Peter Kyle ‘Labour’ MP for Hove and the Board of Deputies were the instigators
of the threats of violence and abuse employed against the Chris Williamson meeting
When Peter Kyle pressured
the Brighthelm Church & Community
Centre (which is now likely to be subject to a boycott) to cancel the
meeting with Chris Williamson, he gave the green light to Sussex Friends of Israel and
their friends to use threats of violence and make abusive phone calls to staff
at the Holiday Inn and the Quaker Friends Meeting House.
has refused to condemn the methods that were employed to force these venues
into cancelling bookings. Not only that, but as Greg Hadfield makes clear, he
has lied and dissembled about these threats. In reality he is party to them.
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Peter Kyle - right-wing Labour MP for Hove and in need of urgent deselection |
For further
information on the timeline of events and Kyle’s role see Greg Hadfield’s two excellent
essays A
first rough draft of history: Chris Williamson MP in Brighton and Hove and The
sequel: A second rough draft of history and Chris Williamson
Other racists
such as former Council leader, Daniel Yates complained
that, instead of accepting the fact that Zionist thugs could intimidate venues
into cancelling our booking, we had the temerity
to hold a rally out in the open in Regency Square.
The pathetic Yates tweeted
that ‘I’m
disgusted. I hope @BrightonHoveCC look into the matter and the organisers actions.’ This is the
level of the commitment of the Labour Right in Brighton & Hove to free
Yates was
given short shrift on Twitter.
‘Are you a councillor for Labour or Israeli
'And what are they going to look into? Man makes
speech outside'? What the police should look into is the various threats
against the venues’.
‘Absolutely outrageous, what is disgusting is your not
asking the police to investigate the threats made to the venues. Instead you
abuse the victim’.
The best
response was from Jo Seirer:
‘You spot a
victim of bullies, and can't resist giving them an extra kick. And you say you
are disgusted. You spelled it wrong. You are disgust-ING.’
to Yates we should have had the good grace to acknowledge that the supporters
of the Israeli state had the right to intimidate venues into closing down a
perfectly lawful meeting.
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This is the pathetic reaction of Labour's former Council leader |
We . should
also have accepted the characterisation of Chris Williamson as a ‘Jew baiter’ and not dared to challenge
their Goebbels style propaganda.
In all the attacks on Chris no one has produced anything
that merits this description.
This is the
level of dishonesty of our Zionist opponents, Kyle and Yates.
It is worth
looking at what Chris actually
said at the fateful Sheffield Momentum meeting because liars like Kyle and
Yates continue to allege that what Chris said was anti-Semitic:
"The party that has done
more to stand up to racism is now being demonised as a racist, bigoted party. I
have got to say I think our party's response has been partly responsible for
that because in my opinion… we've backed off far too much, we have given too
much ground, we've been too apologetic..."We've done more to actually
address the scourge of anti-semitism than any other political party. Any other
political party. And yet we are being traduced."
I defy anyone to point out what was anti-Semitic in the above statement.
When I
first came to Brighton I quickly became involved in anti-fascist activity. The
National Front was then very active doing what the Peter Kyle’s of today are doing,
which was to try and close down meetings they disagreed with. In particular
they attacked meetings of CHE (Campaign for Homosexual Equality). No doubt Kyle is
unaware of this and much else.
What is despicable
is that Kyle, whose only claim to fame is that he is gay, is adopting the
methods of the National Front. His attack on Chris Williamson as a ‘Jew baiter’ is an example of the Nazi propaganda
technique of the big lie.
What Kyle
and co. are saying is that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are one and the same.
This is the libel which equates Jews with everything that Israel and Zionism does. It is itself anti-Semitic.
The term ‘Jew baiter’ seems to be in fashion these days. Presumably Kyle
and the Jewish Chronicle believe it
has greater effect than the overused ‘anti-Semite’ the value of which has been
devalued since it is used against all critics of Israel.
In fact ‘Jew baiter’ wasn’t used against run of
the mill anti-Semites such as Oswald Moseley and the British Union of Fascists.
It was reserved for ardent Jew haters like Arnold Leese of the
Imperial Fascist League. But I suspect Kyle is as ignorant of the history of
fascism as he is about the history of the gay rights movement.
By using
Jews as a stick to beat his political opponents, the person who is guilty of ‘Jew
baiting’ and anti-Semitism is Kyle himself.
What we are
seeing today with Chris Williamson is an attempt to close down democratic
debate by the supporters of the world’s only apartheid state. It is also an
international phenomenon.
In America repeated
attempts are being made to render BDS illegal. In Germany the Bundestag witnessed
the spectacle of neo-Nazis, Greens and Social Democrats voting together to
condemn BDS as anti-Semitic! Indeed the neo-Nazi AfD, Alternative for Germany,
complained that the other resolutions were not strong enough as they didn’t
outlaw BDS!
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Katie Hopkins - ardent Zionist, neo-Nazi who talked of 'final solution' for Muslims and supported the murder of 11 Jews in Pittsburgh - was guest of honour at the last Zionist Federation dinner |
In the United States it is the most
anti-Semitic elements, born again Christians and the alt-Right, neo-Nazi Richard
Spencer and Steve Bannon who declare
their love for Israel as an ethno-nationalist state. Here in Britain anti-Semites such as Tommy
Robinson and Katie Hopkins pledge
their support for Israel. The same Katie Hopkins who declared that refugees
were ‘cockroaches’.
This didn’t stop her justifying
the attack on the synagogue in Pittsburgh where 11 Jews were murdered because of
their support for refugees. A justification that was
echoed by the Israeli far-Right and figures such as the popular rap artist The Shadow (Yoav
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Every racist, from the White Supremacist in the White House to Kyle, Stanger and Yates opposes 'anti-Semitism' |
Israel is a
model for White Supremacists and Nationalists because, like Trump, they admire
Israel’s determination to keep refugees out and its virulent Islamaphobia in
order to protect their ‘Jewish identity’. They admire Israel’s wall with Egypt
and the determination to keep Israel racially Jewish.
When Trump pressured Israel to refuse
to admit Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, this White supremacist President,
who described
the neo-Nazis of Charlottesville as ‘fine people’, said
of Tlaib and Omar that ‘They hate Israel & all Jewish people’. This should prove decisively that ‘anti-Semitism’ is a weapon of the
racist right – be it Trump, Kyle or Yates.
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Labour Right and Zionist oddball, Luke Stanger, currently suspended by the Labour Party for harassing women and racism - was on the fringes of the meeting in Regency Square |
It was of
course particularly enjoyable seeing the outrage and splenetic fury of the
Zionists, Yates included. Their rally mustered all of a dozen miserable creatures
a few of whom hung around the periphery of our demonstration, frustrated that
we had defied them and exercised our democratic rights.
What the
Labour Right and the Zionists don’t understand is why 150 people, at short
notice, were determined to ensure that the rally took place. That people don’t
like being told what they can and cannot listen to just because the defenders
of the world’s most racist state tell them to.
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Idiot President of the Board of Deputies, Marie van der Zyl, held her own one woman protest on the fringes of our meeting |
The cream
of the Zionist leadership in Britain – the President of the Board of Deputies
President Marie van der Zyle and the Jewish Leadership Council -came down and
spent the night in the Jury’s Inn Hotel! No doubt at the expense of the ‘Jewish
Levane and Jenny Manson of Jewish Voice for Labour have written an open
letter to Ms Zyl. They describe what happened in Brighton as representing ‘a critical threat to democracy’ and they describe the methods which have been used over
the past year to intimidate venues including ‘telephoned bomb threats’ at the premiere of the Jackie Walker film Witchhunt at the 2018 Labour Party conference
of hostile reviews for potential hotel hosts on TripAdvisor, mass heckling at
meetings, and more. However to the best of our knowledge, this is the first
time that there have been direct threats of actual physical harm made in person
to venue workers.’
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When Israel began using snipers to murder unarmed demonstrators the Board of Deputies rushed to support them |
describe what has happened as ‘reminiscent
of the tactics used during the historical rise of far-right movements, who
organised violence or the threat of violence on the streets.’ They ask the
Board to ‘completely disassociate
themselves from such actions.’
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Labour Friends of Israel supported the murder of hundreds of unarmed Palestinians in Gaza this and last year by Israeli snipers |
I suspect
that the Board of Deputies which rushed to
justify what happened last year when Israel started gunning down
protestors at the Gaza fence, as did Labour
Friends of Israel, are not going to condemn the fascist-like tactics of
their supporters in Britain. Kosher pigs are likely to fly first.
let us be under no illusions. The Board of Deputies only represents a minority,
the most right-wing, racist section of Jews. They represent neither secular or
Ultra-Orthodox Jew
the media has tried to cover it up, when 36 Orthodox rabbis signed a
letter supporting Jeremy Corbyn and opposing the Board’s attacks on
him only the alternative media such as Skwawkbox publicised
it. Portraying unanimity in the Jewish community behind the Board of Deputies is
in the interests of the establishment press.
eagerness of the Board of Deputies to stop Chris Williamson is in marked
contrast to their failure over the years to oppose anti-Semitism from genuine
The IHRA definition
of anti-Semitism is being widely used to inhibit support of the
Palestinians and what happened with the Chris Williamson meeting took place in
the context of the widening of the definition of anti-Semitism to include
criticism of Israel. Only last week it
was used by Tower
Hamlet’s Council in order to bar the Big Ride for Palestine. It has
been used to sack Stan
Keable at Hammersmith and Fulham Council and it was used by Dudley Council to suspend Paul
‘definition of anti-Semitism’ has to go. Although the Green Party conference
refused to accept the IHRA, rejecting the attempts of the leadership to force
it through, locally all 11 Green Councillors in Brighton & Hove voted for
it. One can only hope that with 8 extra councillors in addition to new Labour councillors
that the present Council will reverse what is a charter for racist supporters
of the Israeli state.
We should
accept the advice of Kenneth Stern, who drafted the IHRA definition, who said
that it chills free
Last week,
dissident Zionist academic Dr Geoffrey Alderman slated the IHRA
definition in The Independent as being internally contradictory and not fit for
purpose as he did in a submission to the EHRC investigation. His analysis is
interesting because it concentrates on sections that other people have tended
to ignore.
There is no
academic or legal justification for the definition that is worth the paper it’s
written on. The IHRA is a definition of anti-Semitism that anti-Semites are
happy with.
What is
needed is for the Palestine solidarity movement to build an alliance that
encompasses supporters of civil liberties and human rights in order to defend our
democratic rights.
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Without any class politics Caroline Lucas has drifted to the Right with her all-women cabinet nonsense that included Tories and Liberal supporters of austerity |
I have sent
an Open Letter to
Caroline Lucas, the MP for Brighton Pavilion where the meeting was held and
where the venues which cancelled the meeting were based, asking why she has stayed
silent over what happened in her own constituency. It seems that Caroline’s
journey to the right continues apace.
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