Nick Lowles Hope not Hate's Editor Openly Supports Israeli Apartheid
– any Socialist or Anti-Racist Who Supports Them Is a Fake
Today I received
a heartwarming
Xmas message from Nick Lowles of the misnamed Hope not Hate. It boasted of many achievements, most of
which had nothing to do with it, including:
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Hope not Hate should re renamed Hate not Hope for its role in demonising Chris Williamson |
‘We Stopped Tommy Robinson from Winning His
Election’ ‘We Beat Nigel Farage and
the Brexit Party’ ‘We Took on Donald
Trump’ etc. It is after all the season of Santa Claus.

There is
however a less amusing side to HnH.
For the past four years they have provided an ‘anti-fascist’ cover to the
demonistation of a whole range of anti-racist and anti-imperialist activists in
the Labour Party, many of them Black and Jewish, such as Jackie Walker, Marc
Wadsworth, Chris Williamson, the former MP for Derby North and Ken Livingstone,
the former Mayor of London.

This is not surprising since for five years, before becoming an MP, Ruth Smeeth was Deputy Director of HnH. Before
that she was Director of Public Affairs and Campaigns at the Britain Israel
Communications and Research Centre (BICOM), the main pro-Israel propaganda
group in Britain. She is a member of Labour Friends of Israel and after the
defection of Luciana Berger she became Parliamentary Chair of the Jewish Labour
Movement. In short Smeeth is a racist
supporter of Apartheid.

you imagine the late John Carlisle, MP for Luton North, an apologist for South
African Apartheid, whom we used to nickname
the member for Bloemfontein West being anywhere near an anti-fascist organisation?
Yet Ruth Smeeth is all over HnH.

Nobel Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, stated
Israel is worse
than Apartheid South Africa was. When Apartheid was in existence in South
Africa Israel was its closest
partner. As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted,
Israel is a state of its Jewish citizens, not its Palestinian citizens. 5
million Palestinians living in Greater Israel have no vote. Within Israel 93% of the land is barred to Israeli Palestinians.
The Israeli government spends money funding
groups like Hemla, charitable wing of the fascist Lehava organisation, opposing Dorit Rabinmixed marriages.

obsession with racial purity is the hallmark of a society based on the
principles of race. In 2015 Israel’s Education Ministry banned
from the syllabus, Dorit Rabinyan’s Borderlife,
because it depicted a relationship between an Arab woman and a Jewish man.
Dali Fenig, from the Education Ministery
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According to Wikileaks Ruth Smeeth is a Protected Asset |
“The story is based on a romantic motif of
impossible prohibited/secret love. Young people of adolescent age tend to
romanticize and don’t, in many cases, have the systemic vision that includes
considerations involving maintaining the
national-ethnic identity of the people and the significance of
miscegenation.” (my emphasis)
is an ugly word that means the mixing of races. It is defined as
‘mixing that is perceived to negatively impact the purity of
a particular race or culture. Anti-miscegenation is a prominent theme of racial
supremacist movements, including white
in the era of Segregation and Jim Crow laws, States passed laws
forbidding miscegenation. Yet this is the Israel that Ruth Smeeth and HnH are prominent
supporters of and opposition to this is ‘anti-Semitism’ according to HnH.
is also prominent member of the JLM which is affiliated
to the World Zionist Organisation. The WZO is one of the main pillars of Israeli
Apartheid. It has what Ha’aretz called a ‘land
theft division’. It is complicit in the
colonisation of the West Bank. And this trollope was not only Deputy Director
of HnH but her politics permeate throughout this bogus ‘anti-fascist’
I don’t care
if 99.9% of British Jews were to support Israel. It would still not be anti-Semitic
to oppose Zionism. It would just mean that British Jews were racists. Fortunately
this is not the case but this is the basis on which HnH and others term anti-Zionist
Thirty years
ago I wrote an article
SEARCHLIGHT Undermining Anti-fascists, helping
Zionists’ for Palestine Solidarity magazine. It is as relevant now as it
was then.

Hate not Hope is a honey trap, a money making
operation for owner, Nick Lowles. Despite
its attempt to portray itself as a campaign, it is a Limited Company
no. 08188502. It has no
democratic structures or accountability.
Smeeth is
one of its 7 directors. According to its accounts
it has assets and liabilities of nearly a thousand pounds.
However there
is also Hope
Not Hate Charitable Trust No. 02738367.
This has had 31 officers, 23 of whom have resigned, including Sonia
Gable, wife of Searchlight Anti-fascist Magazine and Ruth Smeeth, who resigned
shortly before becoming an MP in March 2015.
HnH is the
bastard child of Gerry Gable’s Searchlight Magazine
which used to trade information on Marxists and Anarchists to MI5 and the
Special Branch in return for information on fascists. Searchlight is now almost
defunct, having not updated its website for nearly 8 months.

and HnH fell
out in an unseemly squabble about money. It was a split without any
principle and was mourned by the Jewish Chronicle as a ‘tragedy’.
Whether the falling out of a gang of thieves merits such a description I shall
leave to my readers!
Editor Gerry Gable was caught with his pants down in 1977 when a memo
to his Editor at London Weekend Television, Barry Cox, was leaked to the New
Statesman. This was when the then Labour government was in the process of
deporting former CIA agent Phil Agee, who had blown the cover on CIA operations
in South America, and radical journalist Mark Hosenball. As far as Gable was concerned
the organiser of their Defence Campaign, Phil Kelly (later Editor of Tribune)
was a PLO terrorist.

HnH continued
with the political methods of Searchlight, not least the belief that opposition
to Zionism is ‘anti-Semitic’. This is personified in the disgusting Ruth Smeeth
who falsely
alleged that Marc Wadsworth, a Black anti-racist activist who introduced
the family of Stephen Lawrence to Nelson Mandela, which was what put the
campaign on the map.
So when I
received Nick Lowles piece of puff today I decided to write him a letter, which
I’m happy to share with you!
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The parliamentary lynch mob in support of Ruth Smeeth |
Dear Nick,
Thank you
for your Xmas message about all your ‘achievements’
You are
However Much Too Modest.
Haven't you
forgotten another few ' achievements'? Please permit me to list them:
We Helped Propagate the Poisonous Zionist Campaign
that Falsely Alleged Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party
We did this in conjunction with our former Deputy
Director and CIA Asset Ruth Smeeth MP whose seat We Also Helped Lose
We targeted Black Anti-racists such as Jackie
Walker and called them racists, in much the same way as the National Front
used to accuse anti-fascists of (anti-White) racism. The allegation in this
case was that they were ‘anti-Jewish’.
Ruth Smeeth, a ‘protected’ asset of the US Embassy
according to Wikileaks,
demonised Marc Wadsworth and falsely accused him of ‘anti-Semitism’ because he
had called out her links with the Tory press.
We even targeted Anti-Zionist Jews like Tony
Greenstein and Moshe Machover
We also targeted and demonised anti-racist MP Chris
Yes I agree
Nick. You have indeed achieved a lot
during the past year. You will forgive
me if I don’t contribute towards your funds given that the Israeli Embassy is more
than willing to step in.
Best wishes
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