The meeting organised by Don’t Pay UK/Can’t Pay Brighton tonite (30 August) was packed out. Over 150 people attended. One of the largest meetings I have attended at the Friends Meeting House.
There were speakers from the Trades Council (Andy Richards & Matt Webb), Sheila Hall and the 2 co-chairs (Nehaal and myself). People broke up into groups to plan organising on a local basis.
Here are some photos of tonite. The message was very clear – we can’t pay and we’re not paying. It’s time to return the private energy companies to public hands and we don’t care for the fact that the capitalists don’t like it. Starmer and Truss are 2 sides of the same rotten coin. The present situation is unacceptable and it has to change.
Tony Greenstein
Heating is a right not a privilege - We need to relearn the lessons of resistance and fighting back
There is no energy or cost of living crisis – there is a crisis of capitalism
Nehaal co-chair and Sheila Hall (nearest)
Privatisation is Legalised Theft
The Energy Cap is predicted
to DOUBLE in 6 months. There is only one solution – taking energy back into
public ownership without paying the parasites a penny compensation.
Privatisation of energy and water under Thatcher was nothing less than
legalised theft. We need to reclaim what is ours.
Privatisation of British Gas, Water and Electricity between
1986 and 1990 meant the transfer of assets that the tax payer had funded to the
City of London for a song. Neo-liberalism and free market economics dictated
the transfer from public to private. The consequences are there for all to see.
The policies of all governments since has been a simple one.
The transfer of wealth from poor to rich. During COVID we saw naked corruption
by the government. The number of billionaires increased
by 24 to a record 171 in 2021. In 2022 this increased
by a further 6 to 177.
The richest 250 people in the UK this year are worth £711bn compared to £658s billion in 2021. You will also be glad to hear that
Rishi Sunak and his partner Akshata Murty made the list for the first
time, as their joint £730m fortune put them at number 222.
Privatisation means that the sole aim is the maximalisation
of profit above all other considerations. The only duty that the energy
companies recognise is to their shareholders, i.e. themselves.
Profits have gone sky high. Eon, one of the big 6, has made
profits of €4.06bn (£3.4bn) in the first
half 2022 with CEO Leonhard Birnbaum being paid a mere €1.2m (£1m) in 2021. The
National Grid made profits
of £3.4bn in 2021-22. CEO John Pettigrew trousered a handy £6.5m. RWE
profits of €2.6bn (£2.2bn) in the first half of 2022, CEO Markus
Krebber ‘earning’ €4.3m (£3.6m) in 2021. Ørsted made profits of €1.75bn
(£1.5bn) in the first half 2022, CEO Mads Nipper receiving a paltry €2m (£1.7m)
in 2021. All of the above, except the National Grid, are based in Germany or
Centrica, which owns British Gas,
made profits of
£1.3bn in the first half 2022 and CEO Chris O’Shea took home a meagre £775,000
in 2021 having generously waived his £1.1m bonus. SSE,
of the Big 6, made profits in
2021/22 of £1.2bn, CEO Alistair Phillips-Davies picking up a far from generous £4.5m
in 2021. Uniper, another German company, made profits
of €1.2bn in (£1bn) in 2021 with CEO Klaus-Dieter Maubach picking up €1.9m
(£1.6m) in 2021.
Scottish Power, which
specialises in pouring untreated water into the sea, made profits of £925m in the first half
2022 with CEO Keith Anderson being paid a mere £1.35m in 2021.
But this is to leave out BP and Shell who are predicted
to make profits of £40bn this year. A report found that Shell and BP have channelled £147bn to
shareholders via dividends and share buybacks over the past decade, with rival
North Sea producers and the big six energy suppliers contributing another
Over in France however, where EDF has been nationalised the price
rise has been kept to 4%. The French
government has forced them to take a £7bn hit. Instead they make their money in
the UK.
As Skawkbox reported
Norwegian energy users are being charged only 6% of UK variable rate – on a 3yr
fixed deal. The current variable rate is
lower still – less than 1% of the UK price. UK households face paying 52 pence
per Kilowatt-hour (kWh) on variable tariffs plus exorbitant ‘standing charges’whereas
Helgeland energy in Norway is offering
its customers a fixed THREE-year
deal at just 3.2 PENCE (37 øre) per kWh,
with a monthly standing charge of just £2.51:
As the article
in Skwawkbox put it
‘We are being
ruled by criminals – and the so-called ‘opposition’ is part of the same gang
wearing different rosettes to create an illusion of choice while the
Establishment laughs all the way to the bank.’
But as
the song said, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The predicted price cap for next
January and April are eye watering. The Cornwall Institute has revised
its earlier prediction that the price cap next January will be £4,649. They now estimate it will be £5,387 (the Independent
estimates £5,632).
And that
is not all, next April, just 3 months later Cornwall estimate that the price
cap will rise to £6,616. Energy
consultancy Auxilione go one better - £7,700.
In other words in just 6 months the price will have doubled. In 18
months the price rise will be a staggering 503%.
Why is
this taking place? According to Alex
Lawson, BP and Shell are not merely content with the profits that result from
drilling and selling oil. They are
actively intervening in futures trading and speculation to drive up their
profits even further. In other words it
is as much speculation as much as anything else that is responsible for the
present crisis.
The war
in Ukraine has triggered this off. NATO, i.e. the United States, did its best
to provoke the war by expanding NATO into Eastern Europe breaking all the assurances
it had given Russia at the time of German reunification. War is economics by
another means.
benefit to US oil shale and gas production is immense whilst at the same time
creating the conditions for massive speculation as Russia is sanctioned. Indeed
the sanctions against Russia have most affected the countries imposing the
Bloomberg reports
the Ruble is this year’s best performing currency! It drily notes that ‘the irony of the ruble performing so well
while at war is remarkable’. Germany has sanctioned itself effectively as
it faces major gas shortages this winter. The international energy market is a
speculators’ paradise but it is the consumer who is footing the bill as the European
Union is
effectively dancing to US imperialism’s tune with NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.
current price rise is also going to force many firms out of business as they
simply cannot afford to pay the prices asked of them. This will result in
higher unemployment and greater poverty.
Date October 21 April 22 October
22 January 23 April 23
(estimated price rises)
Price Rise £1,277 £1,971 £3,549
Cornwall Institute £5,387 £6,616
Auxilione £7,700
None of these predictions can be relied on because whenever
someone mentions a figure it immediately increases. What we are seeing is the
insanity of capitalism where production is for profit not need. Instead of fairly sharing resources,
investing in insulation and renewable energy, we see vast multinational
companies making a fortune at the expense of nurses, carers and other low paid
The Most
Profitable Energy Companies Pay NO Tax
The French government under Macron is not a socialist government.
However it realises that if it were to allow prices rises such as those in
Britain then the streets would be ungovernable. The French have a tendency to
riot when the rich get out of hand. The British, because of the legacy of
imperialist illusions, which was what Brexit was really about, have become
docile and timid.
The days of the Poll Tax riot and rebellions have been
forgotten. We need to relearn what are
quite simple lessons. You don’t get anything unless you fight for it. We have
an arrogant ruling class represented first by Boris Johnson and now, almost
certainly, the pretty vacant Liz Truss who demonstrates the wisdom of the old
saying that empty vessels make the most noise.
At the same time as the country is suffering from a cost of
living crisis, the Tory Party leadership contest has become increasingly
surreal as Truss’s answer to the pain of ordinary people is to call for tax
cuts in order that the oil traders and speculators can keep even more of their
ill-gotten gains. Not that they need any
Last year BP paid no
tax on its North Sea oil operations. Indeed it paid in 2019 an effective
tax rate of -54% thanks to rebates from the Treasury. In 2020 the effective tax rate was -19%. Yes
that’s right despite making billions of pounds in profit it was handed yet more
cash by the Treasury! In the last 3 years BP has paid no tax whatsoever on its
profits from North Sea oil. When North Sea oil came on stream in the Thatcher years
instead of using the revenue to create a sovereign wealth fund, as Norway did,
they were handed over to the private sector and the proceeds used to fund tax
cuts for the wealthy. Yet too many of the working class and poor have been
persuaded to vote against their own interests by diverting anger onto
scapegoats such as migrant workers.
Indeed since 2016 the 19 North Sea oil companies, far from
contributing to the exchequer have received net rebates of £2.4 bn. That is how
the ruling class operates. Workers are expected to tighten their belts whilst
the fat cats stagger away with the proceeds.
It’s all very simple and just in case anyone gets the idea of
fighting back we can always rely on the billionaire press to tell us that it is
immigrants or claimants who are responsible for the crisis. Indeed anyone but
those who are really responsible.
The obvious solution to the present crisis is to take back
the energy companies into public ownership and end the absurd division between
generation, transmission and supply – a wholly artificial market that is a
private monopoly. If we had an
Opposition worthy of the name then Labour would have proposed just this.
But Sir Starmer, despite making 10 lying pledges to get
elected has ratted on his promises. His main concern is expelling and
marginalising the Labour left. In 2020
he promised that
Public services should be in public hands, not
making profits for shareholders. Support common ownership of rail, mail, energy
and water; end outsourcing in our NHS, local government and justice system.
For some strange reason the BBC and other media were not
interested in Starmer’s serial dishonesty.
It wasn’t in their interests.
What Can We
This Tuesday August 30 @7 pm Don’t Pay UK and Can’t Pay – Brighton is holding a public meeting
at the Friends Meeting House in Ship Street, Brighton. It has a number of speakers but the main
emphasis will be on organising in our wards and localities.
There is one and only one way of defeating these price rises
which are a tax on living and that is not to pay them! The Labour Left, people
like John McDonnell and the Campaign
Group make fiery speeches and then leave it at that. What we need is not words
but actions.
There will be some people who will be unable to take part
directly, such as those on pre-payment meters, but that is no excuse for those
who can refuse to pay not doing so. As a mass movement develops it will
generate its own momentum. For example we have to seriously explore the question
of neutralising and bypassing pre-payment meters so that people aren’t faced
with the choice of eating or heating.
Energy and warmth are our right.
There will be those faint hearts who say we cannot break the
law. This is nonsense. The law is there
to serve people not the other way round.
If the law countenances people dying through lack of heating then it is
perfectly valid to break that law. If
enough people do it then the blackmail of the energy companies will be broken.
It is essential that we emulate the days of the poll tax when
people organised to defy the bailiffs and the police. They can cut off a few
people but they cannot cut off millions of people. Unity is strength.
The Tories will no doubt increase their package of payments,
which have already been swallowed up by the new price rises, but they are
nothing more than sticking plaster.
If they can afford to pay Dido Harding, whose only
achievement was to marry Conservative MP John
Penrose, £37 bn for a track and trace system that doesn’t work and if they
have money to hand over to their cronies billions for failed NHS Covid contracts,
then they have the money to ensure that no one dies this winter because they
can’t afford to heat their homes.
If you live in Brighton and Hove come to the meeting and help build the resistance!
Thank you for your truth and wise words
ReplyDeleteCan we please share on Facebook?
yes please do
DeleteYup, I'm Fb sharing too.
DeleteShocking how supine the British people have become...
No 'civilised' country has treated its working class so bad as Britain, except for the "good 'ole US of A" of course.
DeleteYes, it's pretty shocking how supine people are but civil disobedience is a good start, and it's great to see this initiative. Hopefully there will be some co-ordination with https://wesayenough.co.uk/ rather than people operating in political silos. I'm sharing on Twatter, but until the sane part of the political spectrum creates its own media platforms and has some control over narrative we are all slaves to the algorithm, never mind that Twatter and Facebook busily recruiting ex FBI employees
DeleteRe being "supine" - yes it is quite extraordinary, but it's very good to see this initiative and https://wesayenough.co.uk/ - hopefully there will be some co-ordination rather than different parts of the sane part of the political spectrum operating in political silos. We haven't seen autumn bills hit doormats yett. Sharing on Twatter
ReplyDeleteTony, thank you. Do we have permission to copy/paste any of this on Quora, citing your name and web address, of course.
ReplyDeleteof course. I publish to that others can use the information