from Marine Le Pen in France to Geert Wilders in The Netherlands to our own BNP and EDL – who are the greatest supporters of Israel.  Israel is the model state. 
Jeremy Newmark of the Jewish Labour Movement puts Corbyn on probation
Chair and chief perjurer of the Jewish Labour Movement

White Supremacists Claim To Be ‘White Zionists’
A good example of the nonsense behind the claims that it is the left who are anti-Semitic is what happened at the A&M University in College Station, Texas last December.  In two articles in the Jewish Forward Alt Right’ Leader Ties White Supremacy to Zionism — Leaves Rabbi Speechless and Speechless Rabbi Admits Losing Argument Over Racism and Israel to White Supremacist Richard Spencer Josh Nathan-Kazis and Daniel Solomon tell how during a question-and-answer session, Rabbi Matt Rosenberg stood and invited Richard Spencer, the white nationalist who led a chant of ‘Heil Trump’ to a far-right crowd of neo-Nazis.  Rabbi Rosenberg said:

“My tradition teaches a message of radical inclusion and love,” Rosenberg said. “Will you sit town and learn Torah with me, and learn love?”

The Forward reported that ‘Spencer declined the invitation, but used it as an opportunity to suggest that the objectives of Zionism and Jewish continuity were close to his own goals for white people.’  He asked:

“Do you really want radical inclusion into the State of Israel?” Spencer said. “And by that I mean radical inclusion. Maybe all of the Middle East could go move in to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Would you really want that?”

You’re not answering,” Spencer said.

“I’m not answering,” Rosenberg said.

The reason was, of course, that Israel is anything but a state of radical inclusion.  It is a state of Jewish supremacy and it does its best, even today, to remove Arabs from its midst.  It is for that reason that racists and neo-Nazis in the West admire it.  That is also why we have to call out the Jewish Labour racists who seek to sell Israel in the Labour Party as some kind of oasis of socialism.

When Tom Watson, John Mann and the rest of the right-wing ratbags go on about Israel being a haven of democracy we should point out that it is White Supremacists, the Breitbarts and Steve Bannons of this world who most love Israel.
A Zionist rabbi finds it hard to explain why he supports a multi-cultural society in America, where religion and state are separated but supports a Jewish exclusivist society in Israel
 We, unlike Tom Watson and the Labour Right, support free speech on Israel and Palestine.  Having held one Star Chamber hearing and failed to get their desired outcome they are calling for another, expedited hearing which will do what was expected of it the first time round and expel Ken Livingstone.  We have to make it abundantly clear, despite Corbyn's usual prevarications, that we will not allow this to happen.  Free Speech in the Labour Party is more important than the defence of an Apartheid State of Israel.

To back up their demands, last Friday the Guardian printed a letter from the Jewish Labour Movement from 1300 people calling for Livingstone to be expelled.  Despite the misleading headline Jewish Labour members say Livingstone must go many of those signing were not Jewish but members of the Progress Party, such as the right-wing leader of Brighton and Hove Council, Warren Morgan and various equally Jewish councillors.  Indeed many of them, like the recently resigned Brighton Labour Councillor Inkpin-Leissner are anti-Labour.

That is why I drafted a letter in response to the Guardian and appealed to people to sign it.  So far 566 people have signed it. 

The letter has also been placed on the Free Speech on Israel site.  Amongst those signing have been Oliver and Rita Gaggs from Cambridge Labour Party.  They have been members of the party for over 60 years but if Livingstone is expelled they will leave too.  The entire Executive of South West Norfolk CLP has endorsed the letter.  So if you haven’t signed it and you are a member or supporter of the Labour Party please sign too!  Just send an email to me at tonygreenstein104@gmail.com

Tony Greenstein 

Letter to the Guardian
Dear Sir or Madam

As Jewish and non-Jewish members and supporters of the Labour Party, we reject the call from supporters of Zionism and the Labour Right for the expulsion of Ken Livingstone. [Jewish Labour members say Livingstone must go, April 6th]

Those who call for a new disciplinary hearing simply because they didn’t like the conclusions of the previous one, demonstrate their contempt for democracy and due process.

A year ago Livingstone, responding to a question from Vanessa Feltz on BBC Radio London, said: ‘Let’s remember when Hitler won his election in 1932, his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism.’

There is nothing whatsoever anti-Semitic about this.  Francis Nicosia, the Raul Hilberg Professor of Holocaust Studies at Vermont University wrote in his book Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany (p. 79) that:

‘Throughout the 1930s, as part of the regime’s determination to force Jews to leave Germany, there was almost unanimous support in German government and Nazi party circles for promoting Zionism among German Jews’   Is telling the truth also anti-Semitic?

As Donald Trump and his supporters demonstrate, support for Zionism can go hand in hand with anti-Semitism. 

What the campaign against Livingstone is really about is his long-standing support for the Palestinians and his opposition to Zionism and the policies of the Israeli state. 
Those who help to throw Livingstone overboard today are preparing the way for Jeremy Corbyn’s removal tomorrow.

Yours faithfully, 
Tony Greenstein
Brighton Kemptown CLP
Jackie Walker
South Thanet CLP
Miriam Margolyes OBE
Lambeth & Vauxhall CLP
Oliver Gaggs
Cambridge CLP
Rita Gaggs
Cambridge CLP
Professor Richard Seaford
 Exeter CLP
Professor (emeritus) Moshé Machover
Hampstead & Kilburn CLP
Philip Wagstaff
On behalf of South West Norfolk CLP Executive
Professor Bill Bowring
School of Law Birkbeck College
Professor (Emeritus) Jonathan Rosenhead
Hackney South and Shoreditch CLP
Professor Haim Bresheeth
School of Oriental and African Studies
Dr Tanzil Chowdhury
 School of Law University of Manchester
(Emeritus Professor) Wade Mansell
Thanet North CLP
Professor Chris Knight
Streatham CLP
George Abendstern

Malcolm Adlington
Derby's Dales CLP
Mary Adossides

John Airs
Riverside CLP
Jane Airs
Riverside CLP
sharif ali
Preston CLP
Zulfqar Ali
Tower Hamlets CLP
Anne Alidina
Horsham CLP
charley allan
Hornsey & Wood Green
Andy Almashoor
Exmouth CLP
Dr Ben Alofs
Arfon North-West Wales CLP
Ali Alzoubi
Oxford CLP
Eira and Erik Moller Andersen

Ben Armstrong
Hove CLP
Maureen Arnaiz
Bristol South
Morris Assaf
Brent Central CLP
Dave Atkin       
York outer CLP
Paul Atkin
Brent North CLP
Susan Atkins
Sheffield Central CLP
Janice Atyton
Hastings and Rye CLP
rosalind austin
Camberwell and Peckham CLP
David Avery 
Hackney North CLP
Clare N. Ayton-Edwards
Kenilworth & Southam CLP
Mohammed Aziz
Dulwich and West Norwood.
Mo Aziz
Dulwich and West Norwood CLP.

Claude Baesens,
Warwick and Leamington Spa CLP
Agnès Baetens
Brighton Pavilion CLP
Chris Bailey
Cambridge CLP
David Bangs
Brighton Kemptown CLP
James Bardsley

Jean Scott-Barr
Reading CLP
Ray Barkley
Windsor CLP
Terry Barry
Dulwich and West Norwood CLP
Roger Barton
Bournemouth East CLP
Graham Bash
South Thanet CLP
Labina Basit
Uxbridge and South Ruislip CLP
Mark Battison

Mary Beaman

Gilly Bean

Janet Beattie
York Central CLP
David Beaumont
Twickenham CLP
Peter Benson
Thurrock CLP
Jillian Beresford
Loughborough CLP
David Berkeley
Plymouth Sutton and Devonport CLP
Frances Bernstein
Leeds East CLP
Marie Berry

Karen Bett
Eastwood CLP
Martyn Wood-Bevan
Swansea West CLP
Annie Bevis
Fareham CLP
Dr Sue Blackwell
South Suffolk CLP
Kelvin Bland

Rick Blyth
South West Devon CLP
Suzy Blyth 
South West Devon CLP
Patrick Bonner
 Brent North CLP and GMB
Jen Borel
Portsmouth CLP
Alfred Bouch
Hastings and Rye CLP
Robert Bowles
Ashton Under Lyne CLP
Chris Brace
York Central CLP
Simon Brace
Gedling CLP
Andy Bramley

Julia Bray
Dartford CLP
Nicole Brennan

Susan Brock
Eastleigh CLP
Dave Brokenshire
Cambridge CLP
Timothy Brooking
Southend on sea CLP
Alison Brown
Walthamstow CLP
Andrew Bryant 
Bristol West CLP
Andrea Burford
Leicester East CLP
Professor Ray Bush
University of Leeds
Neil Cameron
Sheffield Central CLP
Catherine Campbell
Stretford & Urmston CLP
Val Cane
Sue Carpenter
Norwich CLP
David Carrier

Andrew Carter
Coldharbour and New Eltham CLP
Avis Carter
Brighton, Pavilion CLP
David Carter
Christians on the Left, SW Leicester CLP
Piers Carter
Forest of Dean CLP
Jane Casmally
South East Cambridgeshire CLP
G M Casmally
South East Cambridgeshire CLP
Brian Caton
Richmond Park CLP
Maria Cavaliere
Luton South CLP
Allan Challenger
Gorton CLP
Trevor Challenger
Taunton Deane CLP
Stephen Chambers
International member
Dave Chappell
Fire Brigades Union Exeter 
Caroline Charlton
Birmingham Hall Green CLP
Helen Chessum

Phil Chetwynd
Simon Childs.
Preseli Pembrokeshire CLP
Chris Chinnery
Enfield North
Brian Chinnery
Enfield Southgate CLP
Sahail Chohan
Heeley CLP
Jason Chrisostomou 
Stevenage CLP
Linda Clair

Bob Clark
Camberwell & Peckham
Carl Clarke
Richmond CLP
John Clarke
Labour Party Parliamentary Candidate for Witham in May 2015
Ted Clement-Evans

Jonathan Clyne
Labour International
Steve Coates
Bradford South CLP
Steven Cockrill
Liverpool Riverside CLP
Shaun Cohen
Leeds East CLP
Sylvia Cohen
Michael Coleman
Hampstead & Kilburn CLP
Jeffery Collings
Haverfordwest CLP
Lindsey J Colvin

Terry Conway
Islington N CLP
Bryan Cook
SW Wolverhampton
Steve Cooke
Stockton North CLP
Andy Coombes

Jan Coombs
Hornsey and Wood Green CLP
Michael Coulson
Selby & Ainstey  CLP
Chris de Cordova

Max Cowell
Banbury Constituency Labour Party
Darrall Cozens
Coventry NW CLP
Michael Craig
N Ireland Labour Party
Amanda Crawford
Labour International
Cristina Soler Crespo

Dr Don Crewe
Leeds Beckett University
Paul Crofts
Wellingborough CLP
Jackie Crookston
South West Norfolk CLP
Gillian Cruddace
Easington CLP
Victoria Cuckson
Bootle CLP
Leta Cullen
Dr Rowland Curtis
Hammersmith & Fulham CLP
Mike Cushman
Streatham CLP
Martin Cutler
International member
Steve Dalton
Barnsley CLP
C Darbyshire 
Clwyd West CLP
Deborah Darnes
Congleton CLP
Patrick Darnes

Chris Davies
Ashfield CLP
John Davies
Liverpool Riverside CLP
Malcolm Davis
Bristol South CLP
Anya-Nicola Darr
East Devon CLP
Chris Davies

Kriss davies
Turnham Green ward, Hounslow CLP
Yvonne Davies 
Chester CLP
Ange Deghen
Swansea West CLP
susan dellet

julie dent
Islington South & Finsbury CLP
Helen Dickson
Wavertree CLP Liverpool
Kay Dickinson
Chair Momentum North Lancs, Morecambe & Lunesdale CLP
David Dillon
International member
Ajay Domun
Westminster Momentum/CLP
Neil Donaldson
Telford CLP
Clare Dove
South Thanet CLP.
Roger Dow
Wells CLP
Peter Dowse
Bretton Peterborough CLP
Tom Dragicevic
Brentford and Isleworth CLP
Elizabeth Dudley
Hornsey and Wood Green CLP
Ian Dudley
Croydon North CLP
Bridget Dunne
Hampstead and Kilburn CLP.
Graham Durham
UNITE the Union Rep
Sally Eason

Andy Edwards
Garston and Halewood CLP
Mark Elf
Barking CLP
Michael Ellman
North Islington CLP
Janette Evans
Finchley & Golders Green CLP
Peter Evans

Barry Farnworth
Dr Catherine Farnworth

Ceredigion CLP
Josephine Tyrconnell-Fay 

Desmond Felix
Forest Gate North CLP
Ian Ferrie
Hampstead and Kilburn CLP
Mark Findlay
Brighton Pavilion CLP
Arye Finkle 
Barnet CLP
Andy Fiore
North Essex CLP
Hampstead & Kilburn CLP
sally fitzharris

Michael Foulkes
Hove and Portslade CLP
Jenny Flintoft
Meon Valley CLP
Gerry Flintoft
Meon Valley CLP
Sabine Ebert-Forbes
Keighley CLP
Mike Eggboro

Tony Fisher
Thurrock CLP
liza ford
Woodford CLP
Tony Foster
Arfon CLP
Philip Foxe
Enfield Southgate CLP
Austin France
Chorley CLP
Roisin Francis
Hampstead & Kilburn CLP
Annie Franklin
Islington South CLP
Ed Fredenburgh

Nigel Frost
Twickenham CLP
Kenny Fryde
Cambridge CLP
Terry Gallogly
York CLP
Janis Garbutt
Gloucester CLP
Donna Gardner

Rob Gardiner
Huntingdon CLP
Johnny Gaunt
Ceredigion CLP
Chris Gaynor
Katie Gibbins
Ian Gibson
Edinburgh South CLP
John L Gibson
North Thanet CLP
Daphne Gilbert
Hexham CLP
Esther Giles
Bristol NW CLP
Tony Glover
Hexham CLP
Rowena Godfrey
Stuart Goodman
Finchley& Golders Green CLP/Member Jewish Socialists' Group
Peter Gorbach
Hove and Portslade CLP
Andrew Yungé GORDON
Labour Party International (Germany)
Sam Gorst
Garston and Halewood CLP
Annette Gossett
Hornsey and Wood Green CLP
Roger Gordon

David R Graham
Brentfordand Isleworth CLP
Val Graham 
Chesterfield CLP 
Bill Grant
Luton North CLP
Sue Grant
Exeter CLP
Ken Gray
Kingston Upon Hull East CLP
Elleanne Green
Cities of London and Westminster CLP
Janet Green
Holborn and St Pancras
John Green
Ealing CLP
Tom Greenstein
Brighton Kemptown CLP
Tom Lock Griffiths
Anti-Austerity Campaigner and Filmmaker 
Ian Grigg-Spall
Canterbury CLP
Sarah Grimstone
Mirfield CLP
Andrew Gunton
Northampton CLP
Rhisiart Gwilym

Dr James Hall
South Cambridgeshire CLP
Martin Hall
Wythenshawe and Sale East CLP
Tim Halpin
Brighton Kemptown CLP
Robert Hasell
Lewisham East CLP
Pauline Hammerton
Manchester Central
Peter Hammerton
Penistone and Stocksbridge CLP
Luke Hammond

Jenny Hardacre
South Cambridgeshire CLP
Elsa Hardman-Clark
Truro and Falmouth CLP
Jackie Hardy

Melanie Pownall-Harris
Hertsmere CLP
David Harris
Hertsmere CLP
Trefor Harris
      Kemptown/Peacehaven CLP
David Harrison
Batley & Spen CLP
Glenn Harvey  
 Hackney North and Stoke Newington CLP

Abe Hayeem
Harrow East  CLP
Rosamine Hayeem
Harrow East  CLP
Nina Heaton
Malcolm Hecks
Chippenham CLP
Councillor Claudia Hector 
Hampstead and Kilburn CLP
Iain Hedley
Berwick-upon-Tweed CLP
Varinia Heidel
Luton South CLP
Keith Henderson
Clacton-on-Sea CLP/GMB
Andy Hewett
Cardiff West CLP
Obie Hickmott
Liverpool Riverside CLP
Mike Higgins
Doncaster CLP
Karolin Hijazi
Aberdeenshire West CLP
Mertle Hill
High Peak CLP
David Hillman
Oxford East CLP
Central devon CLP
Simon Hinds

Mike Hogan
Liverpool Wavertree CLP
Owen Holland
Holborn and St. Pancras CLP
John Holloway
Stretford and Urmston CLP
Deborah Holmes
Manchester, Gorton 
Doug Holton
Hackney North Labour Party
Hannah Hookes
Liverpool Riverside CLP
Mike Homfray
Bootle CLP
David Hooke
South Islington & Finsbury CLP
Dr David Hookes
Riverside CLP and Momentum
Alan Horton
West Cornwall CLP
Dave Horton
Stockport CLP
Anna Hubbard
Southport CLP
Sally Hughes
Thirsk and Malton CLP
Ian Hunter
Halewood and Garston CLP
Richie Hunter
Liverpool Riverside CLP
Patrick Hunter
Hendon CLP 
Gemma Hurst
Garston and Halewood CLP
Zaed Hussain
Hyndburn CLP
Emma Spurgin Hussey
Truro and Falmouth CLP
Philip A. Hutchinson
Burton & Uttoxeter CLP
Diana Isserlis
Thornbury and Yate
Pat Irwin
High Peak CLP
Andy Jackson
Isle of Wight CLP
Gary Jakings
Peterborough CLP
Selma James

Steve Jansky

Peter Jenner
Leeds NW CLP
Martin John
Sheffield Central CLP
Jack Johnson

Labour International.
Chris Jones
Vice Chair Conwy County Peace Group
Clifford Jones
Sefton CLP
Matthew Jones
Cathcart CLP, Glasgow
Phil Jones
resigned from Labour Party over Livingstone witch hunt
Ashley Jordan
Bexhill & Battle CLP
Caroline Juler
Preseli Pembrokeshire CLP
Åsa Karolina
Hove CLP
Kaveh Kazemi
Kingston and Surbiton CLP
Rodney Kay-kreizman  
Merton Momentum
Robin Keable
Rochford and Southend East
Stan Keable
Hammersmith CLP
Phil Keefe
Croydon North CLP
john keen
North Herefordshire CLP
Cllr Terry Kelly
Renfrewshire Council
Gill Kennard
Chatham & Aylesford CLP
Lloyd Kennedy
Horsham CLP
Chris Khamis   
Perry Barr CLP
Thea Khamis and Ben Byrne
North Durham CLP
Faraz Khan
Cambridge CLP
Stephen Khan

David Kilcyzcki

Eleanor Kilroy
Winchester CLP
Godfrey King
Richmond & Twickenham CLP
Jennifer King
Dover and Deal CLP
lynda kirkbride
Copeland CLP
Ruth Knight
Slough CLP
Bev Krell
Cheadle Constituency.
sushma lal
Ceredigion CLP
David Lancaster
York Central
Professor Conrad Lashley
West Bridgford CLP, Nottingham
Sandra Law

Geoff Lee
Holborn and St Pancras CLP
Claire Lees
Riverside CLP
Jeffrey Lever,
Enfield & Southgate CLP
Mara Leverkuhn
Salford and Eccles CLP
Susanne Levin
 City and Westminster CLP
Richard Lightbown

Margot Lindsay
Southwark CLP
Richard Lines
Portsmouth CLP
Debbie Litchfield
Don Valley CLP
Mary Lloyd
Southampton Itchen CLP
Elizabeth Lock
Oxford CLP
John Lohrenz
South West Surrey CLP
Ian Lowery
South West Bedfordhire  CLP
Marie Lynam
Hamsptead and Kilburn CLP
Jenny Lynn
Halifax CLP
Sangeeta Lyons

Doug Macari
 Canterbury CLP
Ian MacDonald
Edinburgh South CLP
Ilana Machover

Gordon MacIver
St Albans CLP
Bill MacKeith
Oxford (West) and Abingdon CLP
Genevieve Macklin
Twickenham CLP
Rev. Dr Duncan Macpherson
Twickenham CLP
Sharon Macqueen
Twickenham CLP
Wendy Madden
Wells CLP, Somerset
Dr Alan Maddison
Houghton & Sunderland South CLP 
Dr Dave Madill
Doncaster North CLP
Andy Maguire
South Down and Strangford CLP
Beryl Maizels
Registered supporter
Nasrin Maleki Fard
Hammersmith CLP
Victoria Malcolm
Ceredigion CLP
Kay Manasseh
Streatham CLP
Helen Mandley
Kilburn and West Hampstead CLP
Patrick Mansfield
Former Bristol South CLP
Sherry Marks
Chippenham CLP
Valerie Marriott
Loughborough CLP
Glenn Martin
Walsall south
Becky Massey
Hove and Portslade CLP
J H Masterson 
 Cambridge CLP
Jonathan Maytham
Bristol West CLP
Terry McCarthy
Hastings and Rye CLP
Kathy McCubbing
Reading East CLP
Rachelle Mcevilly
Sefton CLP
Michael McEvoy
Feltham CLP
Ray McHale
Ellesmere Port & Neston CLP
Timothy McHale
Alyn & Deeside CLP
Mark McKenzie
Islington South CLP
Steve Mckenzie
Bexhill and Battle CLP
Ellen McNay
Sunderland Central CLP
Jim McSporran
Bracknell CLP
melanie melvin
Brighton Kemptown CLP
Jim Merritt

John Metson
Leeds North East CLP
Merlo Michell
Saffron Walden CLP
Anna Miller
Bury CLP
Anna Miller
Saffron Walden CLP
Jay Millington

Carole Milner

Susan Milner

Angie Mindel
Nottingham East CLP
Ghazala  Mir
Leeds NE CLP
Anne Mitchell
Hove and Portslade CLP
Doug Moffatt
Durham City CLP
Kenneth Mogford

Alan Molineaux
Keighley CLP
Bev Molineaux
Keighley CLP
g monks 
Hammersmith  CLP
Fiona Monro
Brighton Kemptown CLP
Christine Mooney
North West Norfolk CLP
Geoff Moore
Henley CLP
N.I. CLP. Carrickree
Elizabeth Morley
Ceredigion CLP
Shelley Morris

Patricia Morrison
York Central CLP
Peter Morton
Labour supporter Medway
Jane Elise Muir

Margaret Mulheran
High Peak Constituency Labour Party
Gareth Murphy
Holborn & St Pancras CLP.
John Murray

Ellen Musgrove
Norwich South CLP
frances naggs
Staffordshire Moorlands CLP
Susan Naser

Diana Neslen
Ilford South CLP
John Newman
Huddersfield Palestine Support Network
Chris Nikolof
 Hammersmith CLP​
Dr Ephraim Nimni

Graham Noble
Havant CLP
Peter Northall
Lewisham West CLP
Stephen Nuttall
Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland CLP
Sean O'Donoghue 
Brecon and Radnorshire CLP
Chris O'Donovan
Harborough CLP
Paddy O'Keeffe  
Brighton Kemptown CLP
Brian O’Leary
Chingford and Woodford Green CLP
Dennis O'Malley
Registered supporter Cambridge
Joseph O'Neill
Chester City CLP
Caroline O’Reilly
Brighton Kemptown CLP
Edmond O’Reilly
Brighton Kemptown CLP
James O’Sullivan
East Worthing & Shoreham CLP
Alison Orr

Darren Owen

Dave Owen
Hackney North CLP
Pam Page
Brighton Pavilion CLP
Joseph Paglia
Winchester CLP
Mike Paling
Redcar CLP
Mike Parker
Literary Editor Tribune
Averil Parkinson
Cambridge CLP
llan Pearson
South Ribble CLP
Professor David Pegg
York Central constituency
Dr Miranda Pennell
Hackney South & Shoreditch CLP
Sue Penny
Tottenham CLP
Lars Petersson
Leyton/Wanstead Labour Party CLP
Professor Anand Pillay
Labour International
David Pinto
Hammersmith CLP
Bob Pitt
Holborn & St Pancras CLP
Sue Platt
Barnet CLP
Daniel Platts
Wentworth & Dearne CLP
Edward Pope
Oxford West & Abingdon CLP
John Porter

Nicola Pratt
Coventry South CLP
Viv Pribram
Cities of London and Westminster CLP
Bernard Price
CLP: Gosport
Jane Kitty Pride Kane

Sian Pryce

maureen Purcell
Worthing West CLP
Claire Pyper
Birmingham Momentum
Yousef Quandeel
North Ealing CLP
Antony Radburn
Bognor Regis and Littlehampton CLP
Michelle Ramsay
Hove & Portslade CLP
Caroline Raine
Oxford East CLP
Susan Ram
Labour International
Elizabeth Ramsden

Roland Rance

Kim Raper
Holborn and Kings Cross CLP
Josephine Rawsthorne
Sefton CLP
Christopher Rawsthorne
Sefton CLP
Janine Reed
Islwyn CLP
Peter Reilly
Southport Labour Party
Iain Rendell  
Rutland and Melton CLP
Shezan Renny 
St Pancras and Holborn CLP
Andy Richards
Hove CLP
Hannah Shaw-Riddler
Saffron Waldon CLP
Lisa Nicholls Rider
Hove CLP
Frances Rifkin
Holborn and St Pancras CLP
David Riley

 Mira Riley

Tom Robins
Blyth CLP
Anne Robinson
Easington CLP
Heather Robinson
St Austell and Newquay CLP
Nick Robinson
Epping Forest CLP
Lee Rock
Sheffield Hallam CLP
Samantha Rogers
Don Valley CLP
Samantha Rogers
Rhondda CLP
Léa Rohan

Michael Rosen

Kal Ross
Riverside CLP
Rob Ross

Susan Ross
Edinburgh East CLP
leon rosselson

George Roussopoulos

Daniel Rowe
Norwich south CLP
Jerry Rulf
Hove and Portslade LP
Adrian Rupp
Central Bedfordshire CLP
Kevin Russell
Bradford East CLP
Professor Vicky Russell
Cambridge LP
Helen Rutherford
Rebecca Sachs

Naomi Sachs

Ali Samhan
Penarth CLP
John Sanderson
Derbyshire Dales CLP
Jenny Sanderson
Derbyshire Dales CLP
Steph Sankey

pauline sault
purged of Nottinghamshire East CLP
Patrick Scott
Islington South and Finsbury CLP
Paul Scott
 Hampstead and Kilburn CLP
Sheila Scoular
Ilford North CLP
Rose Seabury  
North Durham CLP
Amanda Sebestyen
Holborn and St Pancras PLC
Michael Coulson

Sam Semoff
Liverpool Riverside CLP
david serva

Awula Serwah
Brent Central CLP
Ashok Sethi

Alice Severs    
Durham West CLP
George Shaw
Barnet CLP
Sue Shaw
Henley CLP
Patrick Sheehan
Withington CLP
Janet Sheek
Berwick-Upon-Tweed CLP
Patricia Sheerin
Putney CLP
Irene Shemaria

Raymond Shemilt
North Cornwall CLP
Michael Tyrone Shortt
Cambridge CLP
Jawed Siddiqi
Heeley CLP
June Simmons
Brentwood and Ongar CLP
Dev Sisodia 
Riverside clp 
Donna Sloane
Saffron Walden CLP
Peter Smith

Professor John Smith

Carlos Soto
Finchley & Golders Green CLP
Sally Spangle

Amanda Speed

Michael Spencer
 Halifax CLP
Ian Spencer
Stocksbridge and Penistone CLP   
Thomas Spencer

Dr Neal Spowage
Leicester South CLP
Harry Stannard
Leicester West CLP
Peter Richard Stott
Moray CLP
Nancy Strang
Brent Central CLP
Laura Stuart
Tony Stuart

Paul Stygal. 
Rochford & Southend East CLP
Mary Sullivan
Canterbury CLP
Stephen Sunderland
Gorton, Manchester CLP
Helen Sutcliffe
Halifax CLP
John Sweeney
Islington North CLP
Stephanie De-Sykes
Woking CLP
Inbar Tamari
Walthamstow CLP
Anne Tanner
Cardiff West Constituency LP
Max Tasker
Clwyd West CLP
Fuad Al-Tawil

Ian Taylor
Loughborough CLP
Sheila Taylor
Loughborough CLP
Wendy Taylor
Ilford South CLP and Momentum
Ruth Thacker
Great Yarmouth CLP
John Thatcher
International member
Jean Thirtle
North Norfolk CLP
Natasha THODAY
Brighton Pavilion CLP
Daniel Thomas
Milton Keynes North CLP
Jack Thomas
Sefton Central CLP
Norman thomas
South Thanet CLP/Thanet Momentum
Susan Thomas
swansea east
Debbie Thompson
Mid Norfolk CLP
Alan Thornett

Graham Thorpe
Calderdale CLP
Steve Tiller
Hackney South CLP
Christine Tongue
South Thanet CLP/Thanet Momentum
Julian Townsend
Camberwell and Peckham CLP
Cathy Toulet
Deal CLP
Norman Traub
Southend West CLP
David Travis
North Angus CLP
Geoff Treasure
Weaver Vale CLP 
Benjamin Treuhaft
Edinburgh North and Leith CLP
Kevin Treweeks
Sutton and Devonport CLP
Kevin Tulliver
Arfon CLP
Hugh Tunks
South Norfolk CLP
Ben Tunstall
Streatham CLP
John Tymon

Saras Udanpur

Conchita Varicak
BrentCentral CLP
Carmen Vazquez
Hammersmith CLP
Shaun Venables

Kate Viscardi

Steve Voros
Portsmouth North CLP
Carl Wain
South Leicestershire CLP
Paul Waley
Leeds University
Bob Walker
Bexhill & Battle CLP
Carl Walker

Ian Malcolm-Walker
Bournemouth West CLP
Janet Walker
Cambridge CLP
Julie Walker
Birkenhead CLP
Hugh Wallis
Dulwich & West Norwood CLP
Susan Walpole
Dorchester CLP
David Walters
Liverpool Riverside CLP
Andrea Warner
International member
Adam Waterhouse
Southampton and Romsey CLP
Daniel Waterman
International Member
David Watson
Jean Watson
Bedford CLP
Roger Watson

Jean Webb
Sheffield Hallam CLP
Sam Weinstein
Hampstead & Kilburn CLP      
Roger Welch
Portsmouth CLP/UCU
Ian Wellens
Central Devon CLP
Roy Wenborne 
West Ham CLP/CWU
Helen Wheat
Skipton CLP
Cyril Wheat
Skipton CLP
Stewart Whitehead
Arundel and South Downs CLP                                                 
Sara whiteside
 Riverside CLP
Lee Whitaker
Brighton & Hove District Labour Party
Lorcan Whitehead
Colchester CLP
Mark Whyte
York Central CLP
Carol Wilcox
Secretary Christchurch CLP
Bill Williamson

Eric Willoughby

Sarah Wilkinson
Ludlow CLP
Andrew Williams 
Ealing Central & Acton CLP
Stephen Williams
Lewisham West  CLP
John Sidney Williamson
Havant CLP
Marie Williamson

Eric Willoughby
Palestine Media Digest
Asa Winstanley

Jean Wood
Leeds Central CLP
Sara Wood
Kilburn and West Hampstead CLP
Susan Wood  
Waltham Forest CLP
Nola Wolley
North Somerset CLP
Bob Wood
Leeds Central CLP
Dr Naomi Woodspring

Jan Woolf
Finchley and Golders Green CLP
Norman Wright
former member Hove CLP - disenfranchised
Monica Wusterman
York Central constituency
Sue Young
Ceredigion Labour party
Charley Young
Ceredigion Labour party
Mari Zadeh
Kingston-upon-Thames CLP
Zoe Zero
Beckenham CLP
Monica Zocca
Hammersmith CLP
Ali al-Zoubi
Oxford & District CLP
Matthias Zurowski
Tottenham CLP

From Professor Francis Nicosia's Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, pp. 118-9 makes it clear that the Nazis very much supported Zionism in the 1930's

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