9 March 2025

OPEN LETTER TO BBC DIRECTOR GENERAL TIM DAVIE - If Abdullah, the Child in ‘Gaza: How To Survive A War Zone’ is murdered then it is as if it was you who fired the bullet

 The Only Reason for Banning the Film is McCarthyite guilt-by-association – Since October 7 the BBC has run non-stop Israeli Atrocity Propaganda


I first became aware of the controversy surrounding Gaza: How to Survive a War Zone, the only attempt by the BBC during 16 months of Israel’s genocidal attacks on Gaza to portray the suffering of civilians, when I read a letter from 45 Zionists gaslighting in the media journal Deadline. I posted a  short comment.

The letter contained a variety of errors. David Collier is not an 'investigative journalist' but a far-right Zionist propagandist   who mixes with fascists like Jonathan Hoffman, Paul Besser of Britain First and Tommy Robinson supporter Sharon Klaff.

Jonathan Sacerdoti is a professional Zionist propagandist, who formerly worked for the Israeli front group CAA. I asked if Sarah Deech was related to Baroness Deech, a patron for UK Lawyers for Israel? She is. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. When these apologists for the murder of children ask

What role did Abdullah Al-Yazouri’s parents play in the supervision of the filming of the child and the BBC’s duty of care obligations in filming with under-18s? Who was the child’s chaperone.

How the BBC caved to Israeli pressure. Censored! Gaza how to survive a war zone

a more pertinent question would be ‘what steps did the Israeli government take to ensure that it didn't slaughter thousands of children?’  But that would have been too much for these hypocrites. I asked in another post whether

‘any of the 45 genocide supporters protested at Israel's bombing of the tent encampment outside Al Aqsa hospital last October when 19 year old Sha'aban al-Dalou was literally burnt alive. Or was Hamas also based in the tents as well as every hospital, school, river and university?

I thought it might be useful to write to the organ grinder, BBC Director-General Timothy Davie rather than his monkeys.

Dear Timothy Davie,

I won’t call you Tim because familiarity breeds contempt and I already have more than enough contempt for you.

You withdrew the film Gaza: How To Survive A War Zone’ because Abdullah Al-Yazouri, a 13 year old boy, had a father who had served as Gaza’s Deputy Agriculture Minister, a perfectly normal government job unrelated to ‘terrorism’.

One wonders whether you would have pulled an interview with an Israeli child because his parent(s) had served in the IDF, a terrorist army that doesn’t think twice about shooting  unarmed pregnant Palestinian women or firing missiles at hospitals?

What relevance did Abdullah’s family have to his testimony? Is he not allowed to testify in his own right. As Nicola Grove wrote:

weaponising family associations to discredit a child’s testimony is both unethical and dangerous. The BBC’s duty of care to Abdullah, and all minors in conflict zones, must prioritise their safety, privacy, and dignity. Publishing unverified claims about his family risks exposing him to harassment or harm, in direct violation of the BBC’s International Safeguarding Policy.

Was Surviving October 7th: We Will Dance Again  which the BBC ran, subject to the same level of scrutiny as this film? Why is it that the victims and not the perpetrators of genocide are subject to this level of scrutiny? This is colonial racism at its worst.

It is noticeable that the 45 Zionists who wrote to you had nothing to say about its content yet that was clearly what they objected to. The participation of Abdullah was their pretext for objecting to the film.

Your Background

Since Abdullah’s background is deemed relevant perhaps we should look into your background. You had all the qualifications necessary for the job of Director-General when you were appointed to the job in September 2020.  None of them had anything to do with the journalism though. You more than made up for this in terms of your connections with the British Establishment.

Politically you stood twice as a councillor for the Tory Party in the Hammersmith and Fulham Council elections in 1993 and 1994, losing both times. You were also deputy chair of Hammersmith and Fulham Conservative Association. The Tory Party is fiercely pro-Zionist. 80% of its MPs are members of Conservative Friends of Israel. It is clear where your sympathies lie.

Your media experience was enhanced when you joined Procter & Gamble as a trainee in 1991 and then in 1993 you joined PepsiCo, becoming vice-president of marketing and finance.

Clearly this stood you in good stead when you joined the BBC in 2005. In September 2020 you became the BBC’s Director-General. You immediately set out new guidelines for BBC staff, stating that they should avoid expressing their personal views on current issues of political controversy (which you called 'virtue signalling').

The only exceptions that were made were for people like John Ware, of  Panorama’s Docufiction ‘Is Labour Anti-Semitic’  and a member of the consortium  that took over the bankrupt anti-Palestinian Jewish Chronicle. Being a Zionist has always been an exception to the rules.

Is Labour Anti-Semitic has since been comprehensively discredited. None of its ‘Jewish victims’ were revealed as close friends and officers of the Jewish Labour Movement. Labour Witchhunter Ben Westerman, who alleged he was asked about his Jewish origins was shown to be a  liar as a tape-recording produced by his 2 Jewish victims revealed.

In 2023 Gary Lineker was suspended from presenting Match of the Day because he had tweeted that Suella Braverman’s anti-refugee policy and its rhetoric had a distinct Third Reich flavour about it. Once again you demonstrated your loyalty to the party of which you were an officer.

Gary’s fellow presenters Ian Wright and Alan Shearer though pulled out of the show in solidarity with him. Other BBC sport presenters including Jermaine Jenas and Alex Scott refused to appear on air in protest over Lineker's suspension. Solidarity is not a word that Tories like you would ever understand.

For you life is about attacking the downtrodden or stabbing people in the back. That is why, when the Zionists attacked Gaza: How To Survive A War Zone’ you caved in willingly.

The BBC has always been hostile to the victims of colonialism. When there was a Boycott of Sporting links with South Africa the BBC defied it. John Arlott refused to be your commentator on the 1970 cricket tour because, in his words, a successful tour would offer comfort and confirmation to a completely evil regime

Genocide and the BBC’s Consistent Bias on Palestine

The BBC frowns on using the term ‘Genocide’ even though the International Court of Justice has said it is plausible. You’re happy though to quote the term when it’s Ukraine.

When it comes to Gaza, where it was estimated in July 2024 that 186,000 Palestinians had died the BBC refuses to use the term. Today the figure may be nearing ½ million. What is plain to millions the BBC refuses to see even though Israeli leaders boast of their genocidal intent. For example:

Nissim Vaturi, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset called for Israel to “wipe Gaza off the face of the earth,” adding: “Gaza must be burned. There are no innocents there’. Minister of Finance, Smotrich, complained that though it would be moral to starve 2 million Palestinians to death the world won’t allow it. Today Israel is blocking all aid to Gaza.

Two Nice Jewish Boys

Netanyahu mentioned, in more than one speech, Amalek, the enemy nation of the Israelites who god asked King Saul to exterminate:

You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.

Israel's 'Friendship Song'

An exterminationist mood has taken  hold in Israel, illustrated in a group of sweet Israeli school children singing the 'Friendship Song' broadcast on Israel's Kan public broadcasting station, about 'annihilating everyone' in Gaza. There is the oldest and most popular podcast in Israel, 2 Nice Jewish Boys discussing erasing Gaza with one press of a button or the ubiquitous car stickers calling to 'finish them’. The BBC never reports the racism that is part of the DNA of a ‘Jewish’ state. There is a complete avoidance, in terms of analysis, of the violent anti-Arab racism in Israel that long predated October 7 such as the annual 'Death to the Arabs' pogrom in Jerusalem each May.

The BBC has become a genocide denier despite Lord Sumption becoming the fifth former Supreme Court judge to state that Israel is likely committing genocide in Gaza. As always the BBC prefers the Zionist narrative to that of its victims.

In Srebenica in 1994 8,000 Muslim boys and men were murdered. The BBC wrote how

even now, after the recovery of thousands of victims and war-crimes trials for a number of those responsible, some still deny that the genocide took place.

What explanation can there be for this difference in attitude other than that in Srebenica the West opposed the genocidaires whereas in Gaza they support them?

The film was narrated by 13 year old Adbullah who combined a command over English with a relaxed and witty manner. He was an immediate hit. The film was not complimentary to Hamas but the real objection to it was that it revealed, for the first time, what life was like for ordinary civilians in Gaza under Israel’s murderous attacks.

When a letter arrived from 45 Zionists you faced a choice. You could either defend the child victims of war and allow them to tell their story or support the racists. For you it was no contest.

You preferred the former because Jews are the moral alibi that West uses to justify its complicity in Israel’s war crimes. A letter from 700 Jews was ignored because anti-racist Jews are invisible to the BBC. There was also a letter from 500 media personalities. Of course the Zionist ones were the ones that counted!

The letter from the racist Jews and Zionists asked:

Was it known to the BBC that the narrator and principal contributor of the documentary, Abdullah Al-Yazouri, is the son of a senior leader of the proscribed terrorist group, Hamas?

It contained 2 lies. Hamas is not a terrorist but a resistance group. Secondly there is no evidence that Abdullah’s father is even in Hamas let alone that he is a ‘senior leader’. But even if he is so what?  Was your father Timothy a monster like his son?  They then ask?

If the BBC was aware that Abdullah Al-Yazouri was the son of a terrorist leader, why was this not disclosed to audiences during the programme?

If the BBC was not aware that Abdullah Al-Yazouri is the son of a terrorist leader, what diligence checks were undertaken and why did they fail?

These racist hypocrites talked of ‘child exploitation concerns’. This is rich coming from people who support Israel’s deliberate targeting of children.

Your Zionist friends asked ‘what training was given ... on the BBC International Safeguarding Policy’. Of what relevance was this ?

As if not aware of the contradictions these vile racists asked whether Abdullah’s parents ‘sign(ed) a release form authorising his participation in the documentary?’ Presumably his Hamas parents were fit to sign a release form!

These feral trollops also asked about ‘the welfare of the children involved to the International Safeguarding Point of Contact?’ They support killing kids whilst being concerned for their welfare?

The lead signatory was Danny Cohen, former Controller of the BBC. It says everything about the BBC that this hideous creature could be your controller. His amorality outdoes even yours.

The pulling of ‘Gaza: How To Survive A War Zone’ is but one of the examples of how, when the BBC is given a choice, it supports the genocidaires. When South Africa presented its case at the ICJ that Israel was committing genocide the BBC refused to show the presentation of South Africa’s case live. But it did broadcast Israel’s defence of the indefensible live.

Although David Jordan, the Director of Editorial Policy and Standards accepted that the BBC made a mistake when he told MPs on Westminster's Media Committee that the news team may have “done it differently” if they were covering the ICJ case again, you

repeatedly declined to say whether (you)… thought it had been fair for the corporation to broadcast the Israeli defence in full while South Africa’s counter-arguments were only shown in part.

This in itself shows Timothy that you are a Zionist partisan. 

Yet another example of BBC Bias was the BBC’s ‘Corrections and Clarifications’ which states that

At one point during the discussion [about Palestinian prisoners] the correspondent in Jerusalem mistakenly referred to them as ‘hostages’. We apologise for the error.

Perhaps you might explain why you have offered an apology?  Israel is illegally occupying the Palestinian territories and one-third of the 10,000 captives it is holding have not even had a trial in a military court. Hundreds of them are children. Why they are not hostages?

Israel’s military courts have a conviction rate of 99.74%. Even Stalin’s Russia had a higher acquittal rate. They are ‘trials’ where evidence against the  accused is not disclosed to the accused. Viewers would assume that ‘prisoners’ refers to people convicted by due process not a military kangaroo court which doesn’t even translate its proceedings to the defendant.

You also said that the decision to censor the film had “nothing to do with one side or the other” in the Israel-Gaza conflict adding that the corporation did not “bow to lobbies”. You are not even a good liar. Who else did you bow to if not 45 doxxing Zionists?


When Abdullah says that you are responsible for his life then that is equally true of the 45 monsters who started the ball rolling. If Israel targets Abdullah, as it targeted Rifat al-Areer and so many others you will be responsible for his murder as surely as if you held the gun.

Why did the BBC censor this documentary on Gaza? with Asa Winstanley

Former BBC Journalists Who Accuse You of bias

Former BBC journalist Karishma Patel has called the BBC out for refusing to reach “reasonable, evidence-based conclusions” over Israel’s genocide in Gaza. She suggested that you have become “a vehicle in informational warfare”. That’s why she resigned in 2024.

The BBC‘s decision to pull the film, Patel said, was “a distraction from a much bigger problem my old employer has with impartiality”.

Patel joined over a thousand UK-based media professionals in condemning the BBC’s decision which they described as “racist” and “dehumanising”. Patel added:

Impartiality has failed if its key method is to constantly balance “both sides” of a story as equally true. A news outlet that refuses to come to conclusions becomes a vehicle in informational warfare

She also asserted that:

We have passed the point at which Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity are debatable. There’s more than enough evidence – from Palestinians on the ground, aid organisations; legal bodies – to come to coverage-shaping conclusions around what Israel has done.

Comparing the situation to the BBC‘s 2018 decision to finally issue editorial guidance that “Climate change IS happening”, she asked:

When will the BBC conclude that Israel IS violating international law, and shape its coverage around that truth?

There’s no ‘balance’ between genocidal war criminals and their victims

By hiding or omitting key context and toeing the line linguistically, the BBC has consistently failed to inform the public properly about Israel’s crimes in Gaza and the British government’s support for them.

It is noticeable that there was no ‘due diligence’ done of the BBC’s Zionist film We Will Dance Again Were there any illegal settlers, soldiers or children in it? Your hypocrisy stands out Timothy.

The Opinion of the new President of the ICJ, Judge Issawa on Israeli Apartheid

Journalist Sangita Myska has insisted that the “over-scrutiny of some Palestinian sources vs under-scrutiny of some Israeli ones” has severely damaged “public trust” in the corporation. Richard Sanders, director of the powerful and comprehensive Al Jazeera documentary Investigating war crimes in Gazaasserted that:

a media environment where the victims of genocide, ethnic cleansing and apartheid are subjected constantly to the most intense scrutiny, while their tormentors and those who support them are all too often allowed a free pass is a distorted and frankly racist one.

When BBC journalists depart from you or speak anonymously they have little good to say of your Middle East coverage.  I refer to Drop Site News’  The BBC's Civil War Over Gaza and the Cradle’s BBC staffers reveal editor's 'entire job' to whitewash Israeli war crimes. One former BBC journalist said of the infamous Raffi Berg, BBC News’ Zionist Gatekeeper: "This guy's entire job is to water down everything that's too critical of Israel"

"How much power he has is wild," said another journalist.

Another journalist spoke of a broader BBC culture of "systematic Israeli propaganda." 

Yet another journalist spoke of 

an extreme fear at the BBC, that if you ever wanted to do anything about Israel or Palestine, editors would say: 'If you want to pitch something, you have to go through Raffi and get his signoff’

One particularly appalling example of Berg’s handiwork on behalf of Israel was the story of how Muhammed Bhar, a 24-year-old Palestinian man with Down’s syndrome and autism was left to die after being bitten by an Israeli army dog.

Muhammed lived in Gaza with his family. On July 3, the Israeli military raided Bhar’s home. The family begged for mercy for their disabled son, but the unit’s dog savaged him. He begged the dog to stop, using the only language he could access in that moment: “Khalas ya habibi” (“that’s enough, my dear”). The soldiers then put the injured man in a separate room, locked the door, and forced the family to leave at gunpoint. A week later, the family returned home to find Bhar’s decomposing body.

Bhar’s story was originally documented by Middle East Eye on July 12, with the headline: “Gaza: Palestinian with Down syndrome ‘left to die’ by Israeli soldiers after combat dog attack.” The Independent headline was “Gaza man with Down’s syndrome mauled by Israeli attack dog and left to die, family says.” The BBC headline was: “The lonely death of Gaza man with Down’s syndrome.”

The headline failed to reflect the terrible circumstances of Bhar’s death and omitted who did what to whom. In the original version of the story, it took 500 words to learn that an Israeli army dog had attacked Bhar, and a further 339 to discover how he had died.

Berg was the one to hit 'publish' on the story and it was he who decided that the headline should remove any Israeli responsibility for the murder.The article about Bhar sparked an outpouring of fury both internally at the BBC and on social media. In a post liked by 14,000 users, Husam Zomlot, Palestine’s ambassador to the UK, tweeted

“I don’t think there could be a worst murder in human history, still @BBCWorld headlines this as ‘death of a Gaza man’ to abdicate Israel of responsibility. Abhorrent!”

Palestinian-American writer Tariq Kenney-Shawa mocked the absurdity of the framing. “A ‘lonely death,’ as if he died after a long battle with cancer or was perhaps swept away by the sea or lost under the rubble of an earthquake,” he tweeted.

Eventually, the BBC decided to rewrite the story. It changed the headline to “Gaza man with Down’s syndrome attacked by IDF dog and left to die, mother tells BBC.” It also inserted two new paragraphs informing readers that the Israeli military had admitted

that a Palestinian man with Down’s syndrome who was attacked by an army dog in Gaza was left on his own by soldiers, after his family had been ordered to leave

and that he was “found dead by his family a week later.” Even with the new phrasing, the story implied that the dog had attacked Bhar of its own volition, not that it was under the control of IDF personnel.

Raffi Berg is a faithful servant of the Israeli state, an open Zionist and a fan of Netanyahu. He praised Israel’s murderous Mossad in his book Red Sea Spies. Perhaps Timothy you can point me to a Palestinian supporter in an equally powerful position in the BBC? 

When Amnesty International accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, what headline did Berg  chose? "Israel rejects 'fabricated' claims of genocide." He also failed to post the story for 12 hours.

Journalists interviewed by Drop Site also noted that Amnesty’s report was not covered on the BBC's flagship news programs—BBC 's News At 1, News At Six, or News At Ten or BBC Two's Newsnight.

SHOCK: Here's How Many Israel Killed On Oct 7th!

Why Won’t the BBC Mention the Hannibal Doctrine?

The BBC runs with Israel’s atrocity propaganda over October 7 and the lie that Hamas killed 1200 Israelis without mentioning that 400 of them were military and that Israel almost certainly killed a majority, of its own citizens. The Hannibal Doctrine states that it’s better to kill your own soldiers than allow them to be captured and exchanged for hostages, on the BBC website.

Your Australian counterpart has no such difficulty. What’s your problem? I searched on the BBC website and there is no mention of the Hannibal Directive bar one reference to a 2015 report.

The Hannibal Doctrine has been regularly discussed by Israeli media. It is as if Raffi Berg is getting a second salary from Netanyahu. Perhaps he is.

As Jonathan Cook, a former Guardian journalist wrote, the HD is now being applied to Israel’s hostages in Gaza. It is clear that Netanyahu prefers to kill them through Israeli bombing than stop the war. Here is some of the evidence that the BBC won’t publish or broadcast.

In November 2023, Israeli police confirmed that IDF helicopters had killed large numbers of Israelis at the Nova music festival. Israeli tank drivers were filmed discussing the orders they had been given to fire at Israeli homes with their owners inside them.

Eye-witnesses described how tanks had fired into kibbutz homes containing Israeli families with children, killing many – including a young girl Israel then used as a ‘poster child’ for claims that the victims were brutally killed by Palestinians.

A reserve colonel flying helicopters told Ha’aretz that Israeli deaths on the day were the result of a ‘mass Hannibal’. Mark Regev inadvertently admitted the same when he revealed that around 200 burned ‘Israeli’ bodies were in fact Palestinians burned beyond initial recognition at the same time as the Israeli casualties.

Soon afterward Israel’s military gave away the truth when it told Yediot Ahronoth that the reason it was refusing to have a formal investigation into the ‘friendly fire’ killings was because the number killed were ‘immense and complex’:

Its widespread use on 7 October – on average every twenty minutes or so from the early morning hours until late into the evening – has been clear for around 15 months, freely discussed by Israeli media, including by Israel’s military, but UK and US politicians and the BBC continues to ignore it because it does not fit the Establishment’s narrative which is to excuse Israel’s genocide.

Israeli atrocity propaganda about rapes and beheadings collapsed more than a year ago and were thoroughly discredited but the BBC continue to repeat them as if they were true. 

See Skwawkbox’s:

Israeli media discussing ‘horrifying’ mass ‘friendly fire’ killings by IDF – but UK media stay silent

‘Anything that moved’: Israel (again) admits mass ‘Hannibal’ killing of own citizens on 7 Oct

On February 7, former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant confirmed earlier reports regarding the use of the Hannibal Doctrine but unlike the Times of Israel the BBC refuses to cover it. Gallant was asked by Israel’s Channel 12 whether the order was given to implement the policy on that day and he said:

“I think tactically in some places it was, in other places it was not, and that is a problem,”

As early as December 2023, former Israeli Labor party leader Shelly Yachimovich called for an investigation into the Israeli army’s implementation of the ‘Hannibal Directive’ in towns surrounding the Gaza Strip on October 7. Al Jazeera Arabic website reported.

“There is a violent campaign to prevent any investigation/talk about the event from hell in which Brigadier General Hiram ordered a tank to fire and storm the house in Bari, knowingly killing 12 hostages, including children. Hannibal would be rolling over in his grave,” Yachimovich posted on X.

“The reasoning? Hiram is a “hero of Israel.” The heroes of Israel protect the children of Israel, they don’t kill them. Who am I to judge? Who is he to kill?” she added.

In January 2024, the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronoth reported that the Israeli military implemented the Hannibal Directive, killing its own soldiers and civilians in order to prevent Hamas from taking them as captives.

An Al Jazeera investigation in March last year also found “evidence that this protocol was used on Israeli civilians” on October 7.

In July 2024, Haaretz revealed that the Israeli army ordered the activation of the Hannibal Directive on October 7. An investigation  confirmed that the Israeli army issued orders to ensure no vehicle was allowed to return to Gaza during the attack, despite the risk to the residents of the Gaza envelope.

This was not the first order given by the division with the intent of foiling kidnapping even at the expense of the lives of the kidnapped, a procedure known in the army as the ‘Hannibal procedure’

Israel’s use of the HD is highly relevant to both what happened on October 7 and Israel’s’s subsequent genocide yet the BBC refuses to mention it in the interests of maintaining the narrative fiction that Israel’s is acting in self defence. This makes you Timothy an accessory to genocide.

I realise Timothy that you are facing an unscrupulous Culture Minister Lisa Nandy who has swiveled from a defender of Palestinian children’s rights to a supporter of genociding them. However a person in your position should have the backbone to confront her with her dishonesty instead of compounding it. Just remind her of when she said that ‘When you threaten children’s rights anywhere, you threaten children’s rights everywhere.’

In sum, for the last quarter of a century the BBC has maintained a consistent and persistent bias against the Palestinians, what has been called a 'bias against understanding.'  The Balen Report which the BBC commissioned under pressure from pro-Israeli groups who alleged a bias against Israel and which it then kept secret at the cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds (our money lest you forget), found that there had been no bias, quite the contrary.

In an article in Electronic Intifada former BBC correspondent Tim Llewellyn quoted from the summary about the campaign of the Zionist lobby to create the perception of BBC bias against Israel:

”I am conscious that this report has been compiled under a weight of criticism from pro-Israelis and is, in some ways, shaped by it: not because their criticisms are necessarily any more accurate than those from pro-Palestinians, but because they [pro-Israelis] are responsible for the climate of perception which surrounds the BBC’s coverage.” [my italics]. 

An article two months after October 7 by Greg Philo and Mike Berry of Glasgow University's Media Unit concluded that:

In our earlier studies... we also found that, in the absence of context and history, BBC journalists would report the Palestinian “side” in terms of the suffering caused by the fighting. But the Palestinian perspective in terms of the reasons for the conflict was absent. The Israeli rationale, on the other hand, was often foregrounded in news reports.

When we tested the possible effects of this on audience members – by asking why participants in our audience groups thought the two sides were fighting and how the conflict could be resolved – we found these patterns in reporting appeared to lead some to conclude that it was “very sad” for the Palestinians but that the Israelis were “retaliating” and the situation could be resolved if the attacks on Israel stopped.

Another key finding from these studies was that Israeli casualties were given proportionally more coverage than Palestinian ones, and the language used to describe Israeli deaths was markedly different. Words such as “atrocity”, “murder”, “lynch-mob” and “barbarically killed” were used by journalists to describe the deaths of Israeli soldiers, but not those of Palestinians.


We found that “murder”, “murderous”, “mass murder”, “brutal murder” and “merciless murder” were used a total of 52 times by journalists to refer to Israelis’ deaths but never in relation to Palestinian deaths. The same pattern could been seen in relation to “massacre”, “brutal massacre” and “horrific massacre” (35 times for Israeli deaths, not once for Palestinian deaths); “atrocity”, “horrific atrocity” and “appalling atrocity” (22 times for Israeli deaths, once for Palestinian deaths); and “slaughter” (five times for Israeli deaths, not once for Palestinian deaths).

But the issue goes beyond these differences. The Palestinian perspective is effectively absent from the coverage, in how they understand the reasons for the conflict and the nature of the occupation under which they are living.

One senior BBC correspondent commented to us in 2002 that what was missing was the view that the Palestinians saw themselves as engaged in a decades-long struggle of national liberation “in which a population is trying to throw off an occupying force”.... (it) has nothing like the status given to the Israeli perspective which stresses that Israel is subject to terrorist attacks motivated by Islamic extremism and antisemitism.

On a WhatsApp group, seeing a video of you giving evidence to a Parliamentary Committee, you were compared to an ‘oleaginous toad’. I had to correct them. Toads have done nothing that is at all comparable to your vile behavior in allowing the BBC to become the voice of Israel’s Gaza Genocide.

Tony Greenstein

See also:

Academics question BBC Gaza coverage

Shocking but not entirely surprising – Former IDF chief of staff briefed senior UK editors at start of Gaza genocide

Israel’s Kohavi Held Secret Meetings with British Media amid Gaza Genocide – Report

There is no evidence Hamas killed members of the Bibas family. Israel is using their death to manufacture consent for genocide.

You may wish to write to

tim.davie@bbc.co.uk and copy it to press.office@bbc.co.uk and bbcyourvoice@bbc.co.uk

The Film Can Be Also Be Seen Here




https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m00285w7/gaza-how-to-survive-a-warzone  - BLOCKED