31 March 2023

Palestine Action Trial of the Shenstone 6– Update – The British State is Intent on Criminalising Opposition to Elbit’s Death Factory

‘This is not a political trial it is a criminal trial’ – so sing Judge and Prosecution in harmony

I promised in my last blog to provide an update on the trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court in which I’m charged, together with 5 others, with having in my possession ‘articles with intent to destroy or damage’ property belonging to Elbit.

Overwhelmed as I am by messages of support (see comments) the supporters of Ben Gvir, Smotrich and Israel's genocidalists are crossing their fingers in the hope I will be locked up!

I was informed by my barrister, Danielle Manson from Garden Court Chambers that the reason why I am the lead defendant is because of my blog of two years ago!  A rare honour indeed. No doubt I shall be cross-examined on every word and past participle.

There is one theme that Judge Chambers and Prosecutor Deborah Gould are agreed on and that is that this trial has nothing to do with politics.  It’s only about criminal conduct and criminal damage in particular.

If Chambers and Gould are to be believed, then 6 people, most of whom did not even know each other beforehand, conspired to engage in a spot of vandalism on the morning of March 9th for no other reason than that they felt in a destructive mood. Quite why we didn’t focus on breaking a few windows nearer home or vandalizing a phone box is one of life’s mysteries.

Six members of the German Jewish Resistance Group in Nazi Germany Who in May 1942 set fire to Goebbel's Soviet Paradise Exhibition in Berlin's Lustgarten. They had broken the law and were beheaded. According to Judge and  Prosecutor in the trial, adherence to the law is a supreme value

There is therefore a deliberate attempt to exclude or play down the real reasons for what happened, i.e. the role of Elbit in manufacturing drones such as Hermes 450 which has been responsible for the death of thousands of Palestinian civilians, to say nothing of its supply of drones to the Indian army for use in Kashmir and its supply of weaponry to the genocidal junta in Burma.

Herbert Baum - executed leader of the German Jewish anti-Nazi Baum Group - died under torture

Jo Wadsworth, the Blairite co-editor of the Brighton & Hove News published an article on the case today. No doubt she and the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle are salivating at the prospect of me being convicted!

Today the jury was whittled down from 18 to 12. It was thus only on the afternoon of the fourth day of trial that the Prosecution opened its case with lurid tales of conspiracies and plots. Factually she was all at sea despite copious amounts of information supplied by mobile phone companies on our whereabouts on the night of March 8/morning of March 9.

Thus I was supposed to have left Brighton at 5.30 when I picked up the van and arrived by 9.30. In fact I didn’t leave Brighton until about 7.30 and didn’t arrive until after midnight. Just a small point but it shows the sloppiness of the Prosecution despite the massive powers of search they have under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.

Demonstration March 29th outside Shenstone's factory in Walsall

Thus tomorrow (Friday) the trial begins proper as the Prosecution opens its case. However as Judge Chambers has other business, sentencing a rapist and murderer in the afternoon, there will only be a short session from 10.00-12.00. 

Thus ends the first week. The second week will consist of only 3 days because of Easter and the third week will be four days because of Easter Monday so this trial is likely to continue into the third week of April.

However this also gives people time to mobilize around the issues in the case, which is the right to take action against those who deliberately flout international human rights law in search of profit. Britain is signed up to the UN and European Human Rights Conventions but they are observed in the breach and a blind eye is turned to arms exports by Britain.

In June 2019 the Court of Appeal held that the government’s export of arms to Saudia Arabia to be unlawful. Foreign Secretary Liz Truss blithely ignored the ruling and proceeded regardless. It was all a ‘mistake’ she said.  Not a defence I suspect we will be able to use.

Tony Greenstein 

This blog has been legally vetted and there are a number of things I have been forced to omit for legal reasons which will become clear later


  1. Good luck Tony .. Hooefully everyone will spread news of this trial far and wide

  2. Good luck comrade we are with you!

  3. Tony, you are true hero of the oppressed -speaking up for those without a voice. I hope the jury listen to you and empathise with your words.

    1. When the British government refuses to do anything about companies in Britain who are manufacturing lethal weapons here and which it knows are being used to kill and oppress innocent people, who is left to try and stop this evil trade? It is left to ordinary citizens who care enough about their fellow human beings, as I'm sure members of the jury do, to shame and spotlight companies who, at the end of the day, are complicit in the murder of people for profit. Not only are they complicit, they boast about it in their sales literature.

  4. Tony I'd like to attend your trial for this act of abetting violence against random buildings. Do you think it will be on next Friday April 7th or is that when they'll be off to celebrate the incontrovertible fact that Christ rose from the dead?

    1. No next Friday is Easter Friday and I shall be back in Brighton. However the trial will continue the following Tuesday

    2. Good luck, right is on your side

  5. Massive respect to you, 'Palestine Action' and all concerned.

  6. Due to personal reasons my own faith in the 'judicial system' has been shaken severely. This attempt to downplay the politics of any actions against Elbit really is the nail in the coffin of any of that faith left over.

    Good luck!

  7. May justice prevail Tony. Bill MacKeith

  8. Standing with you from liverpool.

  9. Solidarity, Tony. Good luck 🤞

  10. So, let me get this straight... The jury has to decide which of these is a crime, and which is a nice respectable endeavor:
    [A] Making machines to facilitate mass murder;
    [B] Trying to prevent murder (see "A", above).
    But apparently there are "two sides" to this deserving equal consideration, and the jury will be told to ponder the relative arguments.

  11. Richard Lightbown1 April 2023 at 21:30

    Thanks for courageously putting up this post in such ominous circumstances. I guess it was inevitable that if they could find a quisling judge to do for Julian Assange with such a blatant disregard for justice, they would eventually get around to applying the same techniques against Palestine Action activists. And who better to use the treatment on than Tony Greenstein, who ain't going to back away from injustice no matter what? So much for democracy and human rights in the UK.

    Bon courage, Tony. I wish you victory over this tyranny.

    "When change threatens to rule, then the rules are changed." - Michael Parenti

  12. thanks Richard, Tom and everyone else. The only person who hasn't wished me good luck is, surprise surprise my old 'friend' Jonathan Hoffman, the man who was convicted of threatening and harassing women protestors

  13. Tony, the Jury can be your friends, appeal to them directly, as in my earlier comment

  14. I agree but they have to be won over and my problem is disunity amongst the defendants.

    1. If the defendants cannot talk to each other for whatever reason, their legal representatives should do it and create some solidarity, it's in all their interests. 'Every man for himself' won't cut it.

  15. Paddy O'Keeffe2 April 2023 at 10:19

    Tony, you are a man of integrity and great courage and l wish you well and a just and successful result. Solidarity comrade! 💚

  16. The judge has made it clear that he will not hear evidence about the motives of the defendants for taking the actions that they are accused of nor, by implication, about the activities of Elbit. That is what they are ruling out by saying it is a criminal trial, not a political trial. See recent Just Stop oil trial and contempt convictions. Jury will not even hear the argument about preventing a greater wrong.

    1. These restrictions by courts on the options open to the defence in a criminal trial are reminiscent of soviet show trials and should surely be open to appeal for restricting the rights of the accused to fairly defend themselves.

    2. As far as I understand it, the judge's directions as to what can and cannot be heard apply to the defendant's legal representatives. However, if a defendant defends himself, he can speak directly to the jury. Therefore, is this a time when it may not be adviseable to have a legal represetative in court?


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