13 May 2022


Israeli Animals Attack the Funeral Cortege of Assassinated Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

Terror in Jenin

Today I received this message from Jenin:

‘Please share we in danger now

The military attacked our homes this morning about 5am to arrest someone from our neighbours but their anger was too much on the whole of us and on his family as well!  they brought his mom and dad and put their guns on their head to force him to be arrested ! But they used this as an excuse to shoot people. so around 12 people have been shot! 

Then they bombed the home of his family and some homes around! During this time Military were spreading on roof of our buildings and shot on any one who moved 

During this time they bombed the electricity poles so we are without electricity right now

I wish i could tell about everything but it is too much to tell’

If the terror is to stop there are 2 demands we should make:

i.                   Stop all arms supplies to Israel.

ii.                Stop funding Israeli Apartheid.  The United States bears the primary blame for this with its $3.8 billion aid to Israel each year.

The BBC do their best to absolve Israel of its crimes - Violence Didn't Just Erupt - It was inflicted by Israel's Police Thugs

If its expressions of concern are going to be anything than pious hypocrisy then there must be an immediate stop to their funding of Israel’s war crimes.

But it goes far and away beyond that. Israel is a ‘Jewish’ state i.e. a state of Jewish supremacy.  Until Israel becomes a normal state of its citizens, all its citizens, from the Mediterranean to the Jordan, and opposed to an ethno-supremacist state, these attacks will continue. 

We should say it loud and clear.  There is no right for an Apartheid State to exist. Just as the South Africa and Nazi states had no ‘right to exist’.  It is human beings who have the right to exist.

Meanwhile the amoral Boris Johnson’s only contribution is to make it illegal to boycott Israel and its daily war crimes and his echo chamber Keir Starmer says nothing worth hearing.

Attack on Funeral Procession

Today there were shocking scenes when Israeli Police attacked the funeral procession of Shireen Abuakleh.  It is really unbelievable.

Even at the height of The Troubles in the North of Ireland British occupation forces never attacked an IRA funeral at which IRA gunmen gave the traditional gunshot salute.

Despite Britain's many atrocities in Ireland they knew there were limits.  Israel's armed animals know no limits and have no respect for the most basic human norms. Words cannot express what I feel about these savages.

Tony Greenstein


  1. No, not animals. Animals do not possess such shocking depravity

  2. How on earth do these uncivilised Zionist thugs think they can command any respect from the outside world? The truth is they don't care, because they know all they have to do is play the victim and claim they are defending Jewish rights and their 'homeland'. They also know that these confected lies will be eagerly grasped without question by their Zionist counterparts in the media who are only too willing to hide the never ending atrocities against Palestinians.

    1. Outrageous as their behaviour is they are increasingly making it indefensible, even for their own supporters. That is why the Palestine solidarity movement needs to discuss strategy rather than just doing, like PSC does, think that standing on street corners it the way ahead

    2. Palestine Action is the way to go!

  3. I agree. Not only do they murder her in cold blood, they then attack the dignity of mourning

  4. Has it been 100% confirmed who killed her ? Some people are saying the IDF, but others say Palestinians. How will be know the truth ? Not that any of that excuses the way her funeral was handled.

    1. There are enough eyewitness accounts from the many other journalists at the scene to firmly establish what happened - a cold-blooded, criminal assassination.

    2. it doesn't need to be 100% confirmed Shireen. We know. The journalists who were with here, one of whom was injured are under no doubt. They came under attack from an Israeli army unit. Why would you want to doubt those who were the victims? Don't play the hasbara game. Casting doubt is how the settler army works when it is caught out or makes a 'mistake' such as targetting an American citizen

    3. The proof is that3 shots were fired. One shot a nearby journalist in the shoulder. A other the female journalist there but on her vest a d the third killed Shireen. These were aimed at the group. No Palestinian wld do that.

    4. B'Tselem have forced the Government into an admission of guilt which of course they will qualify by claiming that the sniper mistook their Camera for a missile launcher or some other such object.
      It is now up to the ICC to get things moving in terms of was the sniper just acting alone or under prepared orders.

  5. This reign of terror by the extreme racism of the Zionist Apartheid regime was made possible the moment the British Army entered Jerusalem in Dec 1917 and helped the Zionist movement build this state through the of terror Britain practised in Ireland, India, SA, Kenya, America, etc and now supported by the full force of NATO

  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milltown_Cemetery_attack

    You forgot the Milltown Cemetery Massacre 1988.

    1. from memory that was from the Loyalists and Michael Stone was it not?

    2. Actually, you are wrong. it's true that throughout the 70s, Republican funerals of IRA volunteers were largely left alone and allowed to go ahead with a Tricolour flag draped over the coffin and a pair of gloves and a beret placed on the flag.

      Often funerals were accompanied by an IRA honour guard carrying the coffin and firing a volley over the grave.There is even some astonishing footage of British soldiers saluting an IRA funeral during this period

      Howeve in the 80s, under thatcher's "criminalisation" policy, there was a concerted attempt to delegitimise the armed resistance and label it criminal. Most infamously this occurred in prisons were Republican POWs were to be treated as criminals and made to wear prison unforms etc, a policy that led to the blanket and dirty protests and ultimately the hunger strikes

      But it also precipitated a change of policy towards funerals when the RUC, in a change of tactic began to saturate Republican funerals with a massive police and army presence, often tooled up in riot gear and in militqry vehicles in an attempt to snatch any republican symbols and flags etc.

      This led to several occasions that were very similar to what we have just witnessed in Jerusalem with police piling into and beating mourners, firing baton rounds and cracking heads etc One such police attack put a radio journalist into hospital

      In 1987, the funeral of volunteer Larry Marley was forced to be postponed for 3 days after coming under attack and forcing as those carrying the coffin retreat into the family home and postpone the funeral.

      The RUC strategy ultimately failed because it led to the mobilisation of the entire Republican population, increased the attendance at Republican funerals into the thousands and it shamed the British goverment around the world for its brutality.

      17.12 for footage that is startlingly similar to that which we have just witnessed in Jerusalem



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