4 July 2024

Whatever You Do Don’t Vote For Starmer – Vote Socialist Independent or Failing That the Green or Workers Party

Whatever the Results We Have to Build a Socialist Alternative not Resort to Racist Dog Whistles Like Galloway

Four and a half years ago, I wrote an eve of poll blog after campaigning for Chris Williamson in Derby North Labour’s Election Campaign - Expect the Worst – Hope for the Best. I summed up

How then will Labour fare in the election?  This is probably the most difficult election to call. I fear a Tory majority but there may well be a hung parliament though if the Lib Dems continue to slide in the polls that may be less likely. What is clear is that there is no surge to Labour. I cannot see a Labour victory or an increase in the present number of seats. By failing to see that the British Establishment would do all they could, in conjunction with the United States and Israel, to ensure that an anti-imperialist would not become Prime Minister the Left has to face the future with a Labour Party minus Jeremy Corbyn.

In previous elections I had little difficulty in predicting the outcome. In 2015 I wrote a blog Miliband’s Labour Seeks the Safety of Consensus Politics in which I said:

In last week’s Brighton Independent I had an article which suggested that Miliband was determined to lose.  Of course he’d like to win but he refuses to break from the consensus behind austerity.... Labour is going to face a wipe-out in its Scottish bastion because they are perceived as the ‘red Tories’. ...

My prediction?  The Tories will be the largest party.  Labour plus the SNP should be within spitting distance of the magical 324 need for an overall majority.  Hopefully the Lib-Dems, the most disgusting and unprincipled party of all will suffer heavy losses.  UKIP is unlikely to gain more than 2-3 seats and the Greens will keep their one seat.  Who forms a government?  Miliband might unless he proves particularly stupid.

Like most people I was taken by surprise by Cameron’s narrow majority.

In 2017 contrary to all those who believed that Labour’s election campaign would be a rerun of 1983 under Michael Foot, I foresaw that the Tory campaign under ‘strong and stable’ Theresa May would crash, which it did. 

Sir Kid Starver was the first person to welcome my expulsion. the first Jewish person, from the Labour Party in February 2016

On April 20, when May had a 21% lead in the polls I wrote in Labour Can Win if Corbyn is Bold – the Key Issue is Poverty and the Transfer of Wealth that:

It was Harold Wilson who said that a week is a long time in politics.  Seven weeks is a political eternity.  Theresa May has taken a gamble that her 21% lead will hold.  It is a gamble that she may yet come to regret.

There is only one direction that her lead can go and that is down.  Once her lead falls then a snowball effect can take over.  What is essential is that Labour marks out the key areas on which it is going to base its appeal.  The danger is that Corbyn is going to continue with his ‘strategy’ of appeasing the Right and appealing to all good men and women.  If so that will be a recipe for disaster.

No election is guaranteed to be without its surprises.  Theresa May is a cautious conservative.  She is literally the product of her background, a conservative vicar’s daughter.  Reactionary, parochial and small-minded, she is a bigot for all seasons.  What doesn’t help is that she is both wooden and unoriginal.  The danger is that Corbyn tries to emulate her.

On June 3 in General Election - Is Labour on the threshold of victory? I foresaw a hung parliament, or even a Labour victory, was possible.

I do not have a crystal ball.  My initial predictions, that there would or could be a hung parliament was based on my assessment of the situation.  This is still quite possible as the Tories are widely detested for  their attacks on the working poor, people on benefits and the continuous privatisation of the NHS.  They are seen as the party of a vicious class rule, which is what austerity is about.

That does not, however, mean that the Tories will necessarily be defeated.  People do not vote in line with their class interests.  The whole purpose of the patriotic card, used by a succession of ruling class scoundrels from Pitt to May, is to blind people to their real interests.  It is saying that British workers and the poor have more in common with the rich and the ruling class than they do with each other.  The Tory press of course is doing its best to foster illusions in Strong and Stable.

David Lammy Meeting his Constituents

Labour could still become the largest party but I also sense a vigorous fightback by the Right.  It seems that one part of the prediction I made will not come true.  The Lib-Dems are not going to gain enough seats to prop up another Tory coalition  At the moment they are tipped to win just one extra seat.  By ruling out any form of pact with Labour under Corbyn, the Lib-Dems have guaranteed their own irrelevance.

We could be in for a period of political instability such as we have not known for 40 years.  This is one of the hardest elections to call.  A Tory government is still possible if it cobbles together a coalition of the Lib-Dems & the Ulster Unionists-DUP.  Even a majority Tory government cannot be ruled out.

What then will be the result tomorrow? Again I have to confess that predicting the results of any election is not easy. It is clear that Starmer’s rebranded Tory Party will win the election, although I have a feeling that the majority will not be as large as predicted.

Tanushka Mara, Socialist Independent Hove

What is clear is that this has been the dullest election in decades with no real differences between Tory and Starmer Labour. I expect the turnout to be down.

The Lib Dems should pick up disaffected Tories though I doubt that it will be above 50 as has been predicted.

I also expect the Green Party to keep Brighton Pavilion and possible gain one or two more. We are told the Reform party will win up to 5 seats. That is possible though I hope not. Farage certainly annoyed the imperialists with his perfectly reasonable explanation that NATO and the United States provoked Russia into invading.

The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 was provoked by the US placing nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey which were then matched by Soviet nuclear missiles in CubaSo it is obvious why Russia didn’t want a nuclear alliance on their borders.  Farage was savaged, called a Putin lover etc. so that may have an effect on their election chances. 

Picket of 'Killer' Kyle MP for Hove

My concerns are different. Which of the bourgeois and pro-capitalist parties comes out on top is to all intents and purposes irrelevant. Whether it is Sunak or Starmer who becomes Prime Minister, racism, imperialism, poverty, exploitation and war will continue. They are Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

Starmer has been ruthless in purging the Labour Party of socialists and left-wingers. Would that Jeremy Corbyn had had half as much bottle he wouldn’t have been fighting as an independent today.

Will Corbyn win in Islington North?  He should do but the polls say otherwise. Let us hope so. However Corbyn has mishandled the withdrawal of the Labour Whip like everything else. When it was clear he would not have the Whip reinstated he should have resigned from the Labour Party and stood in a by–election for the seat. As it is he has an uphill fight. I wish him well against his corrupt opponent

Why I’m against mass immigration

I also hope that George Galloway holds Rochdale but I fear he won’t. I hope he wins because of genocide in Gaza not because I agree with him on much else. His attempt to compete with Farage and the Tories on immigration is despicable.  I have come in for some criticism from my comrades for supporting him but in my view genocide in Palestine outweighs virtually any other consideration, witness Sunak’s ill-judged attack on him when he won the by-election.

A message I sent to George Galloway today

Galloway’s comments in the video above are a disgrace. Immigration doesn’t lower wage levels nor does it prevent people getting doctors’ appointments or children getting places in schools. This is racist scapegoatism at its worst.

What prevents people getting GP appointments is the lack of doctors we train plus the reduction in what we pay them.  Funding for GP practices has been slashed by £350 million in real terms since 2019, House of Commons Library research shows. It was 6.9% lower in 2022/23 compared to 2018/19, once inflation is taken into account. The average funding per patient was £165 in 2022/23, a real terms cut of £12 per patient over the past four years. In other words nothing to do with immigrants.

The same is true of nurses, whose bursaries the Tories stole in order to enrich their cronies. The NHS has been defunded, part privatised and the money transferred to military expenditure.  Indeed but for overseas doctors and nurses the NHS would be in a worse state than it already is.

The same reactionary arguments were used when Jewish refugees came to Britain in the 19 and 20 centuries. The answer to low wages was trade union organisation not immigration controls. Three times in the 1880s the TUC called for ‘anti-alienist’ immigration controls because they preferred not to fight. Jewish workers however formed their own trade unions and launched strike after strike – including two mass tailors strikes in 1889 and 1912 alongside dockers strikes in the same years. That is how wages are raised.

However much you control immigration it won’t affect the export of capital, which is why it is such a bankrupt argument. Unless members of the Workers Party reign Galloway in it is destined to become a pariah on the left.

 ‘Patriotism’ and immigration controls sit uneasily with socialism. Patriotism means the working class doffing their cap to their rulers and dying in their wars. National socialism is a contradiction in terms.

In this video Galloway is compared, quite rightly to Farage, Jenrick and Braverman. This appeal to racism with all the dog whistles about fighting age men and 3 star hostels and ‘illegal migrants’ rather than refugees suggests that Galloway inhabits a very dark place.

“We have already, and its only February, 65,000 people unchartered, undocumented, unvetted. We have no idea who they are, we know most of  them are men, and most of them are fighting age men at that, who are now being put up in three star hotels sometimes a little better even than that at the expense of the public potentially for ever more when our forces cannot interdict a single one of the boats bringing illegal migrants or Refugee claimants for asylum - we can’t know which until their cases are heard and their cases have a backlog of hundreds of thousands.”

However there is a brighter side to this election and that is the number of anti-racist, socialist candidates.

Andrew Feinstein in Starmer’s constituency, Leanne Mohamad against Wes Streeting, Pamela Fitzpatrick in Harrow West, Sam Gorst in Liverpool Garston, Faiza Shaheen in Chingford and Wood Green and our own wonderful Tanushka Mara in Hove amongst many others I haven’t named.

I was initially despondent about their chances but having taken note of the vibrancy of the campaigns I am hopeful that they will garner a very sizeable vote even if they don’t win. From these campaigns we have the opportunity to rebuild the left but if Galloway continues as he is and the Workers Party doesn’t reject this scapegoating, racist appeal to the most backward section of the working class then Galloway will play no part in rebuilding the left.

I hope that Chris Williamson, who is standing in Derby North, as Deputy Leader of the WP, will make his own position clear on the question of our opposition to demonising asylum seekers, racist dog whistling and attempting to blame our social ills on migrants rather than the tax dodging rich, the Tories’ COVID  cronies and privatisation.

Below is a list of independent candidates and I would also add Samar Ammar in Birmingham Bromsgrove, see here. There are also others including Craig Murray in Blackburn, Chris Williamson in Derby North and Jody McIntyre in Birmingham Yardley. See Pink Floyd star flying in to back Workers Party's Craig Murray.

There are also 40 TUSC candidates standing, which is the Socialist Party’s electoral front, including ex-MP Dave Nellist, who I support. The full list can be found here.

A full list of Workers Party candidates is here but I wouldn’t endorse all of them, eg. I support Sammar Amar in Bromsgrove not Aheesha Zahir who has also made anti-refugee remarks. I support critically the WP candidates, in so far as its Manifesto doesn’t include the racist nonsense that Galloway has been spouting about refugees.

Let’s hope for a  better tomorrow.

Tony Greenstein

2 July 2024

Vote Green ONLY when there is no socialist alternative – they are neither anti-capitalist, anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist or anti-racist

As the Neo-Liberal Parties Head for a Record Low Vote, the Left has to Come Together Under One Umbrella like in France

Time is Running Out Says Young Palestinian Woman

There is widespread contempt for Starmer’s new patriotic Tory Party. His parachuting in of 14 army officers, his pledge to increase ‘defence’ expenditure, wrapping the Union Jack around himself, reminiscent of the NF and his attack on Bengalis, shows that Starmer is a racist fraud. As Samuel Johnson once said, patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel’ and Starmer is nothing if not a scoundrel.

The tearing up of his 10 Pledges have marked Starmer out as a cynical liar on a par with Boris Johnson. His reliance on corporate donors like Sir Trevor Chinn, a Zionist who gave £50,000 to his leadership campaign, but whose identity he refused to divulge during the leadership campaign, tells us everything about him.

My local Green Party candidate - not a mention of Gaza Genocide anywhere

The parachuting in of lobbyists and right-wingers such as Chris Ward in Brighton Kemptown, whilst deselecting the local MP and removing candidates like Faiza Shaheen and the imposition of Luke Akehurst have led to mass resignations. The Labour Party is beyond salvation.

By sticking to Starmer the trade union barons have demonstrated that their loyalty is to their own rather than their members’ interests. This is the problem that the working class faces. We have to get rid of the Gary Smiths, Sharon Grahams and Christine McAnea

There are some brilliant socialists standing against Labour such as Andrew Feinstein against Starmer, Jodi McIntyre standing against Jess Philips despite scare stories in the local media, Leanne Mohamad standing against Wes Streeting and Tanushka Mara standing against ‘Killer’ Kyle in Hove. The Green Party [GP] have insisted on standing in every constituency, including against Jeremy Corbyn. Despite their image as a ‘left’ party they are nothing of the sort.

A reminder about how broken promises are second nature to the Lib Dems

Starmer’s war against the left provided the impetus for a socialist alternative in this election. It goes against the grain not to vote. People want nothing to do with the Liberal Democrats, after their austerity coalition with the Tories for 5 years and the breaking of their pledge to abolish tuition fees. They are Tory lite. Yet the Greens were in tactical alliance with them in the 2017 parliament.

Many on the left see the GP, which at first sight has a radical manifesto, as on the left. It isn’t. The GP is an opportunist not a socialist party. Its main aim is to become part of the political establishment.  It seeks to green capitalism not replace it. That is why many Tory voters vote for it in local elections.

Allan Todd, a former GP member, the first Green councillor in Keswick and member of the party’s Climate Campaign Committee spoke about ‘the number of times members of the leadership spoke about the need to focus on attracting ‘soft Tory voters’. Their

other cause for concern came after the 2017 general election, when the right wing of the Party began pushing back against radical policies for social and economic justice. On internal online discussion groups, there were many who began calling for (and I quote) “such socialist stuff” to be left to the Labour Party.

Despite this I voted Green because in Brighton Kemptown there is no socialist standing. However the Green Party is not an anti-imperialist party. Where there are socialists, and I include the Worker’s Party despite differences with them over immigration and the family/sexuality, I support them. Some of their candidates, such as Chris Williamson and Craig Murray, are excellent.

Following WW2 the US replaced the UK as the main imperialist power. The US sought to dismantle the British Empire and bring an end to imperial preference. According to the US Office of Historian

Roosevelt wanted the British to pay compensation [for Lend Lease aid during WW2] by dismantling their system of Imperial Preference, which had been established by the British Government during the Great Depression and was designed to encourage trade within the British Empire by lowering tariff rates between members, while maintaining discriminatory tariff rates against outsiders.

In the Middle East the US allied with nationalists such as Egypt’s Gamal Abdul Nasser, just so long as they were also anti-communist. Until 1967 it refrained from too close a relationship with Israel. A good insight into the competition between the US and Britain is James Barr’s Lords of the Desert which details how both powers sought to destabilise and overthrow any regime not to their liking.

The US was responsible for overthrowing radical regimes in Guatemala and Iran (1953), Chile (1973), Congo (1960), Brazil (1964), Indonesia (1965). It has also maintained a blockade of Cuba since 1962. It took over from the French and fought a bloody war in Vietnam before it was forced to withdraw.

The US war drive today centres on the proxy war in Ukraine, the arming and financing of Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza and the ‘pivot to China’ via the AUKUS Pact. US foreign policy, whether it is the isolation of Russia or attacks on Libya and Syria is conducted in the context of NATO’s framework.

Yet in 2023 the GP abandoned their policy of withdrawal from NATO. The pretext for this was Ukraine despite the responsibility for this war lying with NATO. The US insisted, despite promises to Gorbachev at the time of German reunification, on expanding NATO in Eastern Europe right up to the borders of Russia.

The GP argues that NATO is a defensive pact despite it waging war in Afghanistan and Libya as well as orchestrating the bombing of Serbia, Syria and Libya. The GP is at heart an imperialist party.

Victoria Nulan talking to US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt about who to put into Ukraine’s Government

It was the US role in the overthrow of the elected President of Ukraine, Yanukavych in 2014, which set the scene for Russia’s invasion in 2022. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt, US Ambassador to Ukraine, was bugged by the Russians. Newland and Pyatt were discussing the make-up of the new Ukrainian government.

This directly led to the banning of Russian language rights in Ukraine (which 39% of the population speaks) and then a war on Luhansk and Donetsk regions. A war which was conducted by Ukraine’s state sponsored neo-Nazi militias such as the Azov Battalion.

As Dimitry (not his real name) a member of Azov battalion explained in an interview with the Guardian in 2014:

I have nothing against Russian nationalists, or a great Russia," said Dmitry, as we sped through the dark Mariupol night in a pickup truck, a machine gunner positioned in the back. "But Putin's not even a Russian. Putin's a Jew.... Dmitry claimed not to be a Nazi, but waxed lyrical about Adolf Hitler as a military leader, and believes the Holocaust never happened.

None of this prevented Israel from working with, as well as arming and training this neo-Nazi militia.

Those who doubt this should listen to John Mearsheimer’s lecture to King’s College students or read John Pilger’s May 2014 article which predicted war in Ukraine. He wrote

Every year the American historian William Blum publishes his "updated summary of the record of US foreign policy" which shows that, since 1945, the US has tried to overthrow more than 50 governments, many of them democratically elected; grossly interfered in elections in 30 countries; bombed the civilian populations of 30 countries; used chemical and biological weapons; and attempted to assassinate foreign leaders.

John Mearsheimer’s lecture at King’s College

By accepting NATO the GP accepts the role of US imperialism vs other countries, Israel included. The US created death squad regimes in Latin Americaa and trained them in torture and counter insurgency at the School of Americas. Lesley Gill, who sat in on School of America’s classes, described how

So widely documented is the participation of the School’s graduates in torture, murder, and political repression throughout Latin America that in 2001 the School officially changed its name to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.

 US sanctions and aggression has led to a trail of failed states. Having created and sponsored Islamic fundamentalist and terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda, it used them as an excuse for the War on Terror.

There is a complete absence of any recognition by the GP of what US and Western imperialism has entailed for the peoples of the Global South. Instead we are fed a series of platitudes such as

 The Green Party recognises that NATO has an important role in ensuring the ability of its member states to respond to threats to their security’ before going to say that ‘We would work within NATO to achieve (1) A greater focus on global peacebuilding (2) A commitment to a ‘No First Use’ of nuclear weapons.

Working with NATO for peace is like working with a rapist to ensure the safety of women or with Nigel Farage to achieve better race relations. The GP disguises its purpose with bland verbiage.

Green policy on Israel/Palestine consists of human rights rhetoric devoid of analysis. Their failure to recognise the role of British and Western imperialism is not an oversight. It is fundamental to their chauvinist and racist first worldism. Partly it is a reflection of their electoralism but it is also a reflection of their own class politics.


During the Corbyn years the GP adopted this false antiracism of the right. ‘Anti-Semitism’ was a form of White ‘racism’ that defined opponents of Zionism as racists on the basis that people oppose Zionism and the Israeli state, not because of what it does to the Palestinians but because of their religion. It is as if anti-Apartheid campaigners in South Africa had opposed apartheid because of the colour of the settlers’ skin.

Caroline Lucas and the GP leadership fought to get the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism adopted, despite it originating at Tel Aviv University with the sole purpose of conflating anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. The person who drafted it, Kenneth Stern, testified to Congress that the IHRA definition

has been used primarily to suppress and chill some pro-Palestinian political speech, and it is particularly inappropriate to use it in this fashion on university campuses, where the point is to examine ideas, including ones that might be contentious or disturbing.

It is important to make a distinction between actual harassment, intimidation and bullying, on the one hand, and expression of opinions, on the other.

See Stern’s article I drafted the definition of antisemitism. Rightwing Jews are weaponizing it.

The IHRA, whose very name tramples on the memory of Jews who died in the holocaust, was devised in order to legitimise Israeli Apartheid. One only has to observe the mobs of Jewish settlers, accompanied by government ministers, in Jerusalem who chanted ‘Death to the Arabs’ as they invaded Arab East Jerusalem to ask what kind of self-determination the IHRA refers to.

The seventh IHRA illustration of ‘anti-Semitism’ claims that ‘Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination is a ‘racist endeavor.’ The suggestion that Jews are a separate nation from non-Jews among was historically considered a form of anti-Semitism.

In Brighton & Hove Green councillors in October 2018 voted with the Tory and Labour groups to support the IHRA definition. Being on the same side as the Tories over racism speaks volumes.

The Green group put out a weasel worded statement attempting to suggest that the IHRA and support of the Palestinians were not incompatible. If that were so why is it that the Zionist movement supports the IHRA whereas Palestinians oppose it?

The statement quoted the Home Affairs Select Committee that:

·         “It is not anti-Semitic to criticise the Government of Israel, without additional evidence to suggest anti-Semitic intent.

·          “It is not anti-Semitic to hold the Israeli Government to the same standards as other liberal democracies, or to take a particular interest in the Israeli Government’s policies or actions, without additional evidence to suggest anti-Semitic intent.”


This entirely misses the point. Israel is not a liberal democracy. Nor is it any particular Israeli government that is the problem but the Israeli State itself. An ethnically based ‘Jewish’ state must be racist. If Israel is a Jewish state then all non-Jews are, by definition, untermenschen. Why else would a plurality of Israeli Jews call for the expulsion of Israeli Arab citizens? [Israel’s Religiously Divided Society, 3/16. The most popular car bumper sticker in Israel is ‘finish them off’.

Has anyone in the GP ever asked themselves why the founder of the alt-Right in America, neo-Nazi Richard Spencer describes himself as a ‘White Zionist’ or why Tommy Robinson calls himself a Zionist or why Germany’s AfD, riddled as it is with holocaust deniers, is the most pro-Zionist party in Germany?

Intellectual poverty and clichΓ©s distinguish the GP on Palestine. Political expediency trumps principle. The GP, instead of choosing the Oxford English Dictionary definition of anti-Semitism, ‘hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people’ adopted both the IHRA and the Jerusalem Declaration on Anti-Semitism. Facing both ways at the same time is their means of resolving political conflicts.

When it came to the dismissal of Prof. David Miller at Bristol University, which an employment tribunal found to be unfair and discriminatory, Caroline Lucas put her name to a letter calling for his dismissal. I wrote to her pointing out that she was signing alongside racists such as Bob Blackman MP, who supports discrimination against Dalits (untouchables) and the fascist Baroness Cox. Lucas was completely unconcerned at the company she was keeping.

The same old 'antisemitism' smears the Zionists used on  Corbyn's Labour Party

When the Zionist Board of Deputies targeted GP candidates, instead of defending them, the leadership abandoned them. None of their comments were anti-Semitic. This was sheer political cowardice. According to the Jewish Chronicle,

Talukdar circulated photographs comparing Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin (sic) Netanyahu with Adolf Hiter. One photo depicted Jewish prisoners being taken on a pickup truck to a Nazi death camp. Talukdar captioned the photos “it’s becoming REALLY hard to spot the difference” and the “past becomes the present”.

What is anti-Semitic about this? There is an exterminationist mentality in Israel today. Adam Keller, a veteran Israeli peace activist, wrote about how

This week Roy Sharon, a "respectable" radio and TV commentator on the main Israeli broadcasting corporation, spoke very explicitly of his desire to see “a million dead bodies in Gaza”.

And the streets of Tel Aviv are flooded with red stickers reading "Exterminate Gaza!". Not "Destroy!", not "Flatten!" – but clearly and explicitly "Exterminate Gaza!". "Le-Ha-Sh-Mid!" - "Exterminate!" Every Jewish Israeli knows from a young age exactly what this word means. ….

Not merely calls to ‘exterminate’ or chants of ‘Death to the Arabs’ [ ‘Death to the Jews used to be the anti-Semitic chant]. Netanyahu invoked Amalek who God commanded should be wiped out, every man, woman and child. Yoav Gallant, Israel’s Defence Minister, called Palestinians ‘human animals’ the same phrase that Himmler used about the Jews on October 4 1943 in Posnan.

Professor Ze’ev Sternhell, a child survivor of the Nazi ghetto of Przemsyl wrote for Ha’aretz in January 2018, ‘In Israel, Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism’. Was Sternhell an anti-Semite or are the GP’s leaders political cowards?

The IHRA says that ‘Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis’ is anti-Semitic. The JDA definition does not. It is clear that the GP in practice is only using the IHRA. The GP leadership could have chosen Clause 15 of the JDA which says that:

Political speech does not have to be measured, proportional, tempered, or reasonable to be protected... Criticism that some may see as excessive or contentious, or as reflecting a “double standard,” is not, in and of itself, antisemitic... the line between antisemitic and non-antisemitic speech is different from the line between unreasonable and reasonable speech.

Another candidate Elizabeth Wright, posted an Instagram video in which a woman said:

“What’s left for the Zionists [is] to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Palestinians… I think this will happen soon.” She also posted a statement justifying Palestinian “resistance”.

Is this anti-Semitic? Comparing Israel’s behaviour in Gaza to Dracula? Israel has deliberately executed children in Gaza. It has taken body parts from those they have murdered. It is difficult to think of any allegation against Israel that is anti-Semitic unless it is suggested that Israel behaves the way it does because it is a Jewish state. Gaza has changed from a concentration camp into a death camp.

The third candidate Chris Brody, shared an article that suggested 9/11 and October 7 were “false flag operations executed to open the path toward more slaughter and mayhem”. Note that Elizabeth Wright and Brady merely shared an article or video.  The suggestion that October 7 was carried out by Israel is based on the fact that the Israeli military had advance knowledge of the attack. Whatever the truth may be such a statement is not anti-Semitic.

Maddison Wheeldon said that ordinary Israelis “are akin to the Germans that supported the Nazis”. A perfectly reasonable comparison. Not in the least anti-Semitic but she was deselected.

Joe Belcher claimed that Israel had paid Hamas to carry out the 7 October attack saying it was part of a “big pay-off” for Hamas leaders that enabled Israel ‘to claim rights to “billions of dollars worth of oil and gas” in Gazan waters.’ Batty no doubt but anti-Semitic? Why?

Also arousing the wrath of the Zionists was Sherief Hassan, the candidate for Hemel Hempstead, who liked a post which said “Israel must be eliminated” and another which claimed Jeffrey Epstein ran a blackmail operation for Israel.

Saying Israel must be eliminated as a state is no different from saying Apartheid South Africa must be eliminated. It is Israel which is eliminating Palestinians. That is the only issue.

As for Jeffrey Epstein running a blackmail operation for Israel that is clearly true. Even the Daily Mail ran the story. It is sourced from ex-Mossad official Ari ben-Menashe and can be found on the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s website!

The GP's leadership has refused to push back against accusations which come from the same bad faith actors who made similar accusations against Corbyn. This in the middle of genocide in Gaza.

Their statement and that of Carla Denyer, its co-leader was:

“The Green Party takes all accusations of antisemitism extremely seriously. We have robust internal processes for all accusations raised.” 

There is also a statement on the GP website saying that the leadership has been meeting with Lord John Mann ‘to discuss the important issue of antisemitism’. If anti-Semitism in Britain was a problem does anyone think that bigots like Suella Braverman, Sunak, Mann and Starmer would be concerned about it?

John Mann hectors and bullies Ken Livingstone about Nazi-Zionist  collaboration

Mann when he was a Labour MP hectored and bullied Ken Livingstone for having mentioned the pro-Zionist policy of the Nazi state which resulted in the Ha'avara trading agreement which broke the Jewish Boycott of Nazi Germany. That is a historical fact.

After leaving Labour Livingstone applied to join the GP. His application was rejected because the GP accepted that Livingstone, who pioneered anti-racism in local government whilst leader of the Greater London Council, was anti-Semitic or tolerant of it.

Under Starmer Jews in the Labour Party are up to 13 times more likely to be expelled than non-Jews but the GP leadership have swallowed the lie of Labour anti-Semitism.

Mann is a dedicated racist towards anyone bar Jews. He supported Phil Woolas MP when the High Court removed him from Parliament in 2011 after having run an Islamaphobic election campaign designed to make the White folks angryin Oldham East & Saddleworth.

In 2007 he produced a handbook on anti-social behaviour which targeted Gypsies and Roma, giving them as examples of anti-social behaviour. This was precisely the charge that the Nazis made against Gypsies and Roma, that they were asocial. They ended up alongside Jews in the gas chambers. Yet the GP has no problem sitting down with this racist scumbag to talk about ‘anti-Semitism’.

John Mann's opposition to 'antisemitism' doesn't extend to any other form of racism - strange that! 

Mann was interviewed by Nottinghamshire Police on 28.11.16. as part of an investigation into ‘hate crime’ for having produced this racist handbook and given a warning. Yet the GP leadership entertains this anti-Roma racist. Mann never once voted against the Tories racist immigration laws, including the hostile environment Immigration Act 2014. Just 6 Labour MPs voted against it.

Isn't it strange how all those who oppose the fake Zionist definition of 'antisemitism' are racist towards everyone else - but the Greens just don't get it

On 9 June 2024 the GP issued a joint statement with Mann:

“Lord Mann and the leadership team at The Green Party of England and Wales met last week to discuss the important issue of antisemitism. Both parties have committed to continued dialogue and working together to ensure that antisemitism, like all racism, has no place in Green politics and to better educate Green representatives about anti-Jewish racism. The Green Party has taken a series of proactive steps towards these goals but understands that this will take consistent work going forward.”

The GP current manifesto on Israel/Palestine is nowhere near having an anti-Zionist position. Under the heading A Fairer, Greener World there is a small section ‘Israel and Palestine’.

John Mann's Opposition to 'antisemitism' does not extend to Islamaphobia or any other form of racism - strange that - perhaps he's a Zionist?

Even after 8 months of genocide in Gaza the Greens haven’t bothered to take the time to make themselves familiar with the situation of the Palestinians. There isn’t a word about genocide or ethnic cleansing.

released hostage tells how Israel killed captives rather than let them be captured

The section begins by condemning ‘the appalling murder of hundreds of Israeli civilians by Hamas’ seemingly ignorant of the fact that one-third were Israeli soldiers and that many of the remainder were killed by Israeli tanks and Apache helicopters intent on preventing the taking of captives under the Hannibal Directive.

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says (5.52)

Jasmine Porat, one of only 2 captives to escape from a house in Kibbutz Be’eri told Israeli television, it was an Israeli tank that opened fire on the house she was sheltering in killing the civilians.

Zionism's Genocidal Mentality Meant It was Better to Kill Your Own People Than Let Them Be Captured

The GP statement ignores Israel’s ‘mowing the lawn’, as Israel demonstrates who is in control by deliberately massacring civilians every few years. Or as David Weinberg wrote in the Jerusalem Post

Winning the current war against Hamas is not only about denying the terrorist army’s ability to target Israel ... A critical part of Israel’s purpose in this conflict is proving that the Jewish state retains freedom of military action against its enemies...

Just like mowing your front lawn, this is constant, hard work. If you fail to do so, weeds grow wild and snakes begin to slither around in the brush. So too, reducing enemy capabilities and ambitions in Gaza require Israeli military readiness and government willingness to use force intermittently, while maintaining a healthy and resilient Israeli home front....

October 7 was a shock to an Israel because the Palestinian Resistance attacked first for once. Israel had lain siege to Gaza for 17 years. 

The Palestinian Resistance decided for once to initiate an attack. There is an international law right to resists an occupation but that is something that the GP does not quote.  The call to end arms sales to Israel is welcome but would the GP, if it came to power, observe it?

The Green Party's Manifesto on Palestine

Contrary to Israeli Propaganda the Hostages have been treated well says Israel Journalist Alon David

Another indication of the pro-Israeli orientation of the GP is its call to ‘Redouble(d) efforts to secure the release of hostages taken on 7th October 2023.’  Israel has over 8,000 Palestinian prisoner, suffering dire treatment including torture. Over 2,000 are held in Adminstrative Detention, imprisoned without trial. The rest have been convicted by Military Courts which have a 99.74% conviction rate. Yet there is no mention of them.

The call to reinstate funding for UNRWA and support for South Africa’s submission to the International Court of Justice is welcome. But nowhere does the GP talk about Israeli Apartheid, still less Zionism, the ideology of the Israeli state. As Yair Lapid put it, Zionism means maximum land and minimum Arabs. The GP approach is human rights based but it ignores the conclusion of human rights groups Amnesty, HRW and B’Tselem that Israel is an apartheid state.

Israel's fake evidence that was used to justify bombing and destroying Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital

In its response to a Palestine Solidarity Campaign questionnaire the GP calls for the Palestinian people to recognise the right of the state of Israel to exist within recognised, agreed and secure borders. Would they have called on Black people to do the same in South Africa?

As long as Israel is an ethno-nationalist state it is not going to do any of the things the GP calls for. From its foundation Israel refused to define its borders. On May 12 1948, three days before it declared independence, the People’s Administration voted 5-4 not to define its borders or to accept those of UN resolution 181. Expansion is inherent in the settler-colonial dynamic.  Yet the GP doesn’t recognise this paradigm.

It is welcome that the GP supports BDS but it is not in its manifesto. If the experience of Brighton & Hove Council when it was under Green control is anything to go by, this will be a dead letter.

The experience internationally of Green Parties is not a good one. In Germany Die Grunen is avidly pro-NATO and pro-Zionist.  Pro-Palestinian activists have filed criminal charges against Volker Beck, a former Green member of parliament, for incitement of hate and denial of war crimes. It has gone along with the severe repression of Palestine solidarity demonstrations and even a police attack on a Palestine Congress in Berlin, which included the banning from Germany of Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek Finance Minister.

For as long as the GP refuses to discuss Palestine seriously or develop an analysis of why the situation in Palestine exists and as long as it defers to Zionist cries of ‘anti-Semitism’ then it will be confined to human rights rhetoric.

It is as if, during the Apartheid era in South Africa, the GP condemned human rights abuses but had nothing to say about Apartheid. Zionism is Israel’s Apartheid ideology.

Mark Strong - Brighton Green, Zionist, Strong on smearing opponents as 'antisemitic'

One anecdote. In Brighton I was added to a Green Supporters in Kemptown WhatsApp group without my knowledge. The group was set up for non-GP supporters in the election. I was removed soon after without posting by Mark Strong, a Green Admin who has a history of support for Zionism, genocide in Gaza and involvement with the Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations. Clearly an anti-Zionist  was not to his liking. Strong is not unrepresentative of the Green rank and file.

Interestingly though it seems that the cowards in the GP leadership won't come out and say that what is happening in Gaza is genocide.  They rely on the International Court of Justice's ultra-cautious phrase 'plausible genocide'. 

Strong also didn't welcome Stop the War publicity on a Green WA Group - Apparently it doesn't fit with their policy on Israel Gaza or more likely with Strong's support for 'plausible' genocide in Gaza.

The Green Party prefers to hide behind legal jargon in order to offend the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Zionist lobby.

As soon as Strong saw my name I was removed - I guess I am to Zionists what the silver cross is to Dracula!

Tony Greenstein