The GMB Expels Pete Gregson using the IHRA Definition of ‘Anti-Semitism’ which even its author, Kenneth Stern, has Disavowed
When Labour’s
National Executive decided on September 4th 2018, to adopt the IHRA
definition of anti-Semitism, which conflates anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism,
Peter Gregson launched his own petition:
The IHRA has
been savaged by a host of academic and legal scholars. It is incoherent, open
ended, uncertain, illogical and barely literate.
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The petition which attracted the ire of the GMB and Rhea Wolfson |
According to Geoffrey Robertson QC, the renowned human rights barrister, the IHRA
definition is, ‘not
fit for purpose’. Sir
Stephen Sedley, the Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge wrote
that the IHRA ‘fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite.’
Hugh Tomlinson QC declared
that the IHRA had
a potential chilling effect on public bodies which, in the absence of
definitional clarity, may seek to sanction or prohibit any conduct which has
been labelled by third parties as antisemitic without applying any clear
criterion of assessment
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The GMB under Gary Smith has acted as a scab union effectively inviting Peter's employer to dismiss him |
actual IHRA definition itself is 38 words, the salient part of which states
that ‘Anti-Semitism is a certain perception
of Jews which may be defined as hatred of Jews.’ What is a ‘certain perception’? Who knows. If anti-Semitism
may be defined as hatred of Jews what else might it be defined as? And if anti-Semitism
is to be defined in terms of hatred what about someone who simply dislikes Jews
but doesn’t hate them. In short the definition is useless as an analytical
tool. It is no wonder that David Feldman, who was Vice-Chair of the
Chakrabarti Inquiry and Director of the Pears Institute for the Study of
Anti-Semitism described
the IHRA as ‘bewilderingly imprecise.’
The IHRA definition provides 11
illustrations of ‘anti-Semitism’ such as ‘Denying
the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the
existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.’
This is the
section that Peter Gregson defied with his petition.
This illustration is a good example of the incoherence of the definition. There
is no connection between the first and second halves of the example. It is a
non-sequitur. It is quite possible to support a Jewish right to self-determination
and still believe that Israel is a
racist state. The language is a good example of bad fourth form English. How
can the existence of anything be an endeavour?
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Criticism of a union official is impermissible for a cossetted bureaucracy |
There is a simple definition of anti-Semitism
in the Oxford
English Dictionary which, unlike the 500+ words of the IHRA is only 6 words
long: ‘Hostility to or prejudice against Jews’ which also catches
attitudes that fall short of hatred. As Tony Lerman, a distinguished expert on anti-Semitism
and former Director of the Institute of Jewish Policy Research wrote:
‘The more the definition is held up to the light and
subject to public scrutiny, the more we see holes and cracks in its flimsy
fabric. Not only is there now overwhelming evidence that it’s not fit for
purpose, but it also has the effect of making Jews more vulnerable to
antisemitism, not less...’
drawback of the OED definition for the Zionists is that it doesn’t mention Israel.
As the inauguration today of Yair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s new President shows, most
fascists, racists and bigots are also ardent supporters of the Israeli state.
the person who drew up the IHRA, Kenneth Stern, has become disillusioned at the
misuse of his definition, which was never intended to brand people as anti-Semites.
In written
testimony to the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee he wrote
The definition was not drafted, and was never intended, as a tool to
target or chill speech on a college campus. In fact, at a conference in 2010
about the impact of the definition, I highlighted this misuse, and the damage
it could do.
NEC adopted the IHRA as a way of buying off its Zionist critics. What it has
done is to create a whole new set of problems around the rights of free speech.
It is no accident that the GMB, which has traditionally been pro-Zionist has
been the first to try and implement the IHRA. Traditionally the GMB has been
corrupt, racist and politically backward.
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Rhea Wolfson |
Peter Gregson was suspended because of his petition when former Labour NEC member and the Glasgow GMB Organiser, Rhea Wolfson put in a complaint about ‘anti-Semitism’. He was accused of ‘anti-Semitic’ harassment of Ms Wolfson. It is very clear from his statement that all he ever did was engage in political polemic. Nothing that he said was remotely anti-Semitic or indeed abusive.
I wrote on the 28th November
to the GMB’s Scottish Regional Secretary, Gary Smith, who was handling the case
offering to be a witness in the case. I
happened to know Gary some years ago in Brighton when, as Secretary of the
Unemployed Centre, we had organised support for the workers at the Hollingdean
Refuse Depot who had occupied the site as part of the campaign to get rid of
SITA, a French company which the Labour council had brought in to run the
refuse collection. The dispute was successful. At that time Gary was a radical
young organiser. Clearly as he has
climbed the GMB’s greasy ladder he has abandoned his radicalism which included
support for breaking the law. Now he is
just another apparatchik.
I pointed out to Smith that he could
not be both the Prosecutor, the person organising the hearing and deciding who
could be called and what would be allowed by way of a defence. I received no
reply to this or another email. Smith had
clearly decided that Peter was guilty and he was not going to allow ‘grandstanding’ i.e. any attempt to mount
a defence. On the day of the hearing a Rabbi who had travelled up from
Manchester at his own expense was barred from the hearing.
whole procedure that Peter faced has been wholly unfair as the letter
from his solicitor Daniel Donaldson explains. Donaldson explicitly calls the
GMB disciplinary tribunal a ‘kangaroo court.’ In his letter of 17th
December to Smith he states, reiterating my own correspondence that:
are a member of the GMB regional committee, you have conducted the investigation,
you have determined the procedure and you are also prosecuting my client before
the same committee. This approach to a disciplinary is inherently unfair and
therefore unlawful.
is the kind of justice that they are used to in Rhea Wolfson’s racial paradise
in Israel , but it is contrary to British notions of natural justice and due
As I said to Smith, this hearing
would make a kangaroo hang its head in shame. Gary Smith has become just another
right-wing official in the GMB, a union which is a byword for corruption. Peter
Gregson is the only
shop steward for 24,000 members in the whole of the Lothian NHS. If Gary
Smith was actually doing his job instead of harassing the only shop steward
that does exist he would ensure that the GMB had some measure of shop floor organisation
in peoples’ workplaces. Smith seems completely unconcerned about the effect of
expelling Peter on the GMB’s own (lack of) organisation.
In reality GMB officials have never been
particularly concerned about the effectiveness of representation for their
members. Their main concern has been such mundane matters as how best to claim
and inflate their expenses. Living on a far higher salary than their members
they are cut off from life on the shop floor.
What is particularly reprehensible is
that a member of the union has been expelled for calling out a state which is
clearly racist. I gave as examples to
Smith the fact that in Israel Palestinian (but not Jewish) children as young as
12 are routinely detained, usually in night time raids on their homes.
We have recently had the obscene
case of the lynch-mob murderer of an asylum seeker sentenced to 4 months
imprisonment whereas a 16 year old girl, Ahed Tamimi, was sentenced to 8 months
for daring to slap a heavily armed soldier.
As the National’s Martin Hannan reported
Pete Gregson was suspended for describing Israel’s actions in ethnically
cleansing Palestine of some 700,000 refugees as racist. To the corrupt and
racist barons of the GMB ethnic cleansing by a settler colonial state is
perfectly acceptable whereas criticism of it is racist.
This is the upside down world of Gary
Smith and the GMB’s General Secretary Tim Roache who on the basis
of a fraudulent ‘election’ in 2016 backed Owen Smith in his challenge to Jeremy
Peter Gregson’s petition has now
secured over 1,200 signatures from members of the Labour Party. Given that Israel’s
Knesset earlier in the year passed the Jewish Nation State Law which explicitly
grants national rights to one section of the population, Jews and denies them to
non-Jews, it is difficult to know how else to describe the GMB’s decision to
expel Peter Gregson other than racist. In the words
of Ha’aretz’s Mordechai Kremnitzer, the ‘Jewish
Nation-state Law Makes Discrimination in Israel Constitutional’. What
is it that Gary Smith or Tim Roache don’t understand about that? How else do
you describe opening fire on unarmed demonstrators in Gaza, killing over 200
and wounding 20,000 with the use of high velocity ammunition?
Although Labour Against the Witchhunt didn’t
support Peter’s petition because of problems with its wording we recognise that
it represents a significant opposition in the Labour Party to the attempt to
curtail if not abolish freedom of speech.
Of course the corrupt and racist GMB has never
had freedom of speech. The regional barons ruled without opposition. The union
exists primarily for the benefit of its highly paid officials not its
membership. However even Roache and co. will have difficulty defending this
particularly iniquitous decision. If Peter’s expulsion is not revoked then GMB
members should join another, genuine trade union.
To see Pete’s website and his page on the IHRA
and his Petition please click here
The letter of expulsion is here. It is fundamentally dishonest. It alleges that
Peter is guilty of ‘accusing Israel of inventing or exaggerating the holocaust’ and goes on to
say that ‘For our Union holocaust denial
or claiming the holocaust was exaggerated is simply unacceptable.’ The only
problem is that this is a lie. Nowhere has Pete denied that the Holocaust occurred
or that it was exaggerated. Peter specifically refers to the 6 million who died
(though the actual figure will never be known). What he has said, which is
true, is that Israel uses the Holocaust for political purposes and that it is
used to counter Palestinian claims to justice. Which is what Jewish academic
Norman Finkelstein, amongst others, wrote in The Holocaust Industry.
Tony Greenstein
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Peter's press release on his expulsion |
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My third email to Gary Smith |
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