After the debacle of his skipping down the road arm-in-arm (almost) with Roberta Moore of the Jewish Division of the EDL and then accusing the photographer David Hoffman of ‘photoshopping’ the picture, which resulted in him having to make a humiliating apology, he then followed this up with a comment that ‘When I lie I apologise’ (albeit under legal compulsion!) admitting to lying as a matter of course.
Having been forced by the Jewish Chronicle, on whose site he has his blog, to apologise and with the resulting embarrassment of its co-Chair being caught in flagrante with the fascist EDL, Hoffman has clearly been told to lie low or better still disappear.
Yesterday, the counter-protest was mainly an EDL affair, complete with a Spanish and Israeli flag. It seems that the defence of Israel now is being increasingly left to fascists (though a few Zionists did turn up, such as one Martin Sugarman). And that is exactly how it should be. Isn’t it right that the open and naked bigots and racists should defend a state that is founded on bigotry and racism?
Tony Greenstein
Jonathan has been absent from the counter-demonstration recently because of family reasons - it is absolutely nothing to do with any of your suggested reasons .
ReplyDeleteAll of the mainstream Zionist counter-demonstrators moved away fro the penned area when the large group of the EDL turned up in order to distance Ourselves from the EDL .
The EDL are an uninvited & unwanted group of interlopers on Our counter-demonstration .
Ah yes. I can remember when Thatcher was about to sack a Minister they usually decided to 'spend more time with the family' as their reason for resigning.
ReplyDeleteYou may say that the EDL are unwanted and uninvited but actions speak louder than words. You were quite happy to have them with you until the embarrassment became too much.
But whereas we physically escorted fascists off our demonstrations when they tried to participate, for some reason the CST only attacks anti-Zionists.
And more to the point why should you dissociate yourselves from them. The EDL demonise Muslims and anyone with a brown skin. So do the Zionists with their regular attacks on 'Muslim extremists' etc. etc.
I'm sorry to hear that 'family reasons' have kept JH away recently. Let's hope he continues to spend more time with his family!
Obviously, Jonathan Have-fun's family live somewhere with no connection to the internet.
ReplyDeleteA most unfortunate set of coincidences.
How else to explain someone making up pathetic excuses in public on his behalf?
I see Ian's favourite racist regime has only just very recently violently kidnapped and imprisoned, not only two British citizens, but a Holocaust Survivor as well -
Jewish Boat to Gaza - Two Peoples One Future
Presumably the fanatics of the ZF, just like those of the EDL, aren't going to denounce Israel for attacking Holocoaust Survivors.
In fact, Jona-fun Hoffman likes nothing more than to bully and humiliate Holocaust Survivors in public, Nazi-Vienna style, such as Hajo Meyer.
Another unfortunate set of coincidences - the ZF and the EDL approve attacks on Holocaust Survivors for daring to criticise their favourite racist regime in Israel.
For some unfortunate reason I happened to look up the online edition of one of the UK's favourite comics, the Jewish Chronicle, and what did I see but two blog posts by Jonathan Hopeless (recently voted Britian's worst political activist) both dated 29 Sept 2010. This despite excuses by his pal Ian that poor Jonathan was in absentia for family reasons.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, on one blog posting, Jona-fun promotes his favourite gang of London criminal fences guilty of receiving and handling goods stolen from Palestinians -
ZF: BUYcott from Ahava, London (and get 10% off!): 20-21 November
29 Sept 2010
In the topsy-turvy world of Jona-fun he claims in this blog article -
Every second Saturday, a nasty group of bullies stands outside the Ahava Dead Sea beauty products shop in Covent Garden, London, disrupting trade and chanting anti-Israel slogans. Their aim is to shut down this Israeli business because they believe in boycotting Israel.
- Ask the shop-owners and they say this is true, but about Jonathan and his fellow zionists who are scaring away buisness with their far-right antics.
Apparantly you'll get 10% off at the till if you mention you support the EDL and the ZF. The EDL are all in favour of Nazis looting Jews and the ZF in favour of zionist looting Palestinians (and members of the MV Mavi Marmara flotilla).
Ask any nazi or neo-nazi and they'll tell you how economically useful it is to dispossess racist victims of their goods and wealth - wether it was the Jews of Nazi Germany or Palestinians under the heel of zionist Israel.
Jona-fun does fail to mention his fellow zionist sweetheart, the Brazilian bombshell, Roberta who usually turns up to add glamour and spice to the far-right carnival of bigotry and small-mindedness -
EDL Jewish div July 17 2010 Dudley
Anyway, Ian has claimed on this thread Jona-fun was absent on family buisness but yet it seems Jona-fun has had time enough, during his self-enforced interregnum, and access enough to the internet to hoist two more of his unrelentingly turgid blog articles on an unsuspecting world.
Surely this isn't another of those self-confessed famous Hoffman fibs we all know and love and, for which, Jonathan always apologises for afterwards?
Pro-Israeli supporters in ski-masks aren't just targeting Ahava for special treatment it seems -
ReplyDeleteEDL prepare files on journalists and photographers
Robert Stewart
30 Sept 2010
This reminds me of what the IDF did to reporters and photographers on the MV Mavi Marmarar flotilla when they targeted them for special treatment too.
I'm sure all these unfortunate similarities between zionists of one far-right groupuscule or another, are all just ugly coincidences.
The truth is that my mother died on 24 September, you mendacious self-aggrandising piece of sh*t.
ReplyDeleteIf you were halfway decent, you would want the earth to open up and swallow you.
But you aren't.
Thank you Ian
You must know by now how wide off the mark is your triumph for being the reason for Jonathan's absence is, and how despicable your mockery of the family reasons is. You must know by now that the reason was that Jonathan's mother died on 24th September.
ReplyDeleteOne would have anticipated that you too would have the decency to make a public apology. That apology is still awaited.
Since I was genuinely unaware of JH's mother dying, I could hardly mock him for 'family reasons'.
ReplyDeleteBut I have nothing to apologise for. JH has danced in joy at the bombing of Gaza which killed 400 children and many mothers. Not a word of regret at the thousands of innocent Palestinians killed, or the use of white phosphorous, or the murderous attack on an unarmed ship.
And, as I've printed before, I have received e-mails from Zionists wishing that my whole family and myself had perished at Auschwitz, so Jonathan Hoffman can fuck off . He is not the only one to suffer a bereavement. Unlike most others though, he spends his time supporting the murder of others and only feels pain when it affects himself.
When Hoffman condemns loyalty oaths, the demolition of a Bedouin village Al Arakabh in the Negev and all the other war crimes, then I shall shed a tear at his pain.
“Since I was genuinely unaware of JH’s mother dying, I could hardly mock him for ‘family reasons’.”
ReplyDelete=> Well you didn't bother to find out, despicable scum
“But I have nothing to apologise for. JH has danced in joy at the bombing of Gaza which killed 400 children and many mothers. ”
==> Lie
“Not a word of regret at the thousands of innocent Palestinians killed, or the use of white phosphorous, or the murderous attack on an unarmed ship.”
==> Lie. Innocent lives lost are always regretted, I say it constantly
“And, as I’ve printed before, I have received e-mails from Zionists wishing that my whole family and myself had perished at Auschwitz, so Jonathan Hoffman can fuck off . He is not the only one to suffer a bereavement. ”
==> Contemptible c*nt
“Unlike most others though, he spends his time supporting the murder of others and only feels pain when it affects himself.”
==> Reptile
Jonathan (because I'm polite!)
ReplyDeleteWas there any reason why I should find out the reason why you couldn't demonstrate with the EDL recently? Would you have welcomed me prying into your family secrets? Most people would have let it be known that for family reasons or maybe a bereavement, they cannot be available for some time.
Instead you broadcast it and then accuse me of being 'despicable scum' etc. etc. Words are cheap and don't hurt but you are actually using your mother's death to try and get one over on political opponents. Do you have no shame? I've said what I've said, that I didn't know about your bereavement, leave it at that.
The way you are fulminating it seems like your love for your mother takes second place to your love for a State.
You rejoice and you know it at Palestinian deaths. Not one word of regret for the actions of Israel in bombing a defenceless population. Not one.
But JH says that 'Innocent lives lost are always regretted, I say it constantly.' Except to JH Palestinians are never 'innocent'.
So continue with your words of wisdom - 'Contemptible c*nt' 'Reptile' and the rest. You only demean yourself if that is possible.
"Hoffman has clearly been told to lie low or better still disappear."
ReplyDelete"You are actually using your mother's death to try and get one over on political opponents"
Contemptible shit. You never even bothered to find out why I was not there. If you had any shame you would apologise and ask the earth to swallow you up.
You are lying scum who think snothing of posting lies about me on your blog.
You recently tried to rig the JC poll :
You are a pathetic Trot who is a dinosaur from the days of the USSR. No-one takes you seriously with the possible exception of the deranged loony Fink and the Morning Star. You have no impact on anything that matters. You are plain despicable.
Hoffman is clearly losing the plot.
ReplyDelete'You are a pathetic Trot who is a dinosaur from the days of the USSR.'
Does Hoffman always say the first thing that comes into his head, regardless of whether it makes any sense? Trotskyists were murdered in the USSR. Trotskyism was verboten. To therefore call someone a 'Trot dinosaur from the USSR' makes no sense, except to someone who believes that Zionism is not racist and the EDL are good democrats.
I am under no obligation to inquire why Jonathan Hoffman wasn't at a demonstration. I made an assumption which, for once, was wrong. However unlike JH I don't deliberately lie.
Read what I wrote, mendacious slimeball: "You are a pathetic Trot who is a dinosaur from the days of the USSR".
ReplyDeleteYou are both a Trot and a dinosaur from the darkest days of the USSR. The two metaphors are not inconsistent.
Glad you have admitted that you make no effort to find out the truth. That has been patently obvious for many years.
"To assume makes an ass out of u and me"
Mr Greenstein ,
ReplyDeleteI have just looked again at these comments & although debating with You is tedious & rather pointless here goes :
The Counter-Demonstration has never been happy with the presense of any of the EDL . I know that Jonathan criticised the EDL right from the moment that They started to gatecrash because I was standing next to Him when He did that .
It is not just about embarrassment that We oppose the EDL - as members of The Jewish Community We condemn all manifestations of Racism , Islamophobia ; and Anti-Semitism .
( Jonathan & I both demonstrated in Oxford against Nick Griffin & David Irving in 2007 - I am a supporter of Searchlight & was an Anti-Racism Officer with My Jewish Society at university )
I am well aware of the historical argument about physically confronting Fascists - but We are Counter-Demonstrating at AHAVA to oppose the Boycott campaign
( which is a perfectly acceptable political position ) - We are not there to have a punch-up with the EDL .
We live in a Democracy & You are entitled to Your opinions ( no matter how wrong We believe they are ) - but it completely unfair that You continue to insinuate that We are in sympathy with the EDL - many of us have campaigned against the Far-Right for many years .
Ok Jonathan, I give in. I'm a mendacious Trot, albeit from Cretaceous period not the Soviet one! Happy? Every time you resort to abuse you merely demonstrate that you have nothing to say.
ReplyDeleteIan. I'm sure that in the J-Soc you did demonstrate in 2007 against Irving and Griffin. J-Socs often did this to make political points vs Palestinans rather than having any genuine commitment. I can remember the J-Soc at Sussex University many years ago, under one David Cohen if my memory serves me right, OPPOSING No Platform for Fascists and then trying to No Platform me, as Zionists did in many universities and colleges - all of them unsuccessful.
I can't even remember which demonstrations against fascism I attended in 2007 because I've been consistently opposed to racism and fascism for 30 years, including Zionist racism. What I do know is that the J-Soc and Zionists locally have NEVER been active in the fight against fascism locally in Brighton. Just one individual member of a J-Soc who went on to be President of the Union and was a leftish supporter of Mapam got involved.
So JH was uncomfortable about the EDL. Well all I can say is that he got over this pretty quick judging by the photos. Any genuine and since anti-fascist or anti-racist would simply walk off. What you demonstrate is that you consider opposing a boycott of a shop that sells settlement goods, not even from Israel behind the Green Line, is more important than anti-fascism.
That is your choice but it's not one I'd make.