Appeasement of the Right, Sacrificing Political Allies and Political Indecisiveness Will be Corbyn’s Legacy
of Corbyn’s loyal supporters can brook no criticism. They will swear fealty to Jezza
until the day he resigns and then it will be as if he never existed. Uncritical
support has been worse than the hostility of his enemies because it has allowed
Corbyn’s mistakes to go unchallenged.
last Labour Party conference merely compounded Corbyn’s failures. His inability
to understand what lay behind the false anti-Semitism campaign has been his single
biggest error of judgment. It has sapped his strength and drained his
leadership of direction and purpose. Corbyn has comprehensively lost control of
the narrative.
is obvious that only a handful of Labour members are anti-Semitic in the sense
of the Oxford
English dictionary definition. How is it that in the midst of the Windrush
Scandal, caused by the ‘hostile environment’ policy which New Labour was responsible
for initiating under Alan Johnson, that anti-Semitism could be seen as
Labour’s biggest failing?
should have been obvious that if the Tory press was concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’
then something was amiss. Since when has the Sun, Mail and Express ever been
concerned about genuine racism? How is it that those who fill their columns demonising
asylum seekers and Muslims, to say nothing of employing
neo-Nazi Katie Hopkins could be genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism?
Tom Watson stated that he won’t rest until the very last anti-Semite is
expelled from the Labour Party what prevented Corbyn from pointing out that
this is the same Tom Watson who during the Hodge Hill byelection in 2004 was the
organiser who issued a leaflet with the slogan: "Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed
asylum seekers."
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Racist Labour MP Phil Woolas's election leaflet. Tom Watson defended Woolas |
is the same Tom Watson who defended racist Labour MP Phil Woolas who ran a
campaign in 2010 which, in the words
of his election agent, was designed to 'make
the white folk angry'. Yet Tom
Watson, generously subsidised by Labour Friends of Israel millionaire Sir Trevor Chinn, wrote
that ‘I’ve lost sleep thinking about poor
old Phil Woolas and his leaflets.’
amazingly Corbyn and his public school advisers – James Schneider and
Seamus Milne – never once thought to go public on this and call out Watson’s
McLuskey criticised ‘Jewish community leaders’ (Zionists) ‘who were ‘Refusing To Take 'Yes' For An
Answer’ In other words whatever Corbyn did, from betraying Ken Livingsone
to adopting the IHRA, they weren’t satisfied. Did it never occur to Corbyn and
his cloth-eared advisors that the explanation was simple. If the purpose of the
‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was to remove Corbyn then they could never be
satisfied until Corbyn was gone?
the history of this period comes to be written then the anti-Semitism smear
campaign will be seen to be what it was – a state driven smear campaign
orchestrated by the secret state, in particular the Israeli state as Al
Jazeera’s The
Lobby proved.
anti-Semitism campaign could have been halted in its tracks by Corbyn standing
up to his accusers and saying that he condemned anti-Semitism but he also condemned
the weaponisation of anti-Semitism and the making of false accusations of
anti-Semitism against Palestinian supporters.
other words he could have called the Jewish Labour Movement’s bluff. The same
JLM which was refounded
in 2015 in order to destabilise his leadership.
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This Tweet is being used to justify the expulsion, without even a hearing, of Ann Mitchell, Chair of Brighton & Hove PSC |
could have made a point of meeting with Jewish Voices for Labour, openly and
publicly. Instead he backed off and sought
to appease his enemies and betray his friends.
could have put to bed the allegations that he was a terrorist sympathiser by
throwing such accusations back at his first interview on the
subject by Krishnan Guru Murthy. If
Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorists then why is a state that deliberately
targets civilians and unarmed demonstrators not a terrorist state? Instead Corbyn
accepted that ‘terrorist’ is a label attached to the enemies of the West rather
than a description of those who use terror against civilians.
the JLM threatened
to disaffiliate from the Labour Party Corbyn should have welcomed it. It
should have been the cue to form a genuine Jewish section, since anti-racist
and anti-Zionist Jews can’t join the JLM whereas racists are always welcome.
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This Tweet is being used to justify the expulsion, without even a hearing, of Ann Mitchell, Chair of Brighton & Hove PSC |
Corbyn issued pleaded
with them to stay and was rewarded by a vote
of no confidence passed against him!
it wasn’t just the anti-Semitism campaign, important though it was for changing
the narrative from anti-racism to ‘anti-Semitism’.
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This Tweet is being used to justify the expulsion, without even a hearing, of Ann Mitchell, Chair of Brighton & Hove PSC |
Open Selection at the 2018 Labour Party conference meant that Corbyn would
always be the prisoner of those who loathed him, not least the loathsome
Margaret Hodge. Instead we have a
trigger ballot system that has so far led to just two trigger ballots.

witchhunt has gathered pace. As one of the earliest casualties it is is now
entrapping anyone who says anything critical of the Israeli state. The Chair of
Brighton and Hove PSC has been suspended for a series of tweets such as quoting
Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper that the ‘world
sees Israel as a racist state.’
the world does see a state that supplies
the Burmese junta with weapons, which trained
Guatemala’s death squads which killed 200,000 Mayan Indians, to say nothing of
the military occupation of the West Bank, as a pariah state. But Corbyn has
moved so far from his original support of the Palestinians that any criticism
of Israel is now seen as anti-Semitic!
is the consequence of adopting the IHRA
definition of anti-Semitism. The IHRA gives as an illustration of anti-Semitism
‘Holding Jews collectively responsible
for actions of the state of Israel’. yet that is what the Labour Party is
doing when it suspends people because it equates criticising Israel as anti-Semitic.
is wedded to the two state solution for Palestine. The only people today who
support 2 states are supporters of the Occupation who use it as a camouflage for
Israel’s continued occupation. Of course Corbyn promises to recognise the Palestinian
state! Unfortunately there isn’t a Palestinian state so such a gesture is
entirely meaningless.
failure to oppose the witch-hunt is a failure to defend his own supporters. Virtually
no racist on the Right, not even the despicable Luke Akehurst who openly
supported the mowing down of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza, has been
suspended or expelled. No clearer evidence can there be that Jewish lives are
more valuable than Palestinian lives, ‘anti-Semitism’ more than any other form
of racism.
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Ruth Smeeth - US 'protected intelligence asset' |
Ken Livingstone said was anti-Semitic. He offered a particular interpretation
of history. What kind of party has such contempt for freedom of speech that it
penalises those who dare to speak their mind about events in the past? It is a
fact that the Nazis singled out the Zionists in Germany for favourable
treatment. It is attested to by Zionist historians – David Cesarani, Lucy
Dawidowicz, Francis Nicosia amongst others.
Wadsworth’s expulsion
was equally shameful. He had accused
someone, US Embassy ‘Protected’ asset, Ruth Smeeth MP of working hand-in-glove
with Daily Telegraph journalists, which she was. How was that anti-Semitic?
Walker and myself were further collateral damage. The final shameful act was not standing up
and declaring, after Tom Watson organised a round robin from Labour MPs and
Peers, that Chris Williamson was an anti-racist and should not be resuspended.
Instead Corbyn kept quiet in the belief that if he threw another supporter to
the wolves he would buy himself more time.
was the Secretary in the 1980’s for Labour Against the Witch-hunt. 30 years ago
Corbyn would have been the first person to oppose fast track expulsions of
people without a hearing.
a Carlos Latuff cartoon showing Netanyahu aiming missiles at Corbyn appeared
outside Labour’s conference, the Zionists howled and Corbyn bowed. He asked the
Police, who were initially reluctant, to remove it.
absurdly allowed the Tories to call the shots and portray themselves as a party
opposed to anti-Semitism. The Tories
were the only governing conservative party in Western Europe who supported
Viktor Orban, the anti-Semitic Hungarian Prime Minister, when the European
Parliament censured him. The Tory Party sits
in the European Conservative Reform group with 3 (at least) anti-Semitic
parties. Yet instead of raising this every time a Tory opens their mouth on ‘anti-Semitism’
Corbyn went along with Theresa May and idiotically adopted the IHRA immediately
after she did.
of course Corbyn’s economic proposals in terms of austerity – scrapping
universal credit, renationalising the utilities etc. are progressive. But if
you lose control of the overall political narrative then you will not win on
the NHS or poverty.
Swinson, the Lib-Dems execrable leader, can attack Corbyn over ‘anti-Semitism’
precisely because he has ceded the narrative on anti-Semitism. ‘Anti-Semitism’ is a code word for political
acceptability and Corbyn long ago ran up the white flag of surrender. It was
inevitable that once Corbyn apologised for ‘anti-Semitism’ his enemies wouldn’t
say ‘thank you’ but they would redouble their attacks.
Jewish Chronicle openly calls Corbyn an anti-Semite, week after week going so
far as to say that he is an ‘existential
threat’ to the Jewish community. Yet despite this Corbyn is stupid enough
to say that anyone denying there is an anti-Semitism problem in the Labour
Party is part of the problem. Since
Corbyn denies he is an anti-Semite presumably he is accepting that he is part
of the same problem!
handling of Brexit could not have been worse.
He has allowed the dissident Tories to set the agenda. His previous
opposition to the EEC, led by a Communist
Party which followed the Soviet policy of weakening Europe, has been
little short of disastrous.
talks of ‘respecting’ the 2016 referendum. Why? Do we say the same of previous
general elections? If so we would never have another one. People change their
minds. The point is to ask why large numbers of working class people in the
North voted for Brexit and then to campaign to persuade them that Europe, for
which one can read immigrants, are not the reason for deindustrialisation or
means having a message whereas Corbyn has had no message on Europe and to now
say that he will neither support Remain or Leave merely compounds the image of
his indecisiveness. On the major issue of the day to have no opinion is astounding.
is reminiscent of Corbyn’s pledge on a referendum on Irish Unity when he said
he would remain neutral. Why? The Partition of Ireland, as Tony Benn once
said, is a crime against the Irish people.
Yet again Corbyn appeased, in this case the Unionists.
course the treacherous behaviour of Momentum’s Jon Lansman, who deliberately
fanned the fires of ‘anti-Semitism’ were damaging. Lansman believes he can win over
a reactionary Jewish community to a socialist agenda. Utterly absurd and signs
of a messiah complex.
if he had any sense of history could have pointed out that if anti-Semitism was
a problem, then it was a problem historically amongst the Labour Right. It was
the founder of the Fabians, former Colonial Secretary Lord Passfield (Sydney
Webb) who wrote that while ‘French,
German, Russian Socialism is Jew-ridden. We, thank heaven, are free”. Herbert
Morrison, for whom
the Zionist settlement in Palestine was ‘typical
of the finest of British colonisers in the history of our Empire’ as Home
Secretary during the war vigorously opposed the immigration of Jewish refugees
from Nazi occupied Europe. Unfortunately history is a foreign country to Corbyn.
are in the midst of a political and constitutional crisis. It’s not everyday that the Supreme Court
rules unanimously against the government on an issue like the Royal
Prerogative. It’s not every day that 21 Tory MPs, including two former
Chancellors, are expelled from the Party.
is difficult to know what is likely to happen but I will hazard a guess. Boris
Johnson will not come back with a deal because Europe will not accept a hard
border in Ireland and a threat to the single market and customs union.
Boris Johnson does not accept the Benn Law on extending Article 50 it is likely
that there will be a vote of no confidence. Given that Corbyn will not have a
majority to elect him as temporary Prime Minister there is a grave danger of a
national government which is supported by large numbers of Labour MPs. This is
one more reason why it was so stupid of Corbyn to have rejected Open Selection.
pride myself that I called
both the 2015 and 2017 General Elections correctly. I predicted that Labour
could gain a hung parliament even though it was behind by over 20% in the polls.
Labour is again behind but I have no such confidence now. History doesn’t
repeat itself. Corbyn believes he can ignore Brexit which played a major part
in key Labour victories in Kensington, Canterbury, Leamington Spa and Brighton
Kemptown amongst others.
was seen as the party of Remain in 2017. Today it is different. Corbyn’s appalling dithering and refusal to
accept that Brexit is a project of the Right and that one can criticise the EU's
free market policies whilst rejecting Leave has allowed the Lib Dems to come
back from near death. It is an appalling miscalculation by Corbyn and his
abysmal advisors, most notably Seamus Milne.
is no guarantee that Labour will increase its number of seats in the
forthcoming General Election. The Lib Dems will eat into the Tory vote and possibly there will be
‘national’ Tories standing. But even if Labour were in a position with the SNP
to form a government does anyone seriously believe that Margaret Hodge, Smeeth,
Ellman or for that matter Tom Watson, would support a Corbyn government?
mistake was not to accept Jon Lansman’s proposal to abolish the Deputy Leader.
True Lansman did it for his own opportunistic reasons, to ‘prove’ that after
betraying Chris Williamson he was still on the left, but you don’t look a gift
horse in the mouth! Abolishing the post was the only way, of removing this
cancer in Labour politics. Corbyn should have seized the opportunity with both
doubt historians will write about the present period as one in which we came
within an inch of seeing a socialist government in Britain and but for the lack
of a backbone Corbyn let the opportunity fall through his hands.
prospect of a Corbyn led government must have frightened the Americans. The
idea of someone who was anti-NATO, anti-Trident and anti-war leading the second
major party in their closest ally in Europe was enough to give the average
member of the CIA nightmares. Israel clearly did its duty with the concocted ‘anti-Semitism’
campaign ably backed by the British Establishment.
utter stupidity, backed up by John McDonnell, was to take his enemies
professions of concern about ‘anti-Semitism’ at face value.
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