Let’s Keep Palestinian Children
Safe – Since Israel is Doing Its Best to Endanger Them - Please Donate
Coronavirus Raging in the West Bank I am asking you to support the Children of Jenin
and Donate to the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre which this blog has adopted.
Jenin was
the subject of a massacre in 2002 when Israel used military
bulldozers to demolish homes with their inhabitants still inside them. The
effects are still felt today.
In the past
year many schools have closed in Jenin as a result of Trump having cut US
funding to UNWRA. The Al Tafawk Centre is the only one left standing.
As Israel is
doing its best to increase the spread of the pandemic amongst the Palestinians
of the West Bank, to the extent of destroying clinics that Palestinians have
set up, along with water pipes and solar panels, we ask you to dig deep and
help keep the Al Tafawk Centre in Jenin open. The Nazi type mentality behind
this kind of behaviour beggars belief. I was told yesterday by one Zionist troll
on Facebook that destroying clinics was about Israel’s ‘security’.
situation of the Palestinians in the West Bank is desperate. Their health
systems are unable to take the strain. Independent initiatives to set up
isolation tents and clinics have been met with the Israeli bulldozer.
It is not
‘permitted’ to set up a clinic in the Jordan Valley but it is permitted to
build settlements, attack farmers and steal Palestinian water. Israel's goal is
ethnic cleansing.
situation in Jenin’s refugee camp is very bad. There's no work and a serious
lack of medical facilities. William, one of their trustees told me that
'A lot of people in the camp
don't realize the gravity of this pandemic. They still go out and meet up with
others. Children still playing outside. That's why Mona, the Co-ordinator of
the Al Tafawk Centre decided to keep the center open. She cooks food for them
as well but she will soon be out of funding.’
Mona who is
the Co-ordinator at the Centre and a teacher has written this message:
A few weeks
ago the life that we knew, changed. COVID-19 hit the world. As hard as this
pandemic is on us, it is disastrous in any refugee camp.
The ALTafawk
center is a place where the youngest residents of the refugee camp in Jenin
(north of the Westbank) can escape for a little while from their harsh reality
of their very young life. Our main focus is to help them in building a better
future for themselves by giving them a proper education, but also, given the
poor living conditions in the camp, to provide the children with at least one
healthy meal each day. The majority of these children come from families that
are really struggling to survive in desperate circumstances, meaning that
sometimes their parents are incapable to give their children basic
We want to
continue to give our children at least one meal a day for them to keep their
immune systems as strong as possible, but we also want to be able to give the
medical support when the pandemic will reach the refugee camp. More than ever
we need your generous support."
I know I
have asked you for support in the past but I’m asking you again. It is the poor
and dispossessed who will suffer most from this pandemic. However badly off we
are as a result of the murderous incompetence of Boris Johnson and his ‘herd
immunity’ the Palestinians of the camps are in an even worse situation.
Please give
generously and as much as you can afford.
Many thanks
We will pay
the costs of transmission via Western Union as the Palestinian Authority Bank are
a bunch of crooks who cannot be relied on. For more information about the
Centre see their Facebook page.
Please Donate
Account Name: The Brighton Trust
Account Number: 91420311
Sort Code: 09-01-28
Account Name: The Brighton Trust
Account Number: 91420311
Sort Code: 09-01-28
Or alternatively
please donate via our crowdfunder Go
Fund Me
Thank you
Tony Greenstein

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