17 December 2022

Open Letter to Jeremy Corbyn - The Time Has Come to Break With the Labour Party

Labour has Expelled Anti-Racists & Anti-Zionists Whilst Welcoming Islamaphobes, Zionists & Misogynists 

It is time to Create a New Party of the Working Class and Oppressed

Dear Jeremy,

There are very few things in life, apart from our leaving of it, which we can predict with any certainty. But of one thing I am sure. You will not be a Labour Party candidate at the next election.

When you said that the political establishment, from the Sun to the Mirror, the Times to the Guardian, was waging an all-out war against you you were right.  There was nothing that they feared more than an opponent of neo-liberalism, NATO and imperialism. You stood for hope and change which is why, at the 2017 General Election you nearly won despite the wall to wall opposition of the British Establishment.

The tragedy, and it is a tragedy, is that you tried to appease those who are unappeasable. Instead of fighting back you adopted their narrative. You failed to realise that when a wild animal attacks, you need to shoot it not offer it your arm in the hope it spares the rest of you! This was your clear failure.

Almost from the start you sought to placate your opponents. When 97% of the constituencies supported Open Selection of MPs in 2018, it was you who persuaded Len McLuskey to break the mandate of Unite and vote against it. This was the pivotal moment when the Corbyn Project came to an end.

How did Starmer and the Right regain control of the Labour Party? Was it by arguing that we should transfer even more money to the super rich? That we needed to wage a few more wars? Did Wes Streeting argue, as he does now, that we need to privatise the NHS even more when it was privatisation that led to the deaths of thousands of people from COVID when outsourcing of PPE meant that there no stocks available to the NHS when the pandemic broke?

Of course not. Instead they said that you were an ‘existential threat’ to British Jews. Suddenly the Islamaphobic and racist Labour Right donned the clothes of anti-racism. Jews (but not anyone else of course) were the victims of racism.

You above all people should have known that ‘anti-Semitism’ is the only response of apologists for Israel’s Apartheid State. They have nothing else to say when defending the murder of children .

When you were accused of anti-Semitism, instead of realising that this was because of your support for the Palestinians you kept repeating that you weren’t anti-Semitic. The Zionists weren’t concerned about your attitude to Jews. You repeated the nonsense that if you deny you are anti-Semitic then you are part of the problem.

Those who accused you of ‘anti-Semitism’ were the same people who, like Tom Watson, had defended Labour MP Phil Woolas when the High Court threw him out of Parliament after a campaign based on ‘making the White folk angry.’

Tom Watson, who declared that he wouldn’t rest easy until every last anti-Semite was expelled, wrote that ‘I’ve lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas and his leaflets.’ These were the same people who introduced the Hostile Environment Policy under Alan Johnson.

If anti-Semitism had been a genuine problem in the Labour Party then Watson, Margaret Hodge and co. wouldn’t have batted an eyelid.  When Hodge proposed all-White housing waiting lists in Barking the BNP sent her a bunch of flowers.

Historically anti-Semitism has been the home of the Labour Right not the Left. When Ramsay MacDonald came back from a visit to Palestine, the guest of the Labour Zionists, he wrote:

‘The rich plutocratic Jew (who) is the true economic materialist is the person whose views upon life make one anti-Semitic. He has no country, no kindred. Whether as a sweater or a financier, he is an exploiter of everything he can squeeze. He is behind every evil that Governments do and his political authority, always exercised in the dark, is greater than that of Parliamentary majorities... He detests Zionism because it revives the idealism of his race.’ [1]  

Do you know who printed this garbage? Poalei Zion, which now calls itself the Jewish Labour Movement!

In September 1942 the Coalition Government received pleas to admit Jews from Vichy France which 2 months later was overrun by the Nazis. The Home Secretary was Labour’s Herbert Morrison, the grandfather of Peter Mandelson. What was his reaction?

Lesley Clare Urbach wrote that:

Fearing that Britain would be inundated with appeals to take in refugees if the government allowed humanitarian reasons as a basis of admitting Jews to Britain, Morrison advised the cabinet to reject these requests.

 You might think, given all the nonsense about ‘left’ anti-Semitism by the Labour Right and the ex-left AWL that it was the Left that consigned Jewish refugees to death in Auschwitz.

In October 1942 Eleanor Rathbone MP and Lord Astor asked Morrison to issue 2,000 visas for Jewish children and the elderly in Vichy France. Morrison rejected the request stating that ‘anti-Semitism was under the pavement and that if we let in large numbers of Jews this would cause an anti-Semitic outburst.’

Fear of ‘anti-Semitism’ was apparently the reason for consigning these people to Auschwitz, despite nearly 80% of British people supporting their entry. In other words the anti-Semites had a veto.

But this was not the real reason. When told that they were in danger of being exterminated Morrison responded that ‘of this fact he was not sure.’ In other words Morrison was a holocaust denier.

Morrison feared that after the war these Jews might be an explosive element in the country, especially if the economic situation deteriorated.’[Wasserstein, Britain and the Jews of Europe 1939-1945, pp. 115-116]. Morrison’s real fear was of Communist Jews .

I was the first Jewish member to be expelled from the Labour Party. I was suspended because I had compared Israel’s refusal to allow Jews and non-Jews to marry to Nazi Germany where, under the Nuremberg Laws, Jews and non-Jews could not marry. I was expelled for calling Louise Ellman MP a supporter of Israeli child abuse for defending the Israeli army’s treatment of children. Apparently I had ‘shamed’ her even though the woman is shameless.

Instead of defending me and all the others who were being targeted you did the opposite. On page 306 Labour’s Leaked Report read that:

Jeremy Corbyn himself and members of his staff team requested to GLU that particular antisemitism cases be dealt with. In 2017 LOTO staff chased for action on high-profile antisemitism cases Ken Livingstone, Tony Greenstein, Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth, stressing that these cases were of great concern to Jewish stakeholders and that resolving them was essential to “rebuilding trust between the Labour Party and the Jewish community”.

Well we were expelled or forced out of the party. Did you rebuild trust with the ‘Jewish community’, i.e. the Board of Deputies and JLM?  Of course not. They went on to demand more victims like Chris Williamson MP, Pete Willsman etc.

I have fought racism and fascism all my life.  I’ve even written the only book on the fight against fascism in Brighton. Marc Wadsworth introduced Stephen Lawrence’s family to Nelson Mandela, which helped build the campaign that led to the conviction of his murderers.

Jackie Walker, a Black-Jewish anti-racist led the campaign to stop Nigel Farage being elected in Thanet and Ken Livingstone pioneered anti-racism work in local government yet, as Marc said, you threw us under the bus until there was no one left but you.

Of course there were a few anti-Semites in the Labour Party. It would be surprising if there weren’t in a party of 600,000. But there were a hell of a lot more Islamaphobes that no one was concerned about.

No doubt Labour has a few paedophiles in its ranks but does anyone say that Labour has a ‘problem’ with paedophillia? Of course not. If the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign had been in good faith then they would have turned their attention to Boris Johnson, whose novel 72 Virgins spoke of Jewish media moguls with big noses rigging elections.

Did it never occur to you that the demonstration against ‘anti-Semitism’ that the Board of Deputies organised outside Parliament in March 2018 had nothing to do with anti-Semitism? In its 260 year history the Board has never organised an anti-racist demonstration.

In October 1936 when Sir Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists threatened to march through the Jewish East End, over 200,000 Jewish and non-Jewish workers rose up to stop them. In what became known as the Battle of Cable Street the fascists were repulsed. What was the attitude of the BOD? It told Jews to stay at home, keep their heads down and do nothing.

In my book, Zionism During the Holocaust, I describe how, when news of the deportations of Jews, from Slovakia to Auschwitz, broke in the Spring of 1942, the Federation of Czechoslovakian Jews organised a demonstration and asked for the Board’s co-operation.

The Board refused. Their demands ‘went against the grain’ of their passive attitude to anti-Semitism. The Federation held a public demonstration and a rally anyway. The Bishop of London, two Christian MPs and the Czech Interior and Rehabilitation Ministers spoke, but not the Board. Both the Secretary, Abraham Brotman, and the President, Selig Brodetsky, refused to attend.

Corbyn on what he likes in Israel

Yet the Board, which refused to organise demonstrations against the Nazis and which opposed the Boycott of Nazi Germany, was only too happy to organise a demonstration against you. Is it not obvious that the only concern of these Zionists was support for Israel?

Only two days ago Naomi Wimborne-Iddrissi, the Secretary of Jewish Voices for Labour, was expelled from the Labour Party for having committed the crime of getting elected to Labour’s NEC. Today if you are Jewish you are 5-6 times more likely to be expelled from the Labour Party. This is what Starmer’s pledge to ‘tear out the poison of anti-Semitism’ has amounted to.

Not only is Starmer a Zionist without qualification’ i.e. a racist but he is a liar and fraud who said anything to get elected Leader. Like all scoundrels he has wrapped himself in the Butcher’s Apron. No sooner was he elected than he dumped the 10 pledges on which he stood. His treatment of you is a shocking act of duplicity but why the hell did you appoint him in the first place? Were you unaware of his role in the persecution of Julian Assange? His first vote in 2015 was to abstain on the Tory Welfare ‘Reforms’.

The removal of the Whip from you, the blatant gerry mandering and fixing of reselections such as Ian Byrne and Sam Parry, the racist and misogynist hounding of Apsama Begum, whose former husband has been allowed to wage a campaign of harassment against her, to say nothing of his support for Khalid Mahmoud, a front bencher who was found by an Employment Tribunal to have unfairly dismissed Elaina Cohen for whistleblowing about the corruption of her boss tells you everything you need to know about this legal shyster.

I don’t say that you were the main culprit in the defeat of the Corbyn Project. That accolade belongs to Jon Lansman of Momentum and John MacDonnell with a supporting role by Owen Jones.

200,000 people have left the Labour Party. The Left has been defeated and the Right are determined to ensure that never again can a socialist be elected as leader of the Party. Democracy has been abolished, left-wing pressure groups proscribed and anti-Semitism openly used as a factional weapon by the right. At the same time Islamaphobes like Trevor Philips, who believes Muslims are a ‘nation within a nation’ are readmitted to Starmer Labour.

There isn’t a piece of paper that you could put between Starmer and Sunak. Indeed sometimes they are to the right of the Tories as with Yvette Cooper’s demand for more refugees to be deported.

Starmer has failed to give any support to striking workers. Far from criticising the government’s failure to restore the nurses’ pay to what it was in 2017 Starmer has criticised their demand for a 19% increase. Yet there hasn’t been a squeak by Starmer at the 23% average increase in the pay for FTSE 100 Chief Executives.

Labour under Starmer is a neo-liberal party of capitalism. It stands for nothing and promises nothing. It rejects the call for the return to public ownership of rail and the privatised utilities despite two-thirds of the population supporting renationalisation.

The 200,000 who have left the Labour Party have not gone away nor have the nearly 13 million people who voted for Labour’s 2017 Manifesto. Parties exist, not as an end in themselves, but as vehicles for social change. The Labour Party is not that party.

It is time for you to make a clean break with Starmer’s Labour Party and lead the fight for a socialist party that stands for the interests of ordinary working class people. In the process you will encourage some of your colleagues to also make a break. The Labour Party stands for war, poverty and continued privatisation. It is time for you to make amends for the failure to fight the Right when it was possible.

In solidarity,

Tony Greenstein

[1]        A Socialist in Palestine, p. 6.  Poalei Zion Publication, 1922, London,


  1. Well said, absolutely to the point.

  2. Peter Kent-Baguley17 December 2022 at 10:12

    Rob Fursman, Steve Arloff and I started writing letters to the Morning Star over a year ago arguing that it was time an alternative Left party was established to provide a platform for 200,000 escapees and expellees from the Labour party as well as millions of voters have a base for the working class and supporters of real anti-racism.
    The usual response is increasingly that now is not the time and that all elements of the Left need to stick together, seemingly missing the point that Starmer's Labour Party is not of the Left!
    What is the point of helping, and perhaps succeeding, to have the Stormer-led Labour Party achieve a majority in the Commons? What useful purpose would that serve socialism, peace and justice?

    1. Yes I agree but it may be that when a Starmer government becomes unpopular, which it will, that that may be the most opportune time. But if Corbyn were to make a break now and agree to be the figurehead leader then such a party could get 100,000 members within a month

  3. Peter Kent-Baguley17 December 2022 at 10:18

    So we can only hope that Tony's message for Jeremy Corbyn overcome whatever it is that appears to anchor him to the Labour Party. Also, we can only hope that at long last some if not all the Labour MPs in the Socialist Campaign Group walk straight into the new party. Leaving it until after the next disastrously General Election with Neo-liberal policies a free rein to continue their disastrous exploitation of the majority of people.

  4. I agree with almost all of this, except the very last part about Corbyn leading the fight to stablish a socialist party outside the stranglehold of the Labour Party. Corbyn is absolutely not the right person for such difficult and monumental struggle. Let's be honest, your entire article underscores in detail with endless examples why Corbyn is clearly not the person best suited for that important role.

    1. I don't say Corbyn could lead the fight but he could be a figurehead in charge

  5. Any new party has to keep Owen Jones and Paul Mason out.

    1. absolutely. Certainly Paul Mason. A new party may not be able to exclude Owen Jones but will have to take up the politics of Jones

    2. Jones' politics which are ?

    3. Suck up to the nearest Zionist in the name of 'antisemitism' and bugger the Palestinians as only 'antisemitism' counts

    4. Ok, in that case are you really sure when you state "a new party may not be able to exclude Owen Jones but will have to take up the politics of Jones" ? Hopefully your being sarcastic about Jones joining and its just me not getting the tone over the internet...

  6. In 2017, two things came together to come so close to winning that election; Corbyn plus the Labour Party, they needed each other.

    It may well be that 100,000 people would join a new party with Corbyn as a central figure but 100,000 people cannot win a GE, and can we be certain that Corbyn has learnt any lessons? In the minds of the electorate, most of whom are probably not politically savvy, the LP is still the Party of working people, even though the might of the right wing media tries to convince them otherwise, and as such it still has 'advertising credibility'. This is what Starmer the shyster is relying upon.

    Socialists know that the LP under Starmer is corrupt, therefore should we not be concentrating on how to get rid of this corruption and harness the heritage of the LP? If however the corruption is too deep and widespread, a new Party would require a charismatic Socialist as its leader, where are they?

    1. Well a new party of 100K+ would have a certain momentum in which it can challenge the Toryism of Starmer in a way we can't now

    2. Yes Tony I agree but with the Labour vote split, it would almost certainly result in the return of another Tory government.

  7. The letter provides Corbyn with a reminder that he cannot continue with business as usual given his sidelining by the party. It’s time for him to endorse the idea of a new Socialist party recognising that there is no hope of fixing the party under Starmer. If in government the LP self-destructs it is more likely to benefit the Tories than an opportunist disorganised Labour left waiting in the wings. The time for s now!

  8. Agree, Jeremy as figurehead!

  9. I think many appeals have been made to Jeremy. Difficult to know what is he thinking. There is, however, another candidate who has recently emerged i.e. Mich Lynch. No baggage and fits the bill. I think we should write to him and ask him to form a new party. In a couple of years a seat in the HC will become vacant and he will be able to get into the parliament.

    1. certainly Mick Lynch would be a powerful influence

  10. Jeremy Corbyn was the first politician to offer hope. All previous and current politicians deliver the message "nothing can be changed, just accept it". All the time they're getting fatter and richer from us. I won't be voting Labour in the next General Election because, as the article says, you can't slip paper between Starmer and Sunak. The UK deserves better than 2 identical neo liberal parties offering nothing but poverty and division, while shovelling cash into the pockets of their wealthy backers. I still like Corbyn but his mistakes are becoming clearer. However, he inspired hope and we need a new socialist party but with a firebrand leader. Someone like Mick Lynch who'll play the media at their own game. JC is wasting his time remaining in Labour, he won't be representing them at the next election. He can stand as a symbol for the disaffected and lend his weight behind a new party. Now is most definitely the time.

    1. Mick Lynch as leader of a new socialist party would be great, but then again, even hes advocating to vote labour, which is a sad state of affairs.

  11. Brilliant letter. We desperately need a strong socialist opposition Party.

  12. The problem is, obviously, the first-past-the-post electoral system. If we had Proportional Representation this development would surely have happened already. I can only assume that Jeremy isn't willing to jeopardise the prospects of the Labour Party by setting up a rival party.

    1. PR would be helpful but it's not an insuperable obstacles otherwise the Labour Party would never have been formed. I think the key is to get the unions to disaffiliate

  13. Sorry, but sending an open letter to Jeremy Corbyn saying I am right and you are wrong does not sound very socialist to me.

  14. "It is time for you to make a clean break with Starmer’s Labour Party and lead the fight for a socialist party that stands for the interests of ordinary working class people." Tony, are you mad? Corbyn ought to fuck off into the oblivion he consigned so many Jews, the gutless bastard.

    1. I have no connect with Starmer Labour nonetheless the majority of the working class does have a connection and illusions. That is why one cannot ignore it. Leading a socialist party of 10 people will not change anything. Yes of course Corbyn was gutless though in some ways during his career he has not been but it's not a personal thing. It's his politics

    2. Sounds like an ugly comment from an ignorant Zionist!

    3. With Corbyn as a figurehead, you might as well vote Tory (Officials). We'll get nowhere looking for leaders, we need solidarity, particularly with fatuous nincompoops like Jack T.

    4. How did Corbyn consign 'many Jews' to oblivion?

    5. @Advocatus Diaboli - can you elaborate on your points about Corbyn "consigning so many Jews" and how hes no different from tories ?
      Do you mean he didnt stand up for the Jewish labour members who were accused of antisemitism, like this blogs author and Jackie Walker, or that he had a blind spot to antisemitism ?

    6. Corbyn passed by on the other side as a posse of zionist antisemites purged people like Jackie Walker. Corbyn was by no means an antisemite, more of a philosemite but defending himself and others, including our Tony, meant taking on a group of people posing as Jews while working as a Brownshirt thug gang. He didn't have the guts and that's unforgivable.

    7. @Advocatus Diaboli - thanks for clarification. Yes, Corbyn was cowardly for not defending non/anti-Zionist Jewish people. It didn't help that influential outlets like Novara Media were more or less agreeing with the mainstream narrative about him being a threat to the Jewish community - check 'Not The Andrew Marr Show' and 'Complaints On A Plate' for more on that.

    8. Corbyn made many mistakes but arguably not to defend himself, but to defend the LP. To extend hatred of him for his mistakes by using Zionist language, such as 'he consigned so many Jews to oblivion' is crass.

  15. Don't be so mealy-mouthed, his behaviour was contemptible, including allowing a posse of zionist antisemites to expel Jews.

    1. Your original comment was tantamount to calling Corbyn an antiSemite, THAT is mealy-mouthed, Zionist language. It wasn't only Jews who were affected by his mistakes, and certainly none of us were 'consigned to oblivion' as you put it.

  16. Tantamount is a euphemism for "not". Corbyn is not an antisemite but he might as well be for all the good he has done Jewish members (now purged members) of the Liarbour Partei. Calling me a zionist is mere casuistry.

  17. Linguistic Tomfoolery doesn't cut it as a cover for your original stupid comment.


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