South African Zionist Federation Threatens to 'Picket' the Bar Mitzvah of Judge Richard Goldstone's grandson
You have to hand to the Zionist leaders. However low you think they’ll stoop – false accusations of ‘anti-semitism’, shouting ‘Hitler was right’ at Jewish demonstrators, shooting protestors and blatantly covering it up, lying over the slightest thing, stealing others’ lands, using white phosphorous on schools – they demonstrate an unnerving ability to sink even lower on the scale of humanity.
Judge Richard Goldstone, who one should remember is himself a Zionist of a liberal persuasion, has rapidly become the most anti-semitic creature on Earth. And why? Because he dared to tell at least part of the truth about the one-sided Gaza conflict that Israel pretends never happened.
At the same time as the Military Rabbis were urging the killing of women and children and Matan Vilna, deputy Defence Minister was promising a ‘little shoah’ (i.e. holocaust) the Israeli spin merchants were trying to convince people that Israel was bombing the Palestinians with love and flowers.
Goldstone made the same fatal error as Hannah Arendt nearly 50 years ago when she published ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem’. Just as the Zionist movement had gone to extraordinary lengths to keep the story of Rudolf Kasztner and Zionist collaboration with the Nazis out of the trial, so Ms Arendt, who herself had been a liberal Zionist, insisted on telling a different version. For that she too was villified. Zionists do persecution rather well.
However our Zionist ‘friends’ have excelled themselves with Richard Goldstone. Unable to attack the report, and noting how their attacks have merely increased the good Judge’s prestige, they have resorted to their usual, underhand tactics. Attacking him via his family. So he was blackmailed. Keep away from your grandson’s bar mitzvah or we will picket it! Even the worst anti-Semites don’t stoop to this level, but as I said, nothing is too low for the Zionist activist.
And so Judge Goldstone had to promise Chief Rabbi Goldstein that he would indeed keep away. This miserable ‘chief rabbi’ whose religion is the idolatrous worship of state, played a leading part, forgetful of how the Orthodox used to be the most anti-Zionist of all. But Zionists are also stupid. This affair has rebounded on them massively and demonstrated what spiteful and vindictive little shits they are underneath.
The South African Zionist Federation never opened its mouth about Apartheid and shunned those Jews who did. But when Apartheid began crumbling they suddenly rediscovered and welcomed back those Jews who it had ostracised. But then their Zionist inclinations took over again and dissident Jews are once again unwelcome, even one as distinguished as Judge Richard Goldstone.
Eat your heart out Baruch Spinoza!
Oh and what a wonderful cartoon!
Tony Greenstein
Report: Zionist group bans Goldstone from grandson's bar mitzvah
By Haaretz Service
Judge Richard Goldstone, who authored a damning report accusing Israel of committing war crimes in the Gaza Strip, has reportedly been banned by pro-Israel activists from attending his grandson's bar mitzvah in his native South Africa.
According to the report circulating on Web logs, the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) and the Beth Hamedrash Hagadol in Sandton reached an agreement with the Goldstone family under which the judge would not be permitted to attend the synagogue service in Johannesburg next month.
"We understand there's a bar mitzvah boy involved - we're very sensitive to the issues; at this stage there's nothing further to say," the Writing Rights blog quoted the SAZF chairman Avrom Krenge as saying.
The Zionist federation was “coming across most forcefully because we represent Israel,” the blog quoted Krenge as saying.
The head of South Africa's Beth Din - or Jewish religious court - told the blog the court had not been officially involved in the matter, but that he supported the move as it spoke to the sentiments of many in the community and could prevent potential "unpleasantness."
“I know that there was a very strong feeling in the shul, a lot of anger," the blog quoted Rosh Beth Din Rabbi Moshe Kurtstag as saying. "I heard also that the SAZF wanted to organize a protest outside the shul - [there were] all kinds of plans. But I think reason prevailed.”
According to the blog, Kurstag said he believed Goldstone had done “a tremendous disservice not only to Israel but to the Jewish world. His name is used by hostile elements in the world against Israel and this can increase anti-Semitic waves.”
“I understand that he is a judge, but he should have had the sense to understand that whatever he said wouldn't be good and he should have just recused himself. People have got feelings about it, they believe he put Israel in danger and they wouldn't like him to be getting honor,” Kurstag was quoted as saying. “I think [the agreement] was quite a sensible thing to avert all this unpleasantness.”
According the blog, Goldstone confirmed that he would not be attending the bar mitzvah. "In the interests of my grandson, I've decided not to attend the ceremony at the synagogue," he was quoted as saying
Judge Richard Goldstone Banned From Attending His Grandson’s Barmitzvah
Johannesburg — FORMER Constitutional Court judge Richard Goldstone hit out at Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein yesterday, accusing him of "making it less, and not more, possible" for Goldstone to attend his grandson's bar mitzvah.
Goldstone said he had decided to miss the ceremony in his family's interests after an alleged threat by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) to picket the ceremony.
Goldstone angered parts of the global Jewish community last September by accusing Israel of war crimes against the people of Gaza in a United Nations report.
In an article in yesterday's Business Day, the chief rabbi wrote that he supported Goldstone's attendance because of his belief in "the eternal principle of open synagogues".
But he renewed his attack on Goldstone's report, which had “unfairly done enormous damage to the reputation and safety of the state of Israel and her citizens”.
Goldstone responded in a letter to Business Day, published today, in which he condemned the chief rabbi's “questionable and unfortunate approach”, saying Goldstein had “brazenly politicis e(d)” a family occasion.
“His rhetoric about 'open synagogues' simply does not coincide with how my family and I have been treated,” he said.
The chief rabbi had at no stage “reached out” to his family.
Goldstein said last night he empathised with Goldstone's “anguish as a grandfather”, but called on him to understand the pain his report had caused.
“Under difficult circumstances and amid heated emotions I, together with the rabbi and executive of the Sandton shul, ensured that he would be free to attend the bar mitzvah; and we did our utmost best to persuade those who wished to protest not to.”
But people did not need his permission to protest in a “free democracy”, he said.
Goldstein last week threatened activist Zackie Achmat with a defamation lawsuit, after Achmat accused him of betraying his predecessor's "tolerant tradition" by supporting the SAZF's stance against Goldstone. He withdrew the threat on Monday.
Breaking News: Judge Richard Goldstone Banned From Attending His Grandson’s Barmitzvah
Judge Goldstone has been banned by the South African Zionist Federation from attending his grandson’s barmitzvah. The Chief Rabbi a neo-conservative who has betrayed the tolerant tradition of the late former Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris has blessed this travesty.
Silencing critics of Israel’s war crimes is not enough, they have to infringe Goldstone’s equal right to practice his religion and his family life. Every decent person will sign a protest against this injustice. The tactics of the Israeli neo-fascists should not be allowed to dictate policy in South Africa. These were the people who supported apartheid and now they support the apartheid state of Israel.
How many people would be prepared to join legal action in the Equality Court against the South African Zionist Federation?
Zackie Achmat
The following report comes from the South African Jewish Report
THE AFTER-SHOCKS of the Goldstone Commission into the Gaza conflict continue, this time reaching into the heart of a family simcha. Mr Justice Richard Goldstone is effectively being barred from attending his grandson’s barmitzvah, due to be held in Johannesburg early next month.
Following negotiations between the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) and the Beth Hamedrash Hagadol in Sandton, where the event is due to take place, an agreement has been reached with the family. As a result, Justice Goldstone will not be attending the synagogue service.
Some of the role-players were tight-lipped. Avrom Krengel, chairman of the SAZF, said: “We understand there’s a barmitzvah boy involved – we’re very sensitive to the issues; at this stage there’s nothing further to say.” While Krengel said the SAZF had “interacted” on the matter with the chief rabbi, the Beth Din and others, his organisation was “coming across most forcefully because we represent Israel”.
Rosh Beth Din Rabbi Moshe Kurtstag confirmed that the Beth Din had not been officially involved – though there had been “private talks” – and had not been asked by the synagogue to give a ruling on the matter. “But I know that there was a very strong feeling in the shul, a lot of anger (around the issue of Justice Goldstone attending)."
“I heard also that the SAZF wanted to organise a protest outside the shul – (there were) all kinds of plans. But I think reason prevailed.”
Signalling his agreement with the turn of events, Rabbi Kurtstag said he believed Justice Goldstone had done “a tremendous disservice not only to Israel but to the Jewish world. His name is used by hostile elements in the world against Israel and this can increase anti-Semitic waves.
“I understand that he is a judge, but he should have had the sense to understand that whatever he said wouldn’t be good and he should have just recused himself. People have got feelings about it, they believe he put Israel in danger and they wouldn’t like him to be getting honour (in synagogue). “I think (the agreement) was quite a sensible thing to avert all this unpleasantness.”
Reached in Washington where he is currently based, Justice Goldstone was reluctant to comment save to say: “In the interests of my grandson, I’ve decided not to attend the ceremony at the synagogue.”
Mr Justice Dennis Davis said that while he respected Justice Goldstone’s decision, he assumed that pressure had been brought to bear on the family. “If that assumption is correct, then it is outrageous because it seeks to place a ban on somebody participating in his grandson’s barmitzvah.
“Have we now got to the point that because we don’t like what somebody says or does, we place a ‘cherem’ on them? What right do we have to do that? I would like to add that people who are gleeful about it must remember what Pastor Niemoller said: ‘Who will speak up for them when they are finally excommunicated for some misdemeanor?’”Retired president of the Constitutional Court, Mr Justice Arthur Chaskalson said it was “disgraceful” to put pressure on a grandfather not to attend his grandson’s barmitzvah.
“If it is correct that this has the blessing of the leadership of the Jewish community in South Africa, it reflects on them rather than on Justice Goldstone. They should hang their heads in shame.”
‘Open synagogues’ is just rhetoric
Business Day, Published: 2010/04/22
I read with dismay Chief Rabbi Goldstein’s article in yesterday’s Business Day. I was dismayed that the chief rabbi would so brazenly politicise the occasion of my 13-year-old grandson’s bar mitzvah to engage in further personal attacks on me.
I am prepared to respond fully to those attacks, but not in the run-up to my grandson’s bar mitzvah.
He and his family have been working for close to a year preparing for the once-in-a-lifetime rite of passage into the Jewish community. Of all people, the chief rabbi should be aware of the importance of this. Yet, for whatever reasons, Chief Rabbi Goldstein would rather focus on me.
I was further dismayed when I read his article because his rhetoric about “open synagogues” simply does not coincide with how my family and I have been treated. The chief rabbi has been well aware of the situation, and instead of using his position of leadership in the South African Jewish community to promote the “open synagogues” principle that he purports to profess, he would rather write articles and threaten others with lawsuits. I must state that at no time whatsoever has the chief rabbi reached out to my family. Acting on information that we received from the synagogue, and the recent threat by the leader of the South African Zionist Federation of demonstrations if I attend the synagogue service, it was decided that it would be better if I did not attend the bar mitzvah. We have taken that decision in the best interests of my grandson and my family.
My only concern at the present time is that my grandson’s bar mitzvah should be the joyous occasion that he deserves it to be. I would dearly love to attend my grandson’s bar mitzvah. The questionable and unfortunate approach of the chief rabbi, in all the circumstances, makes it less, and not more, possible for me to do so.
Judge Richard Goldstone
Letter by US rabbis to Judge Richard Goldstone
Dear Judge Goldstone,
As rabbis from diverse traditions and locations, we want to extend our warmest mazel tov to you as an elder in our community upon the Bar Mitzvah of your grandson. Bar and Bat Mitzvah is a call to conscience, a call to be responsible for the welfare of others, a call to fulfill the covenant of peace and justice articulated in our tradition.
As rabbis, we note the religious implications of the Report you authored. We are reminded of Shimon Ben Gamliel’s quote, “The world stands on three things: justice, truth, and peace as it says ‘Execute the judgment of truth, and justice and peace will be established in your gates’ (Zaccariah 8:16).” We affirm the truth of the report that bears your name.
We are deeply saddened by the controversy around the report. We affirm your findings and believe you set up an impeccable standard that presents strong evidence that during the war in Gaza Israel engaged in war crimes that revealed a pattern of continuous and systematic assault against Palestinian people and land that has very little to do with Israel’s claim of security. Your report made clear the intentional targeting of civilian infrastructures such as hospitals, schools, agricultural properties, water and sewage treatment centers and civilians themselves with deadly weapons that are illegal when used in civilian centers.
This is the ugly truth that is so hard for many Jewish people to face. Anyone who spends a day in Palestinian territories sees this truth immediately.
Judge Goldstone, we want to offer you our deepest thanks for upholding the principles of justice, compassion and truth that are the heart of Jewish religion and without which our claims to Jewishness are empty of meaning. We regret that your findings have led to controversy and caused you not to feel welcome at your own grandson’s Bar Mitzvah. We believe your report is a clarion call to Israel and the Jewish people to awaken from the slumber of denial and return to the path of peace.
This letter is endorsed by Taanit Tzedek- Jewish Fast for Gaza , Shomer Shalom Institute for Jewish Nonviolence, Tikkun and the Shalom Center.
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence
Rabbi Brant Rosen, Taanit Tzedek –Jewish Fast for Gaza
Rabbi Brian Walt, Taanit Tzedek –Jewish Fast for Gaza
Rabbi Haim Beliak
Rabbi Michael Lerner, Tikkun Community
Rabbi Arthur Waskow, The Shalom Center
Rabbi Rebecca Alpert
Rabbi Phyllis Berman
Rabbi Michael Feinberg
Rabbi Zev-Hayyim Feyer
Rabbi Margaret Holub
Rabbi Shai Gluskin
Rabbi Douglas Krantz
Rabbi Eyal Levinson
Rabbi Mordecai Liebling
Rabbi David Mivassair
Rabbi David Shneyer
Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman
Rabbi Gershon Steinberg-Caudill
Rabbi Erin Hirsh
Rabbi Michael Rothbaum
Rabbi Benjamin Barnett
Rabbi Julie Greenberg
Rabbi Linda Holtzman
Rabbi Ayelet S.Cohen
Rabbi Jeffrey Marker
Rabbi Nina H.Mandel
Rabbi Victor Reinstein
This letter is supported by Taanit Tzedek- Jewish Fast for Gaza ,
Shomer Shalom Institute for Jewish Nonviolence, Tikkun and the Shalom
See also
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