19 October 2024

The killing of Yahya Sinwar & Hassan Nasrallah will, like that of Bobby Sands, avail Zionism and its imperialist backers nothing

 Israel’s assassinations are based on the idea that Palestinians would happily accept their dispossession but for a few evil men


PÁDRAIG PEARSE’s Famous Funeral Oration for O’Donovan Rossa in August 1915)

“A minute of living with dignity and pride is better than a thousand years of a miserable life under the boots of the occupation.” - Yahya Sinwar from his novel, The Thorn and the Carnation

The Zionists and their imperialist backers are celebrating the murder of Yahya Sinwar just as they celebrated the murder of Hassan Nasrallah and Ismail Haniyeh. However the death of Nasrallah hasn’t stopped the Lebanese Resistance inflicting heavy casualties on Israel’s ground invasion and the same will be true in Gaza.

It will not take long before more Palestinian and Lebanese resistance leaders emerge that Israel will seek to assassinate. What cannot be assassinated is the will of the Palestinians and Lebanese to resist Zionism, Israel’s war machine, ethnic cleansing and dispossession.

It was the same with the British occupation of Ireland. The blood of its martyrs simply fertilised the soil of resistance. When the British defeated the Easter Rising they took a bloody revenge executing 15 of their leaders.

More than 3,000 people suspected of supporting the uprising, directly or indirectly, were arrested, and some 1,800 were sent to England and imprisoned there without trial. The rushed executions, mass arrests and martial law (which remained in effect through the autumn of 1916), fuelled public resentment toward the British and were among the factors that helped build support for Irish independence.

In the 1918 general election to Britain’s parliament, Sinn Fein won a majority of the Irish seats.

Zionism and Unionism were bedfellows. Ireland was partitioned in 1921 and the Palestine Mandate began in 1920 although legally the League of Nations only granted it in 1922. As Ronald Storrs, the first Military Governor of Jerusalem said: ‘A Jewish State will be for England a little, loyal Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.’

James Connolly, the Irish socialist and trade unionist whom the British murdered

Zionism has proved somewhat more sturdy than its Unionist sister owing to Israel’s political and strategic importance but just as Ulster was established as a ‘Protestant State for a Protestant People’ so Israel was created as a Jewish Supremacist State, something embodied in the Jewish Nation State Law.

Patrick Pearse - executed

The Zionists like all imperialist monsters will celebrate the death of Yahya Sinwar who died a hero’s death. In his last action, though his arm had been severed, he tossed a stick in defiance at the drone which had entered the window of the building he was in.

10 Reasons People HATE Keir Starmer 

The Zionists, like all stupid imperialists, believe that executions and assassinations will destroy the will of the peoples that they have occupied and oppressed for so long.

Both Biden and Starmer welcomed the death of Sinwar as they had Nasrallah’s murder. Starmer, in a particularly disgusting passage, even for this slavish poodle of US imperialism, told the assembled journalists that no-one should mourn the death of Sinwar.

Of one thing we can be sure - no one bar his cat will be mourning Starmer's passing

I suspect that Palestinians will treat Starmer’s remarks with the same contempt that most British people hold him in. One thing is for sure and that is that Starmer’s passing will not produce any grief comparable to that of Sinwar and Nasrallah.

Alexei Sayle: 'I hate Keir Starmer'

It is noticeable that neither Starmer nor Biden could bring themselves to condemn Israel’s bombing of the tent encampments surrounding Al Aqsa Hospital in Gaza and the burning alive of men, women and children. That is real terrorism. State terrorism but no words of condemnation emerged from either Genocide Joe or ‘Starver’ Starmer’s lips.

The reality is that all the condemnations of Sinwar and Nasrallah as ‘terrorists’ are the dishonest verbiage of corrupt and dishonest imperialist politicians who wouldn’t know what a principle was if it bit them on the backside.

Israel has made clear its intentions to establish settlements in Gaza, in total defiance of international law. The International Court of Justice has recently declared Israel’s occupation of both the West Bank and Gaza illegal.

Roger Casement - executed at Pentonville for High Treason even though, as an Irish patriot he owed the British Crown no loyalty

The welcome of the corrupt neo-liberal leaders of Britain, the United States and Germany for Israel’s murder campaign against the Palestinians and their leaders is a demonstration that when it comes to it, might is all that is important. The right of any occupied nation to resist their oppressors is disregarded.

The Zionist reaction to Sinwar's death demonstrates both their physical and political blindness - Sinwar was sitting on the chair not hiding behind it

Those who regard Nasrallah and Sinwar as ‘terrorists’ are following in the footsteps of the Nazis who likewise regarded the leaders of the Polish, French and Yugoslav Resistance. It is always the same. Those who conquer other peoples’ countries brand any opposition as ‘terrorism’.

Tony Greenstein  


  1. "The aggression committed by Israel must be condemned, not only because no state has the right to annexe foreign territory, but because every expansion is an experiment to discover how much more aggression the world will tolerate." – Bertrand Russell, in 1970. https://russell-j.com/1502MFBR.HTM#google_vignette

  2. Tell me Tony, to what extent does anti-semitism play a part in the Middle East dispute? The Israel-Palestinian conflict is not an obstacle to the disappearance of Muslim anti-semitism; Muslim anti-semitism is an obstacle to the resolution of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Sceptics may consult the Hamas charter, available on the web, to satisfy themselves that this is so. It holds the Jews responsible, among other things, for the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution, and for the First and Second World Wars.


    1. Like a one-club golfer our resident Zionist has only one answer to everything 'antisemitism' - what role he asks does antisemitism play at the time of a new holocaust in Northern Gaza. I'll tell you the answer - NO ROLE WHATSOEVER

      What role does visceral anti-Palestinian racism play, judging by all those tik tok videos Israelis love to produce? a great deal.

      The Palestinian struggle is an anti-colonial/anti-imperialist struggle and the murder of Jews in Germany was the result of German imperialism. Go figure

    2. And our foaming at the mouth blogger only sees one cause of all the problems in the Middle East - Israel.
      Furthermore, according to the blogs author, Israel is basically colonialism and imperialism. He completely omits the origins of Israel, including political Zionism, so rather than seeing the reality that European Jews were refugees fleeing violent antisemitism, readers are made to believe that Israel is the same as colonization of the Americas and South Africa.
      As well as this, there's no mention of Jewish people's 3000 year connection to the Southern Levant, apparently they're just European settlers (cue the selective quotes from some Zionist leaders to support his views).


    3. It's like taking candy from a child dealing with YM.

      Imperialism and the integration of the Gulf states in global capitalism is the problem. Israel is the West's guard dog.

      Yes Political Zionism preceded 'practical Zionism'. So what? Its founder was Theodor Herzl who wrote in his Diaries (p.6) that
      'In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism'

      This was at a time when the campaign to pardon and free Dreyfus was gathering pace. Herzl was consorting with the anti-Dreyfusards because Zionists and anti-Semites have a fatal attraction for each o ther.

      The early colonists weren't refugees. 99% of refugees from Czarist Russia went to Britain, the US or other European countries. Those who were idealists went to Palestine.

      But even if they were refugees, so what? Weren't the Pilgrim Fathers refugees and the Plymouth Brethren? Does that make the extermination of the Native Americans alright then?

      I know that YM doesn't like 'selective quotes from 'some Zionist leaders' but they help illuminate his problem. What is Zionism, wrote Herzl to Cecil Rhodes 'something colonial' was his answer.

      Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism in The Iron Wall asked:

      'Every reader has some general understanding of the history of colonisation of other countries. I invite him to recall all known examples; and let him, after going through the entire list, try to find even one case where colonisation took place with the consent of the natives. There has not been such a case. The natives, be they civilised or uncivilised, always fought stubbornly against the colonisers, be they civilised or uncivilised. At the same time, the colonisers’ mode of action did not in the least affect the attitude of the native towards them.'

      This was part of a debate with those Labour Zionists who believed that they could persuade the Palestinians to reconcile themselves to a Jewish State.

      The 3,000 year connection to the Middle East of European Jews is one of those racial myths that Hitler loved. You know, the 1,000 year Reich and all of that. If anyone is descended from the ancient Hebrews its the Palestinians not Polish Jews. There is a religious attachment but no Jew in his right mind thought of going there to live other than the ultra Orthodox who went there to study and die, dependent on the charity of the Jews back home.
      Their presence had no political implications and Chaim Weizmann called them the 'old Yishuv' who were anti-Zionist.
      Sorry Yacov but you really must grow up. I was also fed these myths but I learnt better. It is to be hoped that in time you will too!

  3. The comparison to Ulster is illuminating and you would have thought the British Government had learned from that experience, particularly after all the back-slaps after the Good Friday agreement. The quote from Bertrand Russell in the comment above is also a very important reminder of the global significance of this 100 years of aggression.


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