A Gentle Correspondence with
Tony Greenstein
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John Mann Portrayed by the Richard Desmond's Express as the Innocent Victim |
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Phil Woolas - ex-New Labour Immigration Minister Thrown Out by Electoral Court - Campaign based on making Whites 'Angry' - Best Friend of John Mann MP |
One thing John Mann MP cannot be accused of is being too clever by half, the term used by the Marquess of Salisbury about the then Tory Shadow Chancellor Iain McLeod (originally used to describe Disraeli).
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Portrait of a New Labour Opportunist |
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Woolas's Leaflet - Racist to the Core - John Mann Stood by Him Regardless |
In my post ‘John Mann
MP Complains of being called a Zionist Scumbag’ subtitled ‘Which did he object
to? Zionist or Scumbag?’ I focussed
attention on one John Mann MP, who's been waging a one man vendetta against Jeremy
Corbyn. Not being a subtle man, he took
to suggesting Jeremy was soft on child abuse.
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The Hard Done-by Mann |
Styled ‘rent-a-gob’ by
Matthew Norman of the Independent, because of his habit of commenting on
anything and everything, John Mann is not known for his cerebral
brilliance. In other words he’s thick. After protesting loudly at the fact that I
made the, fairly obvious point to someone who’s not Jewish, that he might not
really understand what anti-Semitism is, he protested at how dare I challenge
his right to self-identity.
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Interview with Jewish Chronicle when Mann Declares Himself non-Jewish |
Well for one thing, I
am not a relativist. I don’t believe
there is any inalienable right to self-identify and not have that identity
challenged. If I say I am a visitor from
Jupiter I would expect people to challenge this rather than have anti-Jupiterism
as the next form of anti-racist multi-cultural smooching. So I did a google search and guess what? Mann himself identifies as non-Jewish! In his interview in
the Jewish Chronicle with Simon Round of 12 February 2009 which begins 'Labour
MP John Mann is not Jewish'. It continues 'There may be nothing Jewish in
his background but... Indeed, he is adamant that the fight against antisemitism
should be led by non-Jews.' http://www.thejc.com/lifestyle/the-simon-round-interview/interview-john-mann-mp
John Mann though is a
sensitive creature and of late he has been complaining that he is being targeted for abuse. Labour to investigate after MP called ‘Zionist scumbag’
for opposing Jeremy Corbyn
John Mann is Chair of
the All-Party
Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism and
came to my attention when the debate took place over the European Monitoring
Committees Definition of Anti-Semitism, which was a Zionist definition which
conflated criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. But John Mann understands nothing about anti-Semitism
though he poses as an expert. The most
skilful putdown of him and his collaborator, the corrupt ex-MP Dennis McShane was
by the Chairman of the Employment Tribunal in Fraser v UCU (where the lecturers
union were accused of 'anti-semitism' for boycotting Israeli universities):
"We did not derive assistance from the two Members of Parliament who appeared before us. Both gave glib evidence, appearing supremely confident of the rightness of their positions. For Dr MacShane, it seemed that all answers lay in the MacPherson Report (the effect of which he appeared to misunderstand). Mr Mann could manage without even that assistance. He told us that the leaders of the Respondents were at fault for the way in which they conducted debates but did not enlighten us as to what they were doing wrong or what they should be doing differently. He did not claim ever to have witnessed any Congress or other UCU meeting. And when it came to anti-Semitism in the context of debate about the Middle East, he announced, “It’s clear to me where the line is …” but unfortunately eschewed the opportunity to locate it for us. Both parliamentarians clearly enjoyed making speeches. Neither seemed at ease with the idea of being required to answer a question not to his liking."
Well John Mann and myself have conducted a
vigorous email debate today and I thought I should share the contents with
others, so it is copied below. Incidentally one nugget of information I found was that John Mann was a political ally of Phil Woolas, the disgraced former
New Labour MP and Minister whose election was overturned by an electoral court in
2010. Woolas had been a particularly
nasty and racist immigration minister and in the fight against the Liberal Democrats in
his Oldham East & Saddleworth constituency, one e-mail in the debate within
his election team stated, that ‘"If we don't get the white folk angry he
[Woolas]'s gone." This was the
basis of the election campaign that Woolas fought. This played to anti-Islamic racism in a
constituency which had already seen race riots.
John Mann, dedicated opponent of racism
though he is, had no hesitation in supporting Phil Woolas when he was suspendedby Harriet Harman. ‘Among those to have spoken out in support of Woolas was John Mann, a close
friend of his.’
Such is the nature of the double standards
that operate within the Zionist supporting community of Labour MPs these days. Racists to a Mann.
On 23 Aug 2015, at 15:39, Tony Greenstein wrote:
Dear Mr Mann,
I am puzzled. What is it you are objecting
to? Being called a scumbag, when that would seem a more than appropriate
description of someone who alleges that Jeremy Corbyn is soft on child abuse?
Or is it being called a Zionist when it is clear that
you use the term 'anti-Semitism' as a form of abuse of those, Jewish included,
who criticise Israel and Zionism. To use a Yiddish word, it is something
of a chutzpah for a non-Jew to accuse Jews of 'anti-Semitism', but well let
that pass.
Zionism incidentally, since you don't seem to
understand the word, is a political movement that sought to establish a Jewish
state by accepting the anti-Semitic notion that Jews don't belong in the
countries they were born in.
Of course your Parliamentary Committee on
anti-Semitism is really a means of attacking critics of Zionism and Israel,
since it has nothing to say about the far-Right, which is where anti-Semitism
comes from. But as someone who is not even Jewish, you wouldn't
understand what anti-Semitism is about in any case.
So what's your objection? To 'Zionist' and
'scumbag' being combined? I am puzzled.
Tony Greenstein
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On 23 August 2015 at 16:10, MANN, John <john.mann.mp@parliament.uk> wrote:
I will publish a full response including your
John Mann
Sent from my iPhone
On 23 Aug 2015, at 18:06, Tony Greenstein <tonygreenstein111@gmail.com> wrote:
It's already been posted on social media
Tony Greenstein
On 23 August 2015 at 18:24, MANN, John;john.mann.mp@parliament.uk; wrote:
There is a surprise. Your lies no bounds and are
calculatedly designed to deceive.
You ought to re-read Steve Cohen.
Sent from my iPhone
On 23 Aug 2015, at 18:44, Tony Greenstein wrote:
You are a fool aren't you? Is that why you were
appointed to the Chair of Parliament's anti-Semitism Committee? You don't
have a clue as to what racism or anti-Semitism is. When was the last time
you spoke up about asylum seekers? It's people like Jeremy Corbyn who
have spoken up against the treatment of refugees. You are a New Labour
scumbag, remember?
If this had been the 1900's you would have been in the
forefront of opposing Jewish refugees from Czarist Russia entry into this
country and in 1938 you would have stood alongside the Daily 'Hate' Mail
in opposing the entry of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany.
But that isn't the type of anti-Semitism you
oppose. Your anti-Semitism is solely concerned with opposition to Israel
and Zionist racism. You stand full square with Netanyahu and his concern
that 'droves' of Arabs are voting or Deputy Defence Minister Eli Dahan who
believes that Arabs are 'beasts that aren't human'.
For the record I knew Steve Cohen. I stood
alongside him and I spoke at his commemoration meeting after he had died (and I
reprimanded the Engage group's attempt to exploit Steve's memory). Steve
and myself were the targets of fascist violence whereas you and New Labour
condemned fascists and anti-fascists as the same. Steve was a supporter,
as I am, of No Borders. People like you want to make Europe into a
Fortress against immigrants.
Towards the end of his life Steve moved firmly into
the anti-Zionist camp holding that a Jewish state was inevitably a racist
state. According to your Committee he was also, no doubt, an anti-Semite.
Tony Greenstein
On 23 August 2015 at 19:17, MANN, John;john.mann.mp@parliament.uk wrote:
Time you read his book then and thought about the
split in Socialist organiser. You cannot move beyond your Trotskyist mentality.
It dominates your mind
You know full well that I receive the same abuse from
right as from ultra left.
Who got action taken against Bonehill! Who did
national action target this spring?
Oh dear. Who chaired the FA task force on
Don't give me this political analysis crap.
If you bothered to look you would see my views on
every issue- I don't hide on obscure websites.
And as for the idea that racism must only be opposed
by its victims. Interesting position.
How dare you define my identity? Who do you think you
are defining any bodies identity?
That's your big problem - you do.
You have no idea who I am or where I am from. You know
nothing of me, my family or my background. I will identify myself not you
As for you, I only know that your ultra left friends
used to call you tony greenslime, something that indicated to me a in built
Strangely it was only self identified Jews or presumed
Jews who received such casual racism
As for your pathetic slur only likely approach to
Jewish refugees, I recommend you buy my book on anti Semitism.
As for steve Cohen, perhaps we should ask jane
Ashworth . You are not and never will be a steve Cohen and if you were to use
his book as a campaign tool....
Read it.
Your ranting is too comical to be obscene. Have s walk
on the beach, it will help
Sent from my iPhone
John Mann
you tell me to read his book. Steve Cohen wrote
at least 3 books. I assume you mean his book on 'left
anti-Semitism'. I have a copy of it and I disagree with much of its
political analysis. A strange concept to you no doubt.
What split in Socialist Organiser? Between the
right and further right, the closet supporters of imperialism and the invasion
of Iraq and the open supporters of imperialism and the invasion of Iraq?
I am not interested in a tiny ex-Trotskyite sect like SO/AWL and Jane Ashworth
who has long abandoned any pretensions of being on the Left.
Although I have not examined your positions on other
political matters I assume you too were a supporter of Bush & Blair's
genocidal invasion of Iraq and will therefore take responsibility for all that
happened, such as the growth of Isis and Sunni Fundamentalism. No doubt
you still support the alliance with Saudi Arabia as well as Israel (which also
supports Al Qaeda group al-Nusra as well as Isis).
Bonehill is an isolated nonentity on the
far-right. He represents nothing, absolutely nothing. Likewise
National Action. The main fascist groups in this country - BNP and EDL -
are both ardent supporters of Israel and no doubt agree with everything you say
about 'anti-Semitism'.
Yes it's quite cuddly to be opposed to 'Islamaphobia'
whilst in practice supporting the main agents of anti-Muslim racism. Did
you oppose Labour's 'anti-terrorist' legislation that criminalised
thought? A step taken even further now with Theresa May's attack on
'extremism' which is introducing the method of the Police state into schools
and universities, with vetting of speakers? You have opposed none of
this. New Labour prepared the ground for all that is following in terms
of civil liberties and naked racism. You helped build the Jihadist groups
with your support for attacking Iraq and Afghanistan. You then have the
audacity to trumpet some minor chairing of an FA committee. Pathetic.
Jeremy Corbyn, the man you demonise, opposed the Iraqi
invasion root and branch alongside that giant of the socialist left, Tony
Benn. You were always part of the New Labour cast that used the
defamatory scarecrow of 'anti-Semitism' to attack opponents of Israel's
murderous and horrendous racism. A racism which ends up in the burning
alive of an 18 month old child.
I don't doubt that the man termed 'rent a gob' by
Matthew Norman has his views spread everywhere. Unfortunately they lack
any substance. Of course I don't suggest racism should be opposed only by
its victims but when people who are not victims of racism take it upon themselves
to try and define that racism, anti-Semitism in this case, in order to use it
as a stick to beat those who are the victims of a far greater evil, then I
certainly step in.
You can self-identify yourself as much as you like but
you are not Jewish. That is a fact. Perhaps in your sojourn around
the media you have forgotten your interview in the Jewish Chronicle with Simon
Round of 12 February 2009 which begins 'Labour MP John Mann is not
Jewish'. It continues 'There may be nothing Jewish in his background but...
Indeed, he is adamant that the fight against antisemitism should be led by
The fact that someone makes a play on my name (in fact
it has been done by people from right to left) doesn't mean that they are
anti-Semitic. Merely puerile like your good self.
I doubt if I would learn anything from your
book. My own book on fighting fascism in Brighton and the South Coast is
of far greater interest. These days books on anti-Semitism are two
a penny. What I judge is your record. You were, as I have
already pointed out, heavily criticised by the Employment Judge in Fraser
v UCU. Because when it came to it allegations by you of anti-Semitism
could not be backed up, because there was no anti-Semitism. And therein
lies the rub. Accusations of anti-Semitism that are false and made for
naked political ends by the Right, to defeat a Boycott of Israel for its
Apartheid policies, are extremely damaging. Like the boy who cried wolf
you actually help legitimise anti-Semitism (of the real kind).
I suggest you try informing yourself of the situation
of Palestinians and why we support boycott. The fact that the Dawabshe
family in Duma, West Bank, two of whom have died because of the firebombing,
will not receive anti-terrorist compensation because they are not Jewish and on
the West Bank there are 2 sets of laws i.e. Apartheid.
Acquaint yourself with the fact that Arabs can't buy
or lease 93% of land in Israel because they are not Jewish nationals or that
Arab stone throwers can be gaoled now for 20 years whereas settlers who throw
stones receive no penalty. Or that the Chief Rabbi of Safed, Shmuel
Eliyahu receives no penalty for issuing an edict against letting out flats or
apartments to non-Jews and Arabs (oh he was criticised by Netanyahu when the
publicity spotlight was on him but he is still paid a state salary as befits a
rabbi in Israel). Or why the authors of Torat HaMelech by 2 rabbis inc.
Yitzhak Shapira are not prosecuted for writing a book detailing when it is
permissible to kill non-Jews yea even infants. And then tell me that
Boycotting such a state is 'anti-Semitic'.
I make no claim to be Steve Cohen. I am my own
person. Steve and I had a comradely relationship and we became closer
over the years. You can read my obituary on my blog. We were both
of the Left. You are not which is why Steve would have chosen me above
you any day of the week. Steve would have had contempt for you and the
tragedy is that you don't understand why he wouldn't support a New Labour MP.
There are things that Steve wrote to me, which would
support the above, that I would even divulge to you in open correspondence
because I have too much respect for him. And it is because I respected
Steve, and vicer versa, that we could disagree.
Tony Greenstein
I forgot to mention your support of the racist New Labour
ex-Immigration Minister Phil Woolas. Thrown out by an Electoral Court
for trying too hard to make 'Whites Angry'. You stood by him through
thick and thin. No doubt part of your anti-Islamaphobia campaign?
Tony Greenstein
24 August 2015 at 06:09, MANN, John;john.mann.mp@parliament.uk;
I do not define myself as a Zionist under
any definition of the word , you cannot evidence me being a Zionist on your
Yet you use the term pejoratively against
me. Interesting. ( and many others do the same)
Your only basis for doing so is that I
chair a committee on anti Semitism
Better that you followed cohens bravery in
challenging anti Semitism on the left
Sent from my iPhone
You may not
define yourself as a Zionist, however that does not mean you aren't a
Zionist. Having been an active anti-fascist for over 30 years, unlike
your good self, nearly all members of the National Front and BNP that I came
across denied they were fascists. They purported to be 'patriots'.
However fascists they were and are - and a Zionist you are.
A Zionist is
someone who supports the Zionist movement and its creation, the State of
Israel. There is no doubt that you fit into that category and the best
example of that is the Report of the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into
Antisemitism which you chaired in 2014.
It is a
classic example of the 'new anti-Semitism'. It took evidence almost
wholly from Zionists. I recognise just one person who might possibly come
under the rubric of a non-Zionist. The eminent expert in how the term
anti-Semitism is misused, notably in the European Monitoring Committee's
Working Definition of anti-Semitism, which you approve of, Dr Brian Klug is a
notable omission. So too is Tony Lerman, the former Director and founder
of the Institute of Jewish Policy Research, who was forced out of his job for
not toeing the Zionist line on matters such as 'anti-Semitism'.
The Report
complains about the fact that people associate British Jews with what Israel
does. In itself a fair comment, but not once does it make even the
tiniest criticism of the Board of Deputies of British Jews who strenuously seek
to align British Jewry with Israel's crimes, proudly proclaiming that British
Jews support Israel. It is no wonder that some misguided people do
therefore equate Jews with Israeli war crimes when Jewish representative
bodies, albeit not as representative as they believe themselves to be, do their
best to make such connections.
Indeed you note, with approval, (para 169) that in the
House of Lords, a cross bench peer’s comments that “much antisemitism is a
reaction to the appalling Israeli treatment of its Arab neighbours” were
roundly condemned by others attending the debate. Why? It's obvious
from the spike in anti-Semitic incidents that you draw attention to that the two are related.
The Report,
quite disingenuously, seeks to associate the Boycott of Israel with anti-Semitism.
As someone who has proudly taken part in a number of Boycott activities,
including those which closed the Ahava shop in London and Sodastream in
Brighton, as well as the disruption of Israel's Philharmonic Orchestra at the
Proms, I cannot see there is a trace of anti-Semitism therein. Boycott
actions are directed at Israeli commercial concerns not at Jewish ones, despite
your conflation of the two.
The fact that
you turned up at the Fraser v UCU Employment Tribunal, where you were
roundly criticised by the Tribunal, to give evidence that UCU had been
anti-Semitic for boycotting Israeli universities, institutions that provide
support and backup to the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza,
demonstrates in itself where your sympathies lie.
Your criticism
of the Tricycle Theatre for having initially refused to sponsor a Jewish Film
Festival because it received Israeli Embassy funding, even though it said it
would provide the equivalent subsidy itself, apparently 'caused shock and tremendous
concern' to those who gave evidence to you. It is a pity that they
weren't shocked and concerned by the death of over 2,000 people in Gaza as a
result of the actions of the Israeli government, which the Embassy represents.
Although it
may be due to ignorance rather than malevolence, you report that the
Home Secretary spoke out against antisemitism at a Conservative Friends of
Israel even. Perhaps, given your remit is anti-Semitism, you could have
focussed on the fact that CFI has previously invited noted anti-Semites such as
Michal Kaminski, a Polish MEP who has campaigned against a Polish apology for
Jedwabne or Robert Zile MEP of Latvia, who marches annually with the
Waffen SS veterans. But then that would be embarrassing since Israel has
strong links with all manner of pro-Zionist anti-Semites.
You even attack
John Prescott MP for writing in his Sunday Mirror column that Gaza was
comparable to a concentration camp and that “What happened to the Jewish people
at the hands of the Nazis is appalling. But you would think those atrocities
would give Israelis a unique sense of perspective and empathy with the victims
of a ghetto” para. 167
The Report seemed disturbed by the fact that 'flowers with a card
naming three children killed in Gaza were left outside a prominent Jewish
centre in North West London, deliberately in time for Jewish schoolchildren
being collected from a summer scheme to see them.' para. 128
What has that
to do with anti-Semitism?
Attacking its
critics as 'anti-Semites' is a standard Zionist trope. Telling Jewish
anti-Zionists that it is a pity they didn't die in the holocaust and other
abuse, is another form of Zionist anti-Semitism. One lovely example,
among many, that I have received at my blog was:
'It's a shame that either Hitler or the Angel of Death, missed your family's house. Or Neturei Karta's. Don't even call yourself a Jew,traitor.'
'It's a shame that either Hitler or the Angel of Death, missed your family's house. Or Neturei Karta's. Don't even call yourself a Jew,traitor.'
A large
percentage of anti-Semitic comments comes from Zionists but that would be
inconvenient to you or your fellow travellers.
So when you
ask for evidence that you are a Zionist, you might now understand why your
Report more than fits the bill.
I note that
you were one of the Labour MPs not to support the creation of a Palestinian
state and I am unaware, though no doubt you will provide some evidence to the
contrary if you have any, that you have ever raised your voice in opposition to
what Israel does in stealing the land of the Palestinians and killing thousands
of them.
Your concern
about 'anti-Semitism' is entirely devoted to the cause of Zionism which is why
the firm of Mishcon De Reya provided you with pro bono support, as they did in
the Fraser v UCU case.
Tony Greenstein
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