Not only the present Israeli government led by Netanhayu traces its political ancestry to the Irgun and Stern Gang terrorists of the Mandate period, but the Opposition too, in the form of its leader Tsipi Livni, is also directly related to Irgun!
Labour Zionism, needless to say, has all but disappeared. Its sole remaining members are Shimon Peres, the hawkish protégé of David Ben-Gurion and of course Labour leader Ehud Barak. Recent opinion polls give Israeli Labour just 7 seats, down from its 12 in this Knesset and of course far below the 40+ seats it once got.
Teitel’s only mistake was to plant a bomb outside the house of left-Zionist Zeev Sterhnhell.
Interestingly, it appears that Teitel actually confessed in June 1997 to killing 2 Palestinians and was released! In 'From Dentist's Son to Jewish Terrorist' he admits he came to Israel to murder Palestinians. Despite this he was released and in 2003 was formally notified that the Police had dropped their investigation.
Teitel has said that in June 1997 he killed an Arab taxi driver and a Palestinian shepherd. Two months later, the Shin Bet security service arrested him; he said during his investigation that he came to Israel precisely to carry out attacks against Palestinians, in revenge for suicide bombings.There was also another State in different times which, as a matter of course, never prosecuted those who attacked members of another group. In that case they were Jews and the name of the State of course is Nazi Germany and not only, of course Nazi Germany, but Czarist Russia among other places. Israel no doubt feels proud of such a legacy. Tony Greenstein
Would Israel arrest a Jewish terrorist with only Arab victims?
Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz – 2 Nov 2009
It’s reasonable to assume that if Yaakov (Jack) Teitel had focused only on attacking Palestinians, he would have encountered few problems with law-enforcement authorities. His big mistake, it seems, was targeting non-Arabs as well.
Experience – and statistics – show that Israeli law enforcement is remarkably lax when it comes to tackling violence against Palestinians. Twelve years ago, Teitel confessed to killing two Arabs and then took a break from such activity. Sure, he was detained for questioning after the murder of shepherd Issa Mahamra, but he was released due to insufficient evidence. As with many other cases of murder and violence committed against Palestinians, the story of the shepherd from Yatta and the taxi driver from East Jerusalem disappeared into oblivion – until Teitel returned and attempted to harm Jews, bringing the wrath of public opinion, the Shin Bet security service and the Israel Police down on his head.
The (justifiably) prevailing feeling among Palestinians in the West Bank is that their blood is of no consequence. It’s hard to find a Palestinian today who will make an effort to approach the Israeli police about a settler assault, unless Israeli human-rights groups help him. The way Palestinians in the territories see it, Israeli law is enforced only if Jews are harmed, while incidents in which Palestinians are murdered, beaten or otherwise wounded are treated cursorily at best – and more often, are ignored entirely.
For instance, at least six shooting attacks against Palestinians in 2001-2002 have remained unsolved. The most shocking incident took place in July 2001, when three members of the Tamaizi family were shot to death by a man in a skullcap, according to relatives. The gunman asked the driver of the vehicle to stop, as it drove from one end of the village of Idna to the other, after a family wedding. When it stopped, he opened fire. But it’s doubtful that Israelis remember that 3-month-old Dai Marwan Tamaizi, born after his parents underwent 14 years of fertility treatments, was killed that day – as were Mohammed Salameh Tamaizi, 27, an only child, and Mohammed Hilmi al-Tamaizi, 24, who was engaged to be married.
One relative recalled last night that to this day, the Israeli authorities have not bothered to update the family on the outcome of their investigation.
Investigations by Palestinian-rights advocacy group Yesh Din has found that 90 percent of police investigations of cases in which Israelis are suspected of committing offenses against Palestinians in the West Bank are left unsolved and are closed. In a 2006 case, four settlers were suspected of beating an elderly Palestinian man with a rifle, leaving him unconscious for three weeks – but police didn’t check the alibis of two of the suspects, and a third wasn’t even questioned.
There are many more such incidents that indicate that the impression of Palestinians in the West Bank is rooted in reality. Maybe it’s Arab terrorists simply interest the law-enforcement authorities more than Jewish terrorists. See also:
Israel in Shock Over Arrest of Jewish Extremist - U.S. Settler Accused of Murder and Hate Crimes
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