Die Grunen - Germany's Greens spearhead the Zionist
Attack on BDS in Germany
Calling Green Parties in Britain & Internationally to Dissociate Themselves from Germany's Green Party
You might expect a Green Party, of all parties, to extend a hand of solidarity to the oppressed. If Green politics means anything it must mean opposition to racism ethno-nationalism and systematic discrimination and genocide. But when it comes to Germany’s Green Party, it would appear that it’s a case of Green Imperialists ‘R US.
The rot set in in 2002 when the German government, which was a Green-SPD coalition, with Joshka Fischer of Die Grunen as Foreign Minister, sent German troops into a war, the Afghanistan War, for the first time since World War 2.
The rot set in in 2002 when the German government, which was a Green-SPD coalition, with Joshka Fischer of Die Grunen as Foreign Minister, sent German troops into a war, the Afghanistan War, for the first time since World War 2.
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The label may read Green but the reality is racist |
But Volker Beck of Die Grunen has really outdone any of this. Knowing full well that the Palestinians are
living in an Apartheid state and Volker Beck is no fool, he nonetheless accuses
supporters of BDS of ‘anti-Semitism’.
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Volker Beck describes Al Quds day as hateful as hundreds of Berliners take to the streets in support of the Palestinians |
Even worse, this rat
of a green, tries to get the German state to employ the full panoply of its powers. He is asking the State to begin employing
repressive and coercive measures against those who are trying to build solidarity with an oppressed
people. If what is happening to the Palestinians
were to happen to the Jews in Germany then Beck would be the first to cry anti-Semitism. Or would he?
Given that anti-Semitism and Zionism are the opposite sides of the same
coin one suspects that Volker Beck would turn a blind eye to native racism.
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Germany's racist Green MP |
The question is why this
bigot has not been criticised by either fellow Greens or other Green parties
internationally. If the whole of the German
Green Party is now compromised and beyond salvation then we would expect Green
parties in other parts of Europe, including Britain, to speak up.
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The racist Green who accuses anti-Zionist Jews of 'anti-Semitism' |
Volker Beck was responsible
for the removal of Jewish and Israeli anti-Zionists Max Blumenthall and David Sheen from the Bundestag earlier this
year on the false grounds of anti-Semitism.
The irony is that the
German conservatives, the CDU rejected Volker Beck’s suggestion that BDS was anti-Semitic
(see below).
So we have the
position that Beck is to the right
of the Christian Democrats on the question of Palestine!
Tony Greenstein
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Enjoying a joke at the expense of the oppressed |
German lawmaker outraged: 'BDS aims essentially
against Jewish Israelis and is therefore anti-Semitic'
Germany has rejected
a definition of anti-Semitism that labels the Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions movement (BDS) as anti-Semitic, the Jerusalem Post
reported Monday.
Responding to a
legislative questionnaire released Thursday by leading Green Party MP Volker
Beck, the Merkel administration wrote that “there does not exist a general
academic definition” of anti-Semitism.
Beck, who heads the
German- Israel parliamentary group in the Bundestag, sharply criticized the
Merkel administration: “Here the federal government has cowered,” he said.
“There is no doubt of the anti-Semitic motivation within the spectrum of the
BDS campaign. BDS aims essentially against Jewish Israelis and is therefore
anti-Semitic. Whoever aggressively boycotts Israeli goods and people, should
also be viewed as anti-Semitic by the federal government.”
The German government
said it defined anti-Semitism, as “political, social, racist and religious” hostility
toward Jews.
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Volker Beck's questions whose purpose was to begin the repression of Palestine solidarity supporters |
Volker Beck’s Questions to the Government and
the Responses
Does the federal government classify the so-called BDS
campaign against Israel (BDS - Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions) as
If so,
why? If not, why not?
a) How
many followers and supporters does this campaign have in Germany according to
the knowledge of the Federal Government ?
b) Is
the BDS campaign or its supporters according to the the knowledge of the
Federal Government under observation of the Federal Office for the Protection
of the Constitution?
questions 29, 29a and 29b are answered together.
Federal Government has no knowledge of the activities listed above of the
which is allowed under § 3 BVerfSchG observation by the BfV.
Federal Government has not got any evidence concerning the findings in terms of
the question.
The BfV
has no knowledge of the observation of the campaign by a State Office for the
Protection of the Constitution.
BfV =
Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
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