30 January 2025

Listen to the recording of Holocaust Memorial Day Webinar 2025

 The Refusal of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust to Include the Gaza Genocide in their Festivities Demonstrates that our Rulers Have Learnt Nothing from Auschwitz

Holocaust Memorial Day Webinar 2025

The Holocaust memorial day meeting that the Socialist Labour Network, Jewish Network for Palestine and Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign held on 27 January 2025 was the best attended and the most successful we have ever had in the three years we have been holding these.

693 people registered for the meeting and over 60% of them attended. Normally attendance is little over 50% of those registered. The largest number of people watching at any time was 388 but the maximum number of people who did watch was 428.  Many people contacted us to say that they couldn’t attend but that they wanted to see a recording. So here it is!

Attended                           424                                      61.2%

Didn’t Attend                  269                                      38.8%

Registered       Cancelled          Unique Viewers        Max Concurrent Views

693                     4                           428                                388


We are told by the BBC and our rulers that we must learn the lessons of the Holocaust. Below is a picture of the Official Hypocrites including Chief Rabbi Mirvis, a rabid settler trained racist and an enthusiastic supporter of Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

King Charles said that

The Holocaust must never be allowed to become a simple fact of history...the lessons of the Holocaust are relevant today.’ however this  pompous fool  refrained from telling us what these lessons were.  Perhaps because that might expose  the hypocrisy at the centre of the official festivities.

Britain’s Holocaust Memorial Day Trust excluded the Gaza Genocide from all mention of the Holocaust. In its FAQs it asked ‘Should I acknowledge the conflict in the Middle East in my HMD activity? And if so, how?’ Its answer was simple: ‘We do not recommend it.’ Thus is demonstrated the moral bankruptcy of the official celebrations, because that is really what they are – a celebration of imperialism.

The advice of the HMD is no surprise when people like the President of the Genocide supporting Board of Deputies, Phil Rosenberg, sits on the HMD board. The Jewish Chronicle and the right-wing press got all worked up by the Islamic Human Rights Commission call to boycott their celebrations.

Chikli, Israel's Diaspora Minister and Thug decided not to risk arrest by travelling abroad

The Telegraph had one of its normal moral fits at the suggestion that the HMD might include all genocides in HMD, including the Palestinian holocaust. It quoted the Zionist propagandist and CEO of the Holocaust Educational Trust, the morally bankrupt Karen Pollock, as saying that:

Just days before we mark Holocaust Memorial Day... we are appalled to see that the Islamic Human Rights Commission continue this tasteless campaign to undermine such a significant day.

Their cynical attempt to denigrate the memory of the Holocaust by drawing false parallels between the Holocaust – a unique and unprecedented episode in history – and unrelated current events, will not succeed.

Hind when she graduated from senior kindergarten - cruelly  butchered by Israel

Quite how the memory of those who died in the holocaust is ‘denigrated’ by comparing their deaths to those in Gaza is difficult to comprehend. Is the death of a Jewish child in Auschwitz any different from that of Hind Rajab, who was murdered because an Israeli tank fired a shell at her and the two paramedics who came to rescue her? 

Ukrainian Police Auxiliaries

The disgusting racist, Karen Pollok, called the Gaza genocide an ‘unrelated current event.’ If anyone is defiling and denigrating the memory of the largely anti-Zionist Jews who died in the holocaust it is Pollok. But then she is CEO of a Zionist holocaust industry organisation whose sole purpose is to harness the holocaust to the Israeli state’s apartheid existence.

The Genocide of Palestinians is different according to Pollok and whatever we do we mustn’t compare. Zionists hate comparisons because they know that the actions of Israel can only be defended by pretending that Israel is unique, being a ‘Jewish’ state that doesn’t have to operate according to the norms of civilised society. Once you compare Israel’s behaviour to others then you cannot help but notice that Israel is a rogue state, barbaric and racist in its determination to effect ethnic cleansing and not at all bothered by the numbers it kills.

So what are the lessons that Pollok, Rosenberg, Mirvis et al intend us to learn?  That Israel, Hitler’s posthumous victory, must be given more bombs and bullets in order that it can perpetrate more genocides and finish the job. This is Zionist  morality.

Israel has killed up to 300,000 Palestinian men, women and children, the International Court of Justice has said that a genocide is plausibly taking place yet the imperialist narrative demands that Israel’s genocide be treated as ‘self defence’.

Our war criminal ruling class, not least the German State, uses the holocaust to reinforce their genocidal narrative by claiming that Israel is the inheritor of the memory of the Jews who died. These are the lessons they draw from the holocaust.

‘Although Israel claims to represent the memory of the Jews who died in the holocaust the reality is that Israel has inherited the memory and stepped into the shoes of those who killed them.’

It is a great pity that the IHRC fell into the trap that was laid for them. Instead of simply boycotting HMD they should have actively promoted our own meeting and thus shown that they had something to say about the holocaust.

This webinar refused to be part of the official festivities because that is what they really were. They were not a commemoration. Representatives from Israel and all the imperialist states – the United States, Britain and Germany – who are supplying Israel with the means to annihilate the Palestinian people were present.

Yet strangely enough the very state which bore the brunt of the Nazi war machine and which liberated Auschwitz, Russia, was not present. Instead Volodymyr Zelensky, leader of the Ukrainian police state, which celebrates a national holiday each year on the birthday of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera was invited. Bandera was the leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) whose members, in their role as the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police, participated in the massacre of 33,000 Jews at Babi Yar, Kyiv on September 29-30 1941.

Baby Yar Memorial

Babi Yar was the largest Nazi massacre of Jews up to that date and one of the largest of the war.  Bandera’s Ukrainian Insurgent Army was heavily involved in massacres of Jews, Poles and Roma.

Speakers at the webinar were Stephen Kapos, a Jewish child survivor who was hidden in Budapest during the Hungarian Holocaust; Suzanne Weiss, a Jewish child survivor who was hidden in Auvergne in France by the Communist resistance; Ghada Karmi, a child survivor of the Nakba in Palestine when Zionist militias ethnically cleansed the native Palestinians to create their Jewish state, Rania Khalek, a Lebanese journalist who directs Breakthrough News; Ronny Kasrils, the Jewish former commander of Umkonte we Sizwe, the ANC's military wing and former MP in Nelson Mandela's first government and Tony Greenstein, the first Jewish member of the Labour Party to be expelled under Corbyn and author of 'Zionism During the Holocaust'. Tariq Ali, who was due to speak, was unfortunately ill and couldn't make it.

The Zionists and their imperialist backers use the Nazi holocaust of the Jews as a justification for Israel’s holocaust in Gaza.   We draw the opposite conclusion which is why we held this webinar. The official state ceremonies draw no anti-racist or anti-fascist conclusions.


  1. How is Israel a victory for Hitler, and wasn't it actually Palestinians, like the mufti, who were collaborating with Nazis ?

    1. Advocatus Diaboli30 January 2025 at 23:37

      The zionist antisemites behave like nazis which is Hitler's victory. The Mufti wasn't elected, like Hitler he was jobbed into office by the Mandate authorities.

  2. Ah our favourite Zionist.

    Israel was Hitler's posthumous victory because he wanted Jews out of Europe and was happy to have them in what one called a self-run concentration camp. Many Nazis like Baron von Mildenstein, the first head of the Gestapo's Jewish Desk who went on a trip to Palestine for 6 months with Kurt Tuchler and their 2 wives from the German Zionist Federation believed that with national soil under their feet the Jews wouid be as bigger bastards as they were. I guess he was correct.
    The SS were very pro-Zionist as was Eichmann himself.
    No the Mufti was a Zionist/British appointment. Nothing to do with the Palestinians who didn't vote 4 him. But many colonial leaders like Subra Chandra Bose in India chose the enemy of my enemy as their friend.
    But whereas the Mufti represented only himself the Stern Gang, not once but twice, proposed a military pact with the Nazis and their leader, Yitzhak Shamir became, not once but twice, Prime Minister of Israel.

    Fancy that a pro-Nazi Israeli Prime Minister. Just like the present one in fact!

  3. Did the Mufti only represent himself during WWII in Yugoslavia though where he did collaborate with the Nazis by organising the recruitment effort into "... 78 Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem salutes Bosnian Muslim Troops of the 13th Waffen SS "Handschar" Division, 1943..." [you can search using the text of this headline I'm quoting to see a photograph of this headline] - it is relevant to the Holocaust in that the Nazis wanted Slavs and Gypsies as well as Jews to be put through the Holocaust just as much.

  4. The answer to your question is yes, the Mufti represented only himself. The SS Handschar Division did not take part in the Holocaust. The Jews had already been deported.
    The Bosnian Muslims saw the Handschar Division as a local gendarme force. They were not interested in Jews. So much so that the SS Handschar Division was sent to Villefranche de Rouergue, France for ‘retraining’ on the Jewish Question.

    On 17 September 1943 they rebelled, the only SS Division to do so. Some of them joined the French Resistance and one, Božo Jelenek, earned the Croix de Guerre.

    During the rebellion they captured nine German commanders, five of whom were executed. The Nazis took savage reprisals when they quelled the rebellion and up to 165 were executed and 265 were sent to Neuengamme concentration camp where dozens died.

    When Villefranche-de-Rouergue was liberated in 1944, the local population decided to pay tribute to the mutineers by naming one of its streets Avenue des Croates (Bosnian Muslims were seen as Croats of the Islamic faith). Every 17 September they commemorate “the revolt of the Croats”.

    The Balkan Muslims were much more favourably disposed towards the Jews than their Christian neighbours. ‘The Bosnian Muslim clerics issued three declarations publicly denouncing Croat-Nazi collaborationist measures against Jews and Serbs.’ Of course the Zionists don't mention any of this because it runs counter to their propaganda.

  5. I don't have a facebook account, so I couldn't read all of it, but when I did a search re the event that people were 'cordially invited to attend' and which says INDOCTRINATING HATRED OF JEWS, I came across the following post by the European Jewish Association, posted on January 26th:

    This evening, we were informed that Israel's Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Amichai Chikli, who was scheduled to attend a special event in Brussels co-organized by the EJA on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, to address the indoctrinated hatred of Jews, had to cancel his arrival due to concrete security concerns and threats to his safety.

    The fact that in 2025, an Israeli minister was forced to cancel his visit to a Western European country for security reasons is more evidence than anything else that all the leaders' "never again" declarations are hollow. This year, International Holocaust Remembrance Day is more regrettable than ever—the worst since the Holocaust.

    To which somebody posted/responded

    This is a blatant lie. Chikli, an extreme right wing fascist, didn't come to Europe because he risked to be arrested

    Maybe THAT is all it said, but that's all I was able to see. Anyway, I then did a search to see how widely it was reported by the media and, as such, came across the following Jerusalem Post article from January 28th:

    Chikli didn’t attend EU Holocaust event due to hostage family letter, not security issues - source

    The source's claims that the letter had led to the cancellation contradicted the official line that Chikli was advised by Israeli security services not to attend.

    Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli canceled his attendance at a European Union Parliament International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemoration event in Brussels due to a letter from hostage family members urging MEPs to rescind the invitation, rather than security concerns or legal threats from anti-Israel organizations, a source familiar with the matter told The Jerusalem Post.

    Chikli had been set to give a Tuesday address at the “Never Again? Indoctrinating Hatred of Jews: What has Changed in 80 years?” event hosted by MEPs Andrey Kovatchev and Lukas Mandl.

    According to Haaretz, a letter to Kovatchev and Mandl, signed by 41 hostage family members and relatives of October 7 victims, and 32 European Jewish community leaders, stated that Chikli was unsuitable for the occasion....


    I mean REALLY, what possible security concerns could there possibly be in respect of him attending an event - the event - in Brussels?! Absolutely none of course. Yep, the Israeli fascist leadership never miss an opportunity to cast themselves as the victims and Palestinians and their supporters as a threat, and dupe and mislead numerous people, as such.

    Here's a link to the facebook post:


    NB All I wanted to say initially - given what it says about indoctrinating hatred of Jews - is that Israeli Jews are indoctrinated from an early age to hate Palestinians, but we rarely - if ever - hear about THAT of course.

  6. I've been Jewish and an American my whole life, and all too often, that's the way the matzoh crumbles; into a half-baked cracker.


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