A Conference not to be missed! And certainly not something that Britain's Palestine Solidarity Campaign could organise given its slavish adherence to a 2 State Solution and the PA's diplomatic strategy of reliance on the West.
At a time when we have seen Hamas, an avowedly sectarian organisation, rise to the leadership of the Palestinians, this Conference is a good opportunity to reassess the Left's own strategy and perspective and our own analysis of where we are going and what the current period means.
Tony Greenstein
Weekend Conference
27-28 February 2010,
School of Oriental and African Studies,
London Brunei Gallery
Organized by SOAS Palestine Society
and hosted
by the London Middle East Institute
Please note SEATS ARE LIMITED – book in advance
Price: £30 (£20 concessions, and £40 organisations)
All tickets include lunch and refreshments
To buy your tickets:
By cheque
Send cheque payable to SOAS Palestine Society with attached note of email address to
SOAS Palestine Society, Thornhaugh Street, London, WC1H 0XG
Day One: Saturday, 27th February
Registration and Refreshments (9:00-9:30)
Welcome Address: Hassan Hakimian (Director, London Middle East Institute)
Opening: Azmi Bishara (Former Knesset member in exile, writer and political leader)
Speech delivered via video (9:30-10:00)
Session One: The Left in British-Mandate Palestine(10:00-11:45)
Chair: John Rose (SWP activist and independent researcher, London )
Musa Budeiri (Birzeit University)
The Last Colonial Venture: Communists, Nationalists and Settlers in Palestine
Ilan Pappe (Exeter University)
The Contradiction of the Zionist Left in the Mandate Era
Leena Dallasheh (New York University)
Nazarene Labour Mobilization in Late Mandate Palestine
Coffee, Tea and Refreshments (11:45-12:00)
Session Two: The Left of the PLO-in-exile (12:00-13:30)
Chair: Laleh Khalili (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Leila Khaled (PFLP, Member of the Palestinian National Council)
The Left’s Social Mobilization in the Refugee Camps
**presentation via video
Jamil Hilal (Independent researcher, Ramallah)
The Shaping of the Palestinian Left
Gilbert Achcar (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Strategic Deficiencies of the PLO Left
LUNCH (13:30-2:15)
Session Three: The Left of the PLO - West Bank and Gaza Strip
Chair: Dina Matar (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Muhammad Jaradat (Campaign Unit Coordinator for BADIL)
The Left’s Lessons from the First Intifada
Toufic Haddad (Researcher for BADIL and Journalist)
The Left in the Post-Oslo Era
Aitemad Muhanna (Swansea University)
The Rise of Hamas, the Fall of Leftist Ideology?
Jamal Zahalka (Chair of the National Democratic Assembly/Tajamu and Member of Knesset)The Relationship between the Palestinian Left in Israel and WBGS: Joint or Separate Struggle?
Coffee, Tea and Refreshments (16:15-16:30)
Coffee, Tea and Refreshments (16:15-16:30)
Session Four: The Palestinian Left in the Israeli State
Chair: Bashir Abu-Manneh (Barnard College)
Areen Hawari (Co-founder of Tajamu and former member of its Politburo)
Balad (Tajamu): Democracy Confronts Zionism
Issam Makhoul (Chair of the Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian and Israeli Studies,
Member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Israel)
Internationalist Answers in a Sharp Nationalistic Conflict
Ahmad Sa’di (Ben Gurion University*)
Communism and Zionism: A Troubled Legacy
*speaking in his personal capacity
Day Two: Sunday, 28th February
Registration and Refreshments (10:30-11:00)
Session Five: The Israeli Anti-Zionist Left
Chair: Nira Yuval-Davis (University of East London)
Moshe Machover (Kings College, London)
Israeli Socialism and Anti-Zionism: Historical Tasks and Balance Sheet
Sami Shalom Chetrit (Queens College, CUNY)
The Zionist Left, the Anti-Zionist Left and the Fanatic Extremist Zionist Mizrahim in Israel
(Who Really Invaded, Occupied, and Enslaved Palestine?)
Michael Warschawski (Alternative Information Center)
From Matzpen to Anarchists Against the Wall: Continuation and Ruptures
Adar Grayevsky (Anarchists Against the Wall)
From Tel Aviv to Bil’in: The Israeli Radical Left Joins the Palestinian Popular Struggle
Lunch (13:15-14:00)
Session Six: The Palestinian Left in Literature
Chair: Wen-Chin Ouyang (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Suheir Daoud (Coastal Carolina University)
Literature as Resistance
Sabry Hafez (Qatar University)
Constructing Identity, Re-Claiming the Land: Palestinian Poetry debunks the Zionist Myth
Bashir Abu-Manneh (Barnard College)
Kanafani's Revolutionary Morality
Coffee, Tea and Refreshments (15:45-16:00)
Session Seven - Roundtable Discussion: Towards a New Left Programme for the Palestinian Struggle
Chair: Gilbert Achcar
Areen Hawari, Issam Makhoul, Jamil Hilal, Jamal Zahalka and Muhammad Jaradat
including pre-recorded contribution by Jamal Juma
Please note SEATS ARE LIMITED – book in advance
Price: £30 (£20 concessions, and £40 organisations)
All tickets include lunch and refreshments
To buy your tickets:
You do not need a PayPal account to buy online. If you do not have a PayPal account, click 'Continue' under the question 'Don't have a PayPal account?' which is on the left of the log-in box.
By cheque
Send cheque payable to SOAS Palestine Society with attached note of email address to
SOAS Palestine Societyn, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London , WC1H 0XG
SOAS Brunei Gallery
Thornhaugh Street,
Russell Square,
London ,
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