27 October 2023

This is What Passes for Light Entertainment Among Israel’s Neo-Nazi ‘Civilians’

 Anyone who buys into Israel’s Narrative that they are Fighting Nazis Needs Their Head Examining

This Jewish Nazi Finds it Amusing To Have the Destruction of Palestinian Homes As A Backdrop

Just imagine what joy there must be among Israel’s neo-Nazis, a large section of Israeli society today, at the sight of thousands of Palestinians being killed, hospitals bombed, journalists murdered and taken off the air and schools hit with White Phosphorous.

Genocide is in the air and of course Israel’s racist youth must have their fun. Meanwhile Israeli Palestinians are experiencing a wave of settler attacks and violence. This is the Israel that Sunak, Starmer and Biden are going into bat for.

Meta (Facebook) Does Its Best in Israel to Censor Anything Pro-Palestinian

Gilad Erdan Calls Hamas ‘Modern Day Nazis’

At the UN General Assembly today Israel’s representative, Gilad Erdan proclaimed:

This is not a war with the Palestinians. Israel is at war with the genocidal jihadist Hamas terror organization only. It is the law-abiding democracy of Israel against modern-day Nazis

Making fun of Palestinians living in a dog kennel

Erdan added that Hamas has only one goal, which is to murder every single Jew. This lie has been repeated by countless Israeli representatives – they are fighting the new Nazis. However anyone with any understanding of history knows that it is not Hamas, a reactionary Islamist organisation to be sure, but Israel itself which is behaving like the Nazis.

Yocheved Lifshitz, the freed Jewish hostage, proved that when she praised the humane treatment that she had received from Hamas. It is Israeli hospitals who are refusing to treat Hamas attackers thus revealing that Israeli doctors are no better than SS counterparts.

Palestinians lacking fuel and electricity is highly amusing to this Zionist bitch

The Times of Israel complained  that ‘Lifshitz press conference panned as disastrous for Israel, PR win for Hamas’. Why? Because it gave the lie to the assertion that Hamas’s goal was the extermination of Jews. Hamas has made it very clear that it distinguishes between Jews and Zionists.

Mimicking Palestinian children, or those Israel hasn't yet killed, without food or water must be highly amusing to these morons

Adam Keller, an Israeli peace activist wrote describing how the word ‘extermination’ with all its resonance of Auschwitz has entered the language of Israeli politics.

Israel's Hitler Tots Play Their Part in the Racist Fun

This week Roy Sharon, a "respectable" radio and TV commentator on the main Israeli broadcasting corporation, spoke very explicitly of his desire to see “a million dead bodies in Gaza”.

And the streets of Tel Aviv are flooded with red stickers reading "Exterminate Gaza!". Not "Destroy!", not "Flatten!" – but clearly and explicitly "Exterminate Gaza!". "Le-Ha-Sh-Mid!" - "Exterminate!" Every Jewish Israeli knows from a young age exactly what this word means. …. 

Nazi Germany was the military, industrial and economic power house of Europe in the 1930s, just as Israel is in the Middle East today. The Jews of Europe were as powerless as the Palestinians are today. It is not Hamas which espouses racial supremacism but the Zionist leaders who are engaging in genocide in Gaza.

Zionism deliberately depoliticises Nazism. For Zionism Nazism was not fascist, it was simply anti-Jewish. That is why Israeli Ministers who openly proclaim that they are fascist, like Bezalel Smotrich and Miri Regev, nonetheless proclaim that they are fighting ‘the Nazis’ i.e. the Palestinians. Of course they are doing no such thing.

Some Zionists in Israel actually identify with the Nazis. The only difference between Israel’s Jewish Supremacists and the Nazis is that so far the former haven’t yet embarked on a program of mass extermination although the genocide we are witnessing in Gaza is beginning to take on the appearance of extermination. Where once Jews were the victims of murderous racism today they are the murderous racists.

Ethnic cleansing of Jews from Germany was the program of the Nazi party from the minute they gained power in Germany in January 1933 to 1939. Ethnic cleansing is the unwritten program of Netanyahu’s far-right government. Bezalel Smotrich, Finance Minister and Gauleiter of the West Bank was explicit about this when he told Aymen Odeh, leader of the Arab-Jewish Joint list in the Knesset, that

“You are here by mistake – because Ben-Gurion didn’t finish the job and throw you out in 1948.”

Gaza's Water Shortage is Even More Amusing to Zionism's Hitler Youth

Yet despite Israel’s turn to the far-right, Britain’s second largest trade union, Unite, has under its British nationalist General Secretary Sharon Graham, openly embraced support for Israel and Zionism.

Tonight Unite’s Executive Committee emergency meeting broke up without being able to reach a decision on supporting the Palestinians and calling for a ceasefire. It would seem that Sharon Graham has gone into bat for genocide and ethnic cleansing in flagrant violation of Unite policy that Israel is an Apartheid State.

Not one of our politicians has got the guts of Matt Carthy of Sinn Fein to call out Israel’s war crimes for what they are.

Meanwhile there has been a wave of murder of Palestinians in the West Bank and Jenin is once again being invaded. No doubt more Palestinians will be murdered by ‘the most moral army in the world’.

Jewish Currents posted 2 days ago an article The Settlers Can Do Whatever They Want With Us by an employee of the Palestinian Authority testifying to a brutal attack at the hands of Israeli settlers in the West Bank. Whilst the world’s eyes are on Gaza over 100 innocent Palestinians have been murdered by settler pogromists, aided and protected by the Israeli army.

Since Hamas’s attacks and Israel’s declaration of war on October 7th, the already-brutal settler violence against Palestinians living in the West Bank has escalated significantly. The Israeli army and police already often allowed settler violence to proceed unchecked; now, as the groups increasingly collude outright—with, for example, Israel’s far-right government explicitly arming settlers—any pretense of Israel trying to defend Palestinians from such attacks has all but vanished. “Since the war started, if you call the police or army to report a settler attack, they mostly don’t respond,” a resident of the South Hebron Hills explained to Jewish Currents last week. “We used to film [settler violence]; now, if they see you doing that, they will shoot you. The settlers and soldiers shoot at people on the highway and injure people in the villages. No one is safe.”

In the past two-and-a-half weeks, eight entire Palestinian communities have been forced to abandon their homes, as settlers and the army attack residents and scramble to grab the land. One such community is the Bedouin village of Wadi al-Siq. In February, the settler activist Neriya Ben Pazi founded a nearby outpost—part of a network of outposts he has been building since 2019, which has provided the infrastructure for expelling Palestinian shepherds from hundreds of acres of land. In an attempt to stave off this fate in Wadi al-Siq—and to protect its residents—Mohammad Matar, known as Abu Hassan, an employee of the Palestinian Authority’s Ramallah-based Commission to Resist the Wall and Settlements, has been coordinating Israeli and Palestinian volunteers to support the community. On October 12th, following an attack on the village the previous evening, settlers rounded up Abu Hassan along with two other Palestinians, beating them for hours and subjecting them to abuse that Abu Hassan compared to American soldiers’ torture of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, as described in an article published in Haaretz. … Encountering Abu Hassan at length in his own words testifies to the collaborations between the army, civil administrators, and settlers in exacting violence on Palestinian residents and solidarity volunteers, and makes vivid the bewildering terror of facing settlers wearing army uniforms to conduct their attacks.

Channel 13 journalist Zvi Yehezkeli admits Israel purposefully and premeditatedly murdered the family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh: “Generally we know the target. For example, today there was a target: the family of an Al Jazeera reporter. In general, we know.” https://t.co/sOJk8uNMMc

According to Richard Silverstein, a blogger with unparalleled access to Israeli intelligence sources

Israel has furthered ratcheted up its scorched earth policy toward Gaza. Not content with murdering 7,000, including over 2,000 children, destroying 42% of the homes, making 1.4-million homeless refugees, and forcing one-third of the medical facilities to shut down–it’s commanded the Shin Bet and IDF to assassinate six key leaders of Hamas AND their families.  That was my report yesterday based on an informed security source.

Today, the same source told me that the murder of the family of Al Jazeera bureau chief, Wael Dadouh, was a deliberate assassination intended specifically to render him a widower and childless. His wife, daughter, son and grandson died in the attack.  The source added: “Dahdouh got his punishment following the secret Amalek order.” It is a war crime to murder journalists and an even worse crime to murder innocents because of their relation to them.

Al Jazeera says family of chief journalist killed in Israeli airstrike in Gaza


Wael Dadouh carries the lifeless body of his son

Dadouh told the media:

“They take revenge on us in our children?” he said, kneeling over his son’s bloodied body, still wearing his protective press vest from that day’s work.

Clearly, the “Amalek directive” I described in yesterday’s post not only calls for eliminating political figures, but journalists and their families.  When asked what specific act had caused Israel to kill his family, the source refused to answer because that information was “classified.”

These are the people that Kid Starver, Sharon Graham and her accomplices on Unite’s Executive have gone in to bat for. There is good news however. A new poll shows a drop of 66% in potential Muslim Labour votes, from 71% to just 5% and in the case of the Tories from 9% to 0.6%. Clearly Muslims don’t see any difference between Starmer and Sunak and they are right. You couldn’t put a piece of paper between one group of racists and another.

It is up to the left to capitalise on this and extend this disenchantment with Kid Starver into the white working class which Starver Labour is also promising to betray.

Tony Greenstein


  1. I was cool with this up until the very last paragraph. Not wanting to dwell on the cognitive dissonance between "capitalism" snd the rest of the sentence, I will say that--once more--a European politician is seeking to use Palestinians for his own ends, and not for theirs. This is to be expected, but it would be refreshing to think that Greenstein wants to righten what is wrong on the former British Mandate because it is the right thing to do, not in order to make political hay for the Left.

  2. But don't you see, Anonymous@06.13, those wrongs will never be righted while the likes of Starmer and Sunak have power. It's not about "making hay", it's about seizing a rare opportunity for change.

  3. If anyone had any doubt that the Israeli Zionists are just thugs and murderers in suits, the present massacre they are conducting in Gaza should convince them otherwise. Whenever attention was drawn to Zionist statements which show that they never had any intention of allowing Palestinians to remain in Palestine, they were ignored, particularly by the BBC. Palestinians, including Hamas, because of the way they have been brutalised over at least the last 75 years had no doubt whatsoever. When will the BBC badger Zionist supporters to condemn the Zionist slaughter in Gaza, in the same way they have done to anyone who speaks up for the Palestinians?

    1. "Whenever attention was drawn to Zionist statements which show that they never had any intention of allowing Palestinians to remain in Palestine, they were ignored, particularly by the BBC"

      Thats because said statements don't exist, and it was actually the genocidal Arabs that wished to kill Jews, and you can't prove otherwise.


    2. The only reason why I allow the comments of this Judeo-Nazi is that he illustrates the ignorance of the average Zionist.

      His logic is displayed by his statement that I can't prove that Arabs (Palestinians) don't wish to kill all Jews. Actually it's up to those who make the assertion to prove it. Proving a negative is usually held to be impossible but in this case it is fairly easy.

      Until the Zionist project came into being and the Israeli state was established large Jewish communities existed in the Arab countries. In Iraq Baghdad was considered a Jewish city. One third of its population was Jewish.

      It was Zionism, which said that Jews were not part of the nations they lived amongst but which were a separate nation which undermined their position.

      I know YM (he doesn't give his name like most Zionist cowards) finds this difficult to believe but the Holocaust occurred in Europe not Arabia. Historically the Arab countries were places of refuge for Jews from anti-Semitism in Europe e.g. Maimonedes. Jews fled the Spanish Inquisition to the North African countries which they wouldn't have done if anti-Semitism was what YM says it was.

      As for statements saying that Palestinians can't remain in Palestine there are many such statements and more to the point evidence that this was the Zionist intention all along. Herzl was quite clear in his Diaries about spiriting the native population out of the country.

      But if YM wants a statement there is this one by Yosef Weitz, Director of Land Settlement in the Jewish National Fund, on 29 September 1967 in the wake of the 6 Days War:

      The following is an illuminating article written by Yosef Weitz, the man in charge of acquiring land for the Jewish National Fund and the head of Israel’s third Transfer Committee, which in 1948 was assigned the task of evicting hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from the fledgling Jewish state. Weitz was writing for a Davar newspaper on September 29, 1967, just three months into Israel’s now 44-year occupation of the West Bank and Gaza:

      "The first problem is understood by all and needs no explanations ... the need to sustain the character of a state which will henceforth be Jewish, and obviously in the near future, by the majority of its inhabitants, with a non-Jewish minority limited to fifteen percent. I reached this fundamental conclusion already as early as 1940, concerning which it is entered in my diary as follows:

      Among ourselves it must be clear that there is no place in the country for both people’s together ... With the Arabs we shall not achieve our aim of being an independent people in this country. The only solution is Eretz Israel, at least the west part of Eretz Israel without Arabs ... and there is no other way but to TRANSFER the Arabs from here to the neighboring countries, TRANSFER all of them, not one village or tribe should remain, and the TRANSFER must aim at Iraq, Syria, and even Transjordan ... There is no other alternative."

      Ben Gurion's diaries and letters are replete with similar sentiments. I don't know whether YM is a liar or just pig ignorant and frankly I don't care.

    3. And, transferring them is hardly genocide is it Tony ? Oh no, some early Zionists wanted to transfer the 'Palestinians' in other Arab countries, which is where they originally come from anyway. There are plenty of Arab countries for them, but only one Israel for Jews.


    4. So our lying Zionist having said that statements from Zionists about transfer statements 'don't exist' now says it's hardly genocide. Actually we are seeing that genocide is a prerequisite for transfer and goes hand in hand.

      When Nazi Germany could not expel its Jews it annihilated them and that is the company our Zionist YM is keeping. The Palestinians don't come from other Arab countries and course our Zio can't prove his assertion because it's not true. The last book to claim this, Joan Peters 'From Time Immemorial' was shown to be a cheap forgery.

      As Ben Gurion and Yitzhak Ben Zvi accepted today's Palestinians are descended from the ancient Hebrews, unlike the modern European Jewish settlers.

  4. Excellent stuff, Tony. You are leading the political charge from the left on this.

  5. YM what is so special about any religion that it should have its own country? The country you were born in is 'your' country. What's happening now in Palestine is not a war, it's a pogrom against Palestinians, waged by mental Zionists who have corrupted the Jewish religion for many Jews.

  6. What Tony doesnt talk about, is how the refusal of Arabs to agree to compromise in 1937 -- the rejection of the Peel Partition Plan--doomed millions of Jews to death. In 1947 the Arabs rejected the United Nations vote to set up independent Jewish and Arab states. They attacked the Jewish community with the express intent to annihilate its inhabitants, igniting decades of conflict in which 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled the territory that became Israel and 950,000 Jews were forced out from Arab and Muslim countries.
    Instead, him and other leftists, think the child murdering and mass rapists, Hamas, are resistance fighters.


    1. It's true I don't talk about 1937 because the Zionists only accepted the Partition plan as a first stage in conquering the w hole of Palestine. The Palestinians were not that stupid. Likewise the UN Partition plan. The Zionists had no right to set up a Jewish state which inevitably would mean ethnic cleansing, because how could you have Jewish state with a majority who were not Jewish.

      The Palestinians fled because they were driven out with about 30 massacres, the most infamous of which was Deir Yassin.

      This is the last comment I will allow from you because you are a lying Zionist.

      Hamas and the Palestinians did not rape anyone and no proof has ever been provided for all the horror stories.

      What we do know is that Israel bombed to smithereens Kibbutz Beeria and killed all the Israeli captives who had been treated humanely. Don't take my word for it, Yasmine Porat interviewed on Israeli TV testified to how kindly the Palestinian attackers were, unlike the venomous racist settlers.

      Israel used tanks to fire shells into the houses and it was they who burned alive their own citizens.

      They also bombed their own military bases when Hamas captured them. Indeed it is likely that the majority of Israelis who died on October 7 were killed by Israel which doesn't give a fuck for the lives of its own citizens. Murder of Palestinians is their priority.

      Palestine is not the ancestral homeland of Jews. It is the Palestinians who come from there. It is the Palestinians who are the descendants of the original Hebrews. European Jews came from Khazar and o ther places in Europe. They have no claim whatsoever. These are the type of racial myths Hitler traded in.

      I don't need to prove to you anything. It is irrelevant what Palestine was called 2,500 years ago. It certainly wasn't called Israel! Bye YM

  7. YM, Zionists love to talk about ancient history as though it gives them some justification for the racist apartheid State they established by terrorism in 1948. But let's go back say to the time of Jesus. YM do you suppose that there was only one religious belief system at that time? Do a little research and you will find there were many. So why should some 'Jews' believe Palestine belongs to them? What you will also find however, is that there were NO Zionists. Zionists are from Europe and they only began to colonise Palestine from the late 1800s. Do a little more research and you will find that many Jews rejected Zionism and foresaw the dangers to indigenous Palestinian Jews and to European Jews. Because you are a Zionist, you have fallen for Zionist myths and lies, hook line and sinker. Zionists are some of the most brutal and bloodthirsty people on the planet, the proof can be seen in their writings and in the slaughter they are now inflicting on innocent Palestinians. When you regard other human beings as animals, according to recent Zionist statements, it's easy to dehumanise and murder them isn't it. Guess who was famous for doing that in the recent past?

    1. @Jack T - exactly. Palestine had inhabitants before Israelites, if they even ever existed. This idea that it was exclusively Jewish throughout history is pushed hard by Zionists, who want to present only this one narrow aspect of it, which they assert, only they have rights to, as a way to try legitimising they're claims. In the real world, away from this skewed Zionist lens, Palestine has a way richer history, and was home to many peoples, including prior to 'Ancient Israel'. Palestinians are a product of that, as much as people like YM want to wish them away as "Arab invaders". The over emphasising of Palestinian Arabness is the only way folks like YM can cope, as if to over compensate for they're own lack of connection to the land of Palestine, and attempt to sweep hundreds of years of diaspora, which repulses them, under the table.

    2. Lol Lol lol, you do realise that it was Jews who were referred to as Palestinians dont you ? The Arab population, which was small, were just Arabs.


    3. not sure what point you are making. What I see is stupid Israeli teens making fun of Palestinian children being murdered by cowardly Zionist scum. It was Primo Levi who referred to the Palestinians as the Israeli's Jews but that was in a context I doubt you would understand

    4. The point I'm making, is that the people calling themselves Palestinians are a recent invention. Anyway, people need to read Josephus' account of the Roman war against Jews, to know we're just returning to the land they exiled us from.


    5. Israel is a recent invention as are Israelis. So what? People didn't think of themselves as Palestinians, although Palestine as a geographical name has existed for around 2,500 years. The formation of nations is a product of capitalism and the onset of Zionist colonisation cause the indigenous population of Palestine to coalesce and attain national consciousness. So what?

      What is clear is that the European settler colonists had no right at all to claim Palestine as their own any more than White settlers in South Africa or Rhodesia had the right to establish white supremacist regimes.

      What matters is that the Palestinians today do have national consciousness.

  8. D Blake, yes exactly. You have agreed that there were Jewish Palestinians and non-Jewish Palestinians. They used to live together in relative harmony, even attending each others weddings. UNTIL the Zionists from Europe, who had no connection to Palestine, came along and imposed themselves upon the Palestinians, then all hell broke loose.
    Jack T.

  9. D Blake: Recent invention 😊, 1000, 2000, 3000, years? Many of those who call themselves Arab Palestinians have heritages going back to biblical times. Many Jewish Palestinians have a similar heritage. The only people who talk about 'invented people' are Zionists who have zero heritage in the Holy Land. But why do you think they do it? Answer, because most of them were secular from Europe and had to INVENT a reason to be in Palestine. If you want to be taken seriously, please don't regurgitate Zionist myths an lies.


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