28 February 2025

Google’s Blogspot Censors have Taken Down a 3½ Year Old Post Calling Edward Isaacs, former President of UJS and Chair of Bristol’s J-Soc, a Liar

The Jewish Chronicle Has a New Editor, Daniel Schwammenthal, and it Seems They’ve Realised That a Propaganda Rag Cannot Be a Newspaper

Edward Isaacs was Chair of Bristol’s Jewish (in fact Israel) Society when the campaign began in earnest against a sociology professor, David Miller. McCarthyism came easily to this spoilt rich Zionist brat.

My original message to Edward Isaacs

My clash with Isaacs began when he and his deputy, AJ Solomon applied to join the Labour Against the Witchhunt Facebook Group. As the Admin of the group I asked them why they wanted to join and if they were Zionists i.e. racists. See EXCLUSIVE: Bristol University Hearing into David Miller’s Right To Freedom of Speech Will Take Place Next Week as the Zionist Campaign to Dismiss Him Intensifies.

My Response to Google

Solomon got into a debate with me which he badly lost, resulting in him deleting his comments.  Isaacs merely threatened to sue me with Daddy’s money if I called him a liar again. So that’s what I did.  I called him a liar but no libel writ arrived so I guess it is an established fact now that Edward Isaacs, Chair of UJS from 2023-4 is a liar.

Naturally I put up a blog which remained up until yesterday. Now there is simply a page that says that the blog does not exist though it still appears on a Google search.

This is what Google objected to - the truth

Fortunately, some years ago, I decided that the risks of Google taking down a blog that has existed for some 16+ years were too great and I therefore invested in a website and a domain which is based in the United States. All my posts on Blogspot have been copied onto it including all legacy posts, just in case.

This is all that remains of my deleted blog!! Except on my shadow blog

Although it costs me an arm and a leg, hence my occasional appeals to readers, it is worth it not to let the Zionists destroy what is also a history of the Palestine solidarity movement in this country. You can however access it here.

This is  Blogspot's Explanation for Deleting a 31/2 year old post

Twice in the last year Google has taken down posts. This never used to happen and so I am thinking of leaving blogspot altogether and simply posting to my own site.

I therefore invite people to go to the post Edward Isaacs is a Liar on my site to see what has been irking Isaac’s for the past 3+ years. He was clearly hoping to join LAW in order to  spy on people there but I always check people who apply to join in case they are Zionists.

Isn’t it strange how these young amoral Zionists, who are so ready to call people ‘anti-Semites’ become so touchy when they are accused of not telling the truth?

Is the Jewish Chronicle Changing Under Its New Editor Daniel Schwammenthal?

It was inevitable after the public relations fiasco in which the Jewish Chronicle was found to have been printing as ‘Exclusives’ lying disinformation from Netanyahu’s office via a pimp who called himself a journalist, I refer to  Elon Perry, that its obnoxious, racist Editor Jake Wallis Simons had to go. Although he took nearly 6 months to get the message.

Perry had claimed to have taken part in the Entebbe raid a mere 48 years ago, as well as having been a professor at Tel Aviv University for 15 years. Clearly he was a Walter Mitty character but then that fitted in well at the JC. The JC was was happy to have him write complete fabrications because printing lies is what it specialised in.

The fable that did him was about how Hamas leader, Yayha Sinwar was trying to escape to Iran with the hostages and that was why Israel needed to stay in the Philadelphia corridor in order to prevent such occurrences. There was no truth in this story and as we know, Sinwar died a martyr’s death throwing, with his last gasp of breath, a stick at the drone which located him. ‘Sinwar’s stick’ has since become famous as a symbol of Palestinian bravery and resistance.

However this time it was the Israeli end which did for editor Jake Wallis-Simons, whose other speciality was as a soft-porn novelist.  Netanyahu’s disinformation  had been part of a war against the army top brass and his political enemies. Hence why they were quick to rubbish the story.  As the Guardian commented

Despite being provided with a series of questions, Wallis Simons and the JC have so far declined to describe how Perry – an individual with no discernible journalistic track record, let alone as an investigative reporter – came to be writing for the paper or what due diligence had been exercised over an increasingly fantastic series of claims.

I mention all of this because Agnes Kory, a child survivor of the Nazi holocaust, sent me a copy of a letter she had sent to the Jewish Chronicle supporting the picket of Tzipi Hotoveli, the Israeli Ambassador, in Swiss Cottage where she lives.

I wished her good luck but I doubted very much that they would print it. Imagine my surprise when the Jewish Chronicle did just that! Under Pollard or Simons the chances are that Agnes’s letter would have ended up in the electronic equivalent of the waste paper basket.

At the same time I was contacted by a JC reporter, Jane Prinsley about a story they were doing about the demonstrations at Swiss Cottage. You may not think this is unusual but for the JC it is an innovation. Jane actually contacted me before writing the story!

It is of course good journalistic practice to contact people you intend to write about but it is not something that the JC have done since Pollard became Editor in 2008.

Imagine my surprise when I read Prinsley’s article. Even though it didn’t include all my points, it did accurately quote from the 3 out of 6 that they did use. I can’t imagine that Marcus Dysch or ‘Liar’ Lee even considering contacting their victims.

As I said in a letter to the JC (which I don’t expect to be published!) when ‘Liar’ Lee Harpin used to write articles involving me it was a pleasant past-time to see how many mistakes I could identify in each article. This is perhaps why the paper experienced so many adverse judgements of IPSOS, the so-called independent body that investigates complaints against newspapers and why it suffered so many libel defeats too.

As Jonathan Cook wrotethe Jewish Chronicle’s libel payouts were a small price to pay for smearing Corbyn and the left.’ The JC literally did not care if its stories were true or not.  The main objective was to damage Corbyn and the Left, which is why an unknown consortium was prepared to finance the paper despite knowing that it could only make losses as readers abandoned it. The BBC’s Director Robbie Gibb man fronted the take-over of the JC by anonymous billionaires.

My satirical letter to the Jewish Chronicle

The scandal involving Perry resulted in the JC's four principal columnists, headed by Jonathan Freedland and David Aaronovitch, resigning. The rats were abandoning ship.

Despite his attempts to cling on, Jake Wallis Simon’s days were numbered.  Whether this results in any substantive change in the JC is to be doubted. To date the JC has operated on the basis that 99.99% of British Jews are fully fledged Zionists. Jewish anti-Zionism has disappeared from its pages. The reality of what is happening to the Palestinians never even makes it into their pages thus reinforcing the belief that Palestinians (‘Arabs’) don’t like Israel because they are born anti-Semitic rather than that they might object to living in an apartheid state that steals their land.

However time will tell.

Tony Greenstein

26 February 2025

My Interviews with Rania Khalek & Katie Halper & my Glasgow Demonstration Speech March 2024

 As Zionism moves towards its Final Solution, Trump, Starmer and Germany’s Genocidal leaders Remain Fulsome in Their Support of Israel’s ‘Right To Defend Itself’

Zionism’s Endgame: a ‘Final Solution’ for the Palestinians, w/ Tony Greenstein

We are living in a world where our rulers don’t even pretend to be on the side of the angels. Their amorality is a badge of pride.

As far as Trump is concerned all that matters in Ukraine is American access to Ukraine’s rare minerals. Likewise in Gaza, never mind the people, what is important is the potential value of Mediterranean real estate.  The fact that 2 million people live there is irrelevant.

Fact Check on Genocidal Song on Israel’s Kan Public Broadcaster

You might think that after 4 genocides to their credit that the German state would be reluctant to support a fifth genocide. Not a bit of it. German politicians have embraced Israel’s genocide in Gaza because it makes them feel better about their own genocides. What could be better than a ‘Jewish’ state perpetrating the genocide.

Israel's Oldest & Most Popular Podcast - 2 Nice Jewish Boys Discuss Erasing Gaza

Zionism and its bastard state, has played the role of helping the German State come to terms with the Nazi holocaust. Now that a far-right party, the AfD, a large portion of whose membership consists of neo-Nazis, has come second in the elections, the German state is moving towards a relativisation of the Holocaust. It is no surprise that Israel’s Diaspora Minister is a fan of Hitler saluting Elon Musk.

The Netherland's Fascist Leader Geert Wilders and Israel's Labor President Isaac Herzog Get On Famously

After all. If Israel can perpetrate a holocaust in Gaza why should Germany be forever burdened with a guilt complex over its holocaust?  It is difficult to argue with such logic.

Israel’s Friendship Song of Annihilation – as sung by Israeli school children

For those who doubt that Germany has participated in 5 genocides then here they are: the Maji Maji genocide in East Africa/Tanganyika, the Nama/Herero genocide, the Turkish genocide of Armenia (Germany was in alliance with Turkey in  WW1), the Jewish/Nazi holocaust and now the Israeli holocaust in Gaza.

I say this by way of introduction. Netanyahu has done all he could to get back to the genocide in Gaza and has broken the ceasefire repeatedly. Less aid has gone in than was agreed, Israeli soldiers have repeatedly killed civilians and as I write the release of the last batch of Palestinian hostages has been delayed on another pretext.

Tony Greenstein at the Glasgow Anti-Racist/Palestine Solidarity Demonstration March 2024

There isn’t an agreement that Israel has been party to that hasn’t been broken.  Israel was supposed to be out of Lebanon but it is now saying that it will maintain 5 permanent bases, naturally in support of its ‘right to self defence’. It has also made it clear that it is staying in Southern Syria following the fall of Assad.

I sometimes think how unlucky Nazi Germany was with its propaganda chief. Goebbels really wasn’t up to it. If Hitler had the benefit of the Daily Mail and BBC then every conquest he made could have been presented as an act of self-defence.

Israel’s goal today remains the same. The removal of the Palestinians from Gaza. In my interview with Rania I was sceptical of their ability to pull it off but as time goes on I am increasingly fearful that they may get away with a large-scale ‘transfer’ given the supine nature of the Arab leaders and the willingness of the Americans to support it.

European leaders’ opposition isn’t worth a bucket of warm spit. We can see Netanyahu prepare the ground with his ludicrous lies that the two Bibas children were killed by Hamas.  We should treat this story on a par with the allegations that Hamas had chopped off the heads of 40 babies which what the media ran with.  It was a lie then and it is a lie now.

But who should leap out to amplify the false stories that Netanyahu, an inveterate and well known liar peddled?  Why our own snake-like Foreign Secretary, David Lammy and of course the viperous Sturmer himself.

Hostage kisses Hamas

Those who repeat Israel’s lies about child-killers are deliberately paving the way for a continued genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Instead of directing their fire at the torture, starvation, rapind to death and the appalling condition of the Palestinian hostages and noting the welcome and friendly relations of many of the Israeli prisoners with their Palestinian captors, Starmer and the BBC focus on yet more Zionist atrocity propaganda.

All the evidence is, as Yocheved Lifshitz said, that Hamas treated Israel's captives humanely

There is little doubt that Netanyahu and his fellow war-criminals are itching to restart the genocide. It is incumbent upon the anti-war movement in this country to step up the protests. Starmer and Lammy have not issued on word of protest at Israel’s mistreatment of the Palestinian prisoners, their humiliating release and abuse. The token demonstrations wandering through London have to step up. Our first rallying point should be the BBC and the Metropolitan Police with their ‘anti-Semitism’ scam should be told to go to hell. We will meet at the BBC because they are the originators of the lies that facilitate genocide.

Interviews with Katie Halper and Rania Khalek

In January and February I was interviewed on a wide range of topics by Katie Halper and Rania Khalek. These included my arrest on October 4 for calling Israel Hitler’s Bastard Offspring’. The filth didn’t like the comparison. They even thought it was anti-Semitic though the thick plod were unable to explain why in my interview.

As I explained to Katie, anti-Zionist Jews are invisible so perhaps that is why. But if they weren’t so stupid they would understand that Zionism is of Christian not Jewish origin.  Jews always opposed Zionism until the holocaust apart from a few freaks and reactionaries.

Of course today the Zionists exploit the holocaust for all its worth with Gilad Erdan, Israel’s representative to the UN donning a Yellow Star. His comparison with the Jewish dead of the holocaust was sickening. If he had had any integrity he would have worn a swastika.  Zionism has always exploited the Jews who died in the holocaust whom Zionism turned its back on.

According to Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first President, the Jews who died in the holocaust were:

dust on the wheels of history and they may have to be blown away. We don’t want them pouring into Palestine. We don’t want Tel Aviv to become another low-grade ghetto.

Erdan ‘forgot’ to mention that during the Hitler era the Zionists were the Nazis favourite Jews. Explaining why Zionists were the good Jews, unlike the ‘assimilationist’ Jews who kept on insisting that they were Jewish Germans, Reinhardt Heydrich, head of the SS, said:

The activity of the Zionist-oriented youth organisations that are engaged in the occupational restructuring of the Jews … lies in the interest of the National Socialist state’s leadership. (These organizations) are not to be treated with that strictness that it is necessary to apply to the members of the so-called German-Jewish organizations (assimilationists).

I also explained my own conversion to anti-Zionism having been brought up in a Zionist family. I was brought up on the lie that the Palestinian refugees voluntarily left their homes and villages rather than being expelled at the point of a gun.

I also explained how, when Zionism first arose, the only people who welcomed it were anti-Semites and that this is true today too.  I specifically mentioned the President of America’s million strong Christians United 4 Israel, John Hagee, who gave a sermon explaining why Hitler was god’s emissary sent to drive the Jews to Palestine.

Orthodox Jews in particular opposed Zionism. Agudat Yisrael was founded as a specifically anti-Zionist organisation. This gives the lie to the claims of Britain’s racist Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis that Zionism and Judaism have been intertwined for 3,000 years.

I also went into the content of my book in some depth explaining that for the Zionists building a ‘Jewish’ state was the first priority in the holocaust and that Ben-Gurion is notorious for saying that if there was a choice to be made between rescuing and saving Jews and building their bastard state, the latter comes first. 

When Britain offered to take 10,000 Jewish children in the wake of Kristallnacht the Zionists were outraged that they weren’t going to Palestine. In a speech to Mapai’s (Israeli Labor Party) Central Committee Ben-Gurion said:

If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel.

I also described the Kasztner Affair and the resulting trial in Israel from 1954-8 when the leader of Hungarian Zionism, a senior official and candidate in Mapai (the Israeli Labor Party) for the next elections, Rudolf Kasztner, sued for libel when he was accused of being a Nazi collaborator. He lost when it transpired that he had spent his time post-war at Nuremberg testifying in favour of Nazi war criminals.

Kasztner had concluded a deal with Eichmann that if the Nazis agreed to a train out of Hungary for the select few (Zionists, bourgeois and a few rabbis) he would not inform Hungarian Jews of the Auschwitz Protocols which two escapees from Auschwitz had written detailing where they would go if they boarded a deportation train. Up till then no one knew that Auschwitz was an extermination camp. Kasztner went so far as to misinform those who were deported that they were travelling to a fictious resettlement camp, Kenyermeze.

With Rania I gave an outline of the development of Zionist historiography of the holocaust and how it had been distorted to accord with Zionist myths of Jewish resistance. Zionism has rewritten the letters and memoirs of the Zionist resistance fighters in the Warsaw ghetto eliminating their criticisms of the Zionist movement.  This was in order that their writings should accord with the Zionist narrative that they led the resistance and were heroes rather than sordid collaborators.

The Zionist historians had also erased entirely the role of Jewish anti-Zionists, in particular the Jewish anti-Zionist Bund and its leader, the last Commander of the Resistance, Marek Edelman.

With Rania I first discussed Trump’s ethnic cleansing plans. I was sceptical that they would succeed but I am less so now as all the indications are that Israel is looking for an excuse to resume the genocide.

We discussed the reaction of Israeli Jews to the plan. 80% support it and just 3% think its amoral. Which means that 97% of Israelis are not only amoral bastards but genocidaires too.  The other 17% either can’t make their mind up about it or think it’s not practical.

I imagine some Nazis also thought the extermination of Jews, Poles, Gays, Roma etc. was not practical. This is the morality of Israelis and that’s why I find it hard to explain why in a democratic, secular state  Israeli Jews would have the right to national rights as Jews. It is difficult explaining why Palestinians should be forced to live side by side with genocidal would be murderers.

There is an overwhelming case for American Jews with 2 passports, especially the settlers on the West Bank, to be deported back to Brooklyn.

I also explained that Hitler didn’t start out with a plan to genocide the Jews. His plan, like the Zionists was ethnic cleansing.  It was only when that failed that genocide became his only option if he wanted to be rid of the Jews. The same ‘dilemma’ faces the Zionists.  If it can’t be expulsion it must be holocaust.

I went into how the very history of the holocaust had been rewritten by the Zionists to emphasise Jewish resistance, despite it being very low apart from the Warsaw Ghetto and a few others such as at Bialystock which went off at half cock, Lachwa and Minsk.

We discussed the situation of Arab Jews in Israel and how Israel deliberately set out to destabilise their position in 1948. In Iraq it is well documented that they planted bombs in synagogues and other places Jews frequented in order to stimulate flight. Avi Shlaim, an Emeritus Professor at Oxford University in his book Three Worlds has recently come up with further proof of Zionist involvement in the bombings.

When the Zionist underground threw a grenade into the courtyard of the Masudo Shemtov synagogue in Baghdad, killing 2 people, they stimulated a mass emigration of the oldest Jewish community in the world.  Out of 135,000 Jews only 10,000 remained after 1951.

I also told how when they arrived in Israel Iraq’s Jews were treated like animals and were sprayed with DDT. Three Worlds also explains how a rich cultured community were turned into poor labourers in Israel, forced to sleep in tents and how they were deArabised.

I described how Holocaust Worship today leads to the creation of holocaust museums (but not for Black slaves or the Native Indians) such as the United States  Holocaust Museum where history has been rewritten.  When I went there Pastor Niemoller’s saying ‘First they came for ...’ was hanging above the entrance except it had been changed. The first category was ‘First they came for the communists’ but that wouldn’t do in cold war America so it was omitted.

I also showed how two-thirds of the members of the Judenrate, the Nazi Councils that the Nazis established to help implement the Final Solution, were Zionist. It was the Judenrate and not the Nazis who rounded up Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. Rania observed that the Palestinian Authority was the Palestinian equivalent of the Judenrate!

I quoted Hannah Arendt who said in her book Eichmann in Jerusalem that

Wherever Jews lived, there were recognized Jewish leaders, and this leadership, almost without exception, cooperated in one way or another, for one reason or another, with the Nazis. The whole truth was that if the Jewish people had really been unorganized and leaderless, there would have been chaos and plenty of misery but the total number of victims would hardly have been between four and a half and six million people.[1]

I told how the Warsaw ghetto resistance’s first task was to execute Jewish collaborators. They couldn’t have organised a rebellion with the collaborators operating. This is equally true of the Palestinian revolution. It too has to execute its collaborators.

Katie discussed my book, Zionism During the Holocaust in some depth in particular how the Zionist movement has weaponised Jewish suffering and anti-Semitism whilst refusing to draw any universal lessons from the Holocaust. I also spoke about my arrest under the Terrorism Acts and the attacks on the Palestine solidarity movement in Britain and Europe.


The Katie Halper Show – Interview with Tony Greenstein, Jenny Manson & Rabbi Herschel Gluck

I won’t even attempt to summarise the topics we discussed but I enjoyed both interviews which were penetrating and thoughtful. At a time when Israel is committing genocide in Gaza as a consequence of colonial expansion and in the cause of racial purity, it is incumbent on Jewish anti-Zionists to speak out against the horrors that are taking place in our name.

Another point of comparison between Israel and Nazi Germany is Israel’s policy of starvation of Gaza’s civilian population. This is taken straight out of the Nazi playbook. 20% of the Warsaw ghetto, some 80,000 people, died from starvation. An even higher percentage died in Lodz, the second biggest ghetto in Poland. Hans Frank, the Nazi governor of Poland, spoke of Death By Hunger as does Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s Finance Minister, who is of the opinion that starving 2 million people to death would be ‘moral’ if only the West would allow him to get away with it!

The mass executions that Israel has carried out and the mass graves, to say nothing of the torture camps, resemble nothing so much as the Nazi policies towards the civilian population of the countries they occupied. In some ways they are worse.

The major difference between Nazi Germany and Israel is that anti-Semitism in Germany itself was mainly confined to a hardcore of the Nazi party, the ‘old fighters’ whereas in Israel genocidal racism is supported by the overwhelming majority of the Jewish population.

This is perhaps best summed up in the hilarious story of a Zionist who went in search of Palestinians to kill in Miami Beach, Florida and ended up shooting two Israelis who he thought looked like Palestinians! The Israelis, assuming it was an anti-Semitic attack by Palestinians, signed off with ‘death to the Arabs’ on Facebook.

According to the bogus IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism, it is anti-Semitic to compare Israel to Nazi Germany (but is it anti-German to compare Nazi Germany to Israel?!). Yet Israelis go out of their way to draw such parallels themselves. A Nazi mentality has descended on the Jewish population of Israel.

An article in Ha’aretz 'When You Leave Israel and Enter Gaza, You Are God': described how many soldiers in Gaza reported moral injuries: "I felt like, like, like a Nazi ... it looked exactly like we were actually the Nazis and they were the Jews."

[1]        Arendt, p. 125.

19 February 2025

UPDATE: Zionist WhatsApp Group Urges Their Friends to Email the Police Posing as Local Residents to Complain About ‘Disruption’ & ‘anti-Semitism’ at Hotoveli Picket

Just In Case Their Brain Dead Supporters Don’t Know What To Write, They Are Provided With Helpful Clichés 

When the local police at SNTEK-PrimroseHill@met.police.uk decided to try and mobilise local opinion against the weekly demonstrations about Israel’s Genocidal Ambassador, Tzipi Hotoveli, it was an open invitation to their Zionist friends to get their mates London-wide to join in.

When the local filth tried to obtain ‘impact statements’ from residents of Swiss Cottage, it was obvious that Zionist groups would try and swamp the police Inbox with bogus replies. Sure enough the Israel Supporters WhatsApp group has done just that, inviting all their mates London-wide.

Impact statements are only given at court hearings from the victims of crime, so the very use of this term betrayed the Police’s mentality that demonstrations are a crime.

As one local resident told me, the noise of the traffic is such that anyone complaining about noise is simply lying. I suggest that Palestine supporters do the same.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    * *    *    *    *    *    *    *    * 

The Metropolitan Police Letter Which Encouraged Residents to Complain About the Demonstrations Against Israeli Ambassador, Tzipi Hotoveli

A Reply to Susan Caplan, a Zionist Who Wrote That the Demonstrations ‘Must Not Be Allowed to Continue’ 

There was a time when the Police professed to be politically neutral. However that has gone out of the window as the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley, openly boasted of how he is cracking down on Palestinian demonstrations in London.

Rowley’s reasons are really quite touching for someone who is in charge of an organisation which has been found to be institutionally racist by numerous inquiries, including by the historic MacPherson Inquiry into the murder of Black teenager, Stephen Lawrence.

Although the Inquiry didn’t get to the bottom of the Police’s links with his killers, subsequent further information emerged from Victoria and Naomi Smith, who were related to the Norris family, whose son David Norris was eventually gaoled for Stephen’s murder. Clifford Norris, the father of David Norris, used a network of corrupt Metropolitan police officers to protect himself and his close relations from justice.

To this day there has been no investigation into these claims of police corruption. But rest assured. Although the murder of a Black teenager didn’t impact on the Met until the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry reached its damning verdict, the Met are however very sensitive to the impact of demonstrations against Genocide in Gaza on Zionist Jews. So much so that they go out of their way to get them to make complaints.

The Met’s assumption that all Jews are supportive of Genocide in Palestine and Israeli Apartheid is itself anti-Semitic. And why not? In the 1930s from my own research Brighton Police entertained visiting delegations of the German Police, even when, after 1936, Heinrich Himmler was put in charge of both the German Police and the SS.

Of course attacks on free speech and the right of assembly aren’t confined to Britain. In Switzerland two weeks ago the Executive Director of Electronic Intifada, Ali Abunimah was kidnapped off the street and held incommunicado for three days before being expelled from the country. Ali had been invited to address a meeting on Palestine.

Last Tuesday police and politicians in Germany tried to cancel a meeting in Berlin featuring Francesca Albanese, the U.N. special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian Territories. Organisers were forced to move the event to a smaller venue.   

The organizers, DiEM25, said in a statement on its website: 

“In a deeply concerning escalation, the organisers of ‘Reclaiming the Discourse: Palestine, Justice, and Truth’ – an event featuring UN Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese – are facing ruthless attacks on their fundamental rights to freedom of speech, assembly, and expression.

The venue, Kühlhaus Berlin, faced immense pressure from German politicians and the Berlin police to cancel the event. This is not only a disgrace but a direct assault on the rule of law and the core principles of democracy. It also represents an attack on businesses coerced into submission through mafia-like tactics, where intimidation has reached alarming extremes. …

LIVE FROM BERLIN: Palestine, Justice and the Power of Truth with Francesca Albanese and more

In the 1930s when anti-Semitism was a real issue, the Metropolitan Police sided with the fascists and at the Battle of Cable Street did its best to force thousands of fascists on the Jewish East End. However working class solidarity and a demonstration of 200,000 forced them back.

Today the Police purport to be concerned about anti-Semitism when it comes to protest against Genocide and War Crimes in Gaza. Of course they could try implementing the International Criminal Court Act 2001 which makes being ancillary to or participating in war crimes, even when abroad, an offence.

However British complicity in war crimes doesn’t disturb the Met but evidence-free allegations that Jews are afraid to walk the streets because of Palestine solidarity demonstrations, does concern them.  In other words the Met has adopted the Zionist narrative that to support the Palestinians is in itself anti-Semitic. 

We had the absurd spectacle of the Jewish Bloc on a Palestine Demonstration in London in December 2023 being separated off from the rest of the demonstrators because the Police found it difficult to accept that Jews could support the Palestinians.

Where does this racist nonsense come from?  Perhaps Mark Rowley could answer and explain the nature of the briefings that are given to his officers. This is a legacy of colonial divide and rule. As part of this false narrative anti-Zionist Jews suddenly become invisible.

Suddenly the only genuine Jews are racist Jews like Susan Caplan. Ms Caplan, did respond to the invitation of the Met to complain about the demonstrations. We know this because the Met, in complete disregard of the Data Protection Laws, distributed her email to all and sundry! Caplan’s response is interesting, not because it contains any gems of wisdom but because of the insight it provides into the Zionist mind.

There was a time when Israel claimed to be ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’ however Genocide, Mass Murder and Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank combined with incidents like the raid and arrest of two bookshop owners in East Jerusalem have put paid to that myth.

In her email Caplan complained ‘as a Jewish person’ that ‘it is unacceptable to allow this protest to continue with it’s (sic) inciteful behaviour.’ We are not told who is being incited and against whom but we can guess.  Inciting against Israel’s racist and genocidal Ambassador Tzipi Hotoveli is clearly unacceptable to the said Caplan.

Not only this but the protests ‘have become uncontrollable’ and ‘cause more divide (sic) rather than peace and unity.’ There is nothing in the way of evidence to back these assertions but I suspect that evidence is the last thing the Met are looking for. As for peace and unity one wonders whether Caplan really expects the demonstrators to hand out white doves to the supporters of Genocide and unite with them.

And then we come to Caplan’s real concern. ‘Calling for the end of Israel, the end of Zionism is unacceptable [Caplan loves this word] hate speech and must not be allowed.’

As I wrote in my letter to her, Zionism is a political ideology which is based on hateful racism and calling for it to go is no different from calling for Apartheid South Africa or the Nazi state to disappear.

Caplan’s final flourish was to allege that political demands for an end to Zionism constitute ‘hate speech’ – and of course we are all against hate speech, an all-embracing term which includes those who hate capitalism, racism and oppression.

Forbidding demonstrations against racism is what the Israeli state does all the time. What Caplan and those who put her up to this really want is for Britain to adopt the norms of the Israeli state which allows demonstrations calling for ‘Death to the Arabs’ but which bans anything which opposes Genocide or Israeli state racism.

I finished my letter by referring to an incident in Miami Beach, Florida when a Jewish Zionist shot up a vehicle containing two Israelis, who he mistook for Palestinians! This is not the first time that Israelis have attacked other Israelis in the mistaken belief that they were really Palestinians.

The New Yellow Star?

It is rather unfortunate that some Israelis, especially Arab Jews, look like other non-Jewish Arabs. Perhaps Israel should make it compulsory for Palestinians to have a distinguishing mark on their clothes in order that assailants don’t keep mistaking Jews for Arabs. The Nazis used the Yellow Star. Perhaps Israel could use the Watermelon?

The injuries to the two Israelis were minor and didn’t affect their racism. The father took to Facebook to complain of their ‘anti-Semitic’ experience and true to his Zionist sympathies finished with the slogan ‘Death to the Arabs.’  You really could not make it up.

Tony Greenstein

18 February 2025


Dear Ms Caplan,


Thank you for your email to the Police complaining about the weekly demonstration at Swiss Cottage against Israel’s Ambassador, Tzipi Hotoveli. Despite doing their best to engineer complaints (or ‘victim statements’) the Police nonetheless had the good manners to send your response to other interested parties.


I hope you won't take offence if a Jewish anti-Zionist replies to you. Your email is a good example of the Zionist mindset and is indicative of everything that is wrong with Zionism, Zionists and supporters of Israeli Apartheid.


You say that 'calling for the end to Israel, the end to Zionism is unacceptable hate speech and must not be allowed to continue'. Thus speaks the authentic voice of the Israeli Police State.


Zionism is a political ideology, like fascism. It is perfectly appropriate to call for an end to it. Its origins lie in Christian Zionism. Its aim was to form, in Theodor Herzl’s words, a state which would  form a portion of the rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism.’  


Zionism when it first began was welcomed by anti-Semites, as a means of being rid of the Jews in their midst, and was seen by most Jews as a form of Jewish anti-Semitism. That was why the Balfour Declaration was proposed by Arthur Balfour, a Christian Zionist and anti-Semite who, when Prime Minister, introduced the 1905 Aliens Act designed to keep Jewish refugees out of Britain. It is noteworthy that the only person to oppose the Declaration in the Lloyd George War Cabinet was its only Jewish member, Sir Edwin Montagu.


Calling for an end to the Israeli state is no more a form of hate speech than calling for the end to the Nazi State or the Apartheid State of South Africa. It is only fascists and racists who cannot distinguish between a state and the people who live in that state. I call for the end to the Israeli state because it is a state of Jewish Supremacy and Apartheid.


Why is it unacceptable for people to express views in public that you disagree with?  This isn't Israel where Palestinian speech is repressed and anti-racist protests are met with police batons and bans. Have you not heard of the raid on the Educational Bookshop in Jerusalem this past week when the owners were arrested and books were carried away in plastic bags? I seem to remember there was another European state in the 1930s which also didn’t like books of the wrong kind.


But perhaps you have forgotten where you are living?  Freedom of Speech and the Right of Assembly are basic democratic rights which haven't yet been extinguished in Britain. I realise that you and your fellow Zionists are doing your best to achieve this, with the complicity of the Metropolitan Police, Starmer and Yvette Cooper but we are there to resist you.


The present genocide in Gaza is something that should be protested against, in particular by Jewish people. You should hang your head in shame that after the genocide of Jews by Hitler that you support the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.


You probably know nothing about the genesis of the Holocaust so let me remind you that on October 4 1943 at Posen (Posnan) in Poland, Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS justified the extermination of Jews to a group of senior SS Generals thus:

            We Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude to animals, will         also adopt a decent attitude to these human animals...’


On 9 October 2023 Yoav Gallant spoke in similar terms when he said:

            “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel,    everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” [Times of             Israel, 9.10.25]

I don't wish upset you with too many uncomfortable facts Susan, but on 6 October 1943, also at Posen, Himmler explained why Jewish children also had to be killed:

            ‘I did not assume to have the right to exterminate the men… and have the avengers personified in    the children to become adults for our children and grandchildren.’ [Raul Hilberg, The Destruction           of the European Jews, fn. 3, p.294]

Compare this to what Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, head of the pre-military Kiryat Moshe Yeshivah, said on 7 March 2024: 

            “Today’s terrorists are the children of the prior [military] operation that left them alive. The women are essentially the ones who are producing the terrorists,” he said, adding that when        someone comes to kill you, you should be quick to kill them. “It’s not only the 14- or 16-year-old      boy, the 20- or 30-year-old man who takes up a weapon against you but also the future           generation. There’s really no difference,” 

So you can see how similar is the ideology behind the Zionist genocide in Gaza and the Nazi genocide of Jews.

Is this inciteful as you alleged?  No it is educational. The only question really is whether you wish to be educated or would you rather wallow in your ignorance? The Israeli state is Hitler's bastard offspring which is why genuine anti-Semites like Trump love Israel.

Richard Spencer, the neo-Nazi who organised the Charlottesville march where those taking part chanted “Jews will not replace us’ even described himself as a White Zionist. Who could possibly disagree with him?

But let me finish this on a lighter note. Yesterday in Miami Beach, Florida a Jewish Zionist mistook two Israelis for Palestinians and opened fire on them. The ‘victims’, who survived unscathed immediately posted on Facebook describing their attack as anti-Semitic and finishing their post with ‘Death to the Arabs.’

Death to the Arabs’ is the slogan that is chanted by the Israeli right. In Germany and Poland  before the war Death to the Jews was the slogan of the anti-Semites. Perhaps now you understand why there is a demonstration against Tzipi Hotoveli, who is on record as saying there is no Palestinian history and who called for the murder of 600,000 Palestinians in Gaza.

Kind regards,

Tony Greenstein