10 October 2023

Yoav Gallant’s Statement that Palestinians are ‘Human Animals’ Echoes Hitler’s Description of Jews as ‘Human Cattle’

The Palestinian Uprising has Destroyed the Myth of Israeli Invincibility – Neither Hamas Nor Hezbollah are Terrorists –Israel Alone Deserves That Label

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Varoufakis statement on Gaza Uprising

I will be speaking this Wednesday at a meeting on the Gaza-Ghetto Uprising and the significance of the attack by the Palestinian resistance on Israel. What will be the political fall-out? What has changed? What does the reaction of the United States and the western powers signify? What are Israel’s intentions etc.

Socialists should be crystal clear. Palestinians have every right, after a siege of Gaza lasting over 17 years to resist their oppressors. Anyone who denies that is no supporter of the Palestinians.

We should also be under no doubt as to the dangers. Netanyahu has already promised, as if a Nazi General, to raze Gaza to the ground. Yoav Gallant, Israel’s Defence Minister has already called the Palestinians ‘human animals’ thus betraying the racist nature of Zionism and its treatment of the Palestinians. This is not an emotional response of the moment. In 2015 Deputy Defence Minister Eli Dahan also called Palestinians ‘animals.’

To the more faint-hearted amongst us who recoil at some of the atrocities that the Palestinian guerillas are alleged to have committed I say this. There is no war yet when human rights crimes haven’t been committed by both sides. The mass rape of German women at the end of the last war, the undoubted war crimes committed by the British when they bombed Dresden and Nuremburg did not mean that we were neutral as between the Nazis and the Allies.

It is perfectly possible to condemn rape, the alleged parading of a naked Israeli woman in Gaza City and yet support the Palestinian Uprising. Because we all know that whatever war crimes have been committed by Palestinian fighters they pale into insignificance compared to the endless Israeli atrocities. The violence of the oppressed can never be compared with the violence of the oppressor. In today's Times of Israel I came upon this report of the killing of two Israelis:

At 8:20 a.m., terrorists entered Dvir’s home, he lunged at them with an axe, tried to protect my two kids who were with him, and was murdered in front of their eyes,” she posted. “His partner Stav also tried to protect them, but was murdered as well. The terrorist calmed down my Daria and Lavi, covered them in a blanket, took lipstick and wrote on the wall: ‘The al-Qassam [Brigades] people don’t murder children.

When has Israel ever spared Palestinian children?  Israel’s bombing of Palestinian homes is indiscriminate by definition. The death of Palestinian children does not disturb the average Israeli. So far this year 47 Palestinian children have been murdered in the West Bank yet this and the brutal military occupation didn’t figure once in the demands of Israelis in their mass demonstrations against the judicial reforms. Ex-Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked called Palestinian children ‘'little snakes'.

Let us also be clear that terrorism has a very specific meaning. It is the deliberate use of violence against civilians for political purposes. It is Israel which has been responsible throughout its existence for using terrorism as its weapon of choice – be it the bombing by the Zionist Irgun of the King David Hotel in 1946 when 92 people were killed and 46 injured  to the Sabra and Chatilla massacres in the refugee camps of Beirut in 1982 when around 2,000 unarmed Palestinians were murdered by the Lebanese Phalange as Israeli troops lit up the skyline for them.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are NOT terrorist organizations and they are only deemed as such by a Tory Home Secretary Savid Javid who bowed to the pressure of the Zionist Lobby. If interpreted literally the provisions of the Terrorism Act 2000 could be used to render illegal any meeting or action supporting the uprising in Gaza.

It is quite possible that a meeting where support is given to Hamas and Islamic Jihad’s attack on Israel could be deemed to ‘encourage support for a proscribed organisation or to further its activities.’ under s.12 of the Act. Thus we see, once again, how Britain’s anti-terrorist legislation is there, not to prevent ISIS style terrorism, but to crack down on free speech that the government does not like.

In the explanation justifying the proscribing of Hamas the government said that the reason for this was that

This is an outrageous abuse of the law. In the same 2001 clash 67 Palestinian children were murdered by Israel. Is indiscriminate rocket attacks worse than Israel’s targeted attacks on civilians and its bombing of residential streets and peoples’ homes? This law is not about terrorism it is about the suppression of free speech.

Although I support the attack on Israel by Hamas and Islamic Jihad I am not a supporter of the two groups politically. They are Islamist groups whereas I believe that the liberation of the Palestinians has nothing to do with religion. It is a political struggle.

Of course the misnamed Campaign Against Antisemitism has issued a typically dishonest, lying statement headed ‘We will do whatever it takes to defend the Jewish community’. If the CAA, which was formed in the summer of 2014 on the instigation of the Israeli state, in order to try and smear solidarity action with Palestinians under attack in Gaza with anti-Semitism, was seriously concerned with anti-Semitism, then they would disband tomorrow.

Because there is nothing more likely to increase anti-Semitism in Britain and attacks on Jews than those who do their best to associate British Jews with Israeli war crimes.  Even the Zionist Community Security Trust admitted this in its 2014 Anti-Semitic Incidents Report.

The single biggest contributing factor to the record number of antisemitic incidents recorded in 2014 was antisemitic reactions in the UK to the conflict in Israel and Gaza that began on 8 July 2014 and ended on 26 August 2014. CST recorded the highest-ever monthly total of 314 antisemitic incidents in July, and the third-highest ever monthly total of 228 incidents in August.

The CAA, which is no more than an extension of the Israeli state and which is directly funded by the Israeli para-state organization the Jewish National Fund does its best to equate Hamas attacks on Israel with the safety of British Jews.

In its statement the CAA accused Hamas and Islamic Jihad of supporting the ‘genocide of Jews.’ If anyone supports genocide it is people like Israel’s Police Minister Itamar Ben Gvir who had a poster of Baruch Goldstein on his living room wall. Goldstein entered the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron and opened fire with an assault rifle killing 29 worshippers and injuring nearly a hundred. It is those in Israel who march to the chant of ‘Death to the Arabs’ who are the genociders but of these people the CAA has nothing to say.

When the CAA say

Those who glorify terrorism and delight in the massacre of Jews, and those who use the events still unfolding as cover for antisemitic acts should be under no misapprehension: we will pursue justice against you.

Note how the CAA conflates ‘terrorism’ i.e. support for Palestinian organisations with murder of Jews, which is the prerogative of the friends of the CAA – fascist groups like Britain First and people like Tommy Robinson – both of whom they keep company with.

Nonetheless we should treat seriously their legal threats. The reason is that Britain’s racist Home Secretary Suella Braverman combines her racism against refugees, with her talk of hurricanes, with putting political pressure on the police to arrest those who support the Palestinians.

Tory MP threatens use of Anti-Terrorism Act to suppress free speech

And just to make it clear to Braverman and her racist friends in the CAA, I support totally the right of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and others to launch attacks on Israel in response to the years of suffering and murder that they have experienced at the hands of the Israeli state and furthermore there is nothing you will ever be able to do about it.

Tony Greenstein

LLA statement on Israel/Palestine: Oppression inevitably feeds resistance

The situation in the Middle East is more volatile than it has been for many decades. We want to discuss what's going on - and if there is a solution. Join us on Wednesday October 11 at 7pm for an open discussion forum jointly sponsored by the LLA and the Republican Labour Education Forum, which will be introduced by Tony Greenstein. More details below, where you can also find the LLA's statement on the issue.

Hamas’ attack on Israel was certainly not ‘unprovoked’. The systematic and racist oppression of the Palestinians by the colonialist state of Israel has massively worsened with the introduction of the blockade 15 years ago and, more recently, with the state-sponsored extension of illegal settlements and pogroms on Palestinian land. These actions have created the horrific conditions which have led to this dramatic act of resistance. The aim of the Israeli state is simple: to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian population. It does not exploit the Palestinian people, as the apartheid regime in South Africa did – it simply wants to get rid of them. As a major ally of US-led imperialism in the otherwise unstable Middle East, Israel is supported politically, financially and militarily in this campaign by most ‘Western’ governments and receives more than 3 billion dollars a year from the US alone (over 150 billion since its foundation).

This attack however will be a long-awaited opportunity for the Israeli government to distract from its own problems, rally the divided population behind it, move to the right politically and expand its programme of ethnic cleansing. The US government on the other hand might well use this attack as a precursor to heat up its conflict with Iran.

The results for the Palestinian population remain the same: Further Israeli repression, particularly in the Gaza strip, is inevitable. Israel has no interest in getting rid of Hamas, otherwise it would have to govern Gaza directly, at great cost politically and financially. But they will want to destroy as much of Gaza as possible, in front of the TV cameras, before declaring ‘revenge’ has been served.

The attack has naturally been described as “anti-Semitic” – that is, after all, what the smear campaign in the Labour movement was all about, to prepare for a moment like this. Getting rid of Jeremy Corbyn was just a convenient side effect and it remains true that the failure of the official Left to stand up to the witch-hunt has helped to prepare the current ground. Any opposition to the programme of brutal ethnic cleansing and the coming expansion of military and financial support for the Israeli government is likely to be branded ‘racist’ and anti-Jewish.

All the more important that socialists continue to fight:

  • for an end to the occupation of Palestine
  • against the conflation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism
  • against any political, financial or military support for Israel
  • against war on Iran


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Excellent stuff, Tony. Well done.

  3. Thank you Tony. Your posts are always so well informed, intelligent and clear. I’ve registered for the webinar.
    Vassa Nicolaou

  4. Thanks Tony. Yours is a very useful reminder of the true situation in the face of a relentless campaign of misinformation by the entire mainstream media and government. My hat's off to you.

  5. I have deleted a comment by a Zionist YM who insists on using the term Fakestine. Racism and genocide denial will not be allowed. If he wants to rephrase his comment to omit the obligatory Zionist racism the post will be allowed although it's a load of crap!

  6. Now Tony, had the Palestinian fighters when they entered the settlements given the settlers a stern lecture on the importance of human rights I could have given them some, qualified, support. Instead they decided to kill (some of) them. All Palestinians are, therefore, terroristic human animals and need to be eradicated from the face of the earth. Civilised people drop heavy munitions indiscriminately on trapped civilians from the safety of fighter jets. I'm surprised you need to be told this.

    1. The 'settlers' are natives, and Arabs are imposters. Hebrew, unlike Arabic, is a Canaanite language, and Jews are originally from the Levant.
      Israelis are the ones doing the decolonization, not so-called Palestinian Arabs.


    2. I've allowed this Zionist comment because it is devoid of racist abuse of Palestinians such as suggesting they are fake. But the contents are laughable.

      European Jews were indigenous to Europe not Palestine. Having a religion whose centre is Jerusalem doesn't make you indigenous but to Zionists words have no meaning.

      As Ben Gurion and Yitzhak Ben Zvi accepted (I doubt our Zionist even knows who they are) if anyone was descended from the original Hebrews it was the Palestinians.

      YM runs with racial myths of the type common with European fascists in the 30s. Myths of a Teutonic past and the like. Zionism was not new in this and it is no surprise that the first Zionists were Christians not Jews.

      When Herzl came on the scene the vast majority of Jews rejected Zionism. We all know that the first Zionist Congress was held in Basel Switzerland but who knows why? I doubt our Zionist does. The real reason is because it was originally destined to be held in Munich but Munich's Jews rose up in revolt. They accused the local council of antisemitism for allowing a Zionist conference. Why? Because the Zionists too accepted that Jews did not belong as their 'real home' was in Palestine which YM is saying above.

      I reject this. Jews are not indigenous to Palestine. How can you be indigenous to somewhere you left 2000 years ago? Are Italians indigenous to Britain because the Romans were here 1800 or so years ago? Utterly ludicrous.

    3. YM's not wrong about Hebrew being a Canaanite language, but what they don't say, is that there were other languages and peoples in the Levant. It wasnt an exclusively Israelite or Jewish area, and theres debate amongst scholars about where 'Israelites' came from, theyre own myths, like that of Abraham, place themselves as coming from outside.

    4. It doesn't matter if we left 2000 years ago, it's where Jews originally come from, so it's our ancestral homeland, not these Arabian imposters calling themselves Palestinians. Anyway, plenty of Jews remained there, so we've actually had continued uninterrupted presence there.


    5. What do you mean 'if we left 2000 years ago'. Who is the we? People move around as did the ancient Hebrews. So what? It doesn't mean you retain an entitlement for 20 or so generations to that place. Palestinians, as Ben Gurion and Yitzhak Ben Zvi (do you even know who they are?) accepted that the Palestinians were the direct descendants if anyone of the ancient Hebrews.

      But this is the politics of race. The thousand year Reich doubled. Jews live all over the world because they voluntarily dispersed. They have no more right to Palestine than the Italians have to London and York because the Romans were here also a couple of thousand years ago.

      Yes there's always been Jews in Palestine but so what? There've also been Muslims since the 7th century and Christians since the death of Jesus. What is more interesting is that the Jews who did remain behind as Jews, what Chaim Weizmann (do you know who he is?) called the Old Yishuv OPPOSED Zionism because a Jewish State before the messiah was a secular heresy.

      Palestinians and only Palestinians are the indigenous population and by calling them imposters, when you have no claims at all, you just reveal yourself as yet another of the new Judeo-Nazis that Israel has created. In other words the kind of racist who a century ago was shouting 'hep hep' at the pogroms against the Jews.

      You are really just one more example YM of how Zionism, which once claimed to be progressive if not left wing, is a degenerate neo-Nazi cult today

    6. YM doesn't want to face things, like the fact that ancient Israel was a minor blip in the history of Palestine, that Israelites were one of many peoples living in the area, and that there was history in Palestine prior to and after the Israelites. It would of been the higher classes taken into exile when empires like the Babylonians invaded, leaving behind the rest of the population, who over time converted to Christianity, and then Islam, although some remained Jewish. Its this long history and being at the cross roads of great civilizations that has resulted in making todays Palestinians.
      Arabs possessing an Arab/Muslim consciousness provides Zionists a safety blanket because they can use it as proof that Palestinians are just "imposters" but they ignore how this is common amongst many Arab speaking countries because the pre-Islamic history is considered haram. This is due to religious ideology that people have been conditioned with. Colonial powers like Britain and France picked up on these things and used them to divide and rule - in countries like Egypt they viewed Copts as being closer to the ancients, so favoured them against the Muslims, and in Algeria, the French thought of the Berbers as being closer to Europeans and pitted them against 'Arabs'.

    7. @anon 10:39 - interesting you mention the divide and rule tactics used in Egypt. One of the founders, if not the founder of Egyptology, Flinders Petrie, was big on those ideas. He believed the current inhabitants, especially Muslims, were less than, and used this to justify denying them self-rule. Being a eugenicist, he didn't believe ancient Egypt was an African civilization, and instead thought that it was the creation of outsiders, which was a way to try linking it to Europeans, with the ultimate goal of trying to legitimise colonial rule. He's buried in Jerusalem.

  7. Given Labours continued pro-imperialist stances, would it be worth while dropping the name 'Labour Left Alliance' ?


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