There is very little to say about this welcome initiative other than it takes a lot of courage to come out in favour of boycotting the society you live in. Just like White South Africans who supported the Boycott Movement, those few Israeli Jews who stood out will be remembered whilst the Liebermans and Netanyahus will be all but forgotten.
Tony Greenstein
Supporting the
Cairo Declaration
To the Initiators of the Cairo Declaration,
We, members of BOYCOTT!, would like to express our vote of support for the "Cairo Declaration", issued by the Gaza Freedom Marchers on January 1st, 2010. We are proud to stand together with fellow responsible citizens of the world and reiterate our shared commitment to demanding human rights for all and respect for International Law.
As citizens and residents of Israel, we understand that acting from within Israel itself to end the criminal policy which is carried out in our name, is not enough. It is vital at this juncture that the international community and its civil society undertake the needed complementary actions of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. It is time to suspend ongoing international normalization with Israeli institutions until they end their complicity in the brutal military occupation of Palestine, in the crime of Apartheid and in daily violations of International Law and basic human rights.
In light of previous baseless attacks on supporters of BDS, it is important to stress that the Palestinian campaign, which we fully support, is neither anti-Semitic nor is it targeting individual Israelis. Rather, it calls on all of us to stop glossing over Israel's crimes, to cease lending a hand to normalization with those responsible, and instead to actively insist on the promotion of true democracy, equality and respect for human rights in this land, for the benefit of all.
Like the Cairo signers, we, too, believe that the BDS campaign can evolve into a growing international awareness movement, as evidenced by the diversity of the Cairo delegations and their courageous joint declaration. We strongly endorse that declaration along with its goals and methods, and append our signatures as a group and as individuals.
On behalf of
BOYCOTT! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within
Neta Golan, Yana Ziferblat, Prof. Yoram Bar-Haim, Yael Lerer, Iris Hefets, Matan Cohen, Dr. David Nir, Ronnen Ben-Arie, Michal Zak, Merav Amir, Elian Weizman, Dr. Dorothy Naor, Yonatan Shapira, Haggai Matar, Marcelo Svirsky, Dr. Anat Matar, Dr. Dalit Baum, Yoav Beirach Barak, Rela Mazali, Ayala Shani, Ofer Neiman, Prof. Rachel Giora, Tirtza Tauber, Nitzan Aviv, Ronnie Barkan, Tal Shapira, Edo Medicks, Kerstin Sodergren, Prof. Uri Davis, Reuven Abergel, Inbar Shimsho, Deb Reich
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