22 July 2024


First They Blocked Payments to a Palestinian Children’s Centre & then Lied & Blamed it on Government Sanctions

When I Complained About Their Racist Discrimination They Told Me That They Were Closing My Accounts!

When people think of Building Societies they think of what is the fluffier side of British financial institutions. Most building societies like the Woolwich, Halifax and the ill-fated Northern Rock demutualised and became private banks in the 1990s and 2000s.

Most of them were subsequently taken over by the big banks or nationalised in the financial crash of 2008/9. Nationwide emerged as the largest of the remaining building societies.

Today it is clear, with its acquisition of Virgin Money for £2.9 billion, that Nationwide aims to be one of the big banks. It has also removed the accounts of critics of its expansion plans, so I am not the only casualty of its aversion to free speech. Despite having members’ AGMs building societies are anything but democratic. The same old Establishment worms its way in along with their amoral culture.

My problems with Nationwide began on February 2 and 12 when I sent £2,000 and then £1,500 to the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre in Jenin. Little did I know that 4 months later it would end up with me being told that they were closing my accounts. I’ve been with Nationwide for 25 years but that counts for nothing.

The first indication that something was amiss was when I received 2 emails from the Accounts Review Team [ART] (9 & 12.2.24) asking:

• Why is this payment is being sent via your personal account, on behalf of The Brighton Trust, and not directly from the registered charity’s own bank account? Will this payment be a one-off or an ongoing arrangement?

• We require evidence that beneficiary account details are associated to Al Tafawk Centre.

On 13 May Hannah from ART rang me and we had a perfectly pleasant conversation. Hannah told me she was happy with my responses. After we spoke I emailed her to confirm the details of our conversation. My email began:

Good to talk to you and glad we have resolved this though I am really unhappy that it was because of a payment to a Palestinian NGO.  I'm sure that this would not have happened with an Israeli Children's Centre.

If as I suspect your concern was that we might be funding 'terrorism' then I can lay your concerns to rest. Our charity only funds a children's centre - it used to be toys and equipment but today water and food is the priority

Clearly I trod on some raw nerves as the ART clammed up. Hannah didn’t reply. They also failed, until 5 March, to recredit my account with the money that they had refused to transfer. For a month I could get no explanation as to what had happened to the money and whether it had been sent on as Hannah had promised.

I made a complaint about their behaviour and Louise from Member Service ‘investigated’ my complaint and found nothing amiss. At which point I protested at her barely literate, contradictory letter and demanded a proper investigation. I began my appeal thus:

In her letter to me of 20 February Louise Morris stated that: ‘I hope this letter explains things clearly’ and goes on to say that ‘If you think I’ve missed anything... please email me. Clearly Ms Morris has a sense of humour.

My appeal was upheld on 6 March by Simon, a Team Manager at Member Service and I was awarded £250 compensation. My complaint concerned the behaviour of the ART. I emphasised, once again, that this would not have happened if I’d tried to send money to an Israeli children’s centre.

On 7 March I sent an email to the ART asking a simple question viz. ‘Will you hold up future payments? I went on to say that

‘your discrimination against a Palestinian children's centre is an outrageous example of racism as this would not happen in the case of Israel. Presumably Jewish children are kosher and Palestinian children are not.

The latter remark was humorous but I suspect that a sense of humour is something that is alien to the Israel’s supporters in the ART.

On 26 March I received a ‘Final Warning’ from Haleema, a Member Relations Consultant (!) which began:

‘I've been told that on 07 March 2024, you sent our Review Team emails consisting of abusive and racial comments. This type of behaviour goes against our account's terms and conditions and we won't put up with it.

My first reaction to this letter was to wonder whether Member Service employees have any training. If Haleema was minded to issue me with a final warning (it was the first!!) she might have bothered to read the email she was commenting on. Or is it general practice for Nationwide staff to accept allegations at face value?

The email in question contained nothing abusive or ‘racial’ (unless a reference to Israel is considered ‘racial’). Clearly this letter had been cooked up behind the scenes and was the product of a ‘revenge complaint’ from the ART at having had an adverse finding made against it.

I attempted to resolve matters informally with Haleema but she didn’t comprehend the points I was making. As a result, on 5 May, I made a complaint.

On 21 May I chased up the complaint and on 23 May I received a letter turning down my complaint from Rhianna. She too seemed to have difficulty reading but whereas Haleema had accused me of sending abusive emails Rhiannon changed this to a question of perception. The problem was that:

I appealed this and on 19 June Fay Ingram asserted that

I called the Israeli army ‘bastards’ which is descriptive not swearing. The phone call in question was terminated when I challenged the staff member as to why no information could be provided about my funds.

But it’s not clear why that should cause upset. It’s simply a comment unless of course members of ART have some form of emotional attachment to Israel’s genocidal army.

I also emailed a number of people about what had happened to me and they wrote to Nationwide. It is clear that Nationwide actively discriminates against sending payments to Palestinians.

This is especially shocking given that Israel’s illegal occupation of the West Bank openly flouts the 4th Geneva Convention relating to the protection of civilians at time of war. The International Court of Justice at The Hague has just ruled that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank is illegal. Yet despite this Nationwide is refusing to transfer money to Palestinians on the West Bank whilst placing no obstacles in the way of transfers to Israel’s settlers.

In a letter to Mr T on 8 May Nationwide wrote:

we’re unable to send monies to countries currently under sanction by the UK government...  we regrettably cannot make transfers to countries on the high-risk list... We’ve to abide by this list and cannot give any more information on why we cannot send to this relevant country.

The relevant country in question was Palestine. Then on 17 July Andrea Doyle wrote a second letter apologising for the ‘confusion’ that their first letter caused. Doyle wrote:

Within our response we noted that payments cannot be made to any countries that are sanctioned by the UK Government. Given the context of your letter, you may have understood our letter to be suggesting that Palestine is a sanctioned country. I apologise for the confusion this appears to have caused. To clarify, Palestine is not a sanctioned country under the UK Law.

... we do occasionally need to stop payments and seek further information about the nature/purpose of the payment. In some instances, again in order to comply with our obligations, we do need to refuse payments. However, such decisions won’t have been based on the fact that the payment was being made to an unsanctioned or non-proscribed organisation operating in Palestine.

Describing Palestinian organisations as ‘unsanctioned’ or ‘non-proscribed’ casts a pall of suspicion and guilt over them. Would Israeli organisations be so described?

This letter was disingenuous. There was no confusion. The first letter made it clear that Palestine was subject to sanctions. That was wrong. Why not admit you were wrong?

In an email to David, also of 17 July, Doyle wrote that:

I can tell you that we wouldn’t restrict payments solely on the basis that they are intended for an unsanctioned or non-proscribed Palestinian organisation. (my emphasis)

Identical comments were emailed to Mrs E, Mr R, Mr W, Ms M, Mr B, Mr R, Mr  W, Ms D Ms R – all on 17 July by Andrea Doyle and in one case Emily Draper. Note the word ‘solely’. In other words if you are trying to send money to Palestine, a country the subject of an illegal occupation, it may not be the only factor in a refusal to transfer money but it is clearly a major if not principal factor.

It is clear that Nationwide is in practice refusing to make payments to Palestine. Why? Well one can only assume that members of the ART sympathise with Israel’s military and therefore took exception to me criticising the ‘world’s most moral army’ as bastards!

This was expressed in a letter of 23 May by Rhiannon which stated

The hypocrisy of this beggars belief. It is the behaviour of the Three Wise Monkeys who refused to see, hear or speak evil.

The reason that the ‘conflict’, in fact occupation of Palestine by Israel, was raised was because Nationwide refused to transfer payments to a Palestinian children’s centre. It was they who allowed the situation in the Middle East to intrude on their decisions. Nationwide took and still takes a position that anything Palestinian is suspect. This is confirmed by the letter which has been issued which says that being Palestinian won’t be the ‘sole’ reason for refusing transfers.

In her email to me of 19 June, Fay Ingram, asserted that the ART

‘doesn’t have to answer specific questions about a block that has been placed’ and ‘that we actively review all payments and can stop payments when we hold concerns.

Of course the ART doesn’t have to answer questions but what possible reason can there be for not doing so? It is a lie that they ‘actively review all payments’. Over time I’ve made a number of international payments from Nationwide. They have never been subject to any hold-up. These are camouflage words.

This is especially relevant when the ART provide a false explanation to another customer about Palestine being a sanctioned state.

However much Nationwide twist and turn it is clear that in practice they are operating a policy of sanctioning Palestine. When I’ve tried to send money from other banks I haven’t had this problem. If Nationwide is to maintain that it’s not treating payments to Palestine differently then it needs to challenge the anti-Palestinian racism which permeates the ART. They should lay down clear rules and guidelines about not discriminating against the Palestinians whose only crime is suffering under an illegal and brutal occupation.

I have quoted only brief excerpts from the email correspondence. If you wish to see the full emails, then they are saved here.

One final matter. The first time I learnt that my accounts were being closed was on 24 June when I receive a ‘reminder’ that my accounts were being closed. I had not previously had any such notice although Nationwide maintains that a letter was sent out on May 10. Given my post is reliable my suspicion is that this letter was never sent.

What is interesting is that on 19 June, over a month after the letter of May 10 was apparently sent, Fay Ingram wrote to me stating that

Why was Ingram saying that my accounts could be closed when elsewhere Nationwide are asserting that such a decision had already been made?

Likewise Rhiannon sent an email on 23 May saying of Haleema’s letter that ‘I can’t agree that we...  threatened we’d close your accounts.’ She may not agree but how else should I interpret Haleema’s threat that

if we hear about any further incidents or similar behaviour towards our colleagues, we'll close your account immediately without telling you first. [bold in the original]

Rhiannon’s email was sent nearly a fortnight after the letter closing my accounts was apparently sent. It reveals how shallow Nationwide investigations are that they are unable read their own correspondence.

It is clear from my recent experiences with Nationwide that their attitude to Israel/Palestine is that of the Britain’s Political Establishment which is to penalise the Palestinians and treat Israel as a normal western democracy. This means ignoring the fact that Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian land and adopting a mentality that conflates Palestinians with terrorism and sanctions.

What You Can Do?

Although some people have written threatening to close their accounts if Nationwide doesn’t change their stance I’m not asking people to do this. Nationwide’s institutional racism and amorality is par for the course in the capitalist banking world.

What you can do is to bombard them with complaints about their behaviour and demand accountability for decisions to stop transfers to Palestinian organisations such as children’s centres. This is especially the case if you are a member.

Tony Greenstein

16 July 2024

If Hamas Had Planted a Bomb in Jerusalem, in an Attempt to Assassinate Netanyahu, Killing Over 90 Civilians, Would the World’s Leaders Remain Silent? Yet that’s what happened in Al Mawasi, Gaza

Israel Prefers Killing Palestinians to Saving their Hostages - the Palestinian Resistance Should Act Accordingly

John Kirby, US National Security Council spokesperson, is on record as saying that he hasn’t yet seen an Israeli war crime or violation of international humanitarian law. Kirby’s determination not to see anything wrong with exterminating 50,000 Palestinians (at a minimum) extended to describing South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice as ‘meritless’.

John Kirby – No Violation of Humanitarian Law

How have these apologists for genocide justified Israel’s latest atrocity? Al Mawasi, which was specifically designated by Israel as a ‘safe zone’? Israeli planes bombed the tents in this desolate area on the pretext of trying to murder Hamas leader Mohamad El Deif. Their response is to say nothing.

Israel Bombs Schools

As with Israel’s ignoring of the ICJ’s order not to enter Rafah, Western leaders once again demonstrate that their claims to moral superiority over Russia and China are as hollow as their words. Biden’s ‘red lines’ over entering Rafah vanished the moment the Israeli military entered.

Starmer's selective condemnations of violence - his concern for Ukrainian children doesn't extend to Palestinian children 

Keir Starmer condemned Russia’s missile attack on a Kiev children’s hospital but there has been no mention, still less condemnation, of Israel’s strike on al-Mawasi, even though at least 3 times as many people died in the attack. Like you I am sure that this was just an oversight!

However you will be glad to know that Starmer found time to say “I am appalled by the shocking scenes at President Trump’s rally” where someone took a pot shot at Trump.  Not once has Starmer said how appalled he was by Israel’s bombing and attacks on every single hospital and health facility in Gaza. It’s all a question of priorities.

Israel's bombing of children in the 'safe zone in Khan Younis of Al Muwasi

Today Israel flattened UNWRA’s headquarters in Gaza City. It is the 190th UNWRA facility that has been attacked. Why? Because UNWRA was specifically set up to support Palestinian refugees and Israel prefers them to disappear entirely.

Murder at al-Mawasi

Israel's Missile Strike on a School Football Match 

When Israel recently launched a missile strike on a school and football match in al-Awda school in Abasan al-Kabira they murdered 31 Palestinians, mainly children.  Their excuse was that:

“A warplane, using precision munitions, attacked a terrorist from the military wing of Hamas who participated in the hideous massacre on 7 October,”

Seeking to kill Hamas leaders is the favourite excuse for Israel’s perpetration of massacres. An excuse Western leaders are happy to go along with.

Education Minister Yoav Kisch Threatens to 'annihilate' Lebanon - More Nazi Talk

The destruction of Hamas is being used as a pretext for the genocide and destruction of Gaza. There is no difference between this and the Nazis’ shooting of 100 hostages in response to the killing of a single soldier, except that Israel’s massacres far exceed a 100-1 ratio.

Nothing has been said by Starmer or Biden about Israel's repeated attacks on Hospitals

The silence of politicians and newspapers about Israeli war crimes, the same people who were so eager to condemn Russia’s attack on a hospital, speaks volumes. It does not go unnoticed in the Arab world and the Global South. What Starmer, Biden, Blinken and Schultz are saying is that the end justifies the means. That the goal of eliminating Hamas justifies any and every atrocity. Which raises the question:

Is Hamas such a heinous terrorist organisation that any amount of destruction, including the murder of 40,000 Palestinians, which a letter in the Lancet says is far, far higher (186,000), justified? Because that is the sole Israeli declared war aim.

Hamas, which Israel was in large measure responsible for creating, has arisen because of Israel’s 57 year occupation of land that is not theirs. Israel’s occupation of Gaza is illegal. It doesn’t belong to them. There is therefore an international law right on the part of the indigenous population to resist that occupation in exactly the same way as the French resisted the Nazis and the Algerians resisted the French.

Israel and the imperialists brand the Palestinian Resistance as ‘terrorists’. This has always been the label that the West has applied to those who resisted colonisation. The Mau Mau in Kenya were called terrorists. Thatcher and Reagan described the ANC as terrorists. The Nazis too branded the Partisans as terrorists.

As Lord Carrington, Thatcher’s first Foreign Minister once remarked: ‘one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorists’.

British law, aka section 12(1A) of the Terrorism Act 2000, under which I was arrested last December, may proscribe Hamas as a terrorist organisation but that does not mean it is a terrorist organisation. The law may say that Black = White but that does not mean it is. All it means is that the law has incorporated a lie and made it a criminal offence to disagree.

We can rely on Britain’s police to prosecute opponents of genocide rather than prosecute war criminals like David Cameron for supplying Israel with weapons. Section 52 The International Criminal Court Act 2001 which makes conduct ancillary to an act of genocide a criminal offence seems to be a dead letter as far as the police are concerned.

It is Israel which is a terrorist state and the British and US leaders are the enablers of terrorism for supplying Israel with the means to commit mass murder.

The US has supplied some 14,000 2000lb bombs. Gaza is 365 square kilometers, compared to Britain which is a quarter of a million square kilometres, yet it has been pounded by high explosives for 9 months. More bombs, 70,000 lbs, have been dropped on Gaza than were dropped on London, Hamburg and Dresden in WWII. The US and British governments are accessories to mass murder as long as they supply Israel with weapons of mass murder.

We should be demanding that the new Starmer government immediately ceases supplying Israel with weapons to kill children.

Yet what has Starmer done? Contrary to previous reports he is refusing to withdraw the Tory government’s objection to the ICC issuing arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant.

This is despite Israel deliberately creating famine in Gaza. Aid lorries are no longer entering Gaza since the Rafah operation.

It is abundantly clear that Israel is not interested in any ceasefire that does not allow it to resume its genocide. Given the choice between killing Palestinians and saving its hostages it has chosen the former.

The hostages who have been released have all looked healthy and been well treated. Even the Israeli army, after freeing 4 hostages (and killing 200+ Palestinians in the process) stated that ‘the released hostages were all in good health.’

The hostages have all told how their main fear was of being killed by Israeli bombs. Contrast this with the emaciated bodies, wracked by torture, of Palestinian prisoners who have emerged from Israel’s dungeons. 54 Palestinians have died as a result of torture in Israeli prisons. Israeli doctors in Sde Teiman and elsewhere have, like the Nazi doctors of 80 years ago, participated in torture including the use of medical procedures without anaesthetic.

Hamas is anything but a terrorist organisation. This is simply a term of abuse. After October 7 Netanyahu spoke of ‘Hamas – ISIS’ yet this is one more lie from the world’s most infamous liar. ISIS beheaded those it captured. Hamas has fed them and done its best to keep them alive.

ISIS was elected by no one. It ruled by fear and terror. It was also a product of Britain and America’s illegal invasion of Iraq. Hamas won the Palestinian elections in 2006 but the Israel and the West didn’t like the outcome. Hamas is the most popular political current both in Gaza and the West Bank.

In 2001 Hamas’ military wing was proscribed under the Terrorism Act 2000. This was despite the fact that Hamas have never attacked a target outside Palestine/Israel. Another difference with ISIS (& Israel!). In 2021, for nakedly political reasons, under pressure from the Zionist lobby, Hamas’ political wing was proscribed. The justification for this was non-existent.

Under the Terrorism Act 2000 ‘terrorism’ is defined as

Under this definition the Israeli state should be proscribed. Its war against the Palestinians in Gaza is being conducted for racial, ideological and political reasons – settlement/ethnic cleansing. It has involved serious violence. So it is a political decision not to brand Israel a terrorist state.

During the Troubles in the North of Ireland the IRA was proscribed and still is. Despite Loyalist and Unionist pressure, the British government resisted the temptation to proscribe the IRA’s political wing, Sinn Fein. If Sinn Fein had been proscribed then the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 would not have happened. We would not have had a quarter century of peace in Ireland.

The decision of Priti Patel to proscribe Hamas’ military wing had no factual justification. It was profoundly undemocratic since it is the Palestinian people who elected them as its government in Gaza. Hamas is no more a terrorist organisation than the ANC or Sinn Fein was.

The question is what the Palestinian resistance should do in the current situation given that Israel and Netanyahu have made it clear that they oppose any permanent ceasefire. Israel is determined to continue its attacks on Gaza until it has achieved the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. In January 11 Israeli cabinet members and 15 members of the government attended a conference calling for the ethnic cleansing and settlement of Gaza.

People should remember that the Nazis started with ethnic cleansing and ended up with extermination. The same is true in Gaza which today is a death camp.

Israel has systematically destroyed all civilian infrastructure from schools, hospitals, universities, churches, mosques. It has deliberately killed Gaza’s doctors, 108 journalists, humanitarian and health workers. This has clearly been undertaken to destroy the Palestinians as a people, the classic definition of genocide under the Genocide Convention. Israel knows Hamas comes from the people and is therefore destroying the people. Is it seriously believed that Israel bombed the world’s third oldest church, the Greek Orthodox St. Porphyrius, because it was a Hamas base?

As the BBC reported,

Gaza is home to some of the oldest churches and mosques in the world, but many have not escaped the widespread destruction of Israel's military offensive.

The Israeli army claimed that Hamas were using churches and mosques as bases to launch attacks from without providing one single iota of proof. In the case of St. Porphyrius Al Jazeera reported that

Israel’s military says it is reviewing reports on casualties after Hamas says the attack on the Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza City killed and injured a ‘large number’ of people.

Suffice to say the Israeli military has not reported its ‘findings’. The IDF has a 100% record of acquitting itself!

The choice facing the resistance is quite simple. In a situation where the Israeli government has made clear its preference for ethnic cleansing and genocide over saving its hostages, then the Israeli people should be given a simple choice – either exchange their hostages for Palestinian hostages (of which there are some 10,000) or accept that they won’t be coming home.

Genocidal Zionist woman's hilarious interview with Piers Morgan

The Palestinian Resistance should tell Israel that every time a Palestinian child dies, be it from a sniper, a missile strike or bombing then one of their military hostages will be shot. They should give them a list of who will be shot first. Israel would then face a choice of continuing to slaughter Gaza’s children and have its hostages die or immediately cease its campaign of mass murder.

In addition the Palestinian Resistance should inform Israel that until the aid lorries and food are allowed in unhindered, without Israel shooting those trying to receive it, that none of their hostages will be fed. Palestinian prisoners in Israel are on a starvation diet. The same should apply to Israel’s hostages. That way political pressure will build quickly for a ceasefire. At the moment Netanyahu is playing with the Palestinian resistance like a cat with a mouse.

The double standards of the West and its prostitute press are staggering. Just imagine that the Palestinian Resistance decided that Israel’s war criminals, Netanyahu, Gvir, Smotrich and Gallant should be assassinated and they planted bombs in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to achieve that object, killing in the process dozens of Israeli civilians. You can be sure the BBC would not fail to document every gory detail. But when it comes to bombing schools, hospitals and tents, there is utter silence.

Our media is as complicit in Israel’s genocide as Biden, Blinken and Starmer. They bear the same relationship to them as Goebbels had to Hitler.

Tony Greenstein