27 April 2022

What Do They Teach in Religion and Morality lessons at Ayr’s Belmont Academy if the Principal Religion Teacher Edward Sutherland is a Virulent Racist and anti-Semite?

Sheffield Hallam Lecturer & Lawyers 4 Israel's Lesley Klaff Declares that ‘Zio’ is not Anti-Semitic as Scottish Zionists Tried to Smear Scottish PSC as Anti-Semitic

I have the greatest sympathy for the crooks and liars who otherwise go under the name of Glasgow Friends of Israel (GFI) and Confederation of Friends of Israel in Scotland (COFIS).

Put yourself in their shoes. You are desperate to defend your favourite apartheid state (Israel). The only way you can do so is by accusing your opponents of ‘anti-Semitism’. So how can you prove it?

The problem they face, as everyone who is honest (no that doesn’t mean you Sir Sturmer!) is that Palestinian supporters and anti-Zionists don’t hate Jews. Nor do they blame Jews for what Israel does. That is what Zionists do. So what can the Zionists do?

Easy. If you are Edward Sutherland, a genuine non-Jewish anti-Semite, you set up a fake profile as a Palestinian supporter and then post a stream of anti-Semitic abuse. Unfortunately for Sutherland no one seemed to be taking the bait.

Therefore Sutherland and his friend, Zionist lawyer Matthew Berlow, hit on the brilliant idea of daubing ‘Free Palestine’ on Berlow’s home and blaming Scottish PSC. What could go wrong? Well everything actually!

Sutherland set up a fake Facebook profile under the name ‘Stevie Harrison’. He then posted what he considered an anti-Semitic post, ‘Fuck Israel’ and he also set up a fake Twitter account in the same name. Fuck Israel is not the most astute political comment I’ve seen but it’s not anti-Semitic.

Another of Sutherland’s charming posts read “I’ve seen it all now. "Zio prick’s asking for donations” in reference to Jewish lawyer Matthew Barlow’s Go Fund Me page. ‘Zio prick’ was his idea of anti-Semitism whereas it is simply abusive.

At the time Sutherland was Convenor of COFIS. But the icing on Sutherland’s cake was a tweet:

A certain Jewish lawyer woke up this morning to find ‘Free Palestine’ spray painted rather prominently! No idea who was responsible.

This was followed five winking emoticons insinuating that he, “Stevie Harrison”, had done the supposed spray painting. Berlow responded:

Idiocy. Typical spsc [Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign] behaviour. Criminal.

Not only does Sutherland teach morals and philosophy at Belmont Academy but he is the Principal Teacher of religious education too! One can only imagine what religion he teaches? Devil worship?

working with anti-Semites and fascists doesn't stop GFI accusing the Labour Party under Corbyn of neo-Nazism

Sammy Stein from GFI admitted that “Mr Sutherland, as well as a few others in our organisation, have false identities on social media.’ Stein explained the fake profiles by saying:

“We do this to expose people who express anti-Semitic sentiments.”

In other words they post anti-Semitic stuff and then claim the people doing it are Palestinian supporters.

We have come across Sammy before. Sammy is nothing if not an expert in anti-Semitism. In fact he seems to spend most of his time keeping company with anti-Semites. In 2019 Stein was caught with Max Dunbar, ex-Treasurer of the BNP and Treasurer of Britannica, a fascist group which was, according to Hate not Hope, merely the BNP under another name. They were both harassing the SPSC stall.

Another friend of Stein was Jimmy Robertson, former security chief of the BNP in the Highlands. Both had been helping run the GFI stall.

Max Dunbar, ex-BNP and neo-Nazi with Sammy Stein of Glasgow Friends of Israel having a friendly chat at the Zionists' stall

Not surprisingly the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) was forced to set up a hearing into whether Sutherland was a fit and proper person to be teaching children. It’s a bit like asking whether it would be proper to appoint Wayne Couzens as the manager of a woman’s refuge. You know the answer before you begin.

The hearing was told that Sutherland ‘had shared antisemitic posts online after setting up a fake profile ‘under the pseudonym Stevie Harrison.

The panel heard evidence from Matthew Berlow, who claimed Sutherland set up a fake profile to lure antisemites into exposing their views.

Despite admitting posting the messages with a view to defaming others, Sutherland denied breaching the teachers’ code of conduct. His defence being that “We do this to expose people who express antisemitic sentiments.”

Now why you may ask should Sutherland want to trap anti-Semites into posting on his Facebook newsfeed when he is surrounded by anti-Semites? How many anti-Semites does one man want?

Messages from his Stevie Harrison account read: “Back after a 30 day ban, my first thought? F*** Israel.”

Sharing a post from a member of the Glasgow Palestine Human Rights Campaign Facebook page, Sutherland wrote: “Tried to stitch up a good mate of mine. P***k.” For a teacher of religion Sutherland has a penchant for salty language. "Free Palestine ya bastards”.

But it wasn’t just Sutherland who was in on the conspiracy to frame other people for his own anti-Semitism. According to The Times of Israel Zionist lawyer,

Matthew Berlow found to have commented on social media post about attack he knew never happened with accusation that Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign was the culprit

Screen capture from video of a Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign rally. (YouTube)

The ToI reported in February 2020 that:

A Scottish Jewish lawyer has been found to have attempted to discredit a pro-Palestinian group in accusing it of vandalism that he was aware never happened.

Matthew Berlow, a criminal solicitor based in Glasgow, faces a £500 fine following a probe by the Law Society of Scotland, the local Daily Record newspaper reported Monday.

A preliminary ruling said Berlow did not maintain the standards of behavior expected of a lawyer.

The reporter for the LSS found that Ed Sutherland, a teacher at Belmont Academy in Ayr, had created a Facebook account with the alias “Steve Harrison” which, under the guise of being a pro-Palestinian activist, he then used to associate himself with the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC).

Sutherland is an associate of Berlow and both men have ties to a UK-based Israel advocacy group, the Record reported.

Berlow admitted he knew the graffiti attack was fake telling the Law Society of Scotland that he played along because the Harrison persona was being used “to monitor various ­disruptive activities of the SPSC.”

Not surprisingly the LSS found that Berlow’s behaviour fell below the standards expected of a solicitor and that he had faked a graffiti attack at his own home. Berlow had in the past been fined by the LSS for calling SPSC ‘scummy racists.’

Berlow’s response to Sutherland’s tweet was “Idiocy. Typical SPSC behaviour criminal.” In other words he was trying to frame SPSC for criminal damage. In the circumstances the £500 fine amounted to an endorsement of criminal behaviour. Sutherland’s ‘explanation’ was

 “Unfortunately I made it too real and named an organization I shouldn’t have. It wasn’t my intention to blame the SPSC for a fictitious event.”

As Mick said, the LSS should have reconsidered their fine

“because the damage to our reputation, in accusing us of such criminal acts, is impossible to deny.”

In 2018 Berlow was ordered to undergo “diversity training” and pay a fine after abusing Palestinian campaigners. He was given a fine of £1,750 as well as an additional £100 to University of Aberdeen lecturer and pro-Palestinian campaigner Dr. Karolin Hijazi, for calling her a “snowflake” and a “wannabe justice warrior.”

Scottish pro-Palestinian activist Dr. Karolin Hijazi of the University of Aberdeen in 2014. (Screen capture: YouTube)

One of Sutherland’s worst comments was about Berlow, saying:

‘Looks like a certain Zio’s big nose is out of joint. Don’t worry Mr. Berlow, You’re going to get what’s coming to you.’

When the fake account began to raise suspicion, Sutherland lashed out:

Someone complained to Facebook about me not using my real name. I don’t know what… they are up to but there it is on my profile.

Stevie Harrison. If you want my birth certificate, just say.

If I lose my job because some zionist doesn’t like me supporting the people of Palestine, don’t worry about it. I’ll still have my dignity.

The see you next Tuesday who complained won’t have. Rant over.

According to Mick Napier, the Law Society of Scotland got involved, which led Berlow to admit that he was behind the Stevie Harrison posts — in other words faking his own antisemitic harassment, which of course for Zionists is nothing new.

At this point the rats fell out among themselves. Berlow defended himself by exposing Sutherland’s role: it was Sutherland, not he, who was behind the fake postings. As Tom Suarez observed

‘if Berlow knew of the deceit when it took place, then he knowingly accused SPSC on no basis, and so in early 2019 SPSC filed a complaint against Berlow with the Law Society’

which found against him but imposed the derisory fine.

Berlow went further telling Electronic Intifada that Sutherland’s “posts were not anti Semitic” under the IHRA definition that has been used to tar Palestinian supporters as antisemitic.

My charge sheet included using the term 'Zio' - now the Zios have said it's not anti-Semitic I'm hoping Sir Keith will readmit me with an apology!

Actually I agree with Berlow but that’s because the IHRA is not about anti-Semitism but anti-Zionism. It is a confidence trick that too many University administrators and academics have gone along with.

Bear in mind that in April 2018 the Herald reported that SPSC was being criticised for using a “vile and derogatory word” to describe Zionists and supporters of Israel. And what was this word? ‘Zio’. As Mick explained:

I use ‘zio’ because I am hostile to the political ideology of Zionism adding that ‘Zio is not to be confused remotely with a racist epithet.”

You may remember the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations in the Labour Party which have now mysteriously disappeared as Sir Sturmer busies himself with expelling Jewish members.

Labour's Shami Chakrabarti defined 'Zio' as anti-Semitic and Corbyn being a fool went along with it

In 2016 Shami Chakrabarti issued a report which described ‘zio’ as ‘a new modern-day racist epithet’. Utter nonsense but Chakrabarti understood nothing about Zionism or anti-Semitism.

Sammy Stein, told the Daily Record that Sutherland had been using the alias “for years”, but that “Ed is no anti-Semite. In fact, he’s a friend of Israel.”

Of course as anyone knows, there is nothing incompatible with being a Zionist and an anti-Semite.  On the contrary the list of anti-Semites who love Zionism and the State of Israel is as long as your arm:

Tommy Robinson, Viktor Orban, neo-Nazi Richard Spencer (a ‘White Zionist’), Donald Trump etc. etc. If you are an anti-Semite what is there not to love about Zionism and Israel? Anti-Semites want to get rid of Jews and where better to send them than Israel?

Some of the most important Zionists in history have also held vile anti-Jewish attitudes. And some of the world’s worst contemporary anti-Semites are militantly pro-Israel.

Sutherland was both Convener and site administrator of COFIS, a registered charity. Sutherland took over the position of Convener in 2018 from another disgraced official, Nigel Goodrich, when Goodrich‘s involvement with an overtly racist Facebook group was exposed. Nigel Goodrich left the UK after an earlier case involving Facebook deception when his membership of an extreme right-wing Facebook page Jewish Defence Forces was revealed.

The JDF included members jailed for violent assault and people like Israeli academic Mordechai Kedar who advocated the rape of Palestinian women to deter Palestinian resistance. Its posted “Rule One” which was: “This group is about ‘Palestine and Palestinians’ which doesnt [sic] exist.’ Sutherland defended Goodrich at the time, claiming he left COFIS “due to relocating outside of the UK”.

Starting on April 5, the General Teaching Council for Scotland held a hearing to review Sutherland’s fitness to teach in a classroom.

What Sutherland and Berlow did is nothing new. As Asa Winstanley wrote Mossad-linked Israeli law firm Shurat HaDin admitted posting a series of violently anti-Semitic comments to Facebook in order to frame Palestinians and solidarity activists. In 2019, Electronic Intifada exposed a network of fake Twitter trolls systematically posting violent anti-Semitism in order to frame Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party and the Muslim community. See:

Edward Sutherland campaigning for Israel in Glasgow.

COFIS has “an extensive record of publishing racist materials” Mick Napier wrote that

The Scottish body charged with overseeing charities should revoke COFIS’ charitable status immediately.

The GTC stated that the "material posted by the teacher was of an anti-Semitic nature", and Mr Sutherland could lose his job pending the outcome of the upcoming hearing.

It is alleged that his fitness to teach is impaired as a result of breaching several parts of the GTC Scotland code of professionalism and conduct.

It was Sutherland’s defence however that provoked astonishment. In 2018 one of the charges against me by the Labour Party was that:

"On numerous occasions since May 2016, Mr Greenstein has uploaded deeply offensive and derisory antisemitic posts to social media and comments boards including but not limited to : repeatedly using "zio" as a term of derision,

According to the Jewish Journal, ‘zio’ is an ‘anti-Semitic slur coined by the KKK’. Yet what was the defence put forward by Sheffield Hallam lecturer Lesley Klaff of UK Lawyers for Israel on behalf of Sutherland?

According to Mick Napier Klaff defended Sutherland by insisting that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism should not be confused; ‘Zio’ was merely “an abbreviation” and not racist! Which is rich coming from an organisation that dedicates its life to proving that anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism. Klaff argued that:

“A reasonable person would realize that this is a reference to somebody who supports Israel…Zionism is a political ideology and there's a range of views held by Jews on Israel and there's a range of views held by non-Jews on Israel. There are plenty of non-Jews who are Zionist and there are quite a few Jews who aren't…Zionism is not legally recognized as an aspect of Jewish identity. It's recognized legally as a political movement or ideology to which some Jews subscribed. Many non-Jews do as well, so it's not unequivocally anti-Semitic.

Sutherland agreed with Klaff about “Zio” and “Zionist”:

“It’s frequently used as a derogatory term for people who support the State of Israel, whether they're Jewish or not. It is only ever in my experience used as a political insult.”

Klaff is the same person who was responsible for a complaint of ‘anti-Semitism’ being made against Palestinian academic Shahd Abusalama at Sheffield Hallam University. Klaff is sister-in-law of the open racist and fascist, Sharon KKKlaff.

Klaff’s defence of Sutherland demonstrates the dishonesty of the Zionist lobby. Klaff argued that even when “Zio” was used with a hostile expletive this was not anti-Semitic. Posting repeatedly about a “Zio prick” or a “fucking Zio” was not anti-Semitic but entirely political, claimed Sutherland:

In my experience it is an abbreviation for Zionist, in an entirely political sense. It’s entirely political and makes no reference to Jewish tradition culture or religion. "Zio prick" is vulgar but not anti-Semitic.

Oddly enough this was my defence at my expulsion hearing from the Labour Party in February 2018. My argument was simple. ‘Zio’ is short for Zionist and if you believe a Zionist and a Jew are one and the same then it is you who is anti-Semitic. Jeremy Corbyn, being an utter fool went along with it describing ‘zio’ as a ‘vile epithet.’

Sutherland told the tribunal that several other current members of COFIS had also set up Facebook profiles with false identities.

Sutherland and Berlow were co-conspirators who went on to invent a graffiti attack on the lawyer’s home, which they then attributed to Scottish PSC. According to Sutherland’s testimony theirs was a close collaboration. Asked if he shared his posts with Berlow before or after he posted them, Sutherland replied that it was “a combination of the two. It was a daily discussion. I shared all of them with Mr. Berlow”.

Having been caught in flagrante, and facing disciplinary action by their respective professional associations, Sutherland and Berlow put forward an unprecedented defence. It turned on its head the traditional accusation of Zionists that anti-Semitism equals anti-Semitism.

The smearing of political opponents as ‘anti-Semitic’ has been promoted by the Israeli regime since its foundation. Foreign Minister, Abba Eban, explained that Israel works “to prove that the distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is not a distinction at all”.

Boris Johnson’s racist ‘anti-Semitism’ Czar, Lord Mann demanded that UK Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer, outlaw the critical use of the term “Zionist”. That party has ruled that “Zio” was on a par with racist slurs, and “should have no place in Labour party discourse”.

Conflating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism was a constant of pro-Israel advocacy – until the recent GTCS hearing.


Sutherland’s “Stevie Harrison” jeered about Matthew Berlow, that the “Zio’s big nose is out of joint”. Klaff insisted that such a post was not anti-Semitic, “given that many Zionists are not Jews and given that many non-Jews have big noses and many Jews don't”.

This is disingenuous but clearly the GTC was out of its depth. Nazi propaganda about Jews regularly caricatured Jews with oversized noses. Sutherland claimed the post was “not made generically about any group of people. It refers specifically to Mr Berlow personally having a big nose”. Pull the other one.

Scottish Zionists have a long history of making false accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ against Scottish PSC. In January 2018 Berlow denounced “people from the spsc shouting about big noses” at his comrades in Glasgow city centre. That earlier fabrication stands in stark contrast to the evidence he gave under oath that they believed that jibes about “Zio big noses” do not constitute anti-Semitism..

Berlow was asked if he thought someone genuinely posting any of those comments would be anti-Semitic: “I would say that this is a person who has a problem with supporters of Israel, with Zionists”.

Klaff who is nothing if not dishonest, which admittedly is a common characteristic amongst lawyers, defended the right to belligerent anti-Zionist discourse as being protected by the IHRA definition:

The IHRA definition was never intended as a tool to be used to sanction people or take away their livelihood or indeed to take away people’s free speech rights…or to discipline them because it’s got to be used in the context of other laws like employment, protection legislation, the right to free speech under Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights and so on

This comes from someone who used the IHRA to try and get a young Palestinian academic at her own university sacked!  The dishonesty of these Zios beggars belief. The person who drafted the IHRA, Kenneth Stern, said it was being used to ‘chill’ free speech.

Klaff issued a veiled threat of possible legal action against the GTCS if it found against Sutherland by relying on a dictionary definition of anti-Semitism:

If Mr.Sutherland was sanctioned for these comments on the basis of a definition other than the IHRA definition, if he was to pursue the case under the European Convention of Human Rights, courts would take a dim view of that. Given that the government has adopted it, I think we all need to be singing from the same hymn sheet.

THERE WERE SEVERAL WEAKNESSES in the proceedings of the GTC panel, each attributable to the fact that the only witnesses called were pro-Israel campaigners

·         Although her testimony was recognised by the GTC ‘prosecutor’ to be ‘confusing’, ‘conflicting’, and ‘distinctly odd’, the supposedly ‘expert’ testimony of a member of UK Lawyers for Israel was not scrutinised by anyone with expertise in the field.

·         The potentially criminal act of fabricating a crime to falsely incriminate SPSC was not included in the hearing on Sutherland’s fitness to teach, although the deception was jointly promoted by Sutherland and Berlow, and has been admitted under pressure by Berlow, who defended their joint endeavor as a “a moment of madness”. Sutherland’s lawyer insisted there was no question of criminality in his client’s behavior and this went unchallenged.

·         A lack of knowledge from members of the panel meant that the GFoI fantasy narrative of frightening aggression from ‘hate groups’ hostile to Israel was never questioned. Stein and Berlow were accepted unchallenged as “credible witnesses” and their record of working with a right-wing extremist and Holocaust denier to harass pro-Palestine campaigners remained undisclosed.

·         Sutherland pleaded to the panel that “nothing I have done was motivated by intolerance or prejudice”. This too went unchallenged, whereas the extreme anti-Palestinian racism of the group he led was expressed in numerous racist posts, including a post from the admin welcoming the “euthanizing” of three [Palestinian] rioters in Jerusalem”. Another praised the massacre of Muslims in a New Zealand mosque as “payback for what Muslims have done”

During the four-day GTCS hearing the Israeli lobby demonstrated their true colours. They are not interested in fighting racism but defending Israel and attacking those who stand with Palestine.

See Shock Zionist U-turn at GTC Sutherland hearing, Mick Napier, 15 April 2022, Mick Napier
None of this stopped Jonathan Hoffman, the former Vice-Chair of the Zionist Federation and a good supporter of Tommy Robinson and friend of fascists and anti-Semites alike, from defending Sutherland and Berlow. Hoffman’s only qualification for defending anti-Semites is that they support Zionism and the Israeli state. Which practically includes all anti-Semites today!

Naturally being a concerned member of the public I emailed Belmont Academy to find out whether Sutherland was still teaching at the school. The correspondence is below:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing an article on Edward Sutherland, the teacher from Belmont Academy, who set up a fake anti-Semitic Facebook group under a pseudonym. Please can you confirm whether he is still a teacher of Religion and Morals and Philosophy at your school or not?

Sent on 26/04/2022 14:15:00 by Kenny Ross

Hi Tony, please see our response below. If you send any future enquiries to communications@south-ayrshire.gov.uk we will get you a response.

A spokesperson for South Ayrshire Council said: "A hearing conducted by the General Teaching Council for Scotland is currently underway, and it would be inappropriate for us to comment at this stage."

I therefore responded:

18:19 (5 hours ago)

Dear Mr Ross,

I find it strange that you and the local authority seem unable to say whether you are still employing an open racist and anti-Semite, to say nothing of someone who adopts fake persona on social media in order to blame others for a purported act of vandalism. What I find even more absurd is that this man is a teacher of religion, morals and philosophy! I just hope God has a sense of humour.

This seems out of a Life of Brian sketch.

Yours sincerely,

tony greenstein

Scottish Friends of Israel’s fake Facebook page posted anti-semitic material (SPSC)
Scottish “friend of Israel” faked anti-Semitism for years (Asa Winstanley, E.I.)

22 April 2022

Was the massacre of over 700 civilians at Bucha perpetrated by the Ukrainian National Police and the Safari Unit and Azov Battalion?

If these Nazi-style execution of civilians were perpetrated by the Russians why did Bucha’s Mayor say nothing when he announced its 'liberation'?

Please Register Here



The wanton massacre of civilians, in a Nazi style execution, makes no sense from the perspective of the Russian forces. We know that they have fed and provided water to civilian inhabitants. Why would they want to perpetrate a massacre such as in Bucha? What possible good would it do them?

However the massacre of Russian supporting Ukrainians by fascist militias which abound in Ukraine today does undoubtedly make sense.

Russian Torture victim

Undoubtedly there will be individual instances of war crimes by Russian soldiers. All armies perpetrate such atrocities in times of war and where they happen they should be severely punished. But the story of a Russian massacre at Bucha doesn’t ring true. It is what the CIA’s paramilitaries in El Salvador and Nicaragua have done. It is the United States which set up the School of the Americas in order to train such groups in torture and murder.

Azov Torture Victim

On 30 March Russian forces left Bucha, a town on the outskirts of Kyev. They had been using Kiev as a diversion to split up Ukraine’s troops. They rerouted their troops to the Donbas to bottle up and destroy the 125,000 Ukrainian troops there.

The very next day a beaming Anatolii Fedoruk, the Mayor of Bucha, in a video on Bucha City Council’s official Facebook page, which was aired on Ukrainian TV channel Ukraine 24 TV,  announced, in a translated post accompanying the video that March 31 was:

the day of the liberation of Bucha. This day will go down in the glorious history of Bucha and the entire Bucha community as a day of liberation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Russian occupiers.

Now you would have thought that if there were 700+ dead bodies scattered around town, that he might have noticed something? 

bodies with Russian packs

On 2nd April, the Communication Department of the National Police of Ukraine posted photos and a YouTube video on their website. They declared that their Special Unit, Safari (mainly Azov), would be carrying out a "cleansing operation" to "liquidate" pro-Russian "saboteurs" and "collaborators" on April 1st. They also asked residents to stay indoors and to not be alarmed. A female politician from the area also publicly broadcast the same message on television: that a "cleansing operation" was taking place, and for residents to stay indoors and not t panic. You can find the announcement here:

Special Forces Regiment SAFARI Begins Clearing Operation in Bucha from Saboteurs and Accomplices of Russia’.

The Safari consists of members of the Azov Battalion and one particularly notorious thug and murderer, Sergey Korotkikh, who according to Evan Reif is a man also known as Botsun, Malyuta. Bandit, Terrorist and most fitting of all, Nazi.

Sergey "Boatsman" Korotkikh was not only among the first Ukrainian forces in the town along with his squad of terrorists, he was making jokes about shooting civilians as he entered. He would later happily post these videos on his official telegram channel. Botsun is captured on film asking his commanding officer

“There are guys without blue armbands, can I shoot them?”

“Fuck yeah

Dead bodies with white armbands

Most of the victims were wearing white armbands (friendly to Russia), or had them used to tie their hands behind their backs. The photo of the alley shows multiple victims lying dead next to Russian ration packs. These ration packs are green with star symbols on them which you can see in the photographs. The Ukrainian State's public policy is to treat any civilian who trades eggs and other dairy goods for dry goods with the Russians as ‘collaborators’. The bodies in the street look placed, as they are lying in a symmetrical pattern which isn't natural--the victims wouldn't have fallen so perfectly, if, say, dumped from the back of a moving truck, or shot while in the area.

A young Ukrainian, known only as Halexandria, posted a comment on YouTube in which she stated that she has family who live in Bucha. After the initial fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces, Russians handed out food and water to residents--some took it, and others declined it. After the Russians pulled out on March 30th, the mayor of the town betrayed the townspeople, and told Ukrainian forces which residents took humanitarian aid. Military personnel then broke into people's homes, and shot anyone who the mayor alleged took aid, or had ration packs in their home, and anyone else who got in their way. Her family members witnessed this, as they live very close to some of the residents who were shot.

bodies with Russian packs

All of this evidence points to the Bucha Massacre being committed by the Nazi Safari unit of the Ukrainian National Police, under instructions of the state itself.

On April 4th the New York Times alleged to have satellite photos from the Pentagon which prove that the bodies had been in place since, at least, March 19th. Satellite images show bodies lay in Bucha for weeks, despite Russian claims.

Naturally the BBC and dozens of other MSM echoed this nonsense. The Pentagon denied that they had any photographic evidence confirming that Russian troops had committed the massacre. That was because an independent analysis of the satellite imagery concluded that it was taken on April 1st.  But see Russia to show UNSC 'empirical evidence' regarding Bucha deaths and Scott Ritter’s What Happened in Bucha Ukraine

Any forensic pathologist would tell you that bodies exposed for two weeks would have bloated, expanded with gas, burst, changed colour, and spilled liquidised organs onto the ground according to any basic forensic analysis. The victims were clearly killed soon after the Russian withdrawal,

Was Alleged Russian Army Massacre of Civilians at Bucha Actually a False Flag Event Staged by Ukrainian Nazis?

The Russians, when accused of this crime 3 days later, immediately demanded a special session of the UN Security Council. And you know what? Britain, which was in the Chair, refused the request. Now why would that be?

The Guardian, ever the faithful servant of the British Security State and NATO, is getting very perturbed about all this. It ran an article on April 21 Facebook posts disputing Bucha atrocities shared 208,000 times in a week. It seems, judging by comments on the Guardian’s Facebook page that more and more people are not buying the never ending, ceaseless propaganda barrage by NATO and its loyal press.

The neo-Nazi insignia of NATO's Nazis

Now if the Guardian and the rest of Britain’s yellow press were seriously concerned about this horrific massacre, then the first thing they would do would be to demand an impartial, international inquiry into who did this. Even UN Secretary General, António Guterres’s demand for an inquiry has been ignored. Yet the Guardian complains in a non-story that people aren’t buying into NATO’s lies anymore.

The real question is why, instead of a barrage of war propaganda, the Guardian and the BBC aren’t supporting Gutuerre’s demand for an inquiry.

NYT: Ukraine Responsible For Bucha War Crimes Against Russians

Perhaps the reason is because, as a Pentagon official admitted, even they can't independently confirm atrocities in Ukraine's Bucha, official says. None of this has prevented a rush to judgement by the mass media. Why? Because they want it to be the Russians. The idea that they might at last have to face up to the fact that the West is backing a Ukrainian state, whose security forces depend on 100,000 strong neo-Nazi paramilitaries might cause people to start asking questions as to why we are backing Zelensky. People might even start to ask whether Russia had a very good case for intervening in Ukraine in order to defend its Russian speaking population and Ukrainian Russians.

Woman  tortured and killed by Azov in Mariupol - swastika engraved into her


The background to this is what happened in 2014. To compensate for the lack of soldiers, the Ukrainian government resorted to paramilitary militias. In 2020, they constituted about 40 percent of the Ukrainian forces and numbered about 102,000 men, according to Reuters. They were armed, financed and trained by the United States, Great Britain, Canada and France. There were more than 19 nationalities.

Disagreeing with NATO's narrative is defined by Twitter as 'harassment'

These militias have been operating in the Donbas since 2014, with Western support. These militias are violent, convey a nauseating ideology and are virulently anti-Semitic and are composed of fanatical and brutal individuals. The best known of these is the Azov Regiment, whose emblem is reminiscent of the 2nd SS Das Reich Panzer Division, which ‘liberated’ Kharkov from the Soviet Union in 1943, before carrying out the 1944 Oradour-sur-Glane massacre in France.

The characterization of the Ukrainian paramilitaries as "Nazis" or "neo-Nazis" is considered Russian propaganda. But that's not the view of the Times of Israel, or the West Point Academy's Center for Counterterrorism. In 2014, Newsweek magazine seemed to associate them more with... the Islamic State.

Russian Torture Victim

So, the West supported and continued to arm militias that have been guilty of numerous crimes against civilian populations since 2014.

The integration of these paramilitary forces into the Ukrainian National Guard was not accompanied by a "denazification," as some claim.

What happened in Bucha is part of a continuous fabrication of stories over the war in Ukraine.  It is literally impossible to believe anything you see anymore on the BBC, Sky or the major press with the exception of the Morning Star. 

Take for example the so called Russian strike on a railway station in Kramatorsk in eastern Ukraine involving a Tochka-U missile. This kind of missile is not used by Russia but it has nonetheless been blamed on Russia.

The serial number on the missile that hit the Kramatorsk train station matches exactly, bar one digit, the serial number on a missile that was shot into the Donbas in 2015. Russia decommissioned Tochka-U missiles in 2019. Also, an analysis by DNR forces on the ground found that the trajectory very likely points to the missile being fired from Ukrainian-held territory.

Patrick Lancaster and Matron at Mariupol Hospital

Or take the continuous lies that have been broadcast about Mariupol. It has taken a brave and independent journalist, Patrick Lancaster (please donate to his appeal for expenses) to broadcast the truth about the Russian bombardment on a hospital in the city. Patrick interviewed the matron in the hospital that was bombed who confirmed that all the patients had been ordered days before to leave in order that Azov thugs could establish themselves in the hospital.

Of course when Israel bombs a hospital or clinic in Gaza no one says a word when Israel says Hamas is using it. But when the neo-Nazi Azov regiment claims a hospital was bombed it is held to be true. But judge for yourself.

Dead left behind in Mariupol

There is a concerted attempt to whitewash the Azov brigade. We had one of the main Zionist organisation in the United States, the Anti-Defamation League, which can sniff out ‘anti-Semitism’ miles away, whitewashing Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

Youtube, which for some reason defines itself as a 'community' does its best to deter people from accessing material questioning NATO's Nazi narrative

As Ali Abunimah wrote on 17 March, two weeks before the ADL published an article by Andrew Srulevitch, its director of European affairs, which can only be called a whitewash of Ukrainian Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, who had the blood of 200,000 Jews on his hands as well as 100,00 Poles.

In an interview with David Fishman who is a professor of Jewish History at the Jewish Theological Seminary as well as a member of the academic committee of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Srulevitch asked

“We’ve seen torchlit marches in the middle of [Kiev] with the red and black flags of UPA … and pictures of Stepan Bandera, who allied with the Nazis during WWII” “Isn’t that evidence of Nazism in Ukraine?”

Fishman replied

“For Ukrainian nationalists, UPA and Bandera are symbols of the Ukrainian fight for Ukrainian independence. The UPA allied with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union for tactical – not ideological – reasons.

This is a complete lie. As Daniel Lazare wrote in 2015 in a review of Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe’s book Stepan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist.

“Bandera envisioned the Ukraine as a classic one-party state with himself in the role of führer, or providnyk, and expected that a new Ukraine would take its place under the Nazi umbrella.”

However Fishman then contradicted himself:

 “For Jews, however, not only is allying with the Nazis unforgivable under any circumstance, but historians have documented that Ukrainian nationalists participated together with Germans in the murder of many thousands of Jews in Ukraine,” Fishman adds.

If ‘Ukrainians’ participated in murdering thousands of Jews doesn’t that suggest some form of ideological alignment? People then wonder why I have made it a specialism to document the history of Nazi-Zionist collaboration.

Fishman asserted that “There are neo-Nazis in Ukraine, just as there are in the US, and in Russia for that matter... But they are a very marginal group with no political influence and who don’t attack Jews or Jewish institutions in Ukraine.”

Another example of this attempt to whitewash Ukraine's neo-Nazis was the sacking of Jewish journalist Konstanty Gebert from a Polish newspaper for refusing to describe Azov as 'far- right' rather than neo-Nazi.

The leader of Ukraine’s Jewish community, Eduard Dolinsky, clearly doesn’t agree. See  ‘Open anti-Semitism’: Ukrainian police request names and addresses of city’s Jews - Jewish leader says last such demand was ‘during the German occupation

And this report Ukrainian neo-Nazis torture Jewish anti-war MMA athlete suggests that ADL are doing what Zionists have always done, lying and playing down anti-Semitism when it is the genuine article. Why? Because their relationship with the US state demands that they ignore the actual anti-Semitism of the US’s allies. It is a replay of the Zionists’ behaviour in WW2.

We know from the presumed death of blogger Gonzalo Lira that the Azov Battalion and Ukrainian neo-Nazis will stop at nothing to silence independent journalists and bloggers and prevent the truth emerging from Ukraine. In this they are enormously helped by papers like the ‘liberal’ Guardian.

NATO's fascist goons joke about the murder of Gonzalo Lira who was betrayed by the Daily Beast  to the SBU

In the same way the true story of what has happened in Mariupol and the reported murder of hundreds of its Russian speaking inhabitants is being deliberately covered up by our mass media. They prefer to report on the ‘heroic’ last stand of Azov at the steel plant. Human shields only apply in Gaza not Ukraine. See Patrick Lancaster’s road of death and his interview with a Mariupol resident

Resident in Mariupol interviewed about Azov's terror

The Western press cannot even admit that the purpose of NATO is to fight to the last Ukrainian. See NATO admits it wants 'Ukrainians to keep dying' to bleed Russia, not peace

We hear a lot about Zelensky being Jewish (in fact he is an ultra-Zionist). But as The Nation wrote:

TV comedian-turned-politician Volodymyr Zelensky was elected last year as Ukraine’s first Jewish president, yet “anti-Semitism and fascist-inflected ultranationalism are rampant” in the country, reports .

A victim of CIA trained torturers in Ukraine

It has been also been confirmed that the SAS are in the Kiev region training Ukrainians. NATO has been training Ukrainian troops since at least 2014. The third floor of the SBU (Ukraine’s version of the SS) headquarters is dedicated to the CIA who are also heavily involved in such activities.

There are also reports that the Ukrainians asked the Turkish military whether their drones could administer over 20 litres of aerosol, and the Turks said no. There is now footage of jerry-rigged drones that have been captured by Russians which have tanks and aerosol administration devices attached to them. Why would this be?  Because if you want to stage a false chemical attack (& remember Azov alleged a chemical attack in Mariupol which has now been forgotten) then a drone would be an idea means of delivery.

Tony Greenstein

See also


“One less traitor”: Zelensky oversees campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political opposition

Ukrainian neo-Nazis torture Jewish anti-war MMA athlete

Retired Swiss Military-Intelligence Officer: 'Is it Possible to Actually Know What Has Been And is Going on in Ukraine?'

The Ukrainian conflict is a U.S./NATO Proxy War, but one which Russia is poised to win decisively – Scott Ritter

Pro-war socialists