Netanyahu invites Viktor Orban, Hungary’s racist anti-Semitic Prime Minister for a state visit.
It is no
surprise that nearly 3 years after his speech to the World Zionist Congress, when
Netanyahu tried to blame the Palestinians for the Holocaust, that he has now
gone one step further and exonerated the anti-Semitic leaders of the Polish and
Hungarian regimes. According to Netanyahu
it wasn’t Hitler who thought up the idea of exterminating the Jews it was the Palestinian
Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj al Amin Husseini. In his speech Netanyahu explained
“Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the
time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and
said: ‘If you expel them, they’ll all
come here [to Palestine].’” According to Netanyahu, Hitler then asked: “What should I do with them?” and the
mufti replied: “Burn them.”
You can read about this in my article
the Holocaust.
this year Poland’s Senate passed a Holocaust law making
it a criminal offence to blame Poland for any crimes committed
during the
Holocaust. The bill was proposed by the ruling Law and Justice party
(PiS) and called for up to three years in prison. “We have to send a clear signal to the world
that we won’t allow for Poland to continue being insulted,” Patryk Jaki, a
deputy justice minister, told
reporters in parliament.
The legislation criminalised any mention of
Poles “being responsible or complicit
in the Nazi crimes committed by the Third German Reich.”
The harshest penalties were reserved for those who referred to Nazi-era
concentration camps such as Auschwitz as “Polish
death camps.” Only scientific research into the war and artistic work was
exempted. To be fair though it is highly inaccurate to describe the Nazi
extermination camps as being Polish.
Former U.S. President Barack Obama
caused an
uproar in Poland when he used the phrase
“Polish death camp” while
posthumously bestowing a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2012 on Jan Karski, a
Polish World War II resistance fighter. Obama
apologized for using the phrase
after being denounced by current European Council President Donald Tusk, who
was then the Prime Minister of Poland.
PiS is a virulently racist and xenophobic
party. Its Defence Minister, Antoni Macierewicz told
listeners to the anti-Semitic Catholic radio station, Radio Maryja in 2002 that
he had read Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the infamous Czarist forgery,
termed a ‘Warrant for Genocide’ a pamphlet
that purports to be a Jewish plan to control the world but which has been
exposed as a hoax. Whilst
acknowledging there was debate about the pamphlet’s authenticity, he told
listeners that: “Experience shows that
there are such groups in Jewish circles.” Polish
defence minister condemned over Jewish conspiracy theory
PiS’s leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski
once said Muslim refugees carried “various
parasites and protozoa” and the government’s
education minister in 2016 discounted
two well-documented massacres
of Jews, including Jedwabne, by calling it a matter of “opinion ”. Jedwabne was a village in Eastern Poland where up to
1600 Jews were burnt alive after being herded into a barn by fellow Polish
villagers. See Jedwabne
– The Polish Village Where Up to 900 Jews Were Burnt Alive by Fellow Poles
There has been a resurgence of
far-right sentiment in the country. A Polish government pollster found in a survey
that more than one in three polled said they supported far-right activities.
That same month, far-right nationalists marched in Warsaw, brandishing slogans
and signs that said “Clean Blood,” “White
Europe, and “Europe Will Be White.”
Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said the
march was fueled by “patriotic behavior of Poles” and
displays of xenophobia were “incidents”
that were “of course, reprehensible.”
See Poland Just Passed a
Holocaust Bill That Is Causing Outrage. Here's What You Need to Know
Not only has Netanyahu done a deal
with the far-Right Polish government that removes prison sentences for
mentioning Polish complicity in the Holocaust but he has also invited
to Israel the anti-Semitic far-Right Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban from
July 18th-20th.
This is the same Orban who waged an anti-Semitic
campaign against George Soros and who has praised
Hungary’s pro-Nazi ruler, Admiral Horthy as an ‘exceptional statesman’.
Given that Horthy presided over the unprecedented rapid deportation of
nearly ½ million Jews to Auschwitz between May 15th and July 7th
1944 he probably was exceptional.
To those who maintain that opposing Israel
is somehow ‘anti-Semitic’ the proof that this is an egregious lie is the support
that the Israeli government gives to far-Right and anti-Semitic governments in Europe. Indeed today, the best friends of Israel are to
be found amongst fascists, neo-Nazis and assorted anti-Semites. This should be our response to allegations
that criticism of Israel is ‘anti-Semitic’/
This is from Jews Against Genocide:
Israeli citizens file a freedom of information request regarding
the shameful joint Israeli-Polish statement on the Holocaust and its
הוגשה בקשה לפי חוק חופש המידע בעניין שיתוף חוקרי/ות שואה בהכנת ההצהרה
המשותפת המבישה של ישראל ופולין! עברית להלן
The racist right wing Israeli government has accepted the racist
right wing Polish government's position on the Holocaust, apparently for
cynical purposes and without consulting Holocaust researchers.
Professor Yehuda Bauer, one of the world's leading Holocaust
researchers, called Netanyahu's move "treason",
adding that Israel has granted its "stamp
of approval to the [right wing] Polish narrative", although it's a "totally fictitious story".
Professor Bauer believes that even after the annulment of the Polish penal code
clause which makes it illegal to ascribe to the Polish people responsibility
for the Holocaust, the current Polish government will use the Polish civil code
to prosecute Polish researchers who criticize the government's lie. Bauer
summarized: "The Poles have deceived
us, they have played a trick on us and we went along, because for the State of
Israel the political-economic-military relations with Poland are more important
than such a small thing, the Holocaust".
The statement was apparently drafted in by a closed forum at a
meeting at Mossad headquarters, without any serious consultation of the
relevant professionals.
Therefore. the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs is requested
to disclose all relevant information in the case.
Furthermore, Israeli journalist Gili Cohen reports that
Netanyahu is pressuring Poland (and Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic)
to move its embassy to Jerusalem, and the shameful Israeli-Polish declaration
may be Netanyahu's gift in exchange.
Representing the
petitioners: Attorney Eitay Mack.
The memory of the Nazi-inflicted Holocaust, and all its victims
- Jews, Romani, political dissidents, disabled people, LGBTQ people and others
- is NOT FOR SALE!!!
מאת עו"ד איתי מק:
"הוגשה בקשה לפי חוק חופש המידע בעניין שיתוף חוקרי/ות שואה בהכנת
ההצהרה המשותפת של ישראל ופולין:
יחד עם פעילות ופעילי זכויות האדם רעיה רותם, רם כהן, תמר להן, ורדה
חלד, רוני סגולי, עירית הלביא, ד"ר ניב גורדון, קלאודיו קוגון, גלעד ליברמן, גיא
בוטביה, שאול צ'ריקובר, עופר ניימן וד"ר חנה ספרן, הוגשה בקשה לפי חוק חופש המידע
בעניין שיתוף חוקרי/ות שואה בהכנת ההצהרה המשותפת של ישראל ופולין.
ביום 27.6.2018 הקריא ראש הממשלה ושר החוץ, בנימין נתניהו, הצהרה משותפת
עם ממשלת פולין. בראיון לרון נשיאל ב"כאן ב", פרופ' יהודה באואר, חתן פרס
ישראל ומבכירי חוקרי השואה, הגדיר את ההצהרה "בגידה". לדבריו, ישראל קיבלה
את הנרטיב הפולני ו"נתנה לו גושפנקה", אף כי הוא "סיפור שקרי לגמרי".
באואר העריך כי גם אחרי ביטול הסעיף הפלילי בחוק הפולני האוסר לייחס לעם הפולני אחריות
לפשעי השואה, פולין תשתמש בחוק האזרחי כדי לרדוף חוקרים פולנים. באואר סיכם "הפולנים
הונו אותנו, סובבו אותנו על האצבע ואנחנו הסכמנו לזה, כי למדינת ישראל יותר חשובים
היחסים הכלכליים-ביטחוניים-פוליטיים עם פולין מאשר עסק קטן כזה, כמו השואה".
נוסח ההצהרה גובש במחשכים בהובלת פרופ' יעקב נגל וד"ר יוסף צ'חנובר,
כולל לפי הפרסומים בפגישה שהתקיימה בבסיס של המוסד..זאת אף שראוי להחליט על הצהרות
היסטוריות מסוג זה רק לאחר דיון מעמיק עם מומחים לנושא והציבור. על פני הדברים, נראה
כי ההצהרה גובשה במחטף ומבלי לקיים התייעצות רצינית עם אנשי המקצוע הרלוונטיים.
לכן, משרד החוץ התבקש למסור לנו את פרטי חוקרי/ות השואה והמוסדות האקדמיים
ולחקר השואה שהכינו ואישרו את נוסח ההצהרה שפורסם.
כזכור, כדי להעביר את שגרירות פרגוואי לירושלים ממשלת
נתניהו הייתה מוכנה לטייח את עברה הנאצי של המדינה. עתה העיתונאית גילי כהן, מתאגיד
השידור הציבורי, חושפת כי הטירוף של השבועות האחרונים גם קשור לעניין:
Holocaust Historian: Netanyahu’s Deal on Poland’s Holocaust Law ‘A Betrayal' That
'Hurts the Jewish People'
Israel agreed to the Polish
narrative ‘because to the State of
Israel, economic, security and political ties are more important than a little
matter like the Holocaust,' Yehuda Bauer says
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